Prophecies are crucial weapon through which Heaven and Hell gives direction to humanity and the use of prophecies is not limited to the Church of Christ alone. 

It is an instrument used by witches, sorcerers and even the occultic. It consists of spoken and written words. The spoken word is more potent because the Bible says shall be ensnared by his/her words.

Witches, wizards and sorcerers operate by casting spells and speak evil words  against   their victims. They also use the weapon of injected thoughts and suggestions which are backed by demonic power and influence.

A witch and Sorcerer has the ability to inject their will/desires/wishes into your mind and you may think is your own original thoughts and execute it.
They operated by words. The spell is cast by spoken words which is immediately executed by devils against the victims at which these spells are directed.

Deception and Lies is Satan main weapons and he is working successfully from the Pulpit. A man of God has the capacity to prophesy from three sources namely
1. The Holy Spirit
2. The Human Spirit
3. Demonic Spirits.

And prophecies given from these three sources has the ability to come to past as long as the receiver attaches his or her faith to it.

A Prophecy is not a just a phenomenon whereby the one prohecing shakes and roll on the floor before the supposed word from God is given.

Rather prophecy is an inspired speech that is supposed to have a supernatural Source mostly about future events.  It is supposed to be a message revealing the will and the purposes of God for the future.

It is different from Word of knowledge and Word of wisdom. But Prophecies can be given via a Word of knowledge and a word of wisdom.

In general, every creature is brought into existence by " The Word of God and the Spirit of God. ( Colossians  1:15-20, Psalm 104:29-30, John 1:1-3)

Your life and destiny will always.follow the direction of the "Words" you received and believed. ( either positive or negative) Jesus Christ , our LORD said " Man must not live by bread alone BUt BY EVERY WORD THAT PROCEED FROM GOD.

Your life follows the direction of Words. The Words spoken started before you or your parents were born.
Lets give a practical example from the Bible. Adam and Eve sinned against God and had to be punished to satisfy the requirement of God's Justice system. The LORD told the woman in Genesis 3:16

To the woman he said, “I will make your pains in childbearing very severe; with painful labor you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you. ”

Six thousands years ago till date, majority of women still give birth to children with several pain. The Word spoken still controls the universe till date.

The Word God spoke still affect your life till date. But Science are searching for ways to bypass the pronouncement on the women on child birth. This is achieved through Cearean sessions etc. Whereby a woman is induced for child birth to escape the pains of child birth.

Also in Christ Jesus, women had testified of "supernatural birth' whereby before labour pain, they had delivered. 

But what we are trying to establish is that you are ruled by "WORDS"; either spoken by you, in your past, by your friends, your relative and even your pastors.

I remember the story of a very young girl whose aunty told her ' You will turn to prostitution as your other siblings. And the girl testified that she ended in prostitution until Christ delivered her . WORDS ARE LIFE

Therefore if "Words" is life, you can see how important "Prophecies" are; they can either lead you astray or lead you into the best of God for your life.

We say a demonic prophecy to mean a word for.direction given by the inspiration of demons. The Bible says " prophets prophesy as inspired by the Holy Spirit.'

It shows that false prophets will prophesy too as inspired by demons. You must know that if a false prophet gives you a prophecy, there are demons released to ensure that such words are fulfilled.

Let's examine a case study in the Bible.

Once when we were going to the place of prayer, WE WERE MET BY a FEMALE SLAVE who HAD A spirit by which SHE PREDICTED THE FUTURE. SHE EARNED a GREAT DEAL of MONEY FOR HER OWNERS BY FORTUNE-TELLING. She followed Paul and the rest of us, shouting, “These men are servants of the Most High God, who are telling you the way to be saved.” She kept this up for many days. Finally Paul became so annoyed that he turned around and said to the spirit, “In the name of Jesus Christ I command you to come out of her!” At that moment the spirit left her. When her owners realized that their hope of making money was gone, they seized Paul and Silas and dragged them into the marketplace to face the authorities.

Acts 16:16-19

The young slave girl in the story was predicting the future by the help of evil spirits also called demons and not by the Spirit of God. 

And we know that her " Prophecies" come to past because the Bible noted that she made alot of money for her master.

The question is if the girl's prediction of the future came to past by which power were they fulfilled?

The Holy Spirit never bring to past a prophecy given by Satan. He will never use.demonic methods to do the work of the Gospel. This is one.way to judge true prophecies. 

But that is not the only notable event with this slave girl that had the spirit of fortune telling or that prophesy.
This girl accurately prohesied that Paul was a Servant of God who showed men the way to the true God.

What the girl.said about Paul and Silas was it the truth (

So if it was the truth that this slave girl prophecied, why did Paul rebuke the spirit in her?

Although what she saw and prophesy was true, the source of her prophesy  was Satan. She was speaking by demonic spirit and not by the Spirit of Christ.

The same scenario unfolded with Peter and our LORD Jesus Christ. Our LORD knew that it was the Will of the Father for Him to die on the Cross. Satan spoke through Peter to know the true intentions of God.and to dissuade our Saviour from going to the Cross.

A.L. Hephzibah


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