For we all stumble in many things....

The Holy Spirit is always ready to speak and teach, but  He is searching for  believers who will sit at His feet and listen to His beautiful speech. 

Am so privileged to have the Spirit of Christ living inside of me.

This morning, l want to write on an issue that is rapidly spreading in the Church of Christ and of which l have been a victim.

James 3:2 says we stumble in so many ways......., though our Lord Jesus said in Matt. 5:48, "Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect," 
 l don't think anybody is free from making mistakes.
You  must learn to make  provision in your heart for the mistakes of others and be willing to forgive them.  

Then you should heartily  believe God that they will not suffer for offending you because we have been called to the Ministry of reconciliation and blessings.

Every prophet and believer carries  the anointing of God and they can either bless or curse but James 3 admonishes we should always prefer to bless when our brethren hurt us or offend us. 
"But no man can tame the tongue. It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. With it we bless our God and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the similitude of God. Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so ......" James 3:8-10

The account of Noah and his son- Ham is a good example of how to react when a man is in a state of seeming failure. 
Ham walked in on Noah'  nakedness, (moment of weakness for Noah) and announced it to others instead of covering it up. 

Genesis 9:20-27 says
Noah became a farmer and planted a vineyard; and made wine. One day as he was drunk and lay naked in his tent, Ham, the father of Canaan saw his father" s  nakedness and went outside and told his two brothers. 
Then Shem and Japheth took a robe and held it over their shoulders and walking backwards into the tent, let it fall across their Father to cover his nakedness as they looked the other way. 

Life is a journey and in its path are slippery routes that can make a man fall.  

Some men plan to fail by doing nothing positive about their destiny, they believe its solely God' responsibility and passively eat any meal life dishes to them. 

Some  work at their purpose and yet experience failure at one level or the other;  a third  group  fail by naively falling into the traps of the enemy while serving purpose.

One unchangeable virtue of  our Heavenly Father and our master Jesus is that they understand our gentle frame and are ever ready with mercy to help in our times of need.

Noah planted a vineyard as commanded by God, his vineyard was fruitful as blessed by God; but he used his fruitful vineyard to produce  wine which exposed his nakedness.

In essence, in a moment of relaxation and wanting to enjoy the fruit of his labour, he exposed himself to ridicule. Consequently, he fell into the trap of the enemy. 

Satan infiltrated the linage of Adam by causing him to eat the forbidden fruit, his descendants were cursed as a result and failure was introduced to the Human race.

 Noah  took wine and his son's descendant was cursed; by the very  anointing that was supposed to bless them. 
Noah cursed Ham" s descendant and bless Shem" descendant by the same anointing.
Satan was targeting Noah" seeds, he was targeting the future and generations beyond.
To successfully execute this, he created a scene that caused Noah to curse Ham"s descendants.

If you have this mindset that people must always suffer when they go against your revealed will, the enemy will help your minstry of destroying men's lives by creating scenario of men going against will.

You are ruling by fear instead of ruling by love- of course, you know which side are you are helping.

Noah was called by God and anointed to be a blessing, he used his anointing to curse a  man like himself;  he cursed his own flesh and blood because  his son innocently or deliberately mocked him when Noah was down.

We must understand   that any man who believes in Christ is our brother and we must always  bless them with our thoughts, words and actions. 

We must never curse a believer, speak or pronounce negativity against them, expect and desire that harm come to them as punishment for  offending us or not going our way.

Our Master Jesus Christ prayed for God to forgive the Pharisees when they nailed him to the cross. 

He came that man can have abundant life, we must not use our grace and anointing  to help Satan' ministry of stealing, killing and destroying man. When we do this, we are not operating in the Spirit of Christ.

 Christ is our leader and perfect example and we must follow Him in all our ways.

I know some will quote: when Elisha cursed the children who mocked him,  when Moses asked the earth to open and swallow Korah and when Paul cursed Bar Jesus but check carefully, apart from Elisha, the cases of Moses and Paul, were antagonists  of the work of God and should be dealt with as an example to others.

Examples of how Leaders mismanage the destinies of their followers.

1. Some leaders believe if a Believer leaves their denomination, ministry for another, then things should no longer go well with them. 

I beg to say as long as a man is still in Christ Jesus, he should not be cursed or wish evil for leaving your denomination because he is answerable to his Master Jesus Christ and not just to you who is a brethren like him but for the anointing and grace of Christ, your master.

Some leaders actually curse former members with all sort of evil  and use their hearts to breed evil imaginations against such. They are waiting for such to return to them to beg for forgiveness for sins they did not commit.

I have heard stories  of this and l had a personal experience. So forgive me if am wary of getting too close to  'spiritual leaders at the top"

2. Some believers have this witchcraft mindset of evil befalling anybody who offends them or does not yield to their counsel or their supposed leading. God commands that we should never repay evil for evil.

if a Believer offends you or does not yield to your supposed revelation from God (even if genuine) that is 'evil, rebellion' in a sense but on your part, you are not walking in love if you desire evil, harm, hardship to  befall them to prove to them that you are right and they are wrong.

We have allowed this demonic mindset of wishing evil to happen to offender to take over the Church of Christ that l am afraid for the next generations.

It's true that a prophet has the power to curse but please tamper your power with mercy and give the Holy Spirit time and chance to work on people and bring them to you point of view and revelation,  f indeed, you are  right .

I had an experience in this area, but my loving Father who stands by orphans. helpless gave me victory and am forever grateful. Did l learn my lesson about Church dynamics, Yes, l did. They are still  waiting to hear evil reports about my destiny but by the help of Jehovah, my Father, they will wait in vain forever, for God has bless us, who can curse us, for God is our helper and hiding place, He will never surrender us to the evil desires of men even if those men are anointed and grace by Him.

Please lets learn to build men lives rather than destroy it. Jesus called us to be Light and Christ has come that men may have abundant life not failure because they don't presently see from your perspective.

A. L. Hephzibah

These are the views of the writer, feel  free to present yours. Thanks.


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