She was given everything she ever wanted, she was the perfection of beauty because He used her to demonstrate and show forth His ethereal beauty.

He gave her innumerable servants with wings and fire to work in her vineyard and care for her numerous business in the metropolitan City named 'Eden'

She had the best security gadgets ever known and seen. The omniscience God was her Chief security Commander and had given her the ultimate security instruction.

Everywhere and where thing is safe in metropolitan City excerpt the location called 'knowledge of good and evil.'

 This tree has a device which triggers spontaneous death in your innermost being when eaten which is against God's instructions. 

Then the serpent came and knew that he had to present something ready tempting  for the woman to reveal the secret that will lead to their downfall and the down fall of their City.

He noticed a desire in the heart of the woman, a desire that is contrary to what her Chief Security Commander gave her, a desire to taste the forbidden as the Ancient Manuel that never fails, which is from ages eternal rightly say James section 1, subsection 13-15

" but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. 

"Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death."

He lured her by her.desires to know why her Chief Security Commander would tell her not to eat of that tree.

 She shiuod have just trusted His judgment since He already gave her all she and her husband needed for life and godliness.

But she believed the evil genius who was out to get her seed and her inheritance.

The evil genius gave her the lie that pushed her to eat the forbidden fruit. 

 She exchanged the peaceful Eden, innumerable angels at her service, relationship with a beautiful God, dependable King, trusted Commander in Chief for a moment of false pleasure in eating the forbidden fruit

Truly, she died and enter a world of pain, slavery, hardship, murder, painful child labour

But Hallelujah!, she recovered and named her son 'Seth' for now she recognised that God


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