Wealth Creation


A wiseman/ woman may be defined as one who is capable of utilising the bodies of information at his disposal to accomplish the desired results he/she wants in the space of time allocated to him/her under the Sun.

Wisdom is the application of the ideas, information you have in producing a result you envisaged whereby giving you the rewards you anticipated.

Many persons have information about Aerospace and flying technology but the man who used the acquired information to build planes that could sell  at a profit is the Wise one.

We can accurately say that the person who discovered the body of information may not necessary be the one who transform the information into an element or commodity  that meets the need in the Society  at a profit.

Scientists and researchers labour in the laboratory to probe  nature and the creatures  of God. They may not necessary know God or have met His Son, Jesus Christ who is the ONLY authentic Saviour. But these group of thinkers and researchers ask questions in respect to God's creatures

They formulate hypothesises and attempt to offer solutions to their questions. They were rightly created in the image and likeness of God and has His ability to make something out of nothing.

 Among the cherubims that cover the glory of God, man is represented . The cherubims have the face of a man and other features of a man. 
So man is created with the capacity to think and bring into existence things that have never been in existence. 
This is why Faith is universe. : The ability to call forth, create what you desire from nothing excerpt words in your thinking and thoughts  is universal and not just for the Christian..

 Researchers created and manufactured what you can see firstly in their thoughts. These thoughts are arranged  into a body  of information and then processed into goods and services.
This is why the WORD OF GOD rightly says " The Produce of the Earth is for  All; even kings are enriched by it.

The popular sayings that God makes ALL men rich is not wrong in the sense that " every man/woman born is made a millionaire, billionaire , trillionaire   by the produce of the Earth or by an endowment given by God.

God made ALL things from NOTHING and created them with His WORD and from His Spirit.  So faith is termed as the substance of things hoped for ( desires, aspirations, bodies of information in your thoughts)  and evidence of things not seen :  You accept as the absolute and unchanging truths that those things you think about will materialise into tangible physical materiel.

Everybody either Believers in Christ or those who do not believer him arrived at the Corridor of power, wealth and influence by this process. 

 When men/women are tired of been billionaire they will attain the status whereby you cannot quantity their wealth and you give it just any name to make it recognisable. So we will start having 'trillionaires'- whatever that may mean in English Language.

Lets look at the Facebook saga for example to illustrate the above process. A group of friends who were students was in their dormitory chatting, thinking and meditating. And maybe someone asked the question or the question was put into the mind of someone and then it pop-up as a question on the lips of such.
The question would have been :

'There must be a way/method whereby we can talk and see each other in real time without been in the same room, in the same street, in the State, in the same country and in the same continent. I should be able to share my whole life with you without close proximity. They asked this question in the group ,  and the probing thoughts was introduced into  the mind of everyone participating in this conversation.

 But only the persons who took this mind inquiriing to the next level of " how can this problem be solved and eventually solved the problem can be termed as using the body of information in their thoughts to produce wealth.

Wealth creation is the ability to solve human problems by proffering solutions to their challenges or problems. This process birthed fashion brands, political parties, entertainment industry, child care industry, internet fraudster industry, demonic money making industry etc.

Men and women thinking on new ways to continue with the mandate of the Creator of Man becoming fruitful , multiplying and replenishing the Earth and in the process making a name for themselves..

The Law of Demand and Supply stipulates that the demand for a product or services necessitates the supply of that product and services.
But you must know that  the Business world and system, no longer wait for a problem to originate in the natural sense. 

Men manipulate natural and their fellow men to create problems and produce solutions to the created problems at a profit.  THEY CREATE THE PROBLEM  and then manufacture the solution to that problem at a profit.

This is the New Business Mindset. Advertising and Industry Guru create a solution and then go ahead to create the problem from scratch. It means that  the Business template has left it intial and previous ideology that businesses are set up to meet a need at a profit.

Rather the New Business template is to create a need or problem  ( artificially) and then produce the solution to that need you created at a price. It is this Business mindset that gave birth to the Virus that some promulgate originated from a Test laboratory and now migrated on the wings of propaganda to the World. 

The question is ' Does the Virus exist and can it cause death?

Yes, the Virus exist and can curse death

The second question is ' is the Virus birthed from nature or manufactured in a laboratory?

That question is accurately answered when you consider the facts in past before the virus emerged in the Society. 

Available information and Data shows that the Vurus first existed in the Thoughts and thinking pattern of certain persons: They knew the Virus will emerge  before it did;  affect people and they even had a projected scope of harm, the virus would caused in the Society. 

Furthermore, the  same Virus with all its present features and name  was produced as a Movie/ film many years before now. So it is possible, the minds behind the virus got their business idea from watching the Movie. ( You only need to watch the Movie '24' by Jack Bauer to know how a  virus is manufactured and introduce to the Society). 

In the above-mentioned  film as shown on the internet,, the Virus was called CoVID 19 and the  world encountered the present  Virus named COVID 19  in the year 2019. Coincidentally, the present virus has the same features and effect as the one mentioned in the movie.  

Business merchants have been known to create war and then supply the weapons needed to end the war. ( The film Blood Diamond is a testomial to this fact)

Again, a  certain pwrson  also spoke about the Virus and it emergence in the world before it originated.

I am a Mass Communication graduate with specialisation in Print and Advertising. In advertising, we are taught that you use your advertising commercials to create discontenment that can only be satisfied by the advertised product.

Therefore a successful advertising Copy shows you what is wrong in you life and then persuade you that the advertised product or services is the solution to that problem. The problem was not there intially but the Advertisement created the NEED in your mind and manipulated your mind to think that ONLY the product can meet that need.

This is the psychology of the Business world. What is the relevance of this mindset and thinking pattern to wealth creation in the Kingdom of Light. We believe the Holy Spirit to give illumination in the next article.

A.L. Hephzibah.


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