
Life is tough on its own and the Christian home is one of the major succour put in place by God to comfort the weary soul.

We can put on make-up in the public and talk confidently with a bold stance but before your husband, you should be able to let go and let the tears flow when you are a bit down.

You should feel free to say ' darling, l don't understand, l need help' and you will not feel ashamed that your husband would say

 " You should have grown past this and be strong because you have Jesus in your heart.'

 The best of us need a cuddle now and then when the wind.of trials blow across our shore.

This was the case of Hannah and her husband Elkannah. Hannah' s heart was filled with tears, a smile hidden behind the clouds of doubt and scorn from the second wife with children

Her husband could not understand her grief and sadness yet he was kind enough to give her double portion ojust to show his love for her.. He said to her " am not worth more than seven sons'

I am sure Hannah was saying ' Oga, you will not understand! sebi you have children, it is me that has none!

The strongest woman is a baby in the heart who needs the regular hugand encouragement from her husband who wants to get the World.and its glory for her -

Unsolicited kindness is one sure way to go the extra mile for your lover.

Have you ever meditate on the depth of Christ's kindnesses to His Church (His bride)

He is God alone from the first to the last and He needed no validation from any human, yet he sacrificially lay down his life for you.

He was insulted, abused, mocked, ridiculed for your sake

He released all his angels for your sake.

He fashioned His Word to accommodate your flaws and mistakes though He is.sinless and perfect.

He overlooks our short-comings and ensures his strength is made perfect in our weakness.

Then He commands the man ' Love your wife in this same way'

But remember that Christ could not love the Church without the grace and power of the Holy Spirit and this grace, power and wisdom to love your wife is available to you too if you seek it.

The whole essence of Christian marriage is to demonstrate the love of God and to raise godly seed within this same love.

May God help us.

Please.Join me tomorrow as we examine another element.of a Husband love for his wife.

A.L. Hephzibah


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