
We have been dealing with the Church in Ephesus for close to a week now. We started with the commendations of our Master for thls Church: 

How the Disciples at Ephesus persevered  in hardship and their diligence in Kingdom endeavours. He also praised their keen discernment in testing the claims of preachers and also for hating the wickedness practised in their territory.

But now, our LORD Jesus Christ pointed out the weakness of the Church. ( The Word of God is ordained for exhortation, edification , correction and should be used in rebuke). When Jesus Christ our Master rebukes, it is a demonstration of His Love. 

Jesus Christ, our LORD revealed   that although the Christians in Ephesus  strived in certain virtues, they are lacking in the dimension of their first love for Him. 

Forsaking your first love for Christ does not mean you don't going to Church, paying your tithes, praying and fasting etc. It may mean you don't doing in the degree and dimensions you did at your first encounter with Christ.

It may mean you stop offering services in the Kingdom with joy and gladness and now do Kingdom services out of mere obligation. The Bible says if you don't serve Him with gladness, the land will be open to a curse.

There is a subtil move from the Enemy to shift your focus away from The Christ to yourself; to replace The Christ as the God we worship and enthrone  SELF as the subject of worship.

 The Devil's attack is not always that a Believer, a Church completely renounces Christ and His ways. Rather the Enemy is satisfied when we lose our FERVOUR AND PASSION for the things of God and the Kingdom.

Satan is elated when our pursuit of the 'Will' and the desire to please God is replaced with our pursuit for fame, wealth, prestige and even a dynasty in our name. (which are all blessings from God, The Father but must not become our most important pursuit)

The same grace and measure of faith available to Apostle Peter, Apostle John and other Saints in previous generation is available to use but the usage of this faith distinguishes our exploits for the Kingdom.

Jesus Christ must be the center of our Joy, He must remain the SOURCE of our pursuit, energy and aspirations. We must not desire anything more than to please Him.

The Father testify about our LORD Jesus Christ :
" This is my beloved Son in whom l am well pleased'. (John 3) 

Our LORD Jesus Christ testified about His sole desire and life time pursuit:
 ' My food is to do the WILL (desire, good pleasure) of my Father and fulfill it. (John 6)

Apostle Paul testified in  Acts 20:22-24 :
"My life is nothing to me, my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the LORD Jesus has given me- the task of testifying to the good news of God's grace.

The Ephesians Church endured hardship in Christ name. Things were no easy for them because they believed in Christ. The heathen and the Jews persecuted them, Paul was jailed for preaching the Gospel in Ephesus, men created riots to discourage their work in this City.

This Church was diligent in their service to the Kingdom but a time came when their love for God grown cold. 
Persecution, discouragment and other factors took their focus away from Christ   They were still worshipping Christ with lips but their hearts were far away from God. Also, this manifested in their attitudes to God: They with the Holy Spirit when they made minor or major decisions. 

Some prophesy  through the help of Baal, demons and from their own human spirits and they did not inquire of the LORD.

Jesus Christ said, they have forsaken the early love they have for Him in their youth and asked them to repent and go back to doing what they did when they first gave their hearts to Him.

Repentance is not just  for sinners; a believer can repent from complacency, worldiness, prayerlessness,  wrong motives, pride etc. 

As our walk with God grows deeper, we will realise that there are  many things we will turn away from and towards God as we behold the holiness and splendour of the Presence of our King of kings.

We turn away from everything that will diminish our absolute devotion to Christ and we turn to and embrace everything and elements that will help us love Him more.

1. REPENTANCE: Realise that you have fallen away from your first devotion to Christ and His course and ask for forgiveness. 

Examine carefully what occupy your thoughts more now; what is the content of your prayers : is your prayers just for yourself, your denomination etc.

The Church of Jesus Christ is beyond your denomination.

The Body of Christ is not just our local/international Church. Men and women who believes in Jesus Christ and do the will of the Father is your brethren and deserves your prayer.

What benefits is it to the Kingdom,  if your denomination and Christian life is the only  ONE striving and living in prosperity. The Desire and love of God is not just for you. John 3:16 says " for God so loved the World.

2. Repent before the Holy Spirit and rededicate your life and works to Him. It is so easy to neglect the Holy Spirit and not know. And the Spirit will never intrude in your life, and ministry unless you deliberately invite 

When you consult the Holy Spirit , He will show you where you have forsaken your first love for Christ and  help you in your restoration.

A.L. Hephzibah


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