Simeon, did not have a Book dedicated to his name in the Bible. He had only some Bible verses assigned to his deeds ( Luke 2:25-35) but he was obviously a man who walked with God and played a crucial role in the ministry of the Saviour on earth.

He was well-informed of God's agenda and the move of the Holy Spirit for his generation. He was kept alive by his purpose.

Death could not touch Simeon because the Holy Spirit kept him alive because of his relevance to Heaven's current move. Some Ministers of Gospel are living but dead to the present agenda and move of Spirit.

Though Simeon was an Old Testament Saint, he partook of  some of the realities in the New Testament.
- He carried the Saviour in his hands
- He prophecied the Saviour's future
- He had a relationship with the Holy Spirit.
- He could hear the Holy Spirit
- He was led by the Holy Spirit.

The Parallel Bible Commentary  wrote the following about Simeon.

"There was nothing special about Simeon that qualified him to take up the Christ child in his arms and bless him.

 To our knowledge he was not an ordained religious leader, and he had no credentials or special authority.
He was simply a " a just and devout" man who had a close walk with the Holy Spirit.

Simeon ( God hears) is an example of how God honours those who engage in lifetime of quiet prayer and constant watchfulness . 

Simeon was a man of patient faith, yet his wait for the Messiah must have seemed interminable"

1. Find out by asking the Holy Spirit God's purpose and plan for you in His Kingdom. Sometimes, this involves attending the right Church denomination. Stay where God called you even if no one blows your trumpet or appreciate your work.

Your service is unto God and He who sees what you do in secret will reward you openly.

2. Develop every skill you need to excel in your calling and remain faithful in it even if you don't yet have an international platform to display your calling.

 We work for Eternal rewards and not just for earthly temporary rewards. Seek for the praise that comes from God and not just men praise. 

3. God has a specific work and location for every believer in the Kingdom. If we all stay in our calling, the Kingdom of God will easily achieve its agenda on earth.

I pray God will help each of us to walk and obey the Holy Spirit as He guides you in the good of work of Christ Jesus.

A L. Hephzibah


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