
Lucifer's original purpose was to be a covering cherub. I created him to cover my glory and endowed him with everything needed for his purpose. 

He was created with every precious stones in God's Kingdom and every musical instruments was in him to produce pleasing sounds to The King of Glory. (Ezekiel 28:14, Ezekiel 1 and Ezekiel 10)

The purpose of this guardian angel gives him access to The Almighty directly. So Lucifer had access to the council meetings in heaven, he had access to discussions in heaven. ( 1 Kings 22:19-21 ; Ezekiel 28;14, Isaiah 24:13-14) He knows the likes and dislikes of God. He was supposed to understand the mood and very sigh of his Master, The Elohim.

"You were anointed as a guardian cherub, for so I ordained you. You were on the holy mount of God; you walked among the fiery stones.'

The other angels looked up to Lucifer share with them the wisdom he gleaned by access to the Presence of Jehovah ElGbbor. He represented the interest of God to others just as the angel Gabriel does now.
This close relationship Lucifer had to God:s glory filled him with Wisdom thous the description of his person in Eze. 28 :
Thus saith the Lord God; Thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty.

Satan had vast knowledge about God; His ways, His likes, and dislikes, and even some eternal plans of God. ( 2 Corinthians 12:2-4) 
 We must remnever that God's WORD rightly says in Christ Jesus, The Son is the treasuries of Wisdom and understanding . This is so because God's Son is His fullest in human form. Everything that God is and will be is presently in His Son, our LORD Jesus Christ. 

Therefore if you desire to be as The Son of God, then you have desired to be like The Father because he who has The Son also has The Father. You will never go into error if your follow the steps of Jesus Christ, The Son in all things. 

He is the perfect pattern for eternity of The God-Head. The God- Head is God expressing Himself in three distinct personality: God The Father, God The Son and God The Spirit is the same God Almighty but in three forms.

Man is ordained to be God in another form: So that it will named God, The Father, God The Son (actually God The Man) and God, The Holy Spirit.

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. 

And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end. Isaiah 9:6-9

So Lucifer now called Satan had access to the following information about God: the character of his Master; some of heaven's plan, the mode operadi of Heaven, the functions and purposes of angels and other creatures in the Kingdom of Heaven. He also knew how to use all these.vast knowledge to achieve divine purpose.

 The Kingdom of Heaven is not just a place where angels sit and gist 24/7 doing nothing. There are existing structures of governance and actual moment to moment activities in Heaven.  

"Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, YOUR WILL BE DONE, ON EARTH AS IT IS in HEAVEN." Matt. 6:9-11

There are meetings which takes place at the mount of the congregation, decisions are reached after careful consultations, angels are punished when they err ( I kings 22:19-22, 2 Peter 2:4) 

Lucifer got to a point where he felt he was more important than God because of pride. He thought ' if will become The King in Mount Zion and my decisions final as The Ancient of Days.' Satan thought he knew enough about the Almighty to usurp His authority and then turn the system of Heaven against its Eternal King. He wanted to sit as The KING in the Heaven of heaven's.

He used the information he knew about God to make other angels sin against Him: He used the information he knew about God to make other creatures rebelled against me. Isaiah 14:

He began to use the information and secrets he had access to turn attention and worship away from God to himself. His service in the Kingdom of Heaven became all about himself instead of 'All about us.'

'You said in your heart, “I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.” Isaiah 14:13-14

Remember in Genesis 2 ' God said :
"let Us", and did not say "let me' . The 'Us' in Satan's vocabulary was replaced with :I.' as shown in the above scriptures. 

Just as the Serpent Eve lied about God's character and motives , so Satan lied to the angels who rebelled about God's character and person. ( The visible accounts of Scripture is given to guide the searcher about the invisible accounts of events in heaven)

And the rebellious angels believed Lucifer because he had direct access to God which they did not have. He relayed information about and from God to them. They could see the guardian cherub but could not see God. 

Therefore they lost trust in God and believed his servant; the guardian angel: They turned away from God; their Maker, Creator and Master and turned to Lucifer, their fellow creature and servant.

This way Lucifer corrupted his wisdom; he used the information he knew about God to enthrone himself in the hearts of the other angels and replaced God. 

Satan used his gifts and position to gain a name for himself instead of bringing glory to God who endowed him with this beauty and wisdom., 

He used what he knew about God against The Almighty; so God cast him out of His presence and caused a fire from within to consume him. 

Lucifer was made from lightening, and Satan will be ultimately punished by the same lightening.

AL Hephziba


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