Sometimes, we make it difficult for God to protect us because of our lack of sensitivity to His leading.

Jesus Christ my Lord spoke of the Pharisees ' ‘We played the pipe for you, and you did not dance; we sang a dirge, and you did not mourn.’Matt. 11:17

God will do everything to keep you from danger especially from the traps of the enemy.

King Saul was after David's life as shown by various instances in I Samuel 18 yet he chose to marry his daughter. 
David faced the danger of his enthronement be terminated before its physical manifestation because of obvious sentiments- Jonathan was his best friend, he had started rising in stardom though he had a boss who wanted to end his ministry.

It is not all seeming good occurrence that is a blessing. Just as we have opportunities that are blessings in disguise: This opportunity presented by the King Saul to David was a trap in disguise.

Michal was not brought to David on the wings of grace rather he had to kill, show forth his prowess to get her.
The anointing is given to each believer for profiting  but when you have to use it for self gratification, caution must be seriously taken into consideration.

God leads his people in various ways- visions, dreams, direct revelation, the word, vounselling but God can also use confirmation in your environment to speak to you. If it is from God it will never violate the principles of God's leading in the Bible 

Sensitivity' and flexibility are some of the keys needed to preserve your life as God's anointed. Psalm 32:8

The difference between King Saul giving reward of marrying his daughter to whoever kill Goliath and David killing Philistines to satisfy his father-in- law demand to create an opportunity to kill him is huge.

While the first is a reward.for fighting the Lord' s battle, reward for dealing with the enemy of God, reward for setting the captive free, healing the sick, raising the death :
The other scenario is initiated by man for the glory of man and falls in the category of an abuse of the anointing. The actions seem right but the motive for the action was totally wrong.

The motive for the killing of Goliath was to please God , the motive for the killing of philistines for bride price was to please self and for personal glory.

The enemy will always set his trap when we leave the area of working to please God and enter the arena of doing Kingdom work for personal gratification.

May the Lord grant us understanding in Jesus name.

"Now Saul’s daughter Michal was in love with David, and when they told Saul about it, he was pleased. “I will give her to him,” he thought, “so that she may be a snare to him and so that the hand of the Philistines may be against him.” So Saul said to David, “Now you have a second opportunity to become my son-in-law.”

A.L. Hephzibah


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