
The man walked through the village looking around like a stranger; and indeed he was truly one because this was his first visit to Oruogun village.

He walked slowly to the end of the path between the farmland and immediately saw a woman at the side of a hut (built with burnt brick) bathing her baby, he moved closer as if to walk pass the hut and took a closer look at the woman's child: It is a baby boy. 

Pure ecstasy was written on the woman' s face as she  tenderly bathe her baby whom was laid faced up on her legs stretched  on a big bowl of water.

 The stranger walked by shaking his head at the wonder of mother/ child love.

He saw a tree with ripe oranges and walked towards it when he heard the woman screamed " my baby, baby " 

The stranger turned and walked back towards the hut.

"Omo mi, omo mi," the woman was already on her feet looking around the environment. Soon the woman started wailing, with profuse tears running down her face.  

The stranger saw her ran into the hut, coming out almost immediately with her wrapper off and only in her long brown under- skirt with her Buba blouse. Her two hands were wrapped round her chest; she was followed by  a man and a young lady. 

"What happened," the man asked her?" 

She wiped the tears off her face, blew her nose and pointed at the bench she sat on some few minutes back, " I was washing his face and even singing to him when l don't know what happened, he just disappeared, he vanished  from my hands."

Aah, said the man and the young lady simultaneously. 

"Was anybody around, are you sure, you did not leave to get anything?" 

The man asked, quizzing the woman. " No, No," 
she shook her head looking around until her gaze  landed on the stranger, she kept on staring at the stranger, yet not acknowledging his presence;

"Nobody was around,  l was the only one"  she replied with a tearful voice and eyes, moving around the hut. 

Then  a scream was heard from the opposite direction.
"Help, help, help," a man shouted.
"Pls help me," he cried out, as other people came out from their huts and moved towards the voice crying for help. 

They saw Baba ibeji in his farm sweating profusely though it was morning
" I came to the farm this morning with Iya Taiye Kehinde and we were uprooting the weeds around the cassava when l noticed that I could not hear her voice anymore." 

Baba ibeji waved his right hand over the farm
"I looked around but the strange thing is that her clothing and cutlass is here," 

he pointed with his hands trembling at the Iro and buba folded neatly on the farm ground and the cutlass laid down with its sharp edge facing the floor:

"I have looked everywhere, l can't find her, Please help me, what strange God has taken my wife from me, we were talking, she was telling what happened at the church yesterday, when her voice ceased. I looked back and she had disappeared."  

"Please help me." the man cried out again.
But now, the stranger noticed screams, shouts from various quarters in the village. Missing people alert, confusions, tears everywhere.
Rapture Alert!
Are you thinking about it at all?

Abigail Hephzibah


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