I gazed at him
My heart full of warmth, sizzling current streaming within and without me
I looked at my beloved :And l thought Forever till death do us apart
I will ejaculate every waking moments in your hands filled with esctaay that you are mine forever!
I breathed in more slowly wanting to take all of him into me as l held his hands a little firmly

My thoughts would be ' how  to make you happy for the rest of your life
My dreams of you is always you at the top of your game, you becoming the Best the Creator ordained
My joy is formed when joy fills your realm

We become one today as the Creator has ordained
What is mine is yours! what is yours has become mine this day on
No more Me but you in Me
No more You  but me in You

Us made into ONE
Us formed for More
We United in All forever
My beloved!
See, how my Love will blanket you all your days.

Our DNA in our unborn, Is the proof that we have been made ONE this day!
What an ethereal whit
We are One, no one can break us apart!
You and l cannot be separated :Just as what is me in our child cannot be removed from what is you! 
Unison beyond human reasoning
Unfathomable ONENESS
Was all l was thinking
When the Priest echoed
" I now pronounced you husband and wife
What God has joined together: Let no being put asunder

Asunder! fly away to Netherland
When there are issues we need to resolve
Asunder!  hide your hideous face when we longer say ' I love as often as we should
Asunder! we bade you a stranger in our presence 
When the love making becomes a routine: An obligation that is used to relieve tension

No! No! Asunder you are not permitted
When my beloved husband's loves me more than the in-law envisaged.
Let no being put asunder is what we command
When my ears may  hear ' Z ' when my precious  husband says 'A', 

Oh my Maker: Pls my Maker
Remember your Son, Jesus Christ and His finished work for my joy
Remember He died  that l might enjoy all the blissfulness of your presence!
Remember, pls don't forget

For your Son, Jesus Christ  submitted to you willingly though He is God as you are
Help me to submit willing to my beloved 
When the success and applauds may want to make me forget you made my beloved husband my Head
My husband as my Leader is not a meritous  honour : You bequeathed it to him just as your Son submitted to you to  fulfill His mission on Earth
Let Christ always be set before me when the flow of your anointing caused all men and women to want to worship at my Feet

My beloved husband; oh my precious Stone
May my heart always be sizzling with fondness as l wake moment by moment by your side
May my body always be on fire and eagle to touch the handsomeness before ma as l gaze at your nakedness
May my mind be filled with adoration, no matter how little and how great your achievements
May my heart and my touch never gaze lustfully at another
But let my love always be for you!

LORD give me more
Much more than this with my beloved husband
Whom you have given me as a gift all lifelong!

Hephzibah Abigail


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