CHAPTER ONE
In Matthew 25 , a master gave talents to his servants: to one, he gave five talents, to another two talents, to another one talent.

 Our Lord has endued every believer with talents and 
gifts for their assignment or purpose. We are expected to  use these to bless humanity and   increase  the kingdom of God; just as a  business man  invests money and capital in a business, for profit, our talents and gifts is for profiting and not for showmanship.

This is the lesson in the story of the five talents in Matthew 25. A man was given five talents symbolizing the man can sing, teach God word, give to the work of God, impacting believers and humanity.  Dr. Ben Carson' gift of surgery and Bill Gates golden touch with computers is given by God for the purpose of blessing humanity. But they make the decision to either put their talents under the control of Christ and use it according to His principles or surrender their gifts to the control and influence of the enemy. 

The man with five talents immediately put his talent to use and increase his master business. For example, King David was a king who could sing, write, fight war, and had the gift of leadership. He used his singing gift to write and sing anointed songs that relieved king Saul from demonic  torment.  Psalm 100 and Psalm 23 are cotemporary songs today,  he used his gift of leadership to raise men like Joab and other mighty solders of David who were formerly debtors.

In contemporary illustration,  the man with five talents could sing, act drama, write, intercede and teach. The man with two talents has the gift of administration ( coordinating and leading others), and the gift of giving. And the man with just one talent could only sing. 

The man with five talents joined the choir and whenever he sings, the discouraged is encouraged, the sick is healed, the demon possessed is set free.
The man with one talent can sing but refused to join the choir. He is unhappy that his voice is not as good as the man who has five talent. Or he did not join the choir because he is afraid he won't sing well and people will mock him. 

Maybe he has the gift of praying for others but  refused to join the prayer group because he is too busy to attend prayer champion intercession all night.
Whatever excuses we give for not using out talents for God purposes. We will be judged at the end of time. God will judged based on faithfulness and not how much work we have done.

 A cleaner in God kingdom may be more faithful in using her talent than a business man who gives million of dollars to kingdom business. God is judging faithfulness in given assignment and calling and not how much activities an individual is involved in.

" Did you do the work , you were assigned to do, then you will be rewarded for it". If you participate in any man assignments and left your own assignment; your motive for neglecting your own assignment to do the work of another man will be a determining factor in your judgement. 

But if the assignment of another was added to yours because you were faithful in yours, you will be rewarded for both assignment   A man who can only intercede for kingdom business effectively may have more reward than a woman who can sing, write, teach, heal the sick and raise the dead. God is judging both faithfulness  and  quantity.

1 Corinthians 4:2 says  moreover it is required in stewards that a man be found faithful. God bless you and have a blessed week.

Hephzibah- Abigail


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