The LORD said to him, “Go back the way you came, and go to the Desert of Damascus. When you get there, anoint Hazael king over Aram. Also, anoint Jehu son of Nimshi king over Israel, and anoint Elisha son of Shaphat from Abel Meholah to succeed you as prophet. Jehu will put to death any who escape the sword of Hazael, and Elisha will put to death any who escape the sword of Jehu. Yet I reserve seven thousand in Israel—all whose knees have not bowed down to Baal and whose mouths have not kissed him.”

The Bible states that The Spirit anointing and gifts was given to The Son of God, Our LORD Jesus Christ without measures but to every Believer it is given in measures. Likewise no single Church Demoniation has the Spirit without measure as The LORD Jesus Christ. Rather each Church Demoniation is given as the Spirit pleases. 

This is the reason why some ministries are very strong in certain anointing and manifestations of the Spirit than the others. 

We must also understand though the probability of a particular Denomination having in its midst: Prophets, Teachers, apostles, Evangelist and pastors, God has also graciously distributed the full measure of His essence in all Church Denominations that are true to their Calling. This is the basis of our archor scripture in 1 Kings 19:15

The Almighty, the King and God of The nation of Israel, His own people, His firstfruit Nation from the nations on the Earth told Elijah, the following profound truth for unity in the BODY of Christ .

Elisah has a sword, King Jehu has a sword and King Hazeal has a sword. The swords of these men are for one singular purpose: destroy the enemies of the Nation of Israel; each man sword is anointed by Jehovah, The Almighty to slain the Enemy of God which is the enemy of the Church 

But these men are placed in different strategic locations and occupied different offices though there purposes is ONE: fight against the enemies of God 

 But the LORD told Elijah who single handedly death with the Enemy of Israel to distribute the anointing that was upon him to these three men for they will continue with the work where he stopped  

The sword of Jehu may escape some enemies, just as the swords of Elisah and Hazeal. The plan of God is that whatever enemy escaped the sword of Jehu will not escape the sword of Elisah and Hazeal. And any enemy that escape the sword of Hazael will not escape the sword of Elisah and Jehu .

While The LORD through His Spirit can ensure that each Church denominations may have all the gifts of the Spirit dispersed in the lives of every believer in that Denomination. But the normal practise is that the different denominations which makes up the Church of Jesus Christ are The Brethen and should enjoy the corporate anointing in the Body of Christ 

In the first instant, a Church Denomination called " Ministry of Light " can have the fivefold ministries in its organisation. It means in this Church, there will be prophets, teachers, pastors, evangelist and prophets and there will be various ministers who have the Help ministries.

But experiences in the past has taught that though some Church demoniations may have all these five fold gifts of men/women in their midst, it is only the calling of the Set man that is amplified, visible and utilised. Though all these other Gifts are there, they usually operate as 'The help Ministry' and therefore do not discharge the full potential of their ministries. .
Some of the ministry gifts may be fortunate to have Denomination branches/parishes that enable them become the Resident Pastor of a branch of their Denomination but most times that is all they ever become. The Set-Man is usually the one who attempts to operate in the fivefold ministry 

We must also understand though the probability of a particular Denomination having in its midst: Prophets, Teachers, apostles, Evangelist and pastors, God has also graciously distributed the full measure of His essence in all Church Denominations that are true to their Calling. This is the basis of the opening scripture of this article.aa shown in 1 Kings 19:15

This is the foundation for the peculiarities in Church denomination. Apostle Paul said " l became all things that l might win some. 

For example: Church denomination (A ) says " Don't wear trouser based on Deut. 22.. while Church denomination (B) says wear trouser because when the instructions in Deut 22 was given; an Israel man' s clothing was a long robe/gown while the female also wear a different pattern of gown.

But whatever is the belief and the doctrines of any Denomination, the principle of modesty and helping your brother faith must be applied as stated in the book of Peter. So those sinners that the sword of ' No trouser' will not bring into the Kingdom will be brought in by those whose sword allows wear trouser into the Church 

The foundation for all ministry to The Father and Christ his Son is that Jesus Christ crucified, resurrected and reigning forever be preached to all men and women.

✓ The Church of Jesus Christ on earth will not achieve its mandate if men and women called into the fivefold ministries hidden in church Denominations are not set free to enter their offices without the fear that they will outshine the Set-Man or general overseer.  

✓It was Apostle Peter and Apostle John that healed the crippled man at the beautiful gate. 

✓ if Philips the man who serve tables had not been released through the persecution that rose against the Jerusalem Church, the City of Samaria that Jesus Church , The LORD started its take over through the Samaritan woman would not have been won. It's was not the Apostles that set Evangelist Philip free to the Samaria mission field. It was the persecution that rose against the Church that scattered the Brethen in the Jerusalem Church 

✓ if persecution has not sent men like Barnabas to the Land of Gentiles, Saul transformed to Apostle Paul may not have a mentor and a trusted brother who will speak on his behalf to the Jerusalem Church. 

✓ Train people and release them into their destiny. Do not place a curse of failure and frustration on people who leave your Church Denominations. They are still in the Kingdom, don't use your Anointing and giftings as a servant of God to destroy men and women that Christ had to lay down his life to save 

✓ Many men and women of God has sent thousands of Believers back to the world of sin because they left their Church Denominations. The unspoken curses in their hearts is if someone leaves their Denominations, then the person should lose all the blessings got while a.nember of their Church . Remember that God's gift and calling to you is without repentance while not extend the same mercy to others 

Abigail- Hephzibah


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