
Jesus Christ is our perfect pattern in everything. He made a statement that is surprising to me in John 16:13-14.

He said the Holy Spirit will not speak of Himself rather He will always bring glory to Jesus by speaking only what He heard from Him.

This statement inform me in no small measure that God rules by constituted authority and He has given the authority of the Head of the family to the Husband as Christ is the Head of the husband.

AlThough, we are a kingdom of kings and priests( Bible theologians can help to dissect that to its simplest application), I see the husband as the priest in the family.

Deborah was a prophet in an age and era when women were suposedly heard but not seen.

After, the death of Joshua, Servant of God, leadership continuity suffered a set back and men turned to their own ways in the absence of true leadership.

"And the people served the Lord all the days of Joshua, and all the days of the elders that outlived Joshua, who had seen all the great works of the Lord, that he did for Israel. And Joshua the son of Nun, the servant of the Lord, died, being an hundred and ten years old........... And also all that generation were gathered unto their fathers: and there arose another generation after them, which knew not the Lord, nor yet the works which he had done for Israel."
Joshua 3:4-8

So, we see the emergence of Rebecca as a prophetess and judge in Israel. Though, she was a leader, she handled her ministry in such a way that she allowed Barak to lead in the LORD's battle even when he insisted that Rebecca must go with him to the battle . Judges 4:6-13

The Bible is beautiful in the sense that every word is carefully crafted by God Spirit.

We must know God' s Spirit is poured out on men and women based on purpose, faith and the hunger in the hearts.

In any generation, if it is a woman who is ready to receive a greater measure of the Holy Spirit, God will honour her ardent desire; for He is seriously seeking for such passionate worshipper.

Kathryn Kuhlman said " I don't think l am God's first choice for this ministry' I guess when there was no man available to pay the price for the unction and ministry', the mantle fell on her.

God demonstrated this truth at the resurrection of our LORD Jesus Christ
 He told His disciples of his resurrection. But a woman earnest desire to see her Saviour risen gave her the awesome privilege of seeing Him before He had gone to the Father.

The desires of a man/ woman's heart will surely draw Heaven's attention to them.
There are callings by predestination but there graces, anointings released by God on a believer as a result of desire and concern for His Kingdom. 
The issue of passive husbands (especially Believers) is on the increase in this generation.  

We see the issue of more women taking over the pulpit ministry with their individualistic pursue of success in the woman ministry while the husband also struggles to fulfill his divine mandate.

 What was ordained to be a joint pursuit as a Christian couple has become two persons in a marriage relationship pursuing their different calling, which may be in different direction 

One reason God called a woman along with her husband in the same ministry is so that they can spend more time together than apart.

Ministry work has the tendency to separate a couple but if they are jointly pursuing the call of God, they spend more them together in each other company and the bond of love between them becomes stronger.


A L. Hephzibah


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