
There are powers operational on earth presently
These Powers originated from God
These 'Mights' belong to Him; but The Almighty shared it with other Creatures
He freely gave His awesome strength to both visible and Invisible Beings
Angels and fallen Angels
Messengers of Light and Messengers of Darknesse

Men and women alike

They all got their power, strength and mighty from Yahweh,

 The most Mighty of all; the strongest in the earthly realm and heavenly realms
The Holy Scriptures rightly says 

God made His angels flamed of 🔥 fire
To represent Him who dwells in impenetrable Rivers of fire

Jehovah shared an attribute of Himself with His creatures
Because He is The Strongest and the Most Mighty
But He is also generous, compassionate and kind -hearted; filled and overflowing with unfailing love
We hail The King of Kings who created all things

For Colossians 1:15 rightly says

The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. 

For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. 

Jesus Christ is The King of The Body of Christ

Jesus Christ is The King of the Rulers in the Heavenly realms and the Earth

He created them and knows the limit of their powers and authority

Whatever power and might; the Kingdom of Darkness exhibit is an infinitesimal portion from the amaranthine, unbounded, unending, infinite, inestimable, immeasurable and eternal power of The CHRIST and The Almighty who is The Everlasting Father of All Creatures.

The Christ said;

'All POWER has been given me in heaven and upon earth. 

Go [therefore] and make disciples of all the nations, baptising them to the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit; teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have enjoined you. 

And behold, *I* am with you all the days, until the completion of the age. Mark 16:18-20.

We will always win as Believers in Christ.

We will make the Kingdom of Men become the Kingdom of The Christ ( our Eternal King) in this generation.  

 God, the Most Mighty in Heaven and Earth has shared and delegated the Authority and Power of Christ, the Head to His Body; the Church.

We are Kings and Priests on Earth

We rule and reign on The Earth

We don't beg for a space on the planet Earth

We own the Vast Lands and Seas on the Earth

Because the Earth belongs to Our Father. And The CHRIST, our King and brother created All Things. (Psalm 24 and Colossians 1)

We are joint heirs with Jesus Christ

We must rule and reign with Him

The Wisdom of the God- Head is upon His Church; we are wiser than the Serpent and exhibit the personality of The Holy Spirit

Our raiment is POWER

Our under- garments is The Personality of The Holy Spirit.

We need both the covering of Power and Spirit- controlled persons to sustain and maintain the Victory secured by The Master, Jesus Christ

We are not weaklings

We are The Army of The LORD of Lords

We radiant His splendour and Power forever 

Glory! Halleluyah

Praises to Jesus Christ; Our ETERNAL KING.

A.L Hephzibah


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