
Prophet Elijah was a man to be feared, a daring, bold and ' take no nonesense Man of God 

He was such because of his unique assignment; his family was not meantuoned,  imagine if he had a wife and children in the nation where he decreed there would be no rain for three years, he might have reconsidered his decision.

God in critical and strategic moments in history raise prophet like Elijah in the Body of Christ, prophetess like Anna ( whom God turned seemingly negative situation in her life into Kingdom advantage.)

But the best of men can become the weakest of men and even be discouraged. 

Men of God are anointed and graced by God' Spirit to attain what is humanly impossible but we must understand, they are first Men/Women, then born of God.
The anointing envelopes their humanity by does not kill it. They are human yet anointed.

The joy of our Salvation and Christian walk is "we do not have an High Priest who cannot be touched by the feelings of our infirmities, He understands... 
A Song writer wrote:
God with us, so close to us
God with us , Emmanuel ooo
He walked, wher l walk
He sit where l sat
He felt what l feel
He understands.

Prophet Elijah like any other, had a 'ME' period whereby discouragement set in and there was no man who could understand him.

 At a period in his life, he hoped and cries for death to end his sojourn on earth because of discouragement that came as a result of a death threat from a woman.

Prophet Elijah was not threatened because he lied, stole, committed fornication or even transgress the laws of God. He was threatened with death because he dare stood for the truth and confronted the evil of his days.

And at that point when his back was against the wall and everything seem all over, THE WAY MAKER HIMSELF STEPPED IN. 

Sometimes God allows those moment when our faith is faint and the bravest of us is faced with fear and dismayed and He enters in with His caring hands wrapped around us and tells us ' FEAR NOT MY CHILD, EVERYTHING IS GONNA BE ALRIGHT IN CHRIST'.

Although, we may be everything to others: a pastor, teacher, apostle, evengwlist, prophet, father, mother, sister, brother, husband, wife and saviour to others,

You must always remember God is your Father and l can tell you from The Scriptures and personal experience, He is a loving Father.
Your actions may be misinterpreted, your gifts may be termed as not from God by mwnnof little spiritual understanding, know that you can always get comfoet, encouragement from The Everlasting arms.

He loves you too much to allow you to either  fail or falter especially when you are about His business and in His Kingdom.

So when your back is ginst the wall and everything seemed all over, know for certainty that God will make a way. 
Some of us are standing here only because God made a wall.

A.L. Hephzibah.


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