So Gad went to David and said to him, “This is what the LORD says: ‘Take your choice: three years of famine, three months of being swept away before your enemies, with their swords overtaking you, or three days of the sword of the LORD —days of plague in the land, with the angel of the LORD ravaging every part of Israel.’ Now then, decide how I should answer the one who sent me.” 1 Chronicles 21

The judgement of God can be executed in three major ways on earth.
Firstly, it can be executed through natural disasters; the elements of the Earth stirred up against offenders. The elements of the earth like flood, fire outbreak, storms, hails, earthquakes, tonardoes can be used against humanity as done in Egypt, enolyed by Moses against Korah and his accomplices and even done several in the book of Revelation.

The second method judgement is carried out is through the sword of the Enemy. This include the visible and invisible swords of the Enemy. Usually, the invisible demonic force will always stir up the visible human swords will can ravage a whole community in judgement. 
This is seen when Balaam and Balak cursed the people of the LORD in the book of numbers 

Thirdly, the sword of the LORD which is usually carried out by the Angels of God. But God can also use the swords if nature and the sword of the Enemy to carry out His judgement on Earth. Usually, if it is a judgement against the body of Christ, the LORD will not permit the Enemy to afflict the BODY of His Son, only begotten Son; Jesus Christ 

The strategy used by Satan is to stir up men/women of God against The Body of Christ of which member they are . Our LORD Jesus Christ said, a kingdom divided against itself shall not stand.
Therefore the Enemy stirred the leaders in the Body of Christ to curse their own bodies through pronouncements that are not from  the Father; yearly prophecies that are contrary to the WILL of the Father and strife, competition that makes them place curses in other people ministries and denomination 

This is what Satan did in 1 Chronicles 21 when he stirred up Satan to count the fighting men. Thus is the same strategy he used in the book of Judges when the tribe of Benjamin sinned against a Levite and the other tribe of Israel fought the tribe of Benjamin to destroy. It wa by the mercy of God that that truoe was not completely wiped off 

This was the same strategy he used qhw. Judas betrayed the Saviour and the Pharisees killed Him 


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