The man was been  pursued
He was panting, looking back off his shoulder at the invisible hands attending to drap him to their abode and ravage his soul
Maybe it was my imagination, he muttered
Maybe l am hallucinating, because of high fever
But this scorching fear in my depth
is a testimonial that my fears are real
And the Soul harvesters are after me

Then he saw a man in white garment in front of a white blocks of building beckoneing to him to come
He looked back to where he was been pursued and saw that they were all arrayed in black blocking out completely every rays of  light
Sometimes,  he sees different shades of white on the beings pursuing him
But when he looked carefully, the white raiments actual covered a garment of deep darkness
Oh,  the white raiment was a disguise, he concluded in his mind
They were in reality gloss darkness pretending to be light.
It's was deep darkness presenting itself as an agent of Light

But he lifted his eyes and gazed ahead and saw again  the white painted building.
He saw that invisible forces radiant bright colourd shrouded in white
He saw multitudes of men and women clothed in white
 Some garments had patches of  dark spots  
When he took a closer look, he noticed that some men and women were arrayed in black  garments  but they had the mannerism of those arrayed in white
So it was difficult to detect that they were actual robed in black

He saw the leader of the group clothed in long flowing robe of purple and gold color with a long  train in white
They had sashes of gold.and purple colour round their waist and across their chest which the others clothed in white did not have 
So he knew they must be the leaders of the group
On their fore-head were verses telling about a Supreme being called The LORD and another man called Jesus Christ

He looked back from where he was coming and saw the same darkness
But now the fear in his panting heart has disappeared and noticed also that  his heart was now glowing with a fire beyond his control
He felt a compelling force from within moving him to look back and when  he did, the former fear returned 
But the light radianting from the name of Jesus Christ boldly inscribed on the white block of houses stirred his heart to look at the Light and the Name of Jesus.Christ inscribed in the Light

Now as he gazed at The Name; he heard a voice  which said to him
" I am the Son of God who died for you if you believe in me; you will never thirst again and you will be free of fear

Immediately, he began to move towards the Light,
He moved as the voice spoke gently to him
He moved as he feel loved and cared for by  invisible hands and a voice so tender
 Profuse tears began to flow through his heart and fall down his face

'I am a man, he told himself and  should not cry, he muttered' yet the tears flowed

He tried to use his hand to wipe the the tears that dripped  but his hands were  too heavy with grace to carry out this simple task
He moved closer to the Light, with the fire in his heart increasing with every new steps taken and  the fear in his heart disappeared

Until he knelt  before The Cross in front of the white House
Suddenly innumerable angels  appeared singing  joyfully to the Jesus Christ, he had come to embrace

He heard their voices but he did not seen their faces, 
The sing was filled with words if adoration to the SAVIOUR

"Thy art worthy to receive glory, honour and praise
For your blood has Redeemed another Soul from fear and pain
And has filled his new spirit with your Presence by your own Spirit.

Then the door of the White House was opened  to me
I knew  it was an earthly building constructed by the hands of men
The man robed in purple and gold was standing on a raised platform and has a very big book opened in his front.
I wondered howl the man left his former position in front of the building welcoming people and now to his present task of   speaking to me

I saw that the brightest l saw outside  the building was different from the light within
The Light within was dimmed and glowing very very low where the picture of the Savuour had come to received was hanging.
But many electric  light  bulbs clustered around the pictures of the man who was robed in gold and purple
Again l looked at the picture of the Man called Jesus.Christ,; single picture hung on the wall in dimmed light but the man in purple and gold robe ; many pictures surrounded by many electric bulbs

After this,  l saw men and women appeared from nowhere and knelt before the Man in gold and purple
Some bowed their heads to this man
And shout in a Loud voice 
"My Man of God"
Then l knew that the name of the man in gold and purple robe is the Man of God
 l noticed also that hands were lifted to him and knees were bowed to worship him
But for this LORD called Jesus Christ, just few knelt before his picture and worshipped Him

 l was confused
Who should l bow my knee to and worship
The Man called Jesus Christ
Or the Man if God robed in purple and gold and the skirt of his rope fills the while house

I stood still in the middle of the House
And pondered deep in my heart on this matter
But then l reasoned, 
If many people bow before the Man of God, 
Then it means it was right for me to bow and worship the Man of God

Therefore, l stepped away from the picture of Jesus.Chrust, The LORD and Saviour
I turned my back on the few who bowed their knees to Jesus Christ
And walked to the Altar 
And bowed my knees to the Man of God and worshipped him
Immediately,  l heard a voice that said
I lifted my eyes and looked up 
And saw a dark Being robed in a garrment covered with precious stones of topaz, sapphira, Carmelian, standing behind the Man of God
And this Being looked like the Leader of the Darkness that was previously  pursuing me before l received Jesus Christ as The Savuour
The fear that left my heart when l knelt before the CROSS suddenly returned

A.L. Hephzibah


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