
The account of Noah and his son- Ham is a good example of how to react when a man is in a state of seeming failure. Ham walked in on Noah' nakedness, (moment of shame for Noah) and announced it to others instead of covering it up. 
Genesis 9:20-2

Life is a journey and in its paths some slippery routes that can make a man fail 

Some men plan to fail by doing nothing positive about their destiny, they believe its solely God' responsibility and passively eat any meal life dishes to them. 

Some work at their purpose and yet experience failure at one level or the other; another group fail by falling into the traps of the enemy while serving purpose.

One unchangeable virtue of our heavenly Father and our master Jesus Christ is that He understands our gentle frame and is ever ready with mercy to help in times of need.

Noah planted a vineyard as commanded by God, his vineyard was fruitful as blessed by God but he used his fruitful vineyard to produce wine which exposed his nakedness.

In essence, in a moment of relaxation and wanting to enjoy the fruit of his labour he exposed himself to ridicule and shame. 

Consequently, he fell into the trap of the enemy. Satan infiltrated the linage of Adam by causing him to eat the forbidden fruit, his descendant was cursed as a result and failure was introduced to the human race.

 Noah took wine and his son's descendant was cursed; by the very anointing that was supposed to bless them.

 Noah cursed Ham" s descendant and bless Shem" descendant by the same anointing.

Satan was targeting Noah" seed, he was targeting the future and generations beyond Noah. He created a scene that caused Noah to curse Ham"s descendants.

 Noah transferred the punishment for his son shortcomings to the seed of the son. Ham" descendent who did not partook in the sins of their father, suffered the consequences of that sin.

Noah was called by God and anointed to be a blessing, he used his anointing to curse a man like himself; he cursed his own flesh and blood because his son mocked him when Noah was down.

We must understand that any man who believes in Christ is our brother and we must always bless them with our thoughts, words and actions. 

We must never curse a believer, speak or pronounce negativity against them, expect and desire that harm come to them as punishment for offending us.

Our master Jesus prayed for God to forgive the Pharisees when they nailed him to the cross. 

He came that man can have abundant life, we must not use our grace to help Satan' ministry of stealing, killing and destroying man. 

When we do this, we ate not operating in the Spirit of Christ. Christ is our leader and perfect example and we must follow Him in all our ways.

A.L. Hephzibah


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