
Yesterday, I started a study on the roles played by women in the Bible. Of course, I started from the very pages where Womanhood started- Genesis 1-3.

A woman called Eve had such a unique privilege in the beginning- she was created as a helper, companion, intimate part of a man. 

The bible recorded that when Adam saw and received Eve for the first time, he exclaimed, meaning his reaction was not normal. 

My interpretation of his reaction is he shouted with excitement like Isaac was  excited when he first saw Rebecca.  Adam was so elated that he declared this is 'now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh, she shall be called woman'.  

God made the man and woman partners; Satan brought dis-unity,  resulting in the man been made lord over the woman..

I have always wondered and asked why  the man was made master over the woman. Always I justified God's reason as wanting  to establish order in the human relationship esp marriage.

 But this morning, I realized  that the man became master because of Eve's rash independent action.
She made a decision that affected her family and the entire human race without consulting with her partner in purpose- Adam.

Eve took the decision to eat the forbidden fruit and even ate it before she informed Adam. And the way the Bible recorded it, she did not asked for his opinion, rather she gave him  with the unspoken command, 'eat' I ate it too. 

He was not coerced rather he ate it because obviously he had got to a point in their relationship when he rated pleasing her higher than pleasing God.

So I guess God apply  one of the principles of crisis management (eradicate or minimize the cause of crisis)  He brought the voting power of the wife under the authority of the man. 

God was fair in His judgment, he could have chosen to make the woman the enemy of the man as he did with the serpent. 

Sincerely, before this morning, I accepted  the command of submission by the wife to her man by faith. I though it was tough to subject the destiny of one woman to  husband. 

Today, I support God' decision and verdict in Genesis 3 with my whole heart and proclaim with Apostle Paul and Peter

" Woman, submit to the authority of your husband because God commanded it  and its for the best.

Willing submission  makes your home beautiful, it breeds and boost unity, it check-mate the enemy at the gate.

 It ensure sound decisions. Sometimes Its so easy to deceive one but it takes extra efforts to deceive two.

Logic and emotion are twin needed in any sound relationship, they are lubricants for blissful marriage. 

Partnership in business is about sharing ideas and resources. The bible says in multiple of counsels there is safety. Consulting in business venture is a growth booster because it allows for concrete and concise decisions. 

Likewise wives and husbands consulting each other in every area of life is a mutual benefit insurance policy.

Singles, I pray you will not make marital decisions based on appearance, financial status and even spiritual charisma which is okay on itself but should not be the priority. 
Pls. note that marriage can only succeed when you put into practice God' principle for blissful home- submission and love. 

These two virtues are  the basis of our relationship with God- God loves us and we submit to him. God's love is enjoyed when we submit to him.

To the married, who may be having challenges in their marriage, don't give up. Christ said repeatedly in Revelation 2-3, it is only Over-comers who will have a place in his kingdom.

If you give up in your present relationship because of challenges and accept failure, you have only equipped yourself with arsenal and negative testimony for your next relationship.

Consciously and sometimes in pain apply the ingredient of submission and unconditional love coupled with faith and patience.

 Abraham only received what was promised by faith and patience. Thank God for the power of faith but in most cases faith works best when we apply patience.

I really pray a time will come when inequality in leadership  between husbands and wives will completely disappear. But sincerely I doubt if that prayer will be answered. Because the God who rules all things by the power of His word who made it so.

Today, I fully support the assertion of Nollywood  actress Omotola J.  she said in an interview in Punch that she does not believe in equality between husbands and wives.

 Husbands are the leaders and I am not ashamed to say boldly and proudly that wives are the followers. Its so beautiful to follow a man who is under the control of the Holy Spirit and God' word.

 Its like soaring on the wings of grace; only God can stop you and He will not because He loves you and He desire the best for you. 
Once, thanks for reading, hope you were blessed.

A.L. Hephzibah


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