

Our LORD Jesus is given various titles in the New and Old Testament in respect of His person . He was not fully  unveiled  in the Old Testament as the Son of Man who is The Saviour but the Old Testament is filled with the Revelations of His office.

The Old Testament unfolded  that Jesus Christ was operational in the Heaven and on earth before He was born as Son of Man on earth. 
Every Believer has a divine  purpose  connected to their New creation life on earth. The Book of Romans 8 says ' For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son.( Romans 8;29)

The Prophet and Administrator;  Daniel was given an heavenly vision wherein he saw Jesus Christ; The Son of Man in heaven. (Daniel 7)
  Jesus Christ  will be the third man who walked with Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego in the furnace of fire. ( Though l have not found any  Bible passage buttress this point)

Jesus Christ is the Commander of the LORD's army who appeared to Joshua. (Joshua 5:13.). He is also reveal as the  same Commander of the arrmies of Heaven in Revelation 19.

Abraham, the patriarch had three  heavenly guests and the LORD was the  ONE who led this entourage to the Earth.  They planned visiting Sodom and Gomorrah but stopped to fellowship with Abraham, a friend of God. 
 The Word of God noted that while it was two angels who eventually made the trip to Sodom and Gomorrah, the LORD stayed with Abraham to allow him intercede for the lives of the righteous in Sodom and Gomorrah. (Genesis 18)

There are others not so glaring appearances of our LORD and SAVIOUR in the Old Testament which buttress the truth that He was in existence before the foundation of the Earth was laid.

The various titles given to our LORD Jesus Christ in the New Testament also reveals  His Person. Men and women had revelations and  this formed the basis for their different perspectives. 

You can never receive from God beyond your understanding of His person and abilities. The revelations of Jesus Christ and The Father you know determines your exploits and victory in life.

The Centurion demonstrated this truth in the Book of Matt. 8. While many who were healed by Jesus's ministry had to touch Him, requested He visited their homes etc, this man received an outstanding miracle because he had a revelation that Jesus Christ was the Leader, a man of  great authority; whose words carry power.  

Truly, the Word of God is the authorisation of His power to deliver what the Word promises the Believer.

Some people knew Jesus.Chriat as the healer and the great physician, Some persons called Him  the Son of David; who had the ability to show mercy, while others knew Him as the miracle worker who had the power to turn water to wine and multiple a few bread and fish. 

The Samaritan women knew Him as a prophet who told her everything about herself. The woman with the issue of blood knew him as the great physician. People usually received from Jesus Christ based on the understanding of His person and power. God said my people are destroyed because they lacked the knowledge of my peraon and ability. 

Some Jews believed He was the Massiah; Pilates knew him as The King of the Jews while the Pharisees knew him as a competitor and rival in ministry.

Martha and Mary knew Him as Rabboni- The Teacher and Jesus Christ had to introduce Himself as The Resurrection and Life when He deliver Lazarus from the grave. 

The woman caught in adultery knew Him as the advocate who defends the accused. He did not condemned her for living in sins but advised her to stop sinning. Demons recognised Him as the Son of God.

John the Baptist was probably beheaded because he only knew Jesus Christ, his nephew as the Lamb that takes away the sins of the World.  He desired to know if Jesus Christ was the anticipated Messiah but heard about it but did not walk with Jesus Christ as the Messiah. So he died an Old Testament Saint, though he was the one who baptised the Saviour of the World

 Jesus' Disciples knew as  The Teacher, Master and the one who has eternal Life.  Peter knew Him as the The Christ; the Son of God.

After Jesus rose from the death, the disciples came to know Him as LORD while John the beloved had the privilege of seeing Jesus Christ in His entire true essence: The LORD of the Heaven and the Earth. He had a vision of Jesus Christ as the Lamb who was slained from the foundation of the Earth who also deserves to be worshipped.

There is not readily account of John, bowing down to worship The Christ before his death and after His resurrection. 

But when the revelations he held about Jesus changed in the Island of Patmos ; John the beloved bowed and worshipped 

A L. Hephzibah


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