
A wife is ordained a blessing, a plus and not a minus to her husband. 

She was originally created to be
1.  A Help- meet
2. A companion
3.  A vision carrier, 
4. A friend, 
5 A soul mate, 
6. A confidant, 
7. A secret keeper, 
8. A shield from strange women
9. A partner in God and in destiny.
10. A faithful Lover

And with the Holy Spirit living inside a Believer, a wife should be all of the above and more 
But the examples of 
Adam and Eve,  ( Gen. 1:1-10); Abraham and Sarah, ( Gen. 16:1-4) Ahab and Jezebel  ( 1 Kings 21:1-16) reveals that a woman must be careful and prayerfully guides her relationahip with God and her husband.

Eve, Sarah, and Jezebel used their power of persuasion and influence to lead their husbands against the revealed Will of God 

They used their husband' s love and his soft spot for them to make him make a decision against his best judgement.

A good wife allows a man to open up his heart to her,  A wife of noble character will cause a man to give the key of his heart and decisions to her.

This is why every wife must develop a walk with God, they must synchronise their thoughts with the Word of God, so that they will always mind what the Spirit wants and not what the flesh desires from them.

The Enemy hiding in the serpent came to the Garden of Eden and because He does not like losing, search diligently for the weak link in the family of Adam and Abraham.
Thereafter he sow his evil seeds in their heart. The rest they say is history. 

You can carefully read these passages 

When a man and a woman as lived as husband and wife in sweet fellowship for a while, after a period of time, their thoughts merged , their desires seem similar, their words becomes inseparable so that the man is so used to his wife that he stops questioning any suggestion, counsel from her 

And that is when the couple must always cross +check every decision with the Holy Spirit no matter who suggested it 

I pray God gives us understanding on this matter.

We will not fail our spouse but will always bring them good and not harm all the days of their lives.



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