Recently, l had the opportunity to attend the Ondo State Health Summit on the ticket of the organisation where l work: K&TRC. During one of the Panel discussions, a question was raised by the panelist: 
Why the incessant labour strike actions  by Health practitioners? ( This question is paraphrased by me.)

Our CEO was one of the invited panelist and l know he would have done justice to the topic  but his very busy schedule could not allowed honour that invite although he attended the summit.  I was a participant at the summit and had some answers within my heart but at that period in time, l lacked the courage to speak at the Summit: My thoughts to the question of cause of medical labour strike actions was : The incessant strike actions by Doctors is as a result of low premium presently placed on human lives  in Nigeria.

This low premium on human lives is reflected in every fiber of our being as a nation: From the kidnapper who after collecting demanded ransome will still  go ahead to end the lives of their victims, to the young men and  ladies who neglected the value of diligence and creativity and submit to get quick money crime . They offer human sacrifices on the altars of money making ritualist; to the hired assassin who is ready to end the lives of political and business rivals at the slightest provocation or disagreement.  

Money is the new god of the Nigeria nation and get money at any cost is the newest and trendiest value system. ( I know the God of the Universal is the only God that exist and should be served forever).  I will not put the incessant , sometimes justified strike actions of doctors in the above category out of respect for the medical profession. But if you are taking any action, kindly consider its impact on others. That is the essence of healthy co- existence of the Human race.

The USA and other World power place the highest value on the live of any citizen of their Country. Once uncontrollable  crisis arise in any nation, the leadership of America is ready and willing to fly a  234 seater plane to the troubled region to rescue just  3-10 Americans to the safety of the shores of the American State. 

Recently when the USA ended their romance of The Crusader  with Afghanistan and the nation fell into the hands of the Taliban. Nations send planes into the Arab nations to rescue their citizens 

These nations show by their actions that they placed premium on the lives of their citizens. So every citizen in that nation has this value ingrained into their conscious and subconscious: The life of every citizen of this nation is important.

During the Health Summit, I also though about the sacrifices made by ' Across The Border Doctors'. These are group of America doctors who travel out of their home country to nations especially Africa nations to perform needed and urgent surgeries to poor people who needed their services. Their travelling costs and the cost of basic amenities was provided by the geneeouaity of individuals who value their services to the poor. 

I believe that the Nigerian Society has arrived at a junction where no value is placed on the lives of it citizenry.  I will forever appreciate the works and services of medical practitioners in the  Country . 

In the past, the Medical career was one that young people venture into to care for human lives.  When you ask a  young lad  in primary school,  "what do you want to become in the future."  The lad  will proudly  say 'A Doctor'.  On further enquiry on what the boy chose to become a doctor and his response will be ' So that l can take care of sick people'.

Presently, l don't know why many venture into the medical profession but the ease at which Doctors and Nurse go on strike even though they know that their actions may result in the death of many patients especially the poor who cannot afford the services of private hospital reveals that the medical profession may no longer be a profession whereby men and women are willing to make sacrifices for human lives 

In the month of November, l had the privilege to represent K&TRC  at a TB clinic in Irele, Ondo State   A TB Clinic is a free medical services offered to patients undertaking treatment for Tuberculosis. The Ondo State Ministry of Health in partnership with Kids &Teens Resource Centre offer free counselling and drugs to these patients.

Please come with me to a Drama Scenery l wanted to present to all the participants who attended the Ondo State Health Summit from all over Nigeria and l will conclude my article on this point.

I was representing a CSO ( Civil Society Organisation)  and to be specific, an NGO in this case, Kids & Teens Resource Center to teach the patients undergoing treatment why it is important they take their drugs; and also carry out research on those who have contacts with them on a regular basis. TB can only be adequately curbed when  patients have minimum close unprotected mouth to mouth with others.  The TB bacteria can be spread through coughing.

So imagine if  the CSO reprentative decided to go on strike because we lack funds to do accurate advocacy which is the usual case; insufficient funds.  Therefore the TB patients arrived at the hospital for check- up and the NGO who is supposed to encourage them is absent because of  labour  strike actions. 

Next, when l arrived at the clinic about six (6) patients were already at the clinic and the TBLS who reside in Irele was already there. I had to travel for over two hours to be at the clinic.
The patients were ready for their treatment but CSO had gone on a compulsory strike because of lack of funds to carry out advocacy; the TBLS is on strike too because his salary for six months has not been paid and the doctor of the clinic where the TB patients had their medical check-up did not turn up: WHY? another compulsory mandatory strike because there is no funds  to pay for his services .

It means a man who had two wives and eighteen children is weaponised with TB and allowed to spread this disease to a church congregation of over 700 worshippers. A young lady of 22 years who works in a water factory who was present at the clinic but already healed because of the free drugs given to her by Ministry of Health and the services of K&TRC would have been set loose  to spread the TB bacteria to the many customers who will buy sachets of pure water from the pure water company where she earns a living.

This is what happens when medical practitioners only consider themselves when making the decisions to undertake strike actions because they want increament in their salaries and welfare package.

Though their demands are genuine and really needful but the low premium they place on human lives makes their demands unjustified.  

Whenever Doctors, Nurses and the medical sectors undertake strike actions, it is the masses that suffers and no   iota of the government or their families suffer any harm. They want the government to answer their demands but the masses suffer in the process.

We must come to that place again in Nigeria where we let go of selfish attitudes and become our brother's keeper, this is the only platform where a strong enviable nation can be build.

A L Hephzibah.


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