
Some few years back, I got some quotations from a Christian book which outlined the qualities of a perfect help- meet.

 Hearing the phrase perfect help Meet, I knw your mind is already carrying placard and protesting " there is no perfect help-meet anywhere" 

Please permit, my unsual reasoning for the purpose of this write-up.

My definition of 'perfect help-meet'  in this context is  good, the best Help-meet a man can have.

This Book says a perfect Help-meet is a lady who does the following to her partner:

1. Shares his hopes, dreams and bear his hurts and frustrations. ( I replied in my heart- the woman na him 'Paid Shrink')

2. Brings him before God's throne in prayer every day)

3.  Put his sexual and emotional needs ahead  of hers ( I thought, woman dey enter oooo)

4.   Enable him become all God wants him to be and accomplish God's purpose

5. Have dinner ready whn he gets home

6. Encourage him to talk abt his life goals

7. Listen to him with undivided attention

8. Embrace his ideas enthusiastically

9. Respect him by how she talks to him and abt him before others.
Sincerely after reading all these attributes of a perfect woman by an American woman, I concluded that African mentality in marriage has obviously colonised this American woman. 

Then I remembered she is a christian and speaking from her understanding of God's perspective.

Some Christian relationships and marriages are not doing so well today because we erroneously and ignorantly believe that there is no sacrifice in marriage. 

Plsease. Note that lasting love is sacrifice from A-Z, for both the man and the woman. ( My findings from some married men and women)

The Bible says for God so loved the World that He sacrificed His only begotten Son. (Loved a world that wants nothing to do with him)

We praise  God for the feelings and 'goose pimples' that comes with falling in- love.

 I understand how  you can be  on 'Cloud 7' and want to move heaven and earth for  the source of this good feelings.

 But the married will tell you that those feelings may not always be there after a long time  marriage, they should be present but experience shows they are not always there.

 If you have the understanding that true love is about caring unselfishly for another person; about looking out for your beloved interest in all things,  you will do it. either you feel like it or not.

For those who have careers, businesses and ministries, you will agree with me that to make your business successful, you do all manners of legal things- make sacrifices, practise self-denials because there are many militating forces that wants thiese endeavours to fail.

Our marriages must be handled in the same light and manner, its childish to reasoned  that because you no longer have 'high feelings' of love, then you are no longer in love.

It means, the days you don't feel like going to the office, brushing your teeth, taking your bath etc, you don't do it.

Love is about giving your best in any relationship, its about making your partner happy and if carrying out the roles itemised in the perfect help meet attributes will help us achieve this, we must be ready to pay its price. I can tell you, you will not regret it.

I love children and enjoy being their best pal. Daily, I am learning their love language- the gifts, the sweet, the unsolicited hug, the deliberate compliments on their dresses, the gentle rebuke  make them seek you out in a crowd.

 It gives me tremendous thrill when they do that, so I use their Love language extensively. Its only one or two that have resisted inspite of the love language usuage. 

I know there are always exceptions to every rule but only a lunatic and demon possessed will reject kindness, generosity and I know you are not in a relationship with such. And if anyone situation in marriage is bad, l pray God will surely intervene.

Rekindle the fire in your relationship, activate the feelings of love again and sustain it by the  continually practise of the above mentioned with prayers and by faith in Jesus, your relationship will be  exceptional and exemplary.

Happy Valentine.

A L. Hephzibah


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