Our Father, who art in Heaven
Hallowed be thy name.......

The Almighty, our Father is a God of CONTINUITY.

God raise and anoints men and women so that they can train and mentor believers who will stand for Christ Jesus in their generation. 

Then they will  correctly and successfully pass the Light to the next generation. 

While King David successfully raised other mighty men through the Warrior anointing given to him and defeated the Enemy of God's people- The Philistines.

Samson was given the same warrior's anointing , but he did not raised other men like himself and did not wipe out the Philistines as God ordained.

A David had to be raised in another generation to carry out the unfinished assignment of Samson.

Sincerely, a World without the love and care of the Almighty demonstrated through the Gospel of our LORD Jesus Christ will be a place of cruelty and wickedness.

But for God's love to continue to reign in every generation, there must be men and women who believe in Christ and are ready to bring the love of God into their immediate environment.

And it is expected that they will extend this beautiful walk and relationship with God to their children and children's children.

If the impact of your relationship with God ends with you or you allow the Enemy to hijack it before you pass it successfully to your children, you have not done so well to help the course of the Kingdom of Christ on Earth.

Lets go back History Lane in the Bible.

God made Adam and Eve and gave them the Earth to manage with Him inside of them because it was His breathe that gave them Life.

Adam and Eve joined forces with the Enemy of God and detached from the loving God who cares so much for them 

They were able to pass the knowledge of God they had to Abel, so Abel had a right perspective about God and offered his best sacrifice to God.

The Enemy does not want any knowledge of the true living God on earth or even his influence, so he moved Cain to kill Abel. 

After Abel's death,  there was muted communication between Heaven and Earth, no man was actively looking out for the interest of The Almighty on Earth.

Then Seth came, then Enoch. 

Wow, Enoch was a wonderful delight to  Yahweh. For 365 years on Earth, Yahweh had access on earth, His love and kindness could be expressed through a vessel.

He could speak to a man that delighted in listening to Him about future events as Jude showed the Enoch prophecied.

Then Enoch was taken away and again SILENCE

Then came Noah who after his death did not pass on his relationship with the Almighty to anyone not even his children followed his footstep in seeking God.

 The Kingdom of Heaven had a.major break on earth, when God called Abraham.

 Abraham passed on his relationship with Jehovah  successfully to Isaac, from Isaac to Jacob from Jacob to Joseph and then seed of Jacob.

After this era, a very LONG silence between God and the seed of Abraham ( for 430 years), no one could stand as a priest, an intermediary between God and his beloved 

So the Enemy tortured them and had  free operations on earth until God found a Moses that was concerned about the poeple of God 

Hallelujah, from Moses, Yahweh got a nation of Israel and now Christ Jesus , our LORD has given The Father; peoples of different tongues and nations who love Him and serve Him.

The plan and purpose of God is for continuity. The Bible says when He called Abraham, he was one man but God made him great and he became father of many nations.

God said about Abraham ' l know.he will train his children after me.

It will make God our Father very happy when you correctly and successfully pass the LIGHT to others.

A L. Hephzibah


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