1. A BELIEVER: You become one by faith in Jesus Name. You enjoy God's blessings on the righteoness of The Christ and not on your own benefits. You may never have a personal encounter with God and His Spirit yet enjoy the blessings of healing, prosperity, power, fame on the ticket of Jesus by your faith in His name.

You can also perform signs and wonders in His name even if you don't honour Him by your life style.  

2. A SON: You have the right of sonship by faith in Jesus Name and you are certified a true son when you are led by The Spirit of Christ. 

You recognise your spiritual inheritance of having the nature of God and walking in dominion as Him. You walk in the consciousness.and reality of being joint heir with Christ.

3. A DISCIPLE: You are a student and.a.follower of Jesus Christ teachings and way of Life. Learning from Christ and obeying His teaching is important here. In this spiritual status ; learning and obedience is important. 

But you can follow the Teachings of Christ by the Law and not by your heart and the Spirit.

You know everything the Christ said and did and you follow in His step.

4. A SERVANT OF JESUS CHRISTt: Your willing deliberate choice is needed in stewardship. As a Servant of Jesus Christ, you recognise Him as your Master and make a consecration to do and carry out His Bidding for the rest of your Life. 

You don't initiate anything rather you wait to receive instructions from your Master Jesus Christ. Waiting on your Master and obeying instructions is important for a Servant of The Christ. You live to please your Master.

5. A FRIEND OF JESUS CHRIST: Communication with feedbacks, fellowship and intimacy are the key terms in this status. It is also a relationship by choice. It is initiated by you by your mindset, attitudes and actions.

The state of your heart is important, it must resonant with that of the Christ concerning His Kingdom. You must be winning to obey Him and live to give Him pleasure.

You must also learn to involve Him in every aspect of your life. Secrets are shared by both parties. You can tell the LORD secrets of your heart that you may never reveal to anyone else. And our King also share the same with you.

Intimacy and fellowship is paramount here. attention and spending time with each other is also a feature of this status.

6. A BOND SLAVE OF JESUS CHRIST: Sacrifice, self denial, ownership, living solely and strictly for the pleasure of Jesus Christ are the keys for this level of relationship.

You are no longer in charge of your life. You live at the call of the Saviour in everything. Your whole life, property is willing, deliberately, cheerfully given to the LORD because He bought you at a price. He is the owner of your life and He responsible for every aspect of your life. You are His responsibility for Life.

Your desire is to please your owner. The desire of your owner becomes your desire. 

You are rich as your owner! Jesus Christ. because the financial status of the master must reflect in the life of His slave. 

The left- over food from a rich man table is different from the crumbs from a poor man sink.

7. YE ARE gODS - This is one of the most dangerous stage a man can attain in the spirit.. This is the state that birthed ordinary men becoming dieties and gods worshipped by other men. 

Philippians 2 said about our LORD Jesus Christ " Though He is God, He took the stature of. Servant.... 
None of the Apostles and Disciples of our LORD Jesus Christ used this status though it was available to them. They consciously chose to walk in the other status and manifest this dimension only in the manifestation of God's power.

And they always ensure, the acts point men to Jesus Christ and not themselves.

A.L. Hephzibah


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