
"And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more: 

The merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls,......

And cinnamon, and odours, and ointments, and frankincense, and wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and beasts, and sheep, 

and horses, and chariots, and slaves, and souls of men.
.Rev. 18:11,13

A scenario unfolded in Matt 4:8-10 when The Enemy of the Souls of men was ready to offer the world and all its glory to Jesus Christ, if He would only bow to worship.

The Book of Romans gives an understanding that whosoever you obey is your master. 

The Human Soul is the most valued commodity in the World. I used the term ' commodity' to describe the human soul because there is obviously a buying and selling of not just the body of men but the souls of men.

While a prostitute sells his/ her body for cash reward, also men and women are selling their eternal souls to The Enemy for money, riches and fame.

There are cargoes of human souls been bargained by spiritual merchants daily to the highest bidder 

The Bible says for God so loved the World that He gave up the life of His only begotten Son- Jesus Christ to redeemed your soul from the grips of the Enemy of the Human soul. 

The Enemy is not interested who has gold, silver, political power as long as you used all these transaction currencies to bargain for human soul into his.kingdom 

The Enemy was ready to give Christ, the World and its glorys just to forsake His assignment. 

The price tag for Christ assignment in the Enemy's estimation was the whole world and its glorys.  

But the Enemy was willing and ready to give Christ the world to forsake this important mission of dying on the cross to redeemed the souls of men from darkness into Light. 

it was like the Enemy was saying to Christ:

' See, l know you want the World and its glory. Your Father told you in Psalm 2 " Ask of me, and l will give you the ends of the world as your inheritance'

' Jesus, you don't need to live a life of discipline, self denial and die an excruciating and shameful on the Cross to gain the world 

Just bow down and worship me Satan and l will give you the World."

But Christ Jesus, my Lord knew that " what shall it profit a man to gain the world and lose your soul'.

You must know that whatever God has ordained, designed for you to achieve for Him, The Enemy can also make his subtil and deceitful appeal to you to achieve the same under his control and with his own methods

But just as Jesus Christ our Lord said to Satan " My Father may have promised me worship from men and women all over the world but l will not get this glory by forsaking the Worship of God to bow down and worship you!

What is your price tag for the love of God in your heart! What will the Enemy offer YOU that will deceive you to forsake your pursuit of God and come under his control and rulership?

We will not fail as Christ Jesus our Saviour did not fail.

A L. Hephzibah


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