Modern Application 
Modern Application of The Good Samaritan Story.

The Good Samaritan Story is not just a story relevant in the days of our LORD Jesus, but the lessons from this story is needed now than ever in this present generations. 

Every Minister of the Gospel is appointed and anointed to become great in their callings, purpose and assignment. God does not measure greatness by how much you have done but greatness comes to you as you faithfully.  carry out your assigm ets in the Kingdom.

The High Priest of the Temple of The Most High God was alive in and in office when the boy Jesus Christ was presented in the day for dedication. But it was Simeon, the unknown man who walked with the Holy Spirit intimately that had the right and authority to carry the baby Jesus Christ and prophecy the child's future to Mary and Joseph.

How did Simeon found his way to the Temple and be at the exact location where he met with the baby Jesus without a religious title?

The Bible says the following about Simeon:

"At that time there was a man in Jerusalem named Simeon. He was righteous and devout and was eagerly waiting for the Messiah to come and rescue Israel. The Holy Spirit was upon him and had revealed to him that he would not die until he had seen the Lord’s Messiah.That day the Spirit led him to the Temple. So when Mary and Joseph came to present the baby Jesus to the Lord as the law required,"
Luke 2:25-27 NLT

The key to eternal relevance is revealed in these three Bible passages in Luke 2:25-27. This unknown man without any religious title had more time ght in the spiritual realm than the High preist with his raiments of priestly garment because he was a man who had a vibrant relationship with the Spirit of Christ.

You cannot have a vibrant realtionship with the Spirit of Christ and not know what The Christ is doing per time. Because The Christ said, the Holy Spirit will always take from what belongs to Him and reveal to those who care to listen for The Voice of The Spirit.

Prophet Simeon had a vibrant realtionship with the Spirit of Christ called The Holy Spirit and knew when Christ will be presented to the Temple by the same Spirit 

The Bible noted that The Spirit of Christ was on Simeon and the same Spirit led him to the Temple.

✓You can have a congregation of ten millions and Christ and His Holy Spirit will be absence. Many people gathered in the Temple when Caiaphas was the high preist yet The  Christ and His The Holy Spirit was absent.
✓ You can perform miracles and be the wealthiest Minister of the Gospel yet The Christ and His Spirit is  actively absent in your  Ministry. The Pool of Bethsaida was stirred up by an Angel and it offers miracle to people. God told Moses my angels will go with you and not MY PRESENCE.
It means the angels of God can bring deliverance, restoration etc. Yet God's PRESENCE I'd absent. Read Matthew 7:
“Be wary of false preachers who smile a lot, dripping with practiced sincerity. Chances are they are out to rip you off some way or other. Don’t be impressed with charisma; look for character. Who preachers are is the main thing, not what they say. A genuine leader will never exploit your emotions or your pocketbook. These diseased trees with their bad apples are going to be chopped down and burned.

 Don’t be impressed with charisma; look for character. Who preachers are is the main thing, not what they say. 

A genuine leader will never exploit your emotions or your pocketbook. These diseased trees with their bad apples are going to be chopped down and burned. 

“Knowing the correct password—saying ‘Master, Master,’ for instance—isn’t going to get you anywhere with me. What is required is serious obedience—doing what my Father wills. I can see it now—at the Final Judgment thousands strutting up to me and saying, 

‘Master, we preached the Message, we bashed the demons, our super-spiritual projects had everyone talking.’ And do you know what I am going to say? ‘You missed the boat. All you did was use me to make yourselves important. You don’t impress me one bit. You’re out of here.’
Matthew 7:15‭-‬23 MSG

✓ Administer of God was vibrant in the Christian Circle and in the Nation
✓ Probably some of His ways and teaching were wrong but yet He publicly proclaimed that He serve Jesus and He preached the Gospel.✓ Suddenly he disappeared from the season and he is no longer relevant. He has become a shadow if himself and his ministry is fading away like a diminished smoke 
✓ Fellow Ministers did not bother to pray about it. Rather they reasoned, it is one competition down. 
✓ Moreso, they reasoned. " That minister was bound to fail because he thought he will be at the top forever and some of his doctrines was weong
✓ Furthermore they reasoned,  The Season of his Church and his ministry is over. This is the season of our own ministry to be the foremost ministry and be at the top 

Then l present my strong argument why the Season to receive gn in the Kingdom for any Minister of the Gospel is not seasonal 

1. God called Abraham many thousands years ago. Today, Abraham is long died yet The New Testament Believers will not stop singing " Abraham' s blessing are mine"

2.. God visited Hannah in Shiloh with the promised son; Major Prophet called  Samuel. Today, many thousand years after " Many visit an annual event called "Shiloh" in Nigeria to receive miracles. Hannah is died but her story and her name is still relevant 

3. Sarah was barren, and then had a Son called Isaac, then she died and was buried. But Sarah's name and testimony is still relevant and in season. Apostle Paul said New Testament Believers should look up to Sarah, their mother in faith 

God said He will make His Childer and Minister eternal excellence in all generations. But because some Ministers fail to live for Christ and His purpose solely while alive, the Earth quickly wipe off their name, work and influy from its Tablets of History. On e such Ministers died, their names die with them 

The Body of Christ Jesus is ONE. When one Minister of God stop being relevant in his territory and the m we memory of his/her ministry fades away, it is not a good testimony for the Kingdom of God.

The failure of One Minister is Testimony for the Kingdom of Darkness that Christ'Soldiers can be captured and wounded.

We are ONE and must be our brothers keeper. When a true Minister of the Gospel is done and out, that is not the time to ask what he did wrong to be in that pitiable state.

It is not the time to partook or harvest the fading glory in his life while you walk on the other side of your destiny because you have other pressing matter to attend to in your ministry.

Rather, it is the time to go on your knees privately and pray for restoration of your brother that is down. 

✓We are not competitors in the Body of Christ
✓ We are not rivals in the Body of Christ
✓ No one is anointed to be The Great that other must bow down to worship before they can become relevant in his territory.
✓ We are all Brethen and a member of one Body.
✓ Some utlilzes their Calling and giftings so well that they become prominent than others 
✓ Your prominence is not a licence to make others slave, or desire that no one will be one as great as you.
✓ if you are the only Minister that has attain the level of greatest on your lifetime and generation, then you are a BIG FAILURE. God brought you higher so that you can lift others higher 
✓ In the Life time of our LORD Jesus Christ who is forever our perfect example, The twelve were casting out demons and healing the sick from the anointing in the life of our LORD Jesus .
✓ The Enemy find it difficult to know the true identity of who Jesus Christ is among His disciples and they needed a JUDAD to betray his identity with a kiss.
WHY, the (72) performed miracles just as The Christ did. Others who were not in the immediate company of Christ cast out demons in His Name 

Outlr LORD told the disciples when the reports if others performing miracles was brought to him. He said " They are for the Kingdom if they are not against the Kingdom.

Many Ministers will be  The "No 1" on earth and may not make the "No 10" list in Heaven. The LORD himself said " Many who are first will be last. Lazarus with wounds at the rich man gate had no relevance on earth but rested at Abraham' bosom in Heaven while the richest of the rich man did not save him from the fire 

May God give us more understanding in Jesus Name. 

May God help us all to do as He bids all the time in Jesus Name.

Abigail- Hephzibah.


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