
Ministry work has the tendency to separate a couple but if they are jointly pursuing the call of God, they spend more them together in each other company and the bond of love between them becomes stronger.
Hannah was married to Elkanah who had two wives. I guess the husband was no longer concerned about his first wife having a child because Penninah had satisfied his need for children.

But we see the concern and pursuit of a woman becoming the entry point for the prophectic into the linage of Elkanah. 

While Abraham walked with God and brought his whole family into the Covenant with Yahweh, Hannah' s pursuit and persistent faith in the power of God brought her husband's name into the Book of Eternal records.

She was lthe one who entered a covenant on behalf of her seed and ultimately her family. She made the decision concerning the child's future and all the husband said was " Do what see best to you!

Isaac and Rebecca is another example where the woman temporarily becomes the priest of family.

She was the one who enquired of God about the future of her children. She was the same person who determined through her schemes how the prophecy God gave her concerning her children would be fulfilled.

Permit me to ask a crucial question that should not be asked:

 Where was Joseph, the husband of Mary, when Mary was busy in the ministry of The Christ?

Also, at His death on the Cross, Our LORD Jesus handed over his mother to John, the beloved. 

The plight of passive husbands cannot be overlooked in the Church in this generation.

I see an increasing scenario whereby the woman is becoming the chief intercessor in the family while the husband faces more important issues in the home and family.

 Sincerely it is the person (either the wife or husband) who visits the throne room of God more often that gets embedded by divine power and hear of the concerns of the Almight. 
God is not a respecter of persons, those who seek Him will always find Him.

God will always speak to the concerned heart, even if that heart belongs to a woman, a girl, a slave.

Power will always gravitate to the man who has the needed knowledge to reign . 

Likewise, some women are becoming more and more the decision- maker in the family. Names of a child, the School they will attend, who they should marry is becoming more like the woman's assigment in the home.

 Names of our children are prophectic in the sense that they are portraits of the child's future)

Apostle Paul said in 1 Timothy 2 :1 that we should pray for all men..... 
 I stand to be corrected, l have not find a verse in the Bible where prayers is strictly, the ministry of the woman in the home.

Certainly if it is the woman seeking God's place in the place of prayer for her husband, and family, then don't be surprised if the scepter of rulership in the home falls into her hand either by manipulation or by error.

Recently, I noticed another event under the Sun.

Some Set men passed on unto glory and their wives become the Head of the Ministry.

We will forever celebrate God for women like Polly Featherstone, Maria Woodworth Ette, Aimee MacPherson, Kathryn Kuhlman and so many great women God is using to pioneer new works and do great exploits in this generation

But when we have repeated pattern of any issue, we should stop to ask the following question;

Is this the new thing God is doing under the Sun or is it a case of WHILE MEN SLEEPS, THE ENEMY SOWS...

Only God, our Father can reveal this to us but we certainly need to ask the question answering God.

A. L. Hephzibah


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