Est. 2:1

"But after King Ahasuerus' 
anger had cooled, he began 
brooding over the lose of Vashti, realizing that he would never see her again". 
Est. 2:1, TLB

The deed was done. It was too late. For the rest of his 
life, this King will live in regret of his RASH action against his wife. 

That is how destructive it 
can be. And once the damage is done it can be irreversible for life. Many marriages, and other 
forms of relationships, have 
collapsed because of the DISEASE called ANGER. 

Because of it's destructive 
nature, anger is described as a TEMPORARY MADNESS. As a matter of fact a synonym for anger is 'madness'. 

The Bible describes the angry man as 'a fool', 

"Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry: for anger resteth in the bosom of fools".
Ecc.7:9, KJV. 

Personal Danger 
Prov.25:28,  KJV

"He that hath no rule over 
his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls".

The angry man therefore 
exposes himself to greatest danger ever. He opens up his own life for enemy attack. Anger stripes you 
of Divine protection. It breaks down God's hedge 
around you. 

The Need For Self Control 
Prov.16:32, KJV. 

"He that is slow to anger is 
better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city".

There is strength is 
SELF - CONTROL. The ability to RESTRAIN yourself under small and great provocation is a Christian virtue. It is a measure of HUMILITY. 

Humility is power under control. And rather than being a weakness, 
humility is STRENGTH. 

You Can Overcome Anger
Jam. 1:19, KJV

"Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath... "

Don't be too quick to speak. 
Over any matter at all, LISTEN MORE and TALK LESS. The lesser you talk, 
the lesser the amount of the VENOM of anger that steers itself up inside of you. 

1Cor.10:11, KJV

" Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, 
upon whom the ends of the 
world are come".

The next time you are tempted to get angry be fast enough to cover your mouth with the whole of your palm. And that will be it!

Anger caused the great Man Of God, Moses, the Promised Land... 

Therefore, take counsel, take heed and be wise not to give room to the enemy of your soul and destiny. 

Receive grace.
Pastor Idris Umar


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