
The issue of return to your First love in Christ  is paramount to the End Time Revival. 

Revival comes in different forms and shapes. The faith and prosperity revival the Church presently enjoys is a type of Revival prayed for by Christians in the past.. 

Usually revival takes the shape and desire of the individuals who prayed for their arrival when their prayers are not entirely  guided by the Holy Spirit.

This sort of Revival tends to have a diminishing impact when its pioneers stopped praying. Revivals started by prayers must be maintained and sustained by the same prayers. When the initial pioneers pass on to glory, another set of Revivalist must continue on their knees to sustain the Revival or usher in a new phase/ development for the Revival.

The Church has  Revivals of holiness whereby believers did not just believe in Christ but the Spirit of the Fear of the LORD was reigning in the life of every Christian.. In the era of Holiness revival which is still on-going;  the World sought for the services of believers in their organisations; because they could see that Christians live in the fear of the LORD.

Presently, the Church is clamouring for " REVIVAL RAIN' but few have taken the time to DEFINE IN CLEAR TERMS, WHAT TYPE OF REVIVAL, 

The Revival that will usher in the King of Kings is one whereby the Church who is the Bride of Jesus Christ will be glorious, without spot or blemish through the washing of water by THE WORD.( Ephesians 5:26-27)

It is a Revival whereby we will love God and Jesus Christ with  all hearts, Soul, mind and Strength and love our neighbours as ourselves .( Mark 12:29) It was the greatest commandment in the Old Testament and our LORD Jesus affirmed that it is still the greatest commandment in the New Testament. You either Give Your All in Loving Him or you don't give at all. Half measures is not allowed. This is the meaning of  Christian maturity.


It is not just a revival whereby the Church is populated by the World yet the image and likeness of the Christ is not formed in the congregants.

It is not a Revival whereby the Church has Men/Women of God who demonstrate the power of The Holy Spirit but the fruits of the Spirit is lacking in their personalities and behavioural patterns.

It is not a Revival whereby we are interested in becoming the richest and most populated Church but we are too lazy and selfish to disciple the people to be and remain like Christ. They look like us while we fail to be the exact representation and radaince of Jesus Christ, The Master. 

It is not a Revival whereby the Church wants to control the nation's of the World.and its politics but the leaders of the Church has strayed far from the pattern of leadership and lifestyle of Jesus Christ; the Perfect Leader and Master.

No! No! No! 

We do not want that kind of Revival. We want a Revival whereby we will be ONE as Christ and His Father are one.

We want a Revival whereby The Apostles, Prophets, Teachers, Evangelists and Pastor will use their gifts and anointing to build up the Saints in their jurisdiction so that they will attain the full stature of Jesus Christ; become mature Saints that are not tossed to and every winds of doctrine.

That is the kind of Revival we want and pray for: That is the Revival that will silent the Enemy of the Human Soul and make the Kingdom of Man the Kingdom of The Christ.

That is The Revival, we.identify as our need before the God who made the Heavens and the Earth and His Christ and the Holy Spirit.

That is the Revival we identify as my desire and this Revival will happen in our lifetime . The God who kept Simeon alive with prosperity and good health and in absolute devotion and holiness to see The Christ-( the Revival he desired and prayed for,) will by His mercy keep us and all that is ours  alive in holiness, purity, the fruit , power and the wisdom of the Holy Spirit coupled with prosperity and wealth in Jesus Christ mighty name  to see and experience and partake of this Revival Amen.

It was at this time that John the Baptizer began to PREACH in the desert of Judah. 

HIS MESSAGE was this:
 “Heaven’s kingdom is about to appear—so you’d better keep turning away from evil and turn back to God!”

 Isaiah was referring to John when he prophesied: 

I. (MANY) thunderous voice! One ( MANY) will be crying out in the wilderness,  ( Many must echo the message of repentance, transformation and dominion to usher in the King of Glory! ( The Name of Jesus Christ shall be praised forever)

“Prepare yourself for the Lord’s coming and level a straight path inside your hearts for him.” 

You must prove your repentance by a changed life. ( There must be evidence shown by a transformed life in character and mindset of your faith in Christ Jesus ) 

And don’t presume you can get away with merely saying to yourselves,

 ‘But we’re Abraham’s descendants!’ For I tell you, God can awaken these stones to become sons of Abraham!

Just becoming a member of a Church , and bearing a spiritual title will not save you. If you have met with The Son of Jesus Christ, then you must learn obedience the way Jesus Christ obeyed The Father by the help of the Holy Spirit.
Matthew 3:1‭-‬3‭, ‬8‭-‬9 TPT & Philippians 2:1-10.

It was at this time that John the Baptizer began to PREACH in the desert of Judah. 

HIS MESSAGE was this:
 “Heaven’s kingdom is about to appear—so you’d better keep turning away from evil and turn back to God!”

 Isaiah was referring to John when he prophesied: 

I. (MANY) thunderous voice! One ( MANY) will be crying out in the wilderness,  ( Many must echo the message of repentance, transformation and dominion to usher in the King of Glory! ( The Name of Jesus Christ shall be praised forever)

“Prepare yourself for the Lord’s coming and level a straight path inside your hearts for him.” 

You must prove your repentance by a changed life. ( There must be evidence shown by a transformed life in character and mindset of your faith in Christ Jesus ) 

And don’t presume you can get away with merely saying to yourselves,

 ‘But we’re Abraham’s descendants!’ For I tell you, God can awaken these stones to become sons of Abraham!

Just becoming a member of a Church , and bearing a spiritual title will not save you. If you have met with The Son of Jesus Christ, then you must learn obedience the way Jesus Christ obeyed The Father by the help of the Holy Spirit.
Matthew 3:1‭-‬3‭, ‬8‭-‬9 TPT & Philippians 2:1-10.



The Bible stated in Ephesians that there is a spirit which works in those who are disbodeince to tThe Way of Truth, people who live and act contrary to the Way of the Cross. Those who know the truth but yet chose to live in the Lie; It's called the spirit of disobedience .
  "And his fullness fills you, even though you were once like corpses, dead in your sins and offenses. It wasn’t that long ago that you lived in the religion, customs, and values of this world, obeying the dark ruler of the earthly realm who fills the atmosphere with his authority, and works diligently in the hearts of those who are disobedient to the truth of God.
Ephesians 2:1‭-‬2 TPT

And his fullness fills you, even though you were once like corpses, dead in your sins and offenses. It wasn’t that long ago that you lived in the religion, customs, and values of this world, obeying the dark ruler of the earthly realm who fills the atmosphere with his authority, and works diligently in the hearts of those who are disobedient to the truth of God.
Ephesians 2:1‭-‬2 TPT

The Bible states there is a spirit of disobedience at work in every man, the prince of air. It means the air of rebellion against God's Word and air is breath in on a daily basis as you journey.

This above statement in Ephesians 2 is not meant for you to do spiritual warfare of taking out demonic forces operating on Earth. That would be operating in zeal without knowledge 

God cure and solution to the prince of disobedience in the written in Joel 2:28

“And that’s just the beginning: After that—

 “I will pour out my Spirit on every kind of people: Your sons will prophesy, also your daughters. Your old men will dream, your young men will see visions.

 I’ll even pour out my Spirit on the servants, men and women both. I’ll set wonders in the sky above and signs on the earth below: 
Joel 2:28‭-‬32 MSG

You may argue or reason that the above scriptures is God saying He will pour out His Spirit just the sons and daughters of the Kingdom. Truly so, but the sons and daughters are supposed to arise and shine so kings will come to the rising of their Light 

They are ordained to be the Light that shines brigeat in the World and that darkness cannot comprehend 

In Genesis 1 when the Almight, the Maker of the Heavens and the Earth has a challenge of darkness covering the Earth. The solution was the Word and The Spirit that birthed Light

IN THE beginning God (prepared, formed, fashioned, and) created the heavens and the earth. [Heb. 11:3.] 

The earth was without form and an empty waste, and darkness was upon the face of the very great deep. 

The Spirit of God was moving (hovering, brooding) over the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light; and there was light.
Genesis 1:1‭-‬3 AMPC

The Bible stated that The Spirit was hovering over the face of the Earth. And immediately God cry out ' Let there be Light, Creature started and darkness moved to where was assigned for them

The Holy Spirit, The Light of the Gospel and The Spoken Word of God are the key instruments for the Revival we desire 

 Earth was a soup of nothingness, a bottomless emptiness, an inky blackness. 

God’s Spirit brooded like a bird above the watery abyss.

 God spoke: “Light!” And light appeared. 
Genesis 1:1‭-‬2 MSG

Take your stand, idle women! Listen to me! Indulgent, idle women, listen closely to what I have to say. In just a little over a year from now, you’ll be shaken out of your lazy lives. The grape harvest will fail, and there’ll be no fruit on the trees. Oh tremble, you idle women. Get serious, you pampered dolls! Strip down and discard your silk fineries. Put on funeral clothes. Shed honest tears for the lost harvest, the failed vintage. Weep for my people’s gardens and farms that grow nothing but thistles and thornbushes. Cry tears, real tears, for the happy homes no longer happy, the merry city no longer merry. The royal palace is deserted, the bustling city quiet as a morgue, The emptied parks and playgrounds taken over by wild animals, delighted with their new home. Yes, weep and grieve until the Spirit is poured down on us from above And the badlands desert grows crops and the fertile fields become forests. Justice will move into the badlands desert. Right will build a home in the fertile field. And where there’s Right, there’ll be Peace and the progeny of Right: quiet lives and endless trust. My people will live in a peaceful neighborhood— in safe houses, in quiet gardens. The forest of your pride will be clear-cut, the city showing off your power leveled. But you will enjoy a fortunate life, planting well-watered fields and gardens, with your farm animals grazing freely.
Isaiah 32:9‭-‬20 MSG

They were ordinary men and women who had not visited the corridor of the elite School of Theology set up by Gameliel. Saul was a graduate of that School yet after graduation, he had to unlearn what he knew to learn the way of the Kingdom.

After their Man of God, Jesus Christ was taken away from them, they returned in fear and dejection to the familiar ' Fishing' (John 21) The Man of God Jesus Christ, The LORD ( He shall be King forever and reign in the Universe) appeared to them many times and taught them many things yet they remained in hiding : (120 believers) bundled into a room called "The Upper Room"

Then a Person and a Force was released from Heaven. It is the same Person and Force that was released when Jesus Christ started His ministry on the Earth ( Matthew 1& 3)

The Holy Spirit descended on the Earth as Clive's of Fire on each disciple; the followers of Jesus Christ. The Time management of the Holy Spirit is the Best ever; He described on the day that the harvest of Human soul all over the World was ripe 

It was a prophetic moment for people from all over the nation's of the Earth, with their different tongues and languages were in Jerusalem, the Old place with the old style of worshipping Yahweh. 

These people were seeking for God in a place where God had departed from when the Curtains of the Temple was torn into two and access given to ALL to enter the Holy of Holiest.

It was at this very moment that The Holy Spirit descended on the Men who will carry the fires of Christ to all the Nations of The Earth.

Jesus Christ told the Disciples in Acts 1 to go to the ends of The Earth with the Gospel of Good News.

The Holy Spirit brought the Nations of The Earth to the Disciples in Jerusalem. Jesus Christ and His Father speaks , the Holy Spirit is the Executor of the Will of the Kingdom 

The Early Church at the World brought to them but l guess that this harvest was not maximised. God had to search for a Saul converted to Apostle Paul to take the Gospel to the Gentiles 

Though Peter was anointed as The Rock, Apostle Peter but his bias about the Gentiles kept the Gospel of Goods News from infiltrating the Camp of the Gentiles 

Apostle Paul the Learner Fellow was raised to correct and bring back the harvest that the Church missed in Pentecost. Because if all the people who were saved from different Nations, Tongues and Languages were adequately discipled, they would have taken the Word of God to their territories and spread the fear of the Gospel 

Apostle Paul would have just build on what they started 

Until the Spirit be poured from High on our dry hearts, Revival seems possible but far from Us.

Take your stand, idle women! Listen to me! Indulgent, idle women, listen closely to what I have to say. In just a little over a year from now, you’ll be shaken out of your lazy lives. The grape harvest will fail, and there’ll be no fruit on the trees. Oh tremble, you idle women. Get serious, you pampered dolls! Strip down and discard your silk fineries. Put on funeral clothes. Shed honest tears for the lost harvest, the failed vintage. Weep for my people’s gardens and farms that grow nothing but thistles and thornbushes. Cry tears, real tears, for the happy homes no longer happy, the merry city no longer merry. The royal palace is deserted, the bustling city quiet as a morgue, The emptied parks and playgrounds taken over by wild animals, delighted with their new home. Yes, weep and grieve until the Spirit is poured down on us from above And the badlands desert grows crops and the fertile fields become forests. Justice will move into the badlands desert. Right will build a home in the fertile field. And where there’s Right, there’ll be Peace and the progeny of Right: quiet lives and endless trust. My people will live in a peaceful neighborhood— in safe houses, in quiet gardens. The forest of your pride will be clear-cut, the city showing off your power leveled. But you will enjoy a fortunate life, planting well-watered fields and gardens, with your farm animals grazing freely.
Isaiah 32:9‭-‬20 MSG

The Statement " Women are the weaker vessels has got many women infurianted over the years. When Apostle Peter said  in 1 Peter 3 " Women are weaker vessels , l always thought he meant that a woman should be treated with tenderness and handled with utmost  care. because they may appear weaker physically when compared to men.

"In the same way you married men should live considerately with [your wives], 

with an intelligent recognition [of the marriage relation], honoring the woman as [physically] the weaker, 

but [realizing that you] are joint heirs of the grace (God's unmerited favor) of life,

 in order that your prayers may not be hindered and cut off. [Otherwise you cannot pray effectively.]"
1 Peter 3:7 AMPC

TPT Version.
Husbands, you in turn must treat your wives with tenderness, 

viewing them as feminine partners who deserve to be honored,

 for they are co-heirs with you of the “divine grace of life,” 

so that nothing will hinder your prayers.
1 Peter 3:7 TPT

Women should be cared for with the same tenderness that God feels towards His beloved as sung in Isaiah 5 by the prophet.  Isaiah.

They  are creatures wired to be treated with care and tenderness, our nurturing ingredient is love.  The Female specie blossoms into awe -inspire specimen when handled with love 

But the same Creature ordained for such tenderness is always the victim of war whenever Society is exposed to the peril of the Sword 

Recently, l watched a documtary on World War 11 and saw how women were raped as the brutal Nazi soilders take over territories. Likewise the Soviet Union Red Army was alleged to have raped about 2 million German  women from the age of (18-80) . Their reason for commuting this atrocities is revenge on the Nazi Army who invaded their land. ( Source DW article on 6th of February 2015) 

My question is ' Was it the raped women who invaded their Land, why was the innocent women punished for the crultey of the German Army. The obvious answer is ' women and children are always the spoil of war". Unfair and cruel but true.

The Japanese in the other hand used women and children as war shield when the American invaded their Lands during the same Would War 11.

Women are always at the receiving end of brutality when war breaks out in any nation. Apart from the fact that they lose spouses and means of lifehood to war, they are always exposed to trauma in different dimensions after the War.

Therefore when the Bible says the idle women should tear the raiment of complacence on her  back  and cry out: Cry out until the Spirit is poured from above the heavenly realms; the Bible knows that the woman will cry with greater passion  than her male counterpart. 

And if there is anytime, the Woman needs to cry out, it's now especially the daughters of Zion.
The next generation is subtly stolen right  from under our nose with the  various talents shows, with the TV shows that exposes children to the rigour of making viral videos that is way beyond their mental capacity .

The crazy to make money from the internet and social media has suddenly manufactured and produced children who are exposed to fame too early in life. This  triggers unnecessary psychological pressure  on their under- developed minds and brain and the consequences is grievous in the adulthood of these innocent kids.

The ambition of  parents are shovelled down the throats of the tender souls . This children should be kept safe in the crib instead of been thrust into the world of internet cut throat competitiveness. 

This is a war against our seed, it's a battle for the next generation and women must cry to the God who set generations in place. We must raise advocacy which draws attention to the peril of early exposure to fame for our children.

 Suicide has become  common community in the Streets of Africa. Suicide was initially a foreign expensive commodity that was only purchased by the Rich and famous who had had communion with foreign cultures through their  travels.

But today we have more and more people commiting suicide by throwing away their destiny into  the Sea below the Lagos bridge in Nigeria..

The value of Life has been reduced to a dime wrapped up in the slogan " If you cannot beat them, then end it all in suicide". 

Why the sudden rise in the suicide rate, maybe we should look into the new norm of exposing young children  to situations that is beyond their mental and emotional threshold of pain. These children become adults who know little or nothing about enduriance when the difficult times comes along.  

Now we have more young boys and girls (of age (13-30)  becoming active practitioners of the Yahoo yahoo, crime.  These vices has become a popular profession among these young minds  

Recently,  I heard that they  have an association in Nigeria called The Yahoo boys Mother association.  These is an association dedicated to young people who had to have sex with their mother's as initiation rite into the Yahoo yahoo cult ( because it's a cult if blood initiation is involved)

Women needs to cry out Now, so that our generation and family will not be taken over by sinister forces who never cared about the Human race in the first place.

'Cry Out!' 
The Women must do because the men has to become overly  concerned with proving to their beloved that they are macho and therefore worthy of the respect of their spouse who is also in the same Labour and Business Market struggling to make a name for the family .

The Woman must Cry out because  The Creator has given her a heart that cares for the well being of others  

Though she is as busy as her spouse in the Labour market, yet her concern is always the prosperity of her family. And she is willing to do anything and everything to keep it.

The Woman must Cry Out with all those she influences; her children, servants, friends. even her husband.

She must continue to cry until the Spirit is poured  from the heavenly realms 

And then!
 Only then !
 The Bible says the Desert  will become fertile land again. Isaiah 32.

 of Him shall the nations inquire and seek knowledge, 
and His dwelling shall be glory [His rest glorious]! [John 12:32.] 

And in that day the Lord shall again lift up His hand a second time to recover (acquire and deliver) the remnant of His people which is left, 
from Assyria, from Lower Egypt, from Pathros, from Ethiopia, from Elam [in Persia], from Shinar [Babylonia], from Hamath [in Upper Syria], and from the countries bordering on the [Mediterranean] Sea. [Jer. 23:5-8.] 
And He will raise up a signal for the nations and will assemble the outcasts of Israel and will gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.
Isaiah 11:1‭-‬12 AMPC

MSG Version
A green Shoot will sprout from Jesse’s stump, from his roots a budding Branch. 
The life-giving Spirit of God will hover over him, 
the Spirit that brings wisdom 
and understanding, 
The Spirit that gives direction 
and builds strength, 
the Spirit that instills knowledge 
and Fear-of-God. 

Fear-of-God will be all his joy and delight. 
He won’t judge by appearances, won’t decide on the basis of hearsay.
 He’ll judge the needy by what is right, render decisions on earth’s poor with justice.
 His words will bring everyone to awed attention. 
A mere breath from his lips will topple the wicked. 
Each morning he’ll pull on sturdy work clothes and boots, and build righteousness and faithfulness in the land. 

The wolf will romp with the lamb,
 the leopard sleep with the kid. 
Calf and lion will eat from the same trough, 
and a little child will tend them.
 Cow and bear will graze the same pasture, their calves and cubs grow up together, 
and the lion eat straw like the ox. 
The nursing child will crawl over rattlesnake dens, the toddler stick his hand down the hole of a serpent. 
Neither animal nor human will hurt or kill on my holy mountain. 

The whole earth will be brimming with knowing God-Alive, a living knowledge of God ocean-deep, ocean-wide. * * *
Isaiah 11:1‭-‬9 MSG

The above Scriptures are splitted into  parts and each part is a build on of the preceding verses. The outcome of the second part depends on the first part and vice-verse.

The first part reveals the Source of emergence of the subject  
The Spirit will descend on a group of people but in this case, the Bible is specific about the  'Who' that the  Spirit will descend.

The Holy Spirit indeed descended in Acts 2:1-10 and it was the exact group of people stated in Israel 11.
Though Bible Scholars believe that this passage refers to the Messiah, the Son of David, but the believers are the branches in the Vine as stated in John 15 
Jesus Christ our LORD ( May His Name be praised forever) is identified as the Vine and His Father the Vine dresser but the Believer is called the branch 

It means The Spirit  is ordained to come on every believer. It is called the Seven fold Spirit of God in some Church quarter.

Let's identify the different dimensions of the Holy Spirit has stated in Isaiah 11.
While the AMPC version addresses it as a different Spirit entity, the MSG presented it as the same Spirit giving different expression of His Life. 

The Spirit of wisdom was what Joshua received in the book of Deuteronomy when the Bible says " Moses lay hand in Joshua and the Spirit of Wisdom came in him. 

While the Spirit of wisdom on Joshua was for leadership and wisdom to distribute inheritance among the tribes of Israel. 

The Spirit of wisdom on Bezalel to equipp him with divine skills to create items for the tabernacle of God  it manifested on Joshua as Leadership but on Bezalel as Creativity: Same Spirit of wisdom but different manifestation.

The same Spirit of wisdom and understanding was in manifestation in the life of King Solomon and he used it build the Temple for Yahweh and also create great wealth for the Nation of Israel.
The Bible noted in Solomon days that  Silver and gold was very common in Israel. 

Again, the same Spirit of Wisdom. The same Spirit of God but in different manifestations 

 The Spirit of might and power is the dimension of the Spirit that gives supernatural strength and ability that is humanly impossible. King David and his fighting men had this  expressions of the Spirit of might and power.  While the Spirit of power was used by David to win wars and defeat the Enemy; the same spirit of might and power was on Samson and manifested in form of supernatural strength to lift materials that is humanly impossible for a mere man to lift up.

The dimension of the Holy Spirit that the World and the Church needs now desperately  is the Spirit of the fear of the LORD which allows the believer to walk in revential fear in response to God's Word

The only reason Joseph would not sleep with Pharoah's wife was " Will l do this and sin against God'. Joseph feared the LORD in the absence of his brothers and father 

The fear of the LORD will make a man delight in doing the Will of the Father. The same Spirit who enables a believer in operate in divine wisdom, gain divine insight to all things, give scriptural sound counsel can also help a Christin delights in the fear of God , take great delight in obeying God's WORD.

It's is the dimension of The Spirit that a man desires that S)he will see it's manifestation 
King David said " One thing l desire is what l seek for that l might dwell in the House of the LORD 

We desire that the Spirit will be poured from the heavenly realms so that we can live in the fear of The LORD again 



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