Most times, we make promises that we don’t fulfill. One of my goals for the year 2015 was writing and publishing a book, this is 2016, I have materials for the whole book yet no publication. I made a promise to myself but I was not faithful in keeping this promise. Whatever your case, I want to introduce you again to The JESUS, whose name is FAITHFUL.
 2 Timothy 2:13 says
Even when we are too weak to have any faith left, he remains faithful to us and will help us, for he cannot disown us who are part of himself, and he will always carry out his promises to us. 
God is awesome; I have never met a Being as kind, patient and understanding as Him. He is the epitome of kindness and his patience knows no bounds. He understands us more than we understand ourselves, He is your High Priest who understands how you feel and how it feels and easily empathise with you.
Your must know that your perception of God determines what you enjoy and receive from him; having the right perception, enables you to enjoys His best. In His Kingdom- ITS BE UNTO YOU ACCORDING TO YOUR FAITH not “As God wants, let Him do it, I am just His slave’’. He cares for you and wants the best for you. His promises are ‘Yes and Amen’. Once they are written in the Bible, its a signed Cheque that can be cleared at any counter of life and will ‘never never’ bounce. The question is ‘what do I have to do to enjoy God’s promises.
A man’s faith in anything either good or bad is the activator to bring them into fulfillment. Men who do not believe in Jesus Christ create awesome inventions that bless humanity because they believe they can; they refuse to accept the word ‘Impossible’ in their vocabulary, Christians believe in Christ yet cannot match unbelievers in terms of great exploits for planet earth. it is what you see and believe in that God brings to past. For many years, I have believed that God is a great provider (JEHOVAH JIREH) yet for those years I lived from hand to mouth. My seeming faith in God’s provision did not deliver its dividend; WHY? it was merely head knowledge not a persuasion. 
A persuasion in any issue will always produce result. Abraham was persuaded that the God who gave him Isaac can raise Isaac from the death, therefore he was willingly to offer Isaac as sacrifice to God. Persuasion is the catalyst for the miraculous. 
You must be fully persuaded that God’ word is real and not the imagination of some unsuccessful fishermen. Persuasion in a promise will cause you to tarry at the feet of that promise until it is fulfilled. You refuse to accept alternative, you don’t change your confession in the face of contradictory circumstances; you believe that God is committed to bringing His promises to past and you act it. You don’t believe and confess anything contrary to this promise no matter how real such appears. Your motto is “God said it, I believe it, I walk in it, I confess it, I work towards it, and that settles it. 
Isaiah 55:10-13
 Just as rain and snow descend from the skies and don't go back until they've watered the earth,
Doing their work of making things grow and blossom, producing seed for farmers and food for the hungry, 
 So will the words that come out of my mouth not come back empty-handed.
They'll do the work I sent them to do, they'll complete the assignment I gave them. 

 "So you'll go out in joy, you'll be led into a whole and complete life.
The mountains and hills will lead the parade, bursting with song.
All the trees of the forest will join the procession, exuberant with applause. 
 No more thistles, but giant sequoias, no more thornbushes, but stately pines — 
Monuments to me, to God, living and lasting evidence of God." 


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