
Life is full of challenges; there will be issues that are difficult for you to solve by yourself and you may need external helps.

Christian marraiges don't experience challenges because God is not powerful enough and anything is difficult for Him. It is just that every believer lives in a world and earth that has been made imperfect and filled with wickedness by imperfect men and women who are also under the control of Satan; the Evil one.

Therefore the meat from the cow that is supposed to give vital nutrient to your body, researchers inform you to stay off meat because it can bring disease to your heart. The things created by God for the good of mankind has been made imperfect and harmful to man.

Sarah was a beautiful woman who married step- brother: Abraham. At that time getting married to your step brother in the cultural where God called Abraham from was not wrong; it was a part of their cultural.

Sarah already had the challenge of barreness before her husband encountered the God of the Heaven and the Earth.God called Abraham at age 75 and that makes Sarah to be 65years of age. So at 65 years, Sarah had no child. 

The childlessness of Abraham and Sarah was not caused by God, it was as a result of elements from the couple's background. But now they had met the God of the Heavens and the Earth, God promised Abraham that their problems would be solved; for they will have a son.

God made Abraham rich in silver and gold and gave him riches that could feed 318 servants and their families. And then gave the promise of a child, so all the couple had to do was wait for God the promise- keeper who made them rich.

But we know that the Enemy will always wait to bring his counterfeit to every promise of God as he did in the Garden of Eden.

Satan does not know all things, he does not know what promises God gave you excerpt he extract this information from you. Once he knows, his next strategy is to try to steal it by presenting his own counterfeit or mounting up opposition against the fulfillment of this promise. The Enemy specialises in stealing any promise of God you do not believe.

In the parable of the Sower, the devil stole the seed which fell by the road side. This Seed by the road side means that the word sown did not enter the hearts of the hearers because they either understand it or believed it

 God gave the promise of a child, to Abraham and Sarah. Sarah obviously did not believe it; so Satan attempted to steal it. God, the Elshaddai told Abraham he would have a son in Genesis 15. At that time, Abraham had only one wife: Sarah. So if God promised Abraham a child it was through Sarah his wife.

But we see in Genesis 16 that Sarah told Abraham to slept with her servant; Haggai so that she (Sarah ) can have a child through Haggai.

This revelation and instruction from Sarah to Abraham was not from the Spirit of God, it was the cultural of the nations around who did not know the God.

Sarah invited a strange woman to help solve a problem that God had promised to bring a solution. Sarah did not believe in the promise of God and therefore used the arm of flesh to solve her problem. Her solution to her problem become a bigger problem to her.

It took the intervention of The same God who promised in the first place to bring lasting solutions. God told Abraham to listen to his wife and drive away Haggai with her son. 

When Sarah had the challenge with Haggai, she did not turn to The God of her husband rather she again used the arm of flesh to try to solve her problem. She began to maltreat Haggai and accused her husband as been the cause of her problem.


A.L Hephzibah


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