The Statement " Women are the weaker vessels has got many women infurianted over the years. When Apostle Peter said  in 1 Peter 3 " Women are weaker vessels , l always thought he meant that a woman should be treated with tenderness and handled with utmost  care. because they may appear weaker physically when compared to men.

"In the same way you married men should live considerately with [your wives], 

with an intelligent recognition [of the marriage relation], honoring the woman as [physically] the weaker, 

but [realizing that you] are joint heirs of the grace (God's unmerited favor) of life,

 in order that your prayers may not be hindered and cut off. [Otherwise you cannot pray effectively.]"
1 Peter 3:7 AMPC

TPT Version.
Husbands, you in turn must treat your wives with tenderness, 

viewing them as feminine partners who deserve to be honored,

 for they are co-heirs with you of the “divine grace of life,” 

so that nothing will hinder your prayers.
1 Peter 3:7 TPT

Women should be cared for with the same tenderness that God feels towards His beloved as sung in Isaiah 5 by the prophet.  Isaiah.

They  are creatures wired to be treated with care and tenderness, our nurturing ingredient is love.  The Female specie blossoms into awe -inspire specimen when handled with love 

But the same Creature ordained for such tenderness is always the victim of war whenever Society is exposed to the peril of the Sword 

Recently, l watched a documtary on World War 11 and saw how women were raped as the brutal Nazi soilders take over territories. Likewise the Soviet Union Red Army was alleged to have raped about 2 million German  women from the age of (18-80) . Their reason for commuting this atrocities is revenge on the Nazi Army who invaded their land. ( Source DW article on 6th of February 2015) 

My question is ' Was it the raped women who invaded their Land, why was the innocent women punished for the crultey of the German Army. The obvious answer is ' women and children are always the spoil of war". Unfair and cruel but true.

The Japanese in the other hand used women and children as war shield when the American invaded their Lands during the same Would War 11.

Women are always at the receiving end of brutality when war breaks out in any nation. Apart from the fact that they lose spouses and means of lifehood to war, they are always exposed to trauma in different dimensions after the War.

Therefore when the Bible says the idle women should tear the raiment of complacence on her  back  and cry out: Cry out until the Spirit is poured from above the heavenly realms; the Bible knows that the woman will cry with greater passion  than her male counterpart. 

And if there is anytime, the Woman needs to cry out, it's now especially the daughters of Zion.
The next generation is subtly stolen right  from under our nose with the  various talents shows, with the TV shows that exposes children to the rigour of making viral videos that is way beyond their mental capacity .

The crazy to make money from the internet and social media has suddenly manufactured and produced children who are exposed to fame too early in life. This  triggers unnecessary psychological pressure  on their under- developed minds and brain and the consequences is grievous in the adulthood of these innocent kids.

The ambition of  parents are shovelled down the throats of the tender souls . This children should be kept safe in the crib instead of been thrust into the world of internet cut throat competitiveness. 

This is a war against our seed, it's a battle for the next generation and women must cry to the God who set generations in place. We must raise advocacy which draws attention to the peril of early exposure to fame for our children.

 Suicide has become  common community in the Streets of Africa. Suicide was initially a foreign expensive commodity that was only purchased by the Rich and famous who had had communion with foreign cultures through their  travels.

But today we have more and more people commiting suicide by throwing away their destiny into  the Sea below the Lagos bridge in Nigeria..

The value of Life has been reduced to a dime wrapped up in the slogan " If you cannot beat them, then end it all in suicide". 

Why the sudden rise in the suicide rate, maybe we should look into the new norm of exposing young children  to situations that is beyond their mental and emotional threshold of pain. These children become adults who know little or nothing about enduriance when the difficult times comes along.  

Now we have more young boys and girls (of age (13-30)  becoming active practitioners of the Yahoo yahoo, crime.  These vices has become a popular profession among these young minds  

Recently,  I heard that they  have an association in Nigeria called The Yahoo boys Mother association.  These is an association dedicated to young people who had to have sex with their mother's as initiation rite into the Yahoo yahoo cult ( because it's a cult if blood initiation is involved)

Women needs to cry out Now, so that our generation and family will not be taken over by sinister forces who never cared about the Human race in the first place.

'Cry Out!' 
The Women must do because the men has to become overly  concerned with proving to their beloved that they are macho and therefore worthy of the respect of their spouse who is also in the same Labour and Business Market struggling to make a name for the family .

The Woman must Cry out because  The Creator has given her a heart that cares for the well being of others  

Though she is as busy as her spouse in the Labour market, yet her concern is always the prosperity of her family. And she is willing to do anything and everything to keep it.

The Woman must Cry Out with all those she influences; her children, servants, friends. even her husband.

She must continue to cry until the Spirit is poured  from the heavenly realms 

And then!
 Only then !
 The Bible says the Desert  will become fertile land again. Isaiah 32.

Hephzibah- Abigail 


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