Chapter Six
A  Believer & His Utterance
Derek Prince, one of the well -known British preachers who had an unusual anointing for deliverance  said that Old Testament Saints performed all the same miracles performed by our Master Jesus Christ: ( they healed the sick, walked on water, raised the dead). But none of these saints delivered anybody from demons  excerpt the attempt made by the ministry of  David. The ministration of David gave temporary relieve to king Saint when the tormenting  demon of  depression and fear attacked him. The demons leave rthe King during David's ministration but returned to torment Saul when the song ended.

It is ONLY, the name of our LORD Jesus Christ that can set the captives free, it is ONLY His name that defeated the Devil and keep the Devil defeated  forever. Revelation 12 revealed that Michael ( an Archangel in the Kingdom of God) and his angels were stronger than Satan and his demons. And the news is that Satan and his demons is still not strong enough for Michael and his angels. 
The Good News is: The Believer is also stronger than Satan and his demons But The Weapon of  Our  Victory Over Satan Is The Blood Of The Lamb. 

"Then I heard a loud voice shouting across the heavens, “It has come at last— salvation and power and the Kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Christ. For the accuser of our brothers and sisters has been thrown down to earth— the one who accuses them before our God day and night. And they have defeated him by the blood of the Lamb and by their testimony. And they did not love their lives so much that they were afraid to die.
Revelation 12:8-11 NLT

The Old Testament Saints could not deal with demons though they have the anointing of the Holy Spirit  come on a few of them. Why?  it is Jesus Christ, The LORD who defeated principalities and power and made an open show of them; triumphing over them and bringing their powers to nothing.  ( Colossians 2:15)

Therefore anytime we proclaim 'In the Name of Jesus Christ" to Satan and his demons; they obey  instantly. But you must know they don't obey you on your merit rather they obey Jesus Christ who you can't see. The demons can see in the invisible realm  as you call His Name; whenever you call a man's Name, then the Man must answer to his name.

A man's name is his person and identity. Men/women of the Occultic world and even some  anointed Minister of the Gospel practise this principle of using a man's name to control him and even introduced sin and diseases into his life. Occultic people speak incantations to conjure or command the soul of a man to appear before them and they do this by calling the man/women's name.  Some minister of the Gospel practise this now and believe it is scriptural. Some present the argument that The LORD called the name of Lazarus from the grave and spoke words to his dead body and the dead responded to the words of Jesus Christ. Lazarus case was a miracle what Ministers practise today is witchcraft and manipulation and control. They are two different cases that seem alike.

Let's give an example on how a Sorcerer can use words to cause accident and death.  A sorcerer may stand in his room and speak the following words: placing curse on a doctor to cause the death of patients in his clinic. 
' Dr. Luke, Dr Luke, Dr. Luke ( The Sorcerer speaks out) Wherever you are presently, l call you forth 

In some cases, the image of Dr. Luke appears before the sorcerer. At other times, the Sorcerer will see directly into the spirit realm what DR. Luke is doing at that moment. The words can also be unspoken thoughts of the sorcere, it can also be his imagination. They don't have to be spoken before they become a reality. It depends on the agreement between the sorcerer and the devil. The Sorcery continues with casting spells through incantations:
" Dr. Luke as you work in the hospital tomorrow, ten patients will die in your clinic, one in the operating room and the remaining nine patients will die after you have treated them and they are no longer a patient in your hospital. 

Truly, Dr. Luke will perform an operation on an  innocent victim who is supposed to have a successful operation and the patient will die during the operation ( excerpt a counter command  checkmate the pronouncement of the sorcerer ) Probably a man of authority especially a Christian has spoken over the patient 'successful operation'. Why did the patient succumbed to that disease. A sorcerer killed him/ her by speaking evil and death into Dr. Luke's name and hands.

This is what actual happened in the spirit realm. Immediately the sorcerer use divination through incantations to speak death to the hands of Dr. Luke, the demon of error and mistakes;  the spirit of death are immeduatepy released against Dr. Luke by his name and the demon has been given specific instructions by a sorcerer.  The instructions given to the demon of error, mistake and untimely death is that someone who attends Dr. Luke hospital must die at the operating room and ninebother patients  die after they have received treatment and are healed.

These demons follow the words of the sorcerer and go to Dr. Luke' s hospital. There will be a head demon, that is the demon who is in charge of this particular operation issued and authorised by the sorcerer and under the leadership of this lead demon will be the demon of mistake and error, the demon of wrong prescription, the demon of temporary relieve from disease, the demon of untimely death, and other demons to make the operation successful. It is noted that when our LORD Jesus Christ cast out demons; he did by identifying them by their present actions ( symptoms) in the lives of their victims.

"While they were going away, a mute, demon-possessed man was brought to Jesus. And when the demon was driven out [by Jesus], the mute man spoke; and the crowds wondered in amazement, saying, “Never before has anything like this [miracle] been seen in Israel.” But the Pharisees were saying, “He casts out the demons by [the power of] the ruler of demons.”
Matthew 9:32‭-‬34 AMP
 Our LORD Jesus Christ though God did not called demons special names. Rather demons were named by the problems they caused in the lives of the oppressed who is a victim.
"Then a demon-possessed man who was blind and mute was brought to Jesus, and He healed him, so that the mute man both spoke and saw.
Matthew 12:22 AM

In the case of Dr  Luke and his Hopsital, the Lead demon in that operation may be a spirit of death because the command issued by the sorcerer is ultimately death. God patterned the Scriptures in such a way that a Bible passages can give further understanding on another Bible passage. Let us study one of the Most favourite Curses Paslm of King David.
Study of Psalm 109.
In the past; I was a part of a prayer group that often uses Psalm 109 to pray against any opposition to the live of the leader of the Prayer and their family. In one case, a governor in power decided to persecute the leadership for not supporting his second time in office. The persecution against the Leader of the prayer was severe and we used Psalm 109 to pray against this governor. The tenure of this particular governor ended in shame and the governor died.

This is the power of curses spoken either  by Christians or a Sorcery. Curses are potent forces in the hands os any body and they can either be 
"God of all my praise, don’t stand silently by, aloof to my pain, while the wicked slander me with their lies. Even right in front of my face they lie through their teeth. I’ve done nothing to them, but they still surround me with their venomous words of hatred and vitriol. Though I love them, they stand accusing me like Satan for what I’ve never done. I will pray until I become prayer itself. They continually repay me with evil when I show them good. They give me hatred when I show them love. Show him how it feels! Let accusing liars be raised up against him, like Satan himself standing right next to him. And let him be declared guilty by a wicked judge. May even his prayers be seen as sinful! Shorten his life and let another replace him! Make his wife a widow and his children orphans! Let them wander as beggars in the street, like homeless vagabonds, evicted from their ruins! Let the creditors seize his entire estate, and strangers, like vultures, take all that’s left! Let no one be kind to him by showing pity to his fatherless children! May all his posterity die with him! Cut down his family tree! And may all the sins of his ancestors be recorded, remembered before you, forever! Cut off even the memory of his family from the face of the earth, because he never once showed love or kindness to others, but persecuted the poor, the brokenhearted, and afflicted ones, even putting them to death! Since he enjoyed cursing them, may all his curses now come raining back on him until it all overwhelms him with misfortune! Since he refused to bless others, God, withhold every single blessing from him! Bitterness, such vile vindictiveness, was upon everything he did. Cursing was his lifestyle. So smother him now with his own curses as his just reward. This will be the Lord’s punishment upon him and all my lying accusers who speak evil against me. But now, O Yahweh-God, make yourself real to me like you promised me you would. Because of your constant love and your heart-melting kindness, come be my hero and deliver me! I’m so broken, needy and hurting. My heart is pierced through and I’m so wounded. I’m slipping down a dark slope, shaken to the core, and helpless. All my fasting has left me so weak I can hardly stand. Now I’m shriveled up, nothing but skin and bones. I’m the example of failure and shame to all who see me. They just walk by me, shaking their heads. You have to help me, O Lord God! My true hero, come to my rescue and save me, for you are loving and kind. Then everyone will know that you have won my victory, and they will all say to the Lord, “You have finished it!” So let them curse me if they want, but I know you will bless me! All their efforts to destroy me will fail, but I will succeed and be glad. So let my Satan-like accusers fail! Make them look ridiculous if they try to come against me. Clothe them with a robe of guilty shame from this day on! But I will give my thanks to you over and over, and everyone will hear my lavish praises. For you stand right next to the broken ones as their saving hero to rescue them from all their accusers!
Psalms 109:1‭-‬31 TPT

Principles Governing Curses
"It is totally out of place to promote and honor a fool, just like it’s out of place to have snow in the summer and rain at harvest time. An undeserved curse will be powerless to harm you. It may flutter over you like a bird, but it will find no place to land. Guide a horse with a whip, direct a donkey with a bridle, and lead a rebellious fool with a beating on his backside!
Proverbs 26:1‭-‬3 TPT.

King Solomon is one of the wiset King who ever walked on the Earth. Some Bible passage regarded him as the wisest and richest King but l guess they did not put into account the fact that The LORD is a King and lived and worked on the face of the Earth. Jesus Christ is the wisest King.

King Solomon said that curses can either be deserved or undeserved. Proverbs 26:1 stated that it is out of place' to promote a fool. Who is a Fool' a fool's first definition is he does not believe that there is a Supreme Being called 'Elohim- the God who made the heavens.and the Earth. A Fool is his own God and he/she is not accountable to the Laws of God. Solomon says that is is abnormal to promote such a person: it is against the ethics of wisdom to promote a man/woman who is not guided and controlled  by any  rules of the human society. It is like giving a lottery win yo a man who is devoid of any financial knowledge. The man will swindled this free gained wealth. Why? Such does not have the capacity and common sense to retain the money received, therefore the money will develop wings and fly away to landi in the hands of a man who can adequately manage this fund.

In the same vein, King Solomon is saying 'giving honour( a position of authority) to a man without :
A person with poor judgment or little intelligence. ( Dictionary) 
"What are fools according to the Bible? A fool is someone who refuses to listen to wisdom or learn from discipline. Failing to fear God or respect the rules of reality, they repeat their folly much like a dog returns to its vomit." ( A Fool according to the Bible. www

It is also naturally impossible to have snow during summer and rain at harvest season. Snow is ordained by God to come during winter. The LORD set seasons in place by His Supreme Command, snow must emerge during winter and rain must come during harvest season.

It is the same command of God that states that a Curse without a Cause should never be operational in the life of any being. And this principle is applicable to both the Christian and the non Christian. Eveuls words muct never be spoken against another human being without a legal reason, ground for it. If a curse should land in you and be effective, then there must be a reason for the curse to be in place 

The effectiveness of curses was solidified by the first statement of King Solomon. He said you don't promote Fools. You don't put fool's in the place and positions of honour. Snow is never seen in summer and rainfall is never seen in harvest. If a foolish person is promoted to a Genesisposition of honour, snow is seen in winter and rains falls in harvest, then a supernatural forces as engineered it 
Curses should never never land on a Christian or any man without a tangible reason.

The First Curse in the Bible.
Cause of The Curse
But the Lord God warned him, “You may freely eat the fruit of every tree in the garden— except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. If you eat its fruit, you are sure to die.”  The woman was convinced. She saw that the tree was beautiful and its fruit looked delicious, and she wanted the wisdom it would give her. So she took some of the fruit and ate it. Then she gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it, too. At that moment their eyes were opened, and they suddenly felt shame at their nakedness. So they sewed fig leaves together to cover themselves.
 Genesis 2:16‭-‬17 NLT 3:6‭-‬7 NLT

The Curse
Then the Lord God said to the serpent, “Because you have done this, you are cursed more than all animals, domestic and wild. You will crawl on your belly, groveling in the dust as long as you live. And I will cause hostility between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring. He will strike your head, and you will strike his heel.” Then he said to the woman, “I will sharpen the pain of your pregnancy, and in pain you will give birth. And you will desire to control your husband, but he will rule over you.” And to the man he said, “Since you listened to your wife and ate from the tree whose fruit I commanded you not to eat, the ground is cursed because of you. All your life you will struggle to scratch a living from it. It will grow thorns and thistles for you, though you will eat of its grains. By the sweat of your brow will you have food to eat until you return to the ground from which you were made. For you were made from dust, and to dust you will return.”
Genesis 3:14‭-‬19 NLT

The first curse on was pronounced by the Almighty Himself, and this curse was placed in the first man and his seeds.
I asked The LORD: Father why allow the seed of the man to suffer for the disobedience they did not partake of in the first instance. It was Adam and his wife who disobeyed you, why not restrict the consequences of their diwobedint to them.
 The LORD answered: The Seeds of Adam will partake of the disobedient of Adam. I have given Adam and his wife the authority to produce seed after their kinds. The sinful rebellious nature has been introduced into Adam soul by his interaction and partnership with Satan. Adam's turning against God's command and accepting the lies of the Devil invited the Devil into his life. Therefore the children of Adam is bound to follow in their father's step 

This was tested and confirmed with the case of Cain who chose to kill his brother Abek out of jealousy instead of choosing to do what his brother did to receive the approval of God. He decided to eradicate the influence of his brother from the Earth.

Morseo, if the descendants of Adam had bot be allowed to partake of the sins of Adam, redemption would not have been possible. It would have been almost impossible for the descendants of Adam to partake of the righteouness of God through His Son Jesus Christ. 

Sin entered the human race through the rebellion of one Man- Adam. Righteouness also was Authorised to enter the human race through the obedience of one Man- Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

Moreover, Adam and Eve exposed themselves to the rebellious nature of God. They agreed to ursurp God's authority and establish their own authority by listening to Satan and obeying his command. Their disobedient went beyond just violating my rules. Rather they chose to violate my command because they wanted to be in authority as l am. They wanted to be equals with me and live independent of me
 They attempted to usurp my authority. Their rebellion.ust be immediately punished because of other creatures especially the holy angels. If they are not punished , the Enemy will accuse me of been unfair and unjust 

There is a realm you enter as a man in my Cosmo, that your actions is not a matter of right and wrong but a matter of your intentions and motives for doing what you did.  When a learned Priest touched the Ark of my Covenant, l killed him immediately because he should have known better.

But when David, a young lad.ate of the bread consecrated to me in the temple, he was not judged because his intention was preservation and the priest Authorised to teach my law did not presented him from eating the bread. Eventually, the priest was killed by King Saul. Somebody still thdied for the violation but it was not the innocent David.

When King Saul offered Sacrifices in my temple though he was not the High Priest, he did not died immediately because nobody stopped him, the priest present did not guard my presence by atippi g an unauthorised person fro.offering me sacrifice but the High PriestSamuel defended my name by judging King Saul.

When Uzziah violated his position as king and came i to the temple to offer me sacrifices, the priest tried to stop him because what he did was unauthorised and his judgement was instant.

The First Curse 
The first Curse was a deserved curse and it has stated for all generations because the Cause of that curse is rebellion against the established order by God. The descendants of Adam are still doing the same thing that Adam did: they still live in direct violation against the order of God.

The Christian is excepted from the consequences of Adam's rebellion because by faith in Christ Jesus, they Believer in His Name is alienated from the sinful nature( the nature that delights to rebel against God and His Commands). Each Child of God receives the nature of Jesus Christ: they have this inerr desire to live a life that is pleasing to God in all things at all times. Satan still comes to tempt the Christians to do evil and rebel against God
 But this is a temptation - an enticement to rebel against God's command, the believer has the ability and power to say No at all times. No temptation is greater than your power to say No. For every temptation there is a aliable power to say No and say Yes to the voice of your conscience and the Holy Spirit within you.

Adam and Eve disobeyed and a pronouncement of pain and hardship was uttered against them and their children. This was the first curse.

How Was The First Curse Reversed
The same way the first curse was placed on the man is the same method used to reverse and removed the curse on those who believe in Jesus Christ. The curse of hardship, toiling, pains at child birth and desire for his and by the woman is only reversed in Christ Jesus. As many who refuses to receive Jesus Christ as their Saviour are still under the hold of these I itial curses stated in Genesis 3.

The Second Man Cursed
The second man Cursed in the Bible is the first son of Adam called Cain. The Lord pronounced this curse on Cain by Himself. Cain did not sin against God rather Cain harmed his brother Abek by killing him and God pronounced judgement on Cain for this action. The evil nature introduced to Adam has been passed on to his son and the son has carried out a worse action than their father Adam
" Abel also brought a gift—the best portions of the firstborn lambs from his flock. The Lord accepted Abel and his gift, but he did not accept Cain and his gift. This made Cain very angry, and he looked dejected. “Why are you so angry?” the Lord asked Cain. “Why do you look so dejected? You will be accepted if you do what is right. But if you refuse to do what is right, then watch out! Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master.”
Genesis 4:4‭-‬7 NLT"

The Lord saw sin in Cain before the actual act of killing his brother. The LORD warned him about mastering sin instead of allowing sin to control him. Obviously Caub did not hees to the voice of warning and eventually sin over powered him. I'd he had listed to the LORD when the sin in his heart was just anger and jealousy, he would have avoided the curse. But he did not listed ed therefore he suffered.

The Curse on Cain
But the Lord said, “What have you done? Listen! Your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground! Now you are cursed and banished from the ground, which has swallowed your brother’s blood. No longer will the ground yield good crops for you, no matter how hard you work! From now on you will be a homeless wanderer on the earth.”
Genesis 4:10‭-‬12 NLT

Men Cursed in The New Testament
Now, there was a man who lived there who was steeped in sorcery. For some time he had astounded the people of Samaria with his magic, boasting to be someone great. Everyone, from the least to the greatest among them, was dazzled by his sorcery, saying, “This man is the greatest wizard of all! The divine power of God walks among us!” For many years everyone was in awe of him because of his astonishing displays of the magic arts.
Acts 8:9‭-‬11 TPT
Even Simon believed and was baptized! Wherever Philip went, Simon was right by his side, astounded by all the miracles, signs, and enormous displays of power that he witnessed. When Simon saw how the Holy Spirit was released through the laying on of the apostles’ hands, he approached them and offered them money, saying, “I want this power too. I’m willing to pay you for the anointing that you have, so that I also can lay my hands on everyone to receive the Holy Spirit.” Peter rebuked him and said, “Your money will go with you to destruction! How could you even think that you could purchase God’s supernatural gift with money? You will never have this gift or take part in this ministry, for your heart is not right with God. Repent this moment for allowing such wickedness to fill you. Plead with the Lord that perhaps he would forgive you the treachery of your heart. For I discern that jealous envy has poisoned you and binds you as a captive to sin.” Simon begged, “Peter, please pray to God for me. Plead with him so that nothing you just said over me may come to pass!”
Acts 8:13‭, ‬18‭-‬24 TP

Deserved CURSES are those negative pronouncement done either by the LORD or man that is deserved by the recipeinets
 It means the recipeinets of the curse carried out an action that necessitated that curse  The Curse is ascertained to be fulfilled because it has a legal landing: it is present because of.certain action. Ananias and Sapphira died because Apostle Pater spoke the words of Death against them. 

Effects of Curses

Our LORD Jesus Christ cursed a fig tree in Mark 11 and spoke to it ' May no one ever eat fruit from you again.”
The command of our LORD Jesus Christ to the fig tree was very specific. If no one will ever eat its fruit again, then it means that particular tree will be furitless.forever. Other fig trees in that  environment may grow and bear fruit but the cursed fig tree life span has been controlled by the spoken words of our LORD Jesus Christ.

And the specific spoke command to that tree is " BE FRUITLESS FOR LIFE" The next morning one of the Disciples gave the right heading to the pronounced words of the master; Peter proclaimed

"Peter remembered and said to Jesus, “Rabbi, look! The fig tree you cursed has withered!” Mark 11:21." 

The pronouncement of the LORD on the tree was a curse against the life span of the tree. If a very good and experienced farmer had saw the withered fig tree and decided to perform an experiment to restore the tree's fruitlessness.The efforts of the veteran farmer would have been done in futility. The words of a Man of authority has imprisoned the tree for life.

This is how a curse is pronounced against a person; a place, a territory, a city and even a nation; A person of authority speaks negative words against  a place, a person and the words goes to work immediately. You don't need to invite demons and evil spirits to work against you. As long as there are negative words spoken against you by a person or by yourself, the ministry of evil spirits are automatically activated against you.

These curses are like signals in the spirit realm, they attract Satan and his hordes to work against a person and a place. If you bind the demons and cast them out without cancelling or annulling the negative spoken words: the demons will return as long as the spoken words is still in place.

In the Book of Joshua, Joshua spoke words of curses against Jericho. Many years after Joshua''s death nobody could  rebuilt the walls of Jericho according to Joshua's words. 

 A King emerged and attempted to do so after many years. . The words Joshua spoke many years before the King was born were fulfilled exactly as Joshua spoke them. "At that time Joshua pronounced this solemn oath: “Cursed before the LORD is the one who undertakes to rebuild this city, Jericho: “At the cost of his firstborn son he will lay its foundations; at the cost of his youngest he will set up its gates.” So the LORD was with Hephzibah Abigaul, and her fame spread throughout the land.

In Ahab’s time, Hiel of Bethel rebuilt Jericho. He laid its foundations at the cost of his firstborn son Abiram, and he set up its gates at the cost of his youngest son Segub, in accordance with the word of the LORD spoken by Joshua son of Nun. I kings 16;34, Joshua 6:26-27

The question is: Did the King committed any sin to warrant the fulfillments of the curses? No!. But the king carried out the actuons that activated the curse and the curse was fulfilled in the king's life.

We cannot survive without the leading and help of The Holy Spirit, the Spirit of our LORD Jesus Christ.

Also, In 2 kings  2:24, Elisha demonstrated the power of a man anointed by Yahweh. While our LORD Jesus Christ is The Anointed One, we have men/women of God and believers  who are also.anointed of the LORD. 

Every man/woman who believes in the name of our LORD Jesus is an anointed minister of the Gospel. You don't see the effects of the anointing in your life because you don't believe in your own words and the anointing upon your life.

The words of an anointed Man of God either positive which is called a blessing or negative which is called a curse carries power for its fulfillment One of the cheapest way to get answered prayers is saying 'Amen' to the faith filled and Scriptural based prayers of an anointed Minister of the Gospel.

In 2 Kings 2, forty-two children mocked Elisah, a Servant of God on his balded head. And Elisah did not overlooked that offence rather he call ed a curse on them. And though the offender's were children, a bear responded and honoured the utterances of Elisah and came out of forest and killed the children.

'He turned around, looked at them and called down a curse on them in the name of the LORD. Then two bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the boys."

The same thing happened with Apostle Peter in Acts 5:1-10.
The words of Apostle Peter called forth the spirit of death out of its abode into the congregation of Believers  and this spirit took the lives of Ananias and Sapphira.

I advise you; be careful on how you relate with an anointed Man and be careful who you call your father in the LORD. If you call a man/woman of God your father and mother in the LORD; you have authorised them in the spirit realm to speak over your lives either good or bad.

They don't need your consent to speak over your life, your utterance that they are your spiritual parents is your giving them authority over you.
A person who visits an herbalist or false prophets for help has give these people complete control over their lives. Spiritual protocols are real. 

1. The power of death and life is in your tongue; be careful what you speak into your life and the lives of others  especially your children and husband.

2.  Learn never to confess the negative circumstances you see in your life, environment and even the nation. A man is ensnared by his words.
3. Be careful who you make the decisions to submit your life. Spiritual authority is very key to your success in life.
4.  Monitor negative repeated patterns in your life, environment and community. For example, l noticed that where my Business office is located, other business are short down or they barely make any business. I had visited this community before now and they had flourishing business. It means someone had spoken words of failure into that business community for demonic purposes.

You  must be very observant of  repeated negative patterns 

So if a Man of God happens to be the Pastor of one of the patients who patronised Dr. Luke's hospital, and he prayed that the member of his Church will have a successful operation but did not speak against the spirit of death. The patient will indeed have a successful operation but the patient may still die after the successful operation.




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