Ignorance, pure ignorance, absolute ignorance. Just as the Enemy and Nature can afflict you with diseases because of ignorance and carelessness,.likewise demons will enter into you because of the same ignorance.

The writer was oppressed by demons and cast out demons from her life for many years because of wrong mindsets, ignorance and wrong confused teaching about demons. 

Is it true that demons have access to a man/woman because of their sinful life style and evil ancestry heritage ? 
Yes, for God said He will visit the inquities of the father on their children to the 4th generation but replace this order by saying it is the soul. who sins that.shall suffer for their sins. Ezekiel 18

In Christ Jesus our LORD, everything is made new. Apostle Paul said any soul in Christ is a New creature, old things have past away and all things have become New.

But Apostle Paul suffers for his past sin against the Church by severe persecutions?

It was not only Apostle Paul that was severally persecuted because of his faith in our LORD Jesus Christ. Apostle Peter was almost killed, James and Stephen were killed and they were not persecutors of the Church of Jesus Christ as Paul.

Moreso, our LORD told Apostle Paul what he would have to suffer for the sake of the Gospel, because he knew the Jewish people and how they will want to kill Paul for forsaking Judahism. Moreso, the LORD knew Satan would make life unbearable for Paul for making any attempt to take the Gospel to the Gentiles.

What did our LORD Jesus meant when he said when a demon is cast out, he would come back to his former house.


The answer is also in the passage. The passage was about the Pharisees accusing The LORD of casting out demons by the prince of demons called Beelzebub.
The Pharisees cast out demons from children of hell and darkness by this Lord of demons and believed everyone do the same.

It is obvious that other demons obey Beelzebub and do his bidding anytime he commands them. The Bible did not stated if Beezebub is also Satan but we know that Beezebul had the authority to cast out demons out of the lives of men who belong to Satan.
So the Pharisees accused Our LORD and Master of using the assistance of Beelzebub to cast out devils from people.

Secondly, our LORD Jesus Christ made a very profound statement : The demons cast out said he would return to my "HOUSE". It means that the person in which the demon is cast out in this passage is a House for demons ; a child of the devil just as a Believer is a House/temple of the Holy Spirit. 
The demon in the passage identified the person in this Bible as his House.

"When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest; and finding none, he saith, I will return unto my house whence I came out."
Luke 11:24-27

This above statement was made by our LORD and is the truth. I Cor. 6 shows that every believer is the House of the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit dwells inside the Believer. The Spirit has a right to dwell inside such because they have yielded their Heary to Jesus and the Holy Spirit is the seal of God's ownership on them.

Therefore this demon cast out identify the place where he was cast out as his house, his home. Demons do not have right to even operate in the Earth, the place prepared for them to be kept in chains for judgement is Abyss.

If they are on earth operating is because a man authorised them to operate on Earth just as Adam and Eve authorised Satan; (who became their master through deception) to operate on Earth.
 Satan told our LORD Jesus Christ that the earth and its glory belong to him because it was given to him. 

God gave the earth to Adam.and his seed, so for Satan to lay claim to it, a man with flesh and blood handed it over to him.. Therefore if a demon claim a man's life, soul and body as his house and home then he had the right to that house.

This is why it will take a stronger force than that demon to cast it out in the first instance as illustrated by our LORD when he said a strongman will guard his house and possession jealously until a stronger man dispossess him of it.

This show that the demon was cast out of a place, a house which belong to him either through ignorance or by reason of ownership through sin.

Then after it was cast off, the place was slept clean. It means that every works of the demon was destroyed, all filthness and uncleness left with the demon but there was no new owner occupying that house. It was empty meaning no new owner inside, no stronger force inside, nothing to keep the demon out.

So the demons goes and bring seven stronger demons than himself and no force resisted.his entrance so the state of the person became worse than the previous state.


A.L. Hephzibah


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