


God has crowned this year with His goodness, may you enjoy it in Jesus name.

Aspiring to attain greater heights in your business, career, ministry is necessary because His  Word says, "commit your ways to God and He will make all your plans successful.

 It means that if we have no plans, there is nothing for God to work on.
The greatest plan any Believer can incubate is the plan to grow in our walk with God.

God is our only source for continually prosperity, protection from evil, earthly and heavenly glory. 

The more we know Him, the more we enjoy His goodness and blessings. 

The Book of Daniel says " those who know their God will be strong and do exploits. 

Your level of divine knowledge and understanding determines the degree of power and strength and ultimately your exploits in the kingdom. 

The difference between a successful businessman and a struggling businessman is the difference of business knowledge acquired and applied; to do greater exploit for the Kingdom of God, you must plan to spend greater time in God' presence through fellowship with His Word.

You must make a renewed commitment to obey the voice of the Spirit at all cost and time

You must not live for the pleasures, glamour and fame of this world that is fading away, rather you must live for the applaud of your Father and Saviour, Jesus Christ

For you may be popular and applauded by men but rejected by the God and Lord whom you  represent and whose servant you are. 

 Your lifestyle must be pleasing to Him and your  work for His kingdom  inspired by His Spirit.

We are not ordained by Christ, our master to live for self and our family alone, rather we are instructed to discover His purpose and pursue it judiciously.

The word pursue is deliberate  because it is something you run after intentionally, consciously, deferring all obstacles and opposition.

So whatever you are called to do in His Kingdom either to

Pray for the fulfillment of God plans for individual, church and nations

Speak to sinners about receiving Christ and persuade the backslider  to return to Jesus

A.L. Hephzibah


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