Natural Corporate Account in the Spiritual Realm
One of the most profound statement made in the Book of Life is

 ' Though ye are god's, you shall die as mere men.' King Solomon , one of the wiser man that ever lived made the following statement ' I see an evil under the Sun, slaves ride on horses while kings walked'.

The Almighty , who is benevolent and kind and so secure in His identity made man in His image and likeness. He made the soons of men to resemble Him and reflect His glory. And in making Man/woman, he deposited in their corporate account all the authority, wisdom, knowledge, understanding and power they need through all generations to truly reflect His glory.

This Almighty is worth of all praises and worship forever.

"The Almighty call YAHWEH ( May His Holy Name be blessed forever) 
The Elohim HIMSELF (May His Name be blessed forever)
The Maker of The Heavens and The Earth (May His Name be blessed forever)
The Father of our KORD Jesus Christ ( May His Name be blessed forever)
The Ruler of the King's of The Earth (May He reign forever)
The All knowing, ALL powerful God ( May His Name be hallowed forever)
The First and The Last ( May His Name be blessed Forever)
The Alpha and Omega ( May His Name be blessed forever)
The KING of ALL kings  ( May His Name be praised forever)
Jesus Christ , The Reigning King in the Earth, The Heavens and in all The Universe ( May Christ Name reign forever)
Jesus Christ who authority over ALL Men and God ' Creation ( May His Name reign forever)
We Worship you YAHWEH
The Earth is Yours Forever
The Government of The Earth is on your Shoulder
You reign and rule forever
No one can deliver from your hand
No one can kill, destroy what you have preserve 
You have preserve and bless me and my family forever
No being or things created by you or men can harm, hurt or curse us forver.
We are your sand worship you forever.

Every believer in Christ has an account opened on their behalf from the foundation of the Earth. Before you were born, you were given a cheque with your name   On this cheque is your identity as a Man or Woman written and your are expected to write what dimensions of the God who created you on this cheque and present this cheque in the counter of Life ' 

 And the account name is ' Any man/woman born of a woman through the seed of Man who dwells on earth.

The account beneficiaries of this account is the son of Man  and in the account is every financial blessing you could ever wanted as man. The only signatories to this account is the Almighty and You. And the Almighty had already signed all the blank cheques He gave to every man or woman who ever lived or will ever live on the earth with His statement in Genesis 2:28 " Be fruitful, multiple and replenish the earth 

The question is why are some man poor and so men rich. The reason is: They refuse to attest their signatory to the blank cheque in their hands. Because the the Constitution of the Universal given to humanity says in section Eccl 5 subsection 9, the produce of the Earth is For ALL. Even Kings who are the Most privileged set of humans on the earth  depends on these produces on the Earth to become rich .

"Moreover the profit of the earth is for all: the king himself is served by the field." Eccl. 5:9

So the first Corporate invisible account given to every believer is what can be called the NATURAL CORPORATE ACCOUNT 

 It was opened by God for every man, woman, boy and girl born through a woman and by the seed of a man into the Earth. What are the deposits of God in these account for all humanity:

1. Fruitfulness, Increase and Dominion -Genesis 1:26-27
2. Rulership over all that God has created Psalm 8:5-8

"You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor. You made them rulers over the works of your hands; you put everything under their feet: all flocks and herds, and the animals of the wild, the birds in the sky, and the fish in the sea, all that swim"

3. Everything that can be seen and that is visible is under the feet of man. Psalm 8

This is why the  President of  a nation can single- handedly declare war against  another nation and no one can stop him. They must have supreme weapons, expertise and human capital than the leader who declared war to stop him. God has placed in the Corporate account of every man on the face of the earth for the number of days they live the following:  Dominion, power, glory, majesty, and rulership.

Why do some poessess these blessings and others  have not heard of it or posseess it because of ignorance, carelessness  and false contentment with very little 

:WHY is it that a few Believer/ Christian are among the top riches and most influential  persons in the Earth and even  these few are not in control of the essential elements needed to sustain humanity.

After most Christians are converted from their sins and saved, they believed that God has ordained that they become second citizens in Earth. They unconsciously placed themselves in  the marginalised  people in terms of governemnetal representation in Societal  Laws, and policies. Whole laws and policies are made against the beliefs of their The Faith and excerpt they fight on their knees, they have little political power to change laws in their favour 

Also some  believe that once they become born again, their mental powet  should be stored in a vault until they get to heaven where they longer need  it.  They  believe that the world is filled with corruption and believers cannot survive adequately in the World system without yeilding to the power of corruption. 

The LORD has this to say to such believers today. 

'Children of the Most High;  arise from your slumber and meropic  mindset. Get a paradigm shifts in your thinking system.

The same God that Joseph, the son of Jacob and the seed of Abraham worshipped and served is the same God of our LORD Jesus Christ, may His glorious Name be praised for ever.

Joseph was a Prime Minister in charge of every resources in a Nation that was World power in his generation.. in that Era;  Eygpy was a World power at that time. Other nations pay tribute to Eygpt 
Joseph invented a farming system technology that produced Food that sustained the World for a period of fourteen years 

Through the wisdom that Joseph got from God, he made Eygpt the richest and most powerful nation on Earth., ( Eygpt was a pagan  nation that did not believed in the God Joseph worshipped).

Pharaoh, the King of Eygpt became the Most powerful King on the Earth. WHY?.

A pagan became the most powerful King in the Earth because the people of God in the form of the eleven sons of Jacob, the seeds and descendants of Abraham; the friend of God were too busy been jealous  of Joseph.

God gave one of the Sons of Jacob a dream that would have made the children of God, World power overnight. He gave Joseph a dream that will sustain the entire  world in the future 
But when Joseph brothers heard about the dreams, what did they do. They became jealous of Joseph and planned  on how to kill him instead of helping  himachieve the dream that would have caused  the World to come and serve their God. 
The World would have known Yahweh as the only true God who created mankind  and crowned them with Glory.

So because the Church of God in the generation of Jacob and Joseph was not ready to support their brother chosen to become the Prime Minister of the World in that generation: God had to take His divine agenda to a King who worshipped idols and made this King,. World power because the Church of God is busy chasing the mundane things that will not last beyond a generation and forget that everything should be for YAHWEH AND THROUGH YAHWEH 

So Joseph a Child of God saved the World but it was Pharaoh, an idol worshipper (who worshipped the demons in the Nile River ) that received the applausds of other Nations as the Saviour of the World.

When God, the creator of Heaven and Earth had said   that Saviours MUST ARISE FROM ZION WHICH IS THE CITY OF THE LORD 

We should check out History when God wanted to judge the Earth yet preserve Creation, he raised a man called Noah. Though the whole Earth perished, Noah survived because He and his family agreed with God to carry out divine agenda. Therefore the excellence of glory went to YAHWEH, because the family of Naoh and the animals coooperated with the Man, God has chose to do His Will in that generation.. They did not make any attempt to kill their father; Noah as Jospeh's  brother chosen to want to kill their brother 

What was the consequences of the wicked and envious actions of Joseph, eleven brothers. Their descendants became slaves in the land of Egypt for 400 years and it took divine intervention for the children of God not to be wiped out completely as seen in the complete darkness that covered the earth in Genesis 1:1 which was a sign of a earth that was destroyed because God could find no one 

But we see King Solomon in his generation who yielded his mind to God so much that The World bow at His feet and heard the Name of the God that his father and fore -father served 

The Word of Life has this to say about King Solomon wealth and influence in 1 Kings 10:23-29 

"King Solomon was greater in riches and wisdom than all the other kings of the earth. The whole world sought audience with Solomon to hear the wisdom God had put in his heart. Year after year, everyone who came brought a gift —articles of silver and gold, robes, weapons and spices, and horses and mules. Solomon accumulated chariots and horses; he had fourteen hundred chariots and twelve thousand horses, which he kept in the chariot cities and also with him in Jerusalem. The king made silver as common in Jerusalem as stones, and cedar as plentiful as sycamore-fig trees in the foothills. Solomon’s horses were imported from Egypt and from Kue—the royal merchants purchased them from Kue at the current price. They imported a chariot from Egypt for six hundred shekels of silver, and a horse for a hundred and fifty. They also exported them to all the kings of the Hittites and of the Arameans."

God wants His Children to show those who do not know that the Earth is His and the fullest therein, the World and all who dwells in Him 

But who will stand and say ' I don't want to build a dynasty for my self rather l want the NAME of Jesus Christ to be glorified all over the World.

  I want the God of our LORD JESUS CHRIST to be known as The Creator of the Heavens and The Earth and Him only should be worshipped instead of humanity believing THE LIE .

What is The LIE that Satan has been selling for all these generations 

The LIE is that Man should worship the creature instead of the Creator 

"They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen." Romans 1:25


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