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David may have used the " Ephod" ( curious girdle) to know battle outcomes ,but he never used the Ephod to predict the coming Christ. Knowing God's will is in layers. The radio signals for a radio channel don't transmit on the same frequency that have signals for astronauts in space . Even in the word " Ephesians " is at a higher frequency than " Ecclesiastes". Only after Jesus heard the audible voice of His Father did He say "Now, shall the prince of this world be cast out"( Jn 12:27-31). Some "princes" cannot be dealt with at this level of hearing.....
David used the Ephod for knowing the immediate future ( 1 Sam 23:9; 1 Sam 30:7) but when it was time to know the far future , he had to hear conversations " the Lord said to my Lord" directly by the Holy Spirit . The farther we want to see the less we rely on externals and rely on God alone! We must upgrade , get clarity , and know that the " Ephod" won't show us far into the future .... Times have changed ....but I speak not of the " Ephod" but speak of something else .....

There is a cry in the heart of some, for something new...
A fresh breed 
A fresh way of doing things... 
It's in the polity...
It's in the church...
It's in tech...
It's in families...
It's in the air...
Horizons await
Glories lying in wait
Some don't know what to call it.
They can tell when they see it or something close to it...
It's like a particular taste the connoisseur looks for, from taste to taste, using his spoon from plate to plate . When he tastes  it, he says "aha, this is it"and he asks " who cooked this"?
First he tastes it before he asks for the cheff who prepared it.
Like the sound, a mechanic listens  for, in the revving of the car. He can tell when to call his customer to come and pick his car or if he has to continue his work on the car.
Like the times and seasons, the prophets looked for ,saying " is this the era the former prophets spoke of , is this the apocalypse they spoke of "?
In such situations, they don't discard anything. No idea or personality is to be talked down on. They would search , even going to cradles, looking for the weaned child, or shining 🌟 star.
Man can tell when there is more. 
Never underestimate a man who is tired of the norm, he can go any length, in search for what his spirit yearns for. Infact , Simeon said God said he won't die till he saw the Christ. Some literally live above sickness and death waiting for what was promised. The body of man isn't eternal "yet", but his heart and spirit  is. Eternity is in the heart of man. The coming election is more than an election ,it's tiredness! Some are just yearning for something fresh. Like the connoisseur, who doesn't look for the cheff, rather he goes from plate to plate tasting, when he tastes what he has in mind, only then ,would he ask for the cheff!. This search is more than an ethnic search or a political search. It's a search for something new. Anyone who looks more like the old breed would be passed over by the generation looking for something new. Ask millennials, or adult teens and hear them talk. You would know ,they aren't as tolerant as we have been....
cross road......

" spirit + body"
Proverbs 17:22
" A merry heart does good like medicine ,but a broken spirit dries up the bones"

Proverbs 18:14
" The spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity ,but a wounded spirit who can bear"?

Strong spirit+ weak body=✓  healing
Weak spirit + strong body=×, not good

Strong spirit + strong body=💯
The spirit of man can heal the body, but the body can't heal the spirit .
Like you take care of your body, also take care of your spirit 
A man with a strong spirit but weak body can outlive a man with a strong body but weak spirit. 
Like the body can be sick, the spirit also can be "wounded" and " broken"[ before men, there is "brokenness " that's good and brokenness not good]. That's for another day!
If a man's spirit has a problem, it's a bigger problem than a man whose problem is his body. 
Practise Jude 20, building your spirit . When the spirit ( sometimes used interchangeably with heart) is merry it serves as "medicine " to the body. Proverbs says ,if broken, it dries up the bones! Now the bone marrow plays a role in  the  blood, according to medical science. This means, even blood diseases have their cure from a merry heart. Life is more than your body! Life is spirit !

David may have used the " Ephod" ( curious girdle) to know battle outcomes ,but he never used the Ephod to predict the coming Christ. Knowing God's will is in layers. The radio signals for a radio channel don't transmit on the same frequency that have signals for astronauts in space . Even in the word " Ephesians " is at a higher frequency than " Ecclesiastes". Only after Jesus heard the audible voice of His Father did He say "Now, shall the prince of this world be cast out"( Jn 12:27-31). Some "princes" cannot be dealt with at this level of hearing.....
David used the Ephod for knowing the immediate future ( 1 Sam 23:9; 1 Sam 30:7) but when it was time to know the far future , he had to hear conversations " the Lord said to my Lord" directly by the Holy Spirit . The farther we want to see the less we rely on externals and rely on God alone! We must upgrade , get clarity , and know that the " Ephod" won't show us far into the future .... Times have changed ....but I speak not of the " Ephod" but speak of something else .....


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