Hello, he introduced himself to her and he stretched out his hand for a hand shake.
She was surprised because the man who offered her an handshake seemed and looked like a perfect gentleman, therefore she expected that she should first offer him her hands for an handshake before he took hers. 

But Lumon  kept her reservations to herself, expecting him to release the hands held in unbreakable and painful grip. This man was handsomely attired and spoke English underlined with ancient accent.  

She made an attempt to withdraw het hands but he held on to it more tightly. Lumon could not explain her reactions but it seem, the handsome figure before her was more than what meets the eyes 

The stead stare from his eyes were like penetrating fires in her  soul, they were blazing fire with lightening but when they made contact with her soul, they were deep darkness that had no end, it kept going in circles until it seem  to draw her into its endless depths, beneath the Earth. Yet her hands were held in the hand of the handsome stranger.

With an unexplainable boldness,  strength from within her soul was summoned  and she spoke quietly :

"What is your Name stranger and where do you come from" Eventually removing her hands from the hands of the fearful figure standing before her.


Then Lumon turned around and looked beyond the stranger and realised they were on Idanre Hill highest peak and she could see beyond huts looking like the thinnest dot on the World map. She should could see people like herself below in the huts , some sleeping, others about one task or the other. But none realised what was happening on their .ountains and what was about to affect their way of living forever.

Lumon returned her gaze to the line figure standing on the hill and tried to reason in her thoughts, how this stranger was able to climb the hill. Obviously he was a stranger because he was dressed as the tiny figures, Lumon could see through the roofs of the huts below 

" I asked " this time Lumon's voice tune was louder and a bit brisk " what is your Name?"

The stranger smiled . By now, he seem a sinister being with his smile sending waves of fear into the City. The stranger opened his mouth to speak and as he uttered his first statements, other figures began to emerge in the sky, circling round the stranger. Images that the human mind cannot find the right expression to describe them emerges from everywhere excerpt where Lumon was standing.

Each creatures bowed before the stranger standing high on the hills of the Earth. But now, the mountains were filled with furlong darkness that covers the Earth surface and separated it from the Sky 

The starry stars were shrouded  by thick darkness which surrounds the stranger. 

But Lumon noticed that the darkness could not come near where she was standing. It seems a deep spasm separated Lumon from the stranger now standing with his battalion.

Now, the Stranger laughter bellows out smoke and surphuric fire. He laughs and his hordes bowed with their various shapes subjected to twisted forms of its original form 

"I am" the Stranger spoke but before the words could be completed Lumon retorted with Love.
She looked direct into the stranger's gaze with an equal intense fire flowing out of her within to her gaze.
There is only ONE " I AM" and He lives within me. Lumon placed her hands gently on her belly and spoke almost in revential tune orcherting rythems and lyric simultaneously.

" His Name is Yahweh"
He is athe LORD of Host
He is The Master of The Universal
He is the Creator of both Visible and Invisible beings
His Name is Jesus Christ"

The Name Jesus Christ created such thunde storms in the whole Idanre Town that Lumon expected that the sleeping men and women would wake up disturbed. But the town and the people were still as if a cloud of deep slumber was placed over them.

" Jesus Christ is forever King" Lumon finished her speech when she looked at the stranger and saw that both the stranger and all the different shapes creatures  surrounding were on their knees with their head bowed in worship 

Then Lumon remembered the Words written in the ancient books of the Christian 

' Every Knees Must bow and confess that Jesus Christ is LORD"

Then revelational light shine into Lumon's soul and she knew this figure before her is no one but the ancient dragon who held her bound as a child and vowed never to let her go 

But now this dragon is bowed before her because Lumon saw at once that her clothing had become glittering Light with the "The LORD portion inscribed on her". On her forehead with Jesus Christ written.

Wow, Lumon exclaimed, Wow, She exclaimed again.
 "Demons tremble at His presence 
What a might God we serve
Glory, Glory , Halleluyah
Everything written about you is great"

This song rung in the soul of the standing girl who had been redeemed from the dominion of darkness and translated into the Kingdom of Christ forever.

 Lumon went on her knees and bowed her head and spoke
" Oh God of immortal Might
Yours is thy Kingdom
Yours is the glory
Yours is The Earth and it's fullest
Yours is Thy power that is The Only Source of all powers
Yours is thy spirits that keep alive all spirits
Yours forever is Lumon 
Who is on her knees worshipping you
And she remains yours for er
You have made Lumon yours 
Lumon's is yours forver
And through Lumon you will again
Demonstrate your victory through your Enemy
And the Enemy of your People
The sons of Abraham
The brethren of our LORD Jesus Christ.
For we conquered by your Name and your Blood
And the Enemy is no more
Banished into his eternal punishment

Then the Stranger spoke up angrily and as his utterna r filled the sky all his hordes rose with drawers swords seen everywhere.

Immediately, Lumon saw that all round the mountains and within huts and in the town is Lights everywhere and creatures in white with swords, glittering shinning swords filling the town's, the forest, bushes, rivers , ever babies were covered with this glittering being in snow white garment.

These same beings surrounded the four dimension of Lumon and beyond 

A warm fire went through the whole Soul and spirit of Lumon and her body was on Fire. She faced the Stranger and repeated the stranger's last statement
'No', you said '. Lumon faced the stranger with ethereal boldness.
'No', the Stranger reiterated. 
' This Tien, that City, that Nation, these people and all people are mine, they were given to me.'
" By Who' Lumon asked the Stranger again.
Then the Stranger pointed his fingers at Lumon and said Your father's gave it to me"
Then Lumon asked the stranger 
" What is your Name, I ask again" she lifted her face towards the Stranger as if to lift up the stranger's shin to compelled him to answer the questions. 
The horses behind the Strangers ready their swords for a fight but quickly kept their swords by their sides when they realised that they were out numbered 

" Your Name, you tell me now  in Jesus Name" Lumon commanded the Stranger 

Reclitantly, The Stranger replied 'I am the god of this age, the Prince of this World'

Lumon, sighed deeply from within her innermost being. She bowed her head towards the source of all her strength and spoke softly within her to the Holy Spirit who is her Essence and her Life forever. 

Then she gestured to the Stranger to take a seat, a throne appeared for the Stranger while Lumon found herself seated within the  Lion. She saw many Saints emerge, they were everywhere seated in the Lion top. 

Wow, Lumon never knew they were with her all this while, her attention on the Stranger did not allow her to notice them.

Then The Saints  spoke to the Stranger.

√  The King of all kings is called Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God 
√   He created you called the ancient dragon and the breath within your being belongs to Him
√   He is your LORD and Master because you were His Servant who minister to Him in Heaven before you fell.
√ Truly, Adam by disobedience allowed you to reign on Earth on his behalf.
√ But our LORD Jesus Christ by His Obedience has taken the Deeds of ownership of the Earth from you and given it to us.

√ He said in Matt 28 and Luke 10 that all authority in Heaven and earth has been given to Him and He , The Christ has handed over this authority to me.

Suddenly, bunch of keys appeared in the hands of the Saints  and they showed to the Stranger who had suddenly become a big dragon on a finished and defeated throne. It seems as the Saints revealed these truth, the throne of the dragon diminished in size.

Lumon continued:

√ Moreso, God, the Father has made every man and woman who believes in the Name of Jesus Christ, King on the Earth.

√ Therefore, Stranger, I am a King on the Earth while my LORD, Master, King,  and Friend I'd the King of all Kings 

√ Everyone who believes In Jesus Christ is a king as me because God has made us a Kingdom of kings and Priests to rule the Earth.

√ So Stranger, you are a Prince, We are Kings , therefore we have absolutely authority over you on planet Earth 
√ You, stranger did not create the Earth and it's people but our King Jesus Christ created all peoples, He died for all people and purchased them with His Blood.
Therefore all peoples are His if they will receive His Life.

Then Lumon stood up and pointed to the Stranger " As a King on the Earth with all my brethren who are here with me, it was then LUMON realised that she was not the only addressing the Stranger, the Mountain was full of Believes in white raiments who were speaking the same Words to The Stranger 

In Unison, the Believer's all lifted their voices
" Just as angel Michael and his angels fought with you in Heaven and defeated you and your place was no more, we defeat you by the Blood of the Lamb and In the Name of Jesus Christ 

√ We overcome all your powers on the Earth  and decree that you and all your Hordes of demons are returned to the everlasting chains in the darkness below as God decreed 
√ We decree that the Kingdom of men has become the Kingdom of our LORD Jesus Christ
√ We decree that all Nations, Tongues, Languages, peoples will serve Christ and His purpose forever.

Suddenly, the mountain and hills became of smoke of disappearing creatures with angry retorts. It seem a power beyond them was dragging them into the Estate they left beyond and they cried that they will miss the sons of men and the daughters of men they had oppressed over the years 

Everywhere in the town, there was lights the sleeping people awake in their huts. Both angels and human all lifted their voices and sings
 To Him who sits on the Throne
And unto the Lamb
Be Blessings and Glory and Honour Forever.

All the Saints and Angels of Light Sang.




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