They were a part of the plan:
Simeon,- The man who was not allowed to see death until the Saviour was born ( The pursuit of divine purpose is the right drugs for long life)

Anna- the daughter of Penuel who fasted day and night for 74 years for the work that Christ finished within 3 and a half years ( Are your surprised Christ performed excellently well and on time)

Jael-the wife of Heber, who killed the enemy of the nation of Israel but the Holy Spirit never revealed her training field or time to anyone before she was activated for her task and throw back into her normal day life after her assigment!

 The servant of Saul who became the first King of Israel. He was the one who had the coin for the Seer ( it was him who had what was needed for Saul to be enthroned as King, 

The damsel who was Naaman maid,
and so many others; some named, other unnamed. 

 They were a part of the work but no one saw them because their portion of the work was behind the scene.

We need them this end time because the Joseph of Arimathea must be saved and enlisted

The Nicodemus who visits Christ at night and partook of his burial must be invited to be saved 

Joanna, the wife of Chuza, the manager of Herod's household must be a follower and a Kingdom financier

They were either  recognised or applauded until their work was finished 

They were prepared by the Spirit and anointed and gifted for their assignments but content they must be ' to be the wood cooking the food but not the seen hands seen  stirring the food by all

The work is vast and divine strategy is needed for continually victory but every man and woman must be at their post, robed in the work uniform.

Some with a position name tag, while others giving them a position name tag will jeopardise their work 

But work all must do until the work is truly finished 
And Christ is forever enthroned as the Prince of Peace!

A L. Hephzibah


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