Hypnotism Instead of The Spirit

When we said that some Men of God now use hypnotism and manipulation to make their members do their bidding, nobody listened or commented, they felt we were ranting.

Rather these same men placed a covering on their write up so that no one will see articles written against them or their wickedness against the people. 

Should we fail to write the truth or speak the truth because the Word of God says touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm ?

When the Anointed cease to honour, respect and obey the God who called him and has pledge his obedience to The Enemy yet still calling the name of Jesus Christ, it is not only mere men that will attack the anointed, the God of the anointed will fight against him by Himself. I Peter 3:10

You must know that you cannot cover the truth forever. Because it is God's word and truth, the God of our LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ has given it wings to fly to nations of the Earth and no visible or invisible forces can stop it.

If it is the Body of Christ, if these peoples are gathered to men in the Name of Jesus Christ, our LORD forever: Then let that same LORD arise in the Glory of the Trinity and delivered His Body from men and women who are challanters pretending to be true shepherds.
Let God arise and purge His Church.

Every environment is a reflection of the Church in that environment, if the Church is praying for the community earnestly, it is only a matter of time, before the community turns to the Only True God. 

But if innocent blood is been shed in the Church, it will be shed in the nation. These things are real, l can tell you they are real.

You leave a person's church and the pastor of the former church calls the pastor of the next church, you are attending that they treated you as a daughter ; when all the person can remember was that they served as a servant for every gift received.
And when the same person could not give their usual service because they wanted to visit family members, they told them, you have lost your usefulness. 

These things are real and only God can deliver us 

Let's cry out to God to help us.

Let's us wake Church!


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