Joy is a fruit of the Spirit and spontaneous while happiness on the other hand is dependent on certain factors and conditions.  Happiness  is defined as a state of utmost bliss, an emotion evoked by well being, success or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires:  While joy is a fruit of the Spirit, a gift from the Almighty and is available to any believer when it is needed, happiness on the other is a fruit of the soul which is dependent on positive feelings.  Both joy and happiness is needed in the Christian home.“And Zilpah Leah's maid bare Jacob a second son.  And Leah said, Happy am I, for the daughters will call me blessed: and she called his name Asher.” (Genesis 30:12-13 KJV). Leah was happy because her servant bore a second son for her husband. This high positive feeling was dependent on her desires been fulfilled.
 In the case of Paul and Silas, they had no reason for high excited feelings, yet they were singing hymns to God with excitement-that is the joy of the Spirit. Acts 16:22
Truly, no believer is expected to live strictly by feelings because they are not entirely dependable. You are not expected to only say “I love you”, “ï miss you” to your partner only when you have high feelings. You must learn to care for your spouse with enthusiasm whether you feel like it or not. God delights in the praise of His people and loves when they serve him with gladness of heart. (Isaiah 58:14)  likewise Deut 24:5 shows that God desires happiness in the Christian home, our marriages should not just be endured for the sake of purpose, you must be excited about your partner for life. Proverbs 5:18, Eccl 9:9.
 The foundation for happiness in marriage is usually laid at the point of choosing a marriage partner. Who you marry will determine to a large extend the final outcome of your destiny. While some Christians believe God is no longer involve in the choice of who you marry and that you make the decision by searching for a man or woman who suits your purpose and desires, 
The writer strongly believes that every single guy/lady must rely on the Holy Spirit in choosing a marriage partner, we cannot afford to rely on physical circumstances, financial status to make this crucial choice; for it takes only God and His discernment to know who is who in His Kingdom. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take. (Proverbs 3:5-6).
Furthermore,, a believer may be good in every ramifications but may not be the right marriage and destiny partner for you. I remember back them in school, a brother felt led to marry a sister in the fellowship but eventually, did pot proposed because he felt she was a “spiritual fanatic” Why? She was not putting on ear rings and trousers. I know the sister presently as she is into make- up and do trousers etc.
Am sure if the Brother had carried the Holy Spirit along, he would have seen through the eyes of the Spirit; five years later, the sister would become who he wanted as a wife. 
The writer knows that God has given every man the ability of free choice, but if you believe in Christ and understand the fact that the Almighty God is a loving Father, who knows all things and promised in Psalm 32:8 to guide the man who fears him in the way that is best for him, then you will depend on His guidance in the area of making marital choice.
 So the principle of as many as are led by the Spirit of God is also applicable when making the choice of who to marry,  but hearing God’s voice on who to marry is not a guarantee that such marriage will work. Even if you heard the direct voice of the Almighty telling you Mr. A is the ordained marriage partner of Miss B , this is not a sole guarantee that such marriage will automatically  work out fine, both partners must apply biblical principles for blissful marriage to enjoy its dividends.
Check out the case of Apostle Paul and Barnabas. The Holy Spirit spoke in Acts 13:2-4 “As they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them. And when they had fasted and prayed, and laid their hands on them, they sent them away. So they, being sent forth by the Holy Ghost, departed unto Seleucia; and from thence they sailed to Cyprus.
But this relationship initiated by the Spirit of Life hit the rock in Acts 15:16 through unmanaged family dynamics. So that you heard God’s voice when you proposed or that you heard God’s voice when you said yes to that proposal is not the only perquisite for “happily forever” unless, you deliberately sow seeds of love into the marriage, you cannot reap the fruit of happiness in the home.
The enemy attacks happiness in Christian marriage at weak moments, when one or both partners are vulnerable and an aspect of the marriage had been neglected. Goliath was well protected excerpt the small part in his fore head where the stone from David hit.

Joy is a fruit of the Spirit and spontaneous while happiness on the other hand is dependent on certain factors and conditions.  Happiness  is defined as a state of utmost bliss, an emotion evoked by well being, success or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires: 

 While joy is a fruit of the Spirit, a gift from the Almighty and is available to any believer when it is needed, happiness on the other is a fruit of the soul which is dependent on positive feelings.  

Both joy and happiness is needed in the Christian home.“And Zilpah Leah's maid bare Jacob a second son.  And Leah said, Happy am I, for the daughters will call me blessed: and she called his name Asher.” (Genesis 30:12-13 KJV). 

Leah was happy because her servant bore a second son for her husband. This high positive feeling was dependent on her desires been fulfilled.

 In the case of Paul and Silas, they had no reason for high excited feelings, yet they were singing hymns to God with excitement-that is the joy of the Spirit. Acts 16:22

Truly, no believer is expected to live strictly by feelings because they are not entirely dependable. You are not expected to only say “I love you”, “ï miss you” to your partner only when you have high feelings. You must learn to care for your spouse with enthusiasm whether you feel like it or not.

 God delights in the praise of His people and loves it when they serve him with gladness of heart. (Isaiah 58:14)  likewise Deut 24:5 shows that God desires happiness in the Christian home, our marriages should not just be endured for the sake of purpose, you must be excited about your partner for life. Proverbs 5:18, Eccl 9:9.

 The foundation for happiness in marriage is usually laid at the point of choosing a marriage partner. Who you marry will determine to a large extend the final outcome of your destiny.

While some Christians believe God is no longer involve in the choice of who you marry and that you make the decision by searching for a man or woman who suits your purpose and desires, 

The writer strongly believes that every single guy/lady must rely on the Holy Spirit in choosing a marriage partner, we cannot afford to rely on physical circumstances, financial status to make this crucial choice; for it takes only God and His discernment to know who is who in His Kingdom.

 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take. (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Furthermore,, a believer may be good in every ramifications but may not be the right marriage and destiny partner for you. I remember back them in school, a brother felt led to marry a sister in the fellowship but eventually, did pot proposed because he felt she was a “spiritual fanatic” Why? She was not putting on ear rings and trousers. I know the sister presently as she is into make- up and do trousers etc.
Am sure if the Brother had carried the Holy Spirit along, he would have seen through the eyes of the Spirit; five years later, the sister would become who he wanted as a wife. 

The writer knows that God has given every man the ability of free choice, but if you believe in Christ and understand the fact that the Almighty God is a loving Father, who knows all things and promised in Psalm 32:8 to guide the man who fears him in the way that is best for him, then you will depend on His guidance in the area of making marital choice.

 Therefore,  the principle of as many as are led by the Spirit of God is also applicable when making the choice of who to marry. 

But hearing God’s voice on who to marry is not a guarantee that such marriage will work. Even if you heard the direct voice of the Almighty telling you Mr. A is the ordained marriage partner of Miss B , this is not a sole guarantee that such marriage will automatically  work out fine, both partners must apply biblical principles for blissful marriage to enjoy its dividends.

Check out the case of Apostle Paul and Barnabas. The Holy Spirit spoke in Acts 13:2-4 “As they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them. And when they had fasted and prayed, and laid their hands on them, they sent them away. So they, being sent forth by the Holy Ghost, departed unto Seleucia; and from thence they sailed to Cyprus.

But this relationship initiated by the Spirit of Life hit the rock in Acts 15:16 through unmanaged family dynamics. So that you heard God’s voice when you proposed or that you heard God’s voice when you said yes to that proposal is not the only perquisite for “happily forever” unless, you deliberately sow seeds of love into the marriage, you cannot reap the fruit of happiness in the home.

The enemy attacks happiness in Christian marriage at weak moments, when one or both partners are vulnerable and an aspect of the marriage had been neglected. Goliath was well protected excerpt the small part in his fore head where the stone from David hit.



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