Diamond is Forever' is a line is a Love song that treads in all generations. . Diamonds are precious, stones; beautiful, exquisite and a treasure you want to protect from all  possible damage.

Your Love relationship with that precious heart is invaluable, an inestimable treasure that must be guided with utmost care.

We are creatures that crave care and sincere attention; your heart is yearning, craving always for a sure dependable companion. You want someone you can be vulnerable: a lover you can trust, a lifelong friend in which your heart can rest. This is the meaning of the word 'Love'. It's two trusting Heart intricately interwoven as one.

God's plan for a man and woman bond by marriage covenant is bliss, joy, trust, forgiveness and riches untold.  Your actions, mindset and attitudes must be tailored to ensure that you enjoy all that God desires for you in your Love relationship.

Your Love is Forever
The Sweet feelings is eternal
Tender Care is for Always
Bliss should Be Lifelong
The Creator ordain it So
You must Believe it
And it will So in Your Home!

One recurring thought that always crosses my mind after the Groom and Bride say "l do" is 'Lord Jesus, will they be able to keep the excitement, friendship and sweetness flavour in their homes and marriage after the Honeymoon stage.

A music artist sang "diamonds are forever". I believe the marriage institution needs an award winning song sang by every intending couples with the words " "our friendship and love must shine forever by our conscious actions and attitudes"

The pertinent question at this point is " is it possible to maintain the glow seen on the Wedding Day throughout the life line of the marriage? By the word ' flow', l imply the excitement, the spontaneous touching by the couple if they are truly into each other.

My answer is YES and at the same time NO. I will cite the examples of celebrities and a former president to buttress my submission to this question.

On the Red carpet for films premiere; married, engaged celebrities want to show their fans and audiences that they are still much more in love and they show lot of 'PDF' in public.

I observed a former President of the United State of America, who is fond of showing a lot of 'PDF' in public. I believe their love is genuine because the loving facial expressions is not coerced after many years of marriage.  They act and looked as if they are still strongly drew and attracted to each other after many years of marriage. ( excerpt both are very good actors, their continual glow in marriage looks like the real thing)

I know some culture and religion does not encourage the show of 'PDF' in public and some persons are brought up with the notion that you don't wear your feelings on your sleeves in public

But my initial question is " can couples maintain attractions to each other after many years of marriage and can they maintain the glowing atmosphere in their marriages after honeymoon.

Firstly, l want to establish the fact that loving someone is not just ingrained in the public and private display of emotions.

Loving a man or woman truly starts from a decision you made. A lot of ladies and guys don't realise that they are in control of who and when they fall in love or get attracted to the opposite sex.

You must know that overtime, you input certain information about who you like, you don't like, what you like and you don't like about an individual or potential marriage partner into your mind.

It is this pre-programmed data of information that influences or informs your decision or seemingly ' spontaneous intense feelings about certain individuals- either to love them or dislike them.

This data of information may be influenced by what your parents told you, what you picked up from your parents and relatives marriage relationships. it may be influenced by what you heard, seen on social media, it may be influenced by your personal experiences as you interact with others.

it may even be influenced by manipulations of demons and it may be as a result of what the Holy Spirit told you about who to marry or who is your partner in destiny.

Falling in love is not an uncontrollable impulse that happens to you randomly.
It happens as influenced by these stored data in your mind and heart. So it is this information that make it seem you fall in love out of your control.

Even a man who falls in love with a prostitute, somewhere along the line had allowed the data of information to sift into his heart and mind that it will be surely 'Cool' to marry 'a Runs lady' either out of pity or for the notion of sexual expertise of run girls. ( Am speaking from purely factual base and not in any way advocating for a believer in Christ to marry an unrepentant 'Runs'. lady.)

The same way, you programmed your heart to fall for the partner of your choice, you can also feed your mind and heart with information that allows you to keep the glow in your marriage and home.

Sincerely, l believe any art can be learned and practised. We were born empty, it shows that every attitude, knowledge and skill you have was learnt and acquired. You just need to learn what it takes to build that home that is filled with the joy of the Spirit.

Like l said, Love is a decision and not just good feelings that change based on circumstances and is not totally reliable for continually marital bliss.

If you only touch your spouse, compliment them, speak 'softly' to them when you have high and intense feelings of love" then you are in for a long ride that is easily manipulated by the flesh and the Enemy. 

Happiness can be incited by various elements like a new car, promotion in the office, increased Church attendance etc but happiness by a decision made by its recipient irrespective of the present circumstances is best and more reliable.

Some christians believe that God leads you to marriage partner, others believe - he that finds a wife. Whatever method adopted, you either made a decision to agree with the Holy Spirit counsel or just follow the leading of your heart .

Likewise you must make a decision to store in your spirit, subconscious and conscious mind, data that will allow you to always display loving actions and reactions to your spouse at all times.
The Bible rightly says " As a man thinks so he is"

Touching your spouse and validating them by loving words are actions you can program into your subconscious and they gush out at all times needed .

Every man has an idea of what they like and what they don't like, likewise your spouse his/her likes and dislikes.

Loving someone necessitates that we find out what makes them happy and feel appreciated.

We are individualistic just as our taste and likes are different ; one man may feel truly appreciated when his spouse compliment every kind gestures, while another likes to be appreciated when he pays the bill.

There are different love languages, you just need to learn what tickles your lover. Adaptation to the different love languages may be as a result of upbringing. Some parents show appreciation for the good behaviour by their children by praising them verbally, others reward good behaviour with tangible gifts. Such parents are consciously or unconsciously formatting the love gesture the child would come to enjoy in their adult years  So you must find out what sparks excitement in your marriage partner and deliberately enjoy doing it for them

You don't only touch your spouse when you feel like or when it's time for sex. Touching is one inexpensive way to show your partner, am still attracted to you.

You as a man, you can train your eyes and gaze to follow your wife's movement in the house, you can deliberately catch her gaze and hold it for a while.. It's your way of saying" Babe, l still love and am into you"

I know we are busy with our careers, ministries and trying to make the 'big bucks' but out of this busyness, you can create time to watch your favourite TV shows, chat online for hours, watch football matches etc.  You can equally put in extra efforts in your marriage and home by putting it on the top alert list.

A top Executive said " I ensure at all times that my family calls and chats are treated as top priority and always l return to a warm welcome at home"  To reap a truly happy home, you must sow seeds of love. Many Christian couples operate as flat mates in their homes and not as lovers as God intended.

Listen, the physical, emotional environment is already filled with enough pain, but Jesus came that we should have abundant life and that the joy of the Holy Ghost should fill our hearts.

So while we sacrificially spread the Gospel of Christ, fight insurgents in our nation ,fulfill divine mandate, let ensure that our homes are a place of comfort, joy, happiness.

Your home should be where you go and you are happy, elated, excited that you are going home- for you know every burden would be shared by someone who is truly Interested in your happiness and understands you.

After a very busy day for me and l drive through the gate leading to my apartment , a kind of serenity comes over me, l feel a gentle but powerful vibes and my soul resounds "AM HOME"

. That's what the Creator intends when He said " The two shall become one", two shall receive better reward for their labour and one will chase a thousand and two, their tens of thousands.

Such joy such unspeakable joy
Such peace and everlasting peace
Such love pure and holy love
Spirit have Your way in me

Such joy such unspeakable joy
Such peace and everlasting peace
Such love pure and holy love
Spirit have Your way in me

There's a peace that floods my soul
When the Spirit of the Lord is in control
And there's a joy, no bounds can hold
When the Spirit blows a fresh wind through my soul
Holy Spirit flow through me
Touch my heart and there will, there will be

Such joy such unspeakable joy
Such peace and everlasting peace
Such love pure and holy love
Spirit have Your way in me

There's a peace that floods my soul
When the Spirit of the Lord is in control
And there's a joy, no bounds can hold
When the Spirit blows a fresh wind through my soul
Holy Spirit flow through me
Touch my heart and there will, there will be

Such joy such unspeakable joy
Such peace and everlasting peace
Such love pure and holy love
Spirit have Your way in me

Such joy such unspeakable joy
Such peace and everlasting peace
Such love pure and holy love
Spirit have Your way in me
Spirit have Your way in me

Love is the best lubricants for human relationship. The Creator ordained mankind to enjoy all He created and to the fullest. Bliss and happiness is ingrained into creatures.

The beautiful birds that flies in the Sky is supposed to stir up sweet high feelings in the Human Soul and peace in the inner man.

The dishes caught in the Sea and fried, cooked is ordained to give sweet savor and pleasure to the taste bud and refreshed the human body with strength.

God created all things for His pleasure and desired to give us pleasure too and creatures mould in His image and likeness.

But we see a different law at play  when you consider the high degree of hardship and the uncertainty of living under the Sun. You intend to question the essence of human existence when faced with  pain that attempts to crush the soul.

A child is born, grows in age and size, and  is gainfully employed, we term this simple process ; progressive living. Then  you work hard to become successful and rich only to find yourself dead and on the other side of Eternity.
You had left all you toiled and labour for many years.

What is God's original intention for mankind?  Did He expected that the first man and woman will be subjected to a lifetime of toiling under the Sun till death visits? Did He created the Earth to be a place  for  killings, sorrow and grief.?

Lets return to Genesis 1-3 and attempt to get  answers from the Bible Study principle  of the Law of first mention.

Before God created the first man and woman and put them in the Garden; the Creator ensured everything they needed for a life of ease and enjoyment was given.
This shows the will and benevolence of the Father. The fact that God created all things for man's enjoyment was also revealed in 1 Timothy 6:17-19. Apostle Paul said:

"Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, WHO RICHLY  PROVIDES US WITH EVERYTHING FOR OUR ENJOYMENT.

Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.

These are two explicit witnesses in the Bible that God never intended man to live in pain and suffering; For what does a Good God has to gain from the pain of man?.
But  the Book of Genesis reveals the source of all  evil in the World.

Then the Lord God said to the woman, “What is this you have done?” The woman said, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.” So the Lord God said to the serpent, “Because you have done this, “ Genesis 3:13-19

The Woman listened to the Evil genius whose eternal mission is to steal, kill and destroy and thus pain, destruction was introduced into the World.

The Wedding Day unfathomable happiness is ordained by God to last for a lifetime.  Bible readings supports this fact ' He who finds a wife; finds a good thing and obtains favour from the LORD. Favour is a good blessing  in the life of any man. Either favour obtained purely as a gift of mercy from God or favour obtained as a result of human efforts.

Reaction and response to issues and your thoughts determine your feelings per time. When you release positive feelings on an issue, happiness is birthed but if you choose to release a negative response to an event then sorrow is the result.

 Happiness or Sadness is all about reactions, responses; It means it can be managed. If you guide your responses to things based on the stipulations of scriptural provision, you can keep sadness away at all times and serve the LORD' s purpose in this generation with joy and happiness.

People have pre-grammed data stored in their minds on how to cope with various issues that occur in their life- time. These information are cumulated over time from experiences, cultural beliefs, books and exposures etc.

For King David, disappointments always birthed a New Psalm. He pours out his negative feelings through his writing.

Some Psalms reveals that David was not so easy on his enemies ( Psalm 109, Psalm 5) while other Psalm reveals that he had learnt to praise God in difficult times.. (Psalm 3, Psalm 7). And when David was happy, such as Pslam 8, 18 were birthed. When he was grateful, (Pslam 100-104 ) reflected his thoughts.

Singing and writing was David's way of expressing the tumult in his Soul. The Scriptures advises on what our reaction should be on different circumstances that may present itself.

"Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray.


 Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord" James 5;13-14

Happiness has a voice and a face, it has an atmosphere, it can be seen and touched and it flows from the soul. The soul is the seat of both sorrow and happiness, you determine which river flows out of you.

"Doth the fountain send forth from the same opening sweet water and bitter?" James 3:11

King Solomon on the other hand dealt with the vacuum in his soul by giving himself to pleasure, wine, projects and of course more women. Yet he was not happy, the fear of dying and leaving all his achievements behind plagued his soul. ( The Book of Eccl.)

I said to myself, “Come now, I will test you with pleasure to find out what is good.” But that also proved to be meaningless. 

“Laughter,” I said, “is madness. And what does pleasure accomplish?”

 I tried cheering myself with wine, and embracing folly —my mind still guiding me with wisdom. 

I wanted to see what was good for people to do under the heavens during the few days of their lives. 

I undertook great projects: I built houses for myself and planted vineyards. ..... 

I bought male and female slaves .........I also owned more herds and flocks than anyone in Jerusalem before me.

 I amassed silver and gold for myself, and the treasure of kings and provinces.

 I acquired male and female singers, and a harem as well—the delights of a man’s heart.

 I became greater by far than anyone in Jerusalem before me. In all this my wisdom stayed with me. 

I denied myself nothing my eyes desired; I refused my heart no pleasure.

 My heart took delight in all my labor, and this was the reward for all my toil. 

Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done and what I had toiled to achieve, everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind; nothing was gained under the sun. Eccl 2.

Leah is happy whenever she does or achieve anything that she felt will make her husband love her.

She did not discover what makes her husband truly happy , she assumed giving him sons would make him happy yet after four sons, the attention and heart of Jacob was not solely hers.

Then she resolved to make God her Source of true happiness.

She conceived again, and when she gave birth to a son she said, “This time I will praise the Lord.” So she named him Judah. Then she stopped having children. Genesis 29:35

We must make God our Source of true happiness. God has given us joy as a gift but we must also learn to make Him the source of our happiness.

God purposed marriage and relationships for companionship, bliss and fruitfulness; it was never intended to cause sadness and pain.

No matter what you see in the world presently:  News of  newly married couples breaking up permanently after one year of their wedding ceremony, domestic abuse and violence, Christian couples filling the clientele forms of the Divorce Court,  you must understand that the marriage relationship is originally intended for pleasure and satisfaction.
You are ordained for happiness with your respective spouse.

The Enemy knows that if a lady/ guy fails in the choice of marriage partner, no matter how anointed such is, it will take a lot of grace and mercy to fulfill God’s calling joyfully.
We have good examples of believers with blissful and happy marriages but the sad story is that we also have believers who had and have broken marriages and their negative stories and testimonies can be a source of fear to the Christian singles.
I have discovered in life that you reign and go up by divine knowledge. There is no endeavor that cannot be successful if its principle of operation is acquired and learned. I have an electric pressing iron that I have been using for over ten years and have not repaired once. Although, I pray over every appliances I buy, but I also ensure that I follow the instructions of the manual as much as possible. While I rely on God saving grace to keep my appliance safe, I ensure that I don’t deliberately go against given instructions for its safety.
This fact also applies in our marriage relationship, to have a successful marriage and happiness in your home; you must rely on the knowledge and wisdom provided in the Bible, but you also have a very crucial part to play and a price to pay.  Christ paid the price for every blessing to be yours by faith- you must do your part to sustain the blessings.
The divorce rate in the World is alarming, some countries has as much as 65% divorce rate.  Ed Stetzer assessed that couples who are active in their faith are less likely to divorce and the same article published in Christianity today magazine states that 53% of very happy couples agree with the statement “God is at the center of our marriage.” Divorce rate will always be on the increase as long as the World  refuses to accept the Divine order of Agape love as being the necessary foundation, crux of a blissful home and insist on ‘ Eros love’ and ‘philoes love’ as the most important elements needed for a happy marriage.
You don’t necessarily need to be physically attracted to a man to fall in love with him. Put a guy and lady  in a close environment either office, house or even church especially if the guy/lady is one who truly fears God, whose lifestyle is enamored by kindness, grace and the fruits of the spirit, love for such will swell like a gushing river, feelings of being in love will radiant on a daily basis. Such guy becomes the most handsome man on the planet for the lady because good feelings are usually encouraged by lovely actions.
When actions and expressions of love die in a relationship, its only a matter of time, before happiness in such relationship dwindles. It takes deliberate and conscious actions to keep the needed glow in a marriage relationship in the short and long run. Many couples are cohabitant in their marriages instead of bring intimate friends and lovers.
Joyce Meyer said if Christian wives serve and respect their husbands the way they respect and serve their pastors, Christian men will feel as kings in their homes and truly find it easy to love their women as Christ love the Church.

Happiness is a mindset and not a gift. It is believed that there are catalysts for happiness, things you can see or do that bring instant Happiness.

But in my opinion and has supported by the Bible, the greatest SOURCE of happiness is the Loving Father who is the Almighty God.

And the greatest catalyst for happiness is His Word, teaching and guidance given by the Holy Spirit.

Psalm 32:8 says
"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you."

God is loving and all His actions are inspired by Love-His rebuke, judgments and guidances have their root in His Love.

He desires the best,  Life can offer you and He is doing all within His might to ensure that you enjoy His provisions and blessings.

But to access all these, you must learn from Him for His only motive for relating with humanity is LOVE.

Jesus said
"Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light"

When you refuse to take the burden of your Father, then know that you will surely carry the burden of Satan, the enemy and be controlled by His yoke.

I pray this new week will be filled with awesome testimonies as you wait on the LORD for His GUIDANCE given in LOVE .


God purposed marriage and relationships for companionship, bliss and fruitfulness; it was never intended to cause sadness and pain.

No matter what you see in the world presently:  News of  newly married couples breaking up permanently after one year of their wedding ceremony, domestic abuse and violence, Christian couples filling the clientele forms of the Divorce Court,  you must understand that the marriage relationship is originally intended for pleasure and satisfaction.

You are ordained for happiness with your respective spouse.

The Enemy knows that if a lady/ guy fails in the choice of marriage partner, no matter how anointed such is, it will take a lot of grace and mercy to fulfill God’s calling joyfully.

We have good examples of believers with blissful and happy marriages but the sad story is that we also have believers who had and have broken marriages and their negative stories and testimonies can be a source of fear to the Christian singles.

I have discovered in life that you reign and go up by divine knowledge.
There is no endeavor that cannot be successful if its principle of operation is acquired and learned.

Let me site an example. I have an electric pressing iron that I have been using for over ten years and have not repaired once. Although, I pray over every appliances I buy, but I also ensure that I follow the instructions of the manual as much as possible.

While I rely on God saving grace to keep my appliance safe, I ensure that I don’t deliberately go against given instructions for its safety.

This fact also applies in our marriage relationship, to have a successful marriage and happiness in your home; you must rely on the knowledge and wisdom provided in the Bible, but you also have a very crucial part to play and a price to pay.

  Christ paid the price for every blessing to be yours by faith- you must do your part to sustain the blessings.

The divorce rate in the World is alarming, some countries has as much as 65% divorce rate.  Ed Stetzer assessed that couples who are active in their faith are less likely to divorce and the same article published in Christianity today magazine states that 53% of very happy couples agree with the statement “God is at the center of our marriage.”

Divorce rate will always be on the increase as long as the World  refuses to accept the Divine order of Agape love as being the necessary foundation, crux of a blissful home and insist on ‘ Eros love’ and ‘philoes love’ as the most important elements needed for a happy marriage.

You don’t necessarily need to be physically attracted to a man to fall in love with him.

Put a guy and lady  in a close environment either office, house or even church especially if the guy/lady is one who truly fears God, whose lifestyle is enamoured by kindness, grace and the fruits of the spirit, love for such will swell like a gushing river, feelings of being in love will radiant on a daily basis.

Such guy becomes the most handsome man on the planet for the lady because good feelings are usually encouraged by lovely actions.

When actions and expressions of love die in a relationship, its only a matter of time, before happiness in such relationship dwindles.

It takes deliberate and conscious actions to keep the needed glow in a marriage relationship in the short and long run. Many couples are cohabitant in their marriages instead of bring intimate friends and lovers.

Joyce Meyer said if Christian wives serve and respect their husbands the way they respect and serve their pastors, Christian men will feel as kings in their homes and truly find it easy to love their women as Christ love the Church.

Happiness is a choice
Remaining Happy is an aspect of Joy
It is high excited feelings induced by a positive environment and circumstances

But when You Chose to be Happy when the circumstances has lost its dance
And the voice of the situation is gloomy
It is way of saying

' Listen Circumstances! You will not Rob me of Health and Vitality
I refuse to release the steering of my heart and feelings to you

I will not permit you to dump your flood of bitterness in my restored Soul
The Most High dwells within your walls Oh, my Soul
For My Redeemer,
Jesus Christ is your everlasting Friend

The Holy Spirit comforting and soothing balm and fragrance flows into you as the River  of Joy

I chose to be Happy
Paul and Silas sang when the prison wanted to steal their Song

Happiness!, Oh Happiness!
It is a CHOICE
Because if you choose to be sad
You have nothing to gain from your Sorrow
For Sorrow rips the fabric of Serenity in your Soul
And cloth the Rays of Sunshine with hopelessness

But l Say
"I have Joy like a River
Joy like a River
Joy like a River in my Soul

I chose the Word of God
I will pay attention to its SAYINGS
I will not allow the Word depart from my Heart
For the Word of God is Life to Me
And Health to All my flesh

I have the Holy Spirit within my Heart
Joy in the Spirit
I have Joy within my Soul

Love is the best lubricants for human relationship. The Creator ordained mankind to enjoy all He created and to the fullest. Bliss and happiness is ingrained into creatures.

The beautiful birds that flies in the Sky is supposed to stir up sweet high feelings in the Human Soul and peace in the inner man.

The dishes caught in the Sea and fried, cooked is ordained to give sweet savor and pleasure to the taste bud and refreshed the human body with strength.

God created all things for His pleasure and desired to give us pleasure too and creatures mould in His image and likeness.

But we see a different law at play  when you consider the high degree of hardship and the uncertainty of living under the Sun. You intend to question the essence of human existence when faced with  pain that attempts to crush the soul.

A child is born, grows in age and size, and  is gainfully employed, we term this simple process ; progressive living. Then  you work hard to become successful and rich only to find yourself dead and on the other side of Eternity. 

You had left all you toiled and labour for many years.

What is God's original intention for mankind?  Did He expected that the first man and woman will be subjected to a lifetime of toiling under the Sun till death visits? Did He created the Earth to be a place  for  killings, sorrow and grief.?

Lets return to Genesis 1-3 and attempt to get  answers from the Bible Study principle  of the Law of first mention. 

Before God created the first man and woman and put them in the Garden; the Creator ensured everything they needed for a life of ease and enjoyment was given.

This shows the will and benevolence of the Father. The fact that God created all things for man's enjoyment was also revealed in 1 Timothy 6:17-19. Apostle Paul said:

"Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, WHO RICHLY  PROVIDES US WITH EVERYTHING FOR OUR ENJOYMENT. 

Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life. 

These are two explicit witnesses in the Bible that God never intended man to live in pain and suffering; For what does a Good God has to gain from the pain of man?.

But  the Book of Genesis reveals the source of all  evil in the World.

Then the Lord God said to the woman, “What is this you have done?” The woman said, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.” So the Lord God said to the serpent, “Because you have done this, “ Genesis 3:13-19

The Woman listened to the Evil genius whose eternal mission is to steal, kill and destroy and thus pain, destruction was introduced into the World.

The Wedding Day unfathomable happiness is ordained by God to last for a lifetime.  Bible readings supports this fact ' He who finds a wife; finds a good thing and obtains favour from the LORD. Favour is a good blessing  in the life of any man. Either favour obtained purely as a gift of mercy from God or favour obtained as a result of human efforts. 



Joy and Happiness are words used interchangeably and similar in their manifestations. But these two words are products of two different faculty in the the make up of a man.

Joy is a fruit of the spirit where the Holy Spirit dwells. It is purely supplied by the Holy Spirit and it is irrespective of a man's favourable or unfavourable circumstances.  The Bible says in Romans 14:17:

"for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness, and peace, and joy in [the] Holy Spirit."

Happiness on the other hand is a product of the human soul. It is high  intensive feelings produced in the human soul as a  result of favourable circumstances and can also  triggered by external elements such as drugs, music , achievements and other factors. It is usually  accompanied by laughter.

'“Laughter,” I said, “is madness. And what does pleasure accomplish?” I tried cheering myself with wine, and embracing folly —my mind still guiding me with wisdom. I wanted to see what was good for people to do under the heavens during the few days of their lives. I undertook great projects: I built houses for myself and planted vineyards. I made gardens and parks.... Eccl. 2:2

Leah , a woman who find herself in relationship whereby she did all within her power to make her husband love her more yet his heart was bethrothed to Rachel at first sight.

And he never allowed any person replaced Rachel in his heart excerpt Rachel's children. He chose to fall in love with Rachel at first sight and transferred that love to Rachel's children at her death though Leah was still alive.

Leah was beautifully and wonderfully made by God; she was a beautiful woman in her right but when compared to her sister; Rachel, she was less beautiful to her husband Jacob. 

Rachel and Leah were begotten by the same parents; it means the resemblance is a matter of who they looked like:  either thei rmother or father. So it was not Leah's fault that Rachel had a better physical attributes in the sight of Jacob.

On the other hand, Jacob  was coming from a family of very beautiful women. His grandmother; Sarah was extricately beautiful. She had  the kind of beauty that enthralled Kings. Rebecca; Jacob's mother was admired and wanted by a king though she was married.

Therefore a stronghold has been built in the mind and heart of Jacob for the kind of wife he desires and wanted.

Secondly, Jacob was close to his mother and had heard the story of how Eliezer got  Rebecca to become a wife for Isaac; Jacob's Father. So when it was Rachel he met at the Well, he concluded this was divine provision. It happened with my mother, it is been repeated in my search for a wife. ( The Enemy can sure produce counterfeits of what God's power did)

But he forgot the case of Abraham's servant; Eliezer was different. Eliezer prayed for the special circumstances that surrounded the choice of Rebecca as Isaac's wife.  Also,  Abraham prayed that God's angel will do the searching. Secondly, Eliezer specially asked for that circumstance.

"Then he prayed, “Lord, God of my master Abraham, make me successful today, and show kindness to my master Abraham. 

"See, I am standing beside this spring, and the daughters of the townspeople are coming out to draw water.

May it be that when I say to a young woman, ‘Please let down your jar that I may have a drink,’ and she says, ‘Drink, and I’ll water your camels too’ —let her be the one you have chosen for your servant Isaac. 

By this I will know that you have shown kindness to my master.” Before he had finished praying, Rebekah came out with her jar on her shoulder.

She was the daughter of Bethuel son of Milkah, who was the wife of Abraham’s brother Nahor. The woman was very beautiful, 

Jacob did not offer such specific prayers or request for that specific template. This is why you must be extremely careful.on the marriage template you follow.

Divine provision knows all things and always put that into consideration especially in an issue of marriage . The tradition in Laban's house was that the first daughter must get married before the last daughter. Laban knew this fact and our heavenly Father also knew this fact but Jacob did not know obviously.

Probably if Jacob had involved God in the choice of marriage partner, God would have counsel him to wait or advice him to marry Leah for she will begot Judah whose Name will be associated with God's earthly ancestral. The Bible does not speak clearly on this matter but we can rightly deduct from factors in the story.

Therefore Leah was plunged into a loveless marriage. A marriage where her husband felt she was forced on him because maybe nobody else wants marry her. We are sure Leah would be very happy when Jacob came to their household. She would have believed God has answered her prayers because it was her turn to be married. But alas her husband sees her as a burden and not a blessing. He showed her by his actions that she was forced on him and he would not have married her if he had a say lin the matter.

Instead of receiving her as a blessing, he saw her as an unwanted factor in his life.


Love is defined in the Bible as the act of showing kindness, patience, tolerance and giving happiness to another Human being. 1 Cor. 13:1. This definition is sufficient for the definition of love as Phileo, and Agape. It is a love that is a committal and not necessary a love based on feelings. You don't have to have high feelings for this kind of love. It is a love that is strictly based on a heart commitment to bring joy and show good to another human and in this case your wife or husband.

This kind of committal love desires to always do things that pleases the other party. It has some similarity  with the decision a worker takes to always do things that please the boss. This is a.decision that is not dependent on favourable or unfavourable circumstances. 

It says ' I will do all within my power to please you, so help me God'.

A man and woman must have this commitall love for their spouse to have a lasting marriage filled with happiness. Happiness can be created over and over again in the family just as romance can be kept alive in  a relationship through date nights;  'Us alone'  and it's 'all about you' nights.  All these nights and event are created by couples and marriage counsellors to keep alive the feelings of love and romance in the marriage

The type of love relationship that needs dates nights and romantic gestures to keep its feelings and power alive in the home is called 'Eros"  it is a  love completely based on how a man/ woman feels per time. The fuel that keeps its engine rolling is high feelings and this feeling depend entirely in favourable conditions which can also be pre arranged. 

Eros is strictly based on feelings. The fuel for this kind of love is feelings. When the feeling is high, the expression of love of touching, kissing, kind gestures and sweet words is very high. But when the subject is hurt and has low.fewlings, Eros may not function.

Believers must understand that been 'spiritual' does not eradicate Eros from their marriage. It is only animals that mate without feelings. 

Believers are spiriit beings ; who have a SOUL and dwells in a body. We guess one of the reason, God created us with a soul is so that we can use our volition and feelings to relate with one another. 

The foundation of every Christian marraige must be Agape love because only this kind of love allows spouse to relate in selfishness, but 

'Philoes' kind of love must be a life companion in the marraige because you need to enjoy each other companion away from Church and when you are not involved in a spiritual activities 

But it is equally important that your heart beat faster;  your face break into a smile, your hands sweat a little because you desire to touch your lover and your soul is calm and feels satisfied about talking, touching your marriage partner.

The God who created man as a creature of feelings ngs predeteemined that three kinds of love is experienced in marriage. 

When Eve was presented to Adam, Rebecca was presented to Isaac, Boaz decided that he would redeemed Ruth as a kins Redeemer and Jacob saw Rachel for the first time; their feelings were aroused, they did not just accepted God' s provision but they also liked their choices of marraige  partners 

This was leaking in Leah and Jacob's relationship. She was forced on him. And Jacob was not able to overcome this singlary factor in his marraige. He did not successfully adjust his attitudes ' Though this woman was forced on me as a marriage partner but l don't have to make her suffer all her life for a mistake that is not hers'.  God of Abraham and Isaac, please help me to love her as a lover and not just the mother of my children.


We must understand that humans are Creatures of words. Your life follow the direction of your words. 

Actions are birthed by the thoughts for as a man thinks, so his actions will be in any situation.

A bright countenance is a reflection of Positive thoughts and will give birth to wholesome actions. Yesterday, l was listening to a sermon online that caused me to meditate on some negative thoughts. In a short while, I was sad and had  tears running down my cheeks.

Your thoughts control your actions. If you will learn to meditate only on the good qualities and attributes of your husband/wife at all times, happiness will not be a stranger in your home.

Proverbs 4

Let's  carry out an exercise. Repeatly tell someone you don't like seeing them.person. In a matter of months you will notice that you want to avoid seeing that person. Secondly, you will not have happy feelings when you see them.

This is why you don't like picking the calls of certain persons. You have programmed your mind through thoughts that their calls are a burden to you. So when your phone screen show their name, your feelings go down and you will have to introduce excitments into your voice as you speak to them.

This happens because you have feed your mind with negative thoughts about them ànd this negative thoughts affects your feelings and ultimately your actions.

If we will learn to think about what is pure, true, lovely and of good reports about all men especially our spouse, if your  thoughts about them is always good, then your feelings will follow your positive thoughts.

'Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—THINK ABOUT SUCH THINGS.  Philippians 4:8

So Jacob did not have this high feelings about Leah but he had high feel about Rachel because of the stronghold of negative thoughts: Leah was forced on me, it was Rachel l wanted.

Many contemporary relationship situation carries this logo. The man or woman is forced into a marriage relationship beyond their control. Maybe a friend, family member introduced them. And the man felt let me just get married. His or her feelings were not spilling over but it was just a logical decuauin. Maybe the woman had a good job, or from a wealth background. The marriage was based on what the man and woman hoped to glean from the relationship.

Both parties can show exuberant feelings initially at the courtship period but everyone returns to their normal self when the marriage register is signed. The mask are off and partners reveal their true characteristics.

We will not discuss maybe because the lady get pregnant before the weeding night because.the Bible condemns fornication and pre marital sex.

2. The high feelings if love can be ectinguish tooo when the woman or the man does not speak gracious words in the home. Words are the lubricants for the human soul and spirit. Cruel.words can crush a.man's soul.and research has shown that the marriage relationship is a place where verbal.abuse is highest. 

The wife uses unkind words to the husband and the husband inturn uses foolish word on his wife. Unkind words can crush the feels ngs of love esp cially in a woman:s heart. Then her love making with her husband is a routine and not a source of joy and happiness.

Unkind words have been known to.crush the feelings if love in a.marriage situation

King David desired and love Michael so much that he requested that she should be taken from her husband and brought back to him as his wife.

But the day Michel ridiculed him publicly because of his dancing moves; that was the last heard about Michel. Unkind words can kill.

A man and woman must learn to speak gracious words at all times. 


1. Cry Out to The God who holds the Heart of Kings in His hand. Such woman should not try to win the man's attention, kindness and goodwill by her own strength or manipulation. She should commit the heart of her husband to God and asked God to break down every strainghild, mindset that makes it difficult for her husband to love her.

We all stumble in many ways. Anyone who is never at fault in what they say is perfect, able to keep their whole body in check. 

With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be. Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring?  James 3

A FALL IN HUMAN CHARACTER: Men and woman are creation of attractions. We are easily moved by what we see; the five sensory organs intends to control our actions.

Excerpt for the cases of arranged marriage, a man is usually attracted to a woman b cause of what he heard about her, what he saw in her. It may be her physical beauty, it may be her wealth , it may be her family name, it maybe her fear of God ( a Christian man) but you are always drawn by something.

It is only a few men that are drawn because of their relationship with the Holy Spirit.  They have trained themselves to always follow the leasing and nudging of the Holy Spirit.

But you are drawn to a member of the opposite sex for a particular reason and mostly these reasons are informed by the ideas you have stored in your mind over time

Maybe from your parents, fri nds marraige, something you read and saw. There are ideas already store in your mind.

I remember that as.a young lady l vowed never to have anything to do with indigenes of Ondo state. I heard a story of one of my aunties who married into an Ondo family and was maltreated . So l spoke l will never have anything going on o do with them.

But God of all mercies, delivered me from this ignorant vow. I was posted to Ondo State for my NYSC and have be n there.since. Mindset is very powerful and we must always identify how it affects our d visions in life. Many are held bound by wrong mindset.

So if the source of attraction of a man to you is the way you dress but after marriage you stopped dressing that way, it may affect the way a.man/ woman feels about you.

So.whwn we stop doing what was responsible for the attraction, it may affect the flows of feelings in the home. Revelation 2 says if we want to retain our first love then we must go back to doing those things we did at first.


We establish at the begining of this writing that Satan is the source of all pains and wickedness. In essence when God introduced pain to a person' s life or nation, it is pain as a result of God's judgement.

Judgement is inevitable if you transgress against God's Word and His way. Satan will attack anything good excerpt of it is a sewming good to achieve his purpose and carry out his agenda.

The marriages of believers are his primary attack because in Christian Marr age, God is supposed to be king and His will established on Earth as it is in heaven. Moreso, a Christian home is the number one platform through which the gospel of our LORD Jesus Christ must be propagated.

Every Christian spouse especially the woman must learn how to fight the good fight of faith. You must remain on your knees and keep on speaking aloud the Word of faith that you believe. 

Your relationship must be in point with the Holy Spirit because He is the One who will help you take care of the invisible nword and enable you through his anointing to truumph over the works of darkness and he'll.

Without the Holy Spirit , we cannot do much.

The devil will do all he can yo frustrate your marriage but you must use the Word of God to keep him back in his defeated position as Jesus Christ guaranteed.


Leah was in a loveless marriage; her husband do not give her attention, his own attention was on Rachel. Obviously, Rachel was in control of her husband sex life. Though Leah gave her husband sons- what should make a man happy and gravitate towards you, it seem the joy of Jacob did not increase his love for Leah because the Bible noted that ' when God saw that Leah was not loved, God opens her womb. Probably Leah and Rachel were ordained to suffer the same thing that Isaac and Abraham his father suffered; delay in child bearing.  But because Leah was not loved, God intervened on her behalf and she had children early. It was Rachel who was loved and had a bad attitude towards Leah that suffered the plight suffered by Rebecca and Sarah.

In Leah's cars, the only Being who could work a change of heart in the husband and that will be permanent is The Almighty who knew she was not loved. Obviously, Laban could do nothing about this issue probably because of culture. Another person that would have helped speak to Jacob and that he would listen is Rebeccah his mother and she is far away where she cannot intervened.

The only person that could help her is the God of Israel. Obviously, the husband had not taught her about the God of his fathers. So.she kept on trying all means to get her her husband's attention. When she noticed non was working, she resolve to her fate and turned.her love to God. This she did by naming her four son Judah- now l will praise the LORD.

As believers, God must be our first source of help in any situation. When we cry out to.God, our Father first, then He will raise all the other helpers we need. There will be challenges in marraige just as there are challenges in life but with the help of our Father we will.surely prevail.


We have observed that when you continually pray for a person, your heart is favourable disposed to them. Naturally, you develop good feelings for the man, woman and child you pray for. There are some set of children in my street . Normally, l go to their house and teach them the scriptures. But l notice anytime, l see them on the street, my heart swells with joy and l greet them with greet happiness. That is the power of prayers.

The partner you pray for regularly, will always have a special place in your life. I remember what my former boss usually say. She would say " anytime l am making my husband meals, l would pray in tongues and proclaim my husband will always love me, that l will always find favour in his sight, l will only do him good all the days of his life and not him, he will always have confiden e in me. ( I added my own prayer point to hers)

Our LORD Jesus Christ said ' that the people of this world are wise in their generations. An unbelieving woman will go to an herbalist and ask for a love charm. Though, the herbalist knows nothing about the demonic world excerpt what he watches feo. Television, he will give a charm and tell her to put into her husband's food and sp ak what she wants her husband to do for her.

We have established that most of the things the Enemy does, he copied from God. He is not given the ability to create anything new. It is only man and God that has the ability to create anything new in the World.

Moreso, the Bible says with the heart you believe while with your mouth confession is made unto salvation

You desire that your husband should always love you and your home happy. Then you pray and believer it, then you must take the last step and make the right confessions to this prayers.

Even if the man is misbehaving, you must keep your confession intact, because with time if you do not doubt, the Holy Spirit will create you confession into reality.

The Bible says the mouth of the Lord has spoke it and His Spirit ( zeal) will bring it to past or perform it.


Many person would say, l can't say what l don't believe yet the Bible says faith comes by hearing and hearing again. One way to build your faith for any matter is to speak aloud what you believe about that matter.

A man who speaks continually about his fear of road accident will surely build a stronghold of fear for the same and it is only a matter of time before he/she s involved in one.

You must learn to say l love you, l appreciate you, you are a source of huge blessing to my life, you are a gift from God to me, l will always love you to your spouse even if you don't feel as it at that time

It is not hypocrisy, rather you are speaking what you believe to be the truth even if you don't feel like it at that time

A man/woman is ensnared by their words. I'd you speak such godly words that is what you will surely see. But if you chose to speak the otherwise that is what you will.also.see. 

Happiness is our right as believers, we only need to learn how to access it. Apostle Peter was locked up in prison and he chose to sleep instead of crying or weeping at his negative lot. Paul and Silas were in prison and they chose to sing Psalms and spiritual songs to the God who can deliver them.

Happiness is a choice. Many factors would arise to make you unhappy always chose to be happy.

Only say what you want to see in the life of your spouse. You may not believe it at first but later you will start to believe it . Because saying it over and over again builds a stri ghold in your mind m


There was nothing Leah could about her marriage because the foundation of the marriage was very wrong and the Bible says if the foundation is destroyed what kind the righteous do. The only help was the intervention of the Almighty.

But  if your relationship started on the right foundation, always ask your spouse what he/she likes even in loving making. Then consciously, deliberately continue to do with the help of the Holy Spirit 

Marriage relationship is not ordained for divorce by God. It is meant to be a source of help to two persons while they are fulfilling their God"s given mandate of been fruitful and multupling and replenishing the Earth. 

You are in that relationship to be a source of joy and happiness to another person but on a more intimate level. NGO go to community that needs help and offer assistance without expecting a reward from the people they helped.

Likewise Marriage is a place where the Golden rule I'd obeyed fully. You do to your spouse as you want him to do to you. Woman, no matter who your husband is, you must always make him look big in public and privately. Pleasing your spouse should be your number 1 vision in the home.

A man/ woman that is pleased at home will see no need for adultery excerpt fleshly and demonically induced.

You must find out what makes him/her happy and do it. God rewards you when you bring joy and happiness to any man/ woman created in His image and likeness. You are bring joy to Him.

The Bible spoke of our LORD Jesus Christ in Acts 10:38

how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him.



Words are life. They either bring God'snlife into your marriage and the life of your spouse and children or bring the death from the Enemy into the marriage .

Nothing kills love faster in the heart and happiness in the home than ungracious and unkind words. It can ruin the heart and destroy the strengths of a person.

The ranger if unkind words have s that it can renainvlodged in the memory of your spouse for a L Fe time.

The daughter of Jing Saul loved David her husband just as the soul of Jonathan cleaved to the same David m she deferred her father's order by keeping the live of David safe.

And David loved her so much too. After he became king over Judah and Israel, he asked that Michael be taken from the man she was living with because King David told the people of Benjamin to restore to him his wife.

Obviously David loved her  to make this kind of request. But words that hurt, words that were not anointed with grace shut the womb of Micah and of course shut the door to any intimacy between her and her husband.

Now Saul’s daughter Michal was in love with David, and when they told Saul about it .  But Saul had given his daughter Michal, David’s wife, to Paltiel son of Laish, who was from Gallim. Sam. 18:20

But it got to a point where that love turned to hatred and Michael rebuked and tried to correct her husband in public. Those ungracious word were that cause of her barrenness throughout her lifetime.



Leah was excited, elated and could not keep her enthusiasm to herself

Wow, her father Laban had used his fatherly love to give to her the desire of her heart

A Lover from a distant shore!

Probably she wanted Jacob also  the moment she set her gaze on him.

But he had eyes only for her sister

And spend almost all his time with her because Rachel was a shepherdess just like Jacob was a shepherd

Rachel understood the bleating of the goat just as Jacob had the staff  that leads the sheep

Love blossoms belween Jacob and Rachel as he led her where he feeds his sheep; to the resting place of his flock away from the scorching Sun

Jacob was the more endeared to Rachel because she was the woman who speaks his love language

"You are the most beautiful woman of all; he tells her;  as they feed the young goats near the shepherds tents

"My darling, you are like a mare

Among Laban's stallion 

Your cheeks are beautiful with ornaments and your neck with jewels

Jacob sang to his beloved Rachel

While the sheep dance to the beautiful songs of a lover

Maybe If l become a shepherdess

And care for my father's sheep like Rachel, my husband  will love me more, 

Leah, would have thought over and over again

But we guess all her hopes were ruined; when he turned away from her after just one week of drinking from her fountain

She had thought he would always gaze and quench his thirst from her well

But just seven days and he was ready to run to another fountain- 

The fountain of her sister  bitter utterances

Jacob did not leave Leah with her dignity intact

He left with a WORD

"Why did you deceived me, he cried bitterly to his father- in -law, Laban

And we can only guess he become the unwilling Lover for six days

Love making became a duty, an obligation

he had to carry out but not with  the pleasure the Maker intend it to be

Because the Creator said in the Marraige manuel 

"And a man shall leave his parents and cleave to his wife and they shall become ONE'

This is a  love meant to break the umbilical cord of the mother from her son

Is a love that entangles itself beyond the realms of the physical flesh and finds its abode in the Soul

It's must be a love that wants to care; caressing in broad day light

A love that overlooks the peering stare  of the Stars above

And the watching eyes of Abimelech through the window below

A heart fire that made Isaac play in broad day light with Rebecca , his sweet lover

"And it came to pass when he had been there some time, that Abimelech the king of the Philistines looked out of the window, and saw, and behold, ISAAC WAS DALLYING with REBECCA HIS WIFE." ( Darby )



Abimlech , king of the Philistines looked out of his window and saw ISAAC FONDLING HIS WIFE REBEKAH 

(The Message)



Indeed, Jacob must have sported with Rachel telling her sweet words that kept her soul wanting for him in eager anticipation

Yet he slept with Leah for seven days to fulfill the RIGHTEOUSNESS of the wedding week

Jacob' loving gaze must have told Rachel

'You are the One l want"

But His body poured his seed into Leah; a wife who had to buy his attention for one night with the mandrakes of her son

True, Laban deceived Jacob 

But Leah spend day and night hoping for a love that was unrequited 

Hoping her beloved would play with  her.

Hoping, yearning, and craving she did until she gave up all hope

Then she got to this point where she turned to The God of her husband

And exclaimed ' Judah, l will praise Thy LORD! 


The first and second question this inspired write-up will attempt to answer is: 

1. Does God created mankind to enjoy happiness?

2. Can a Believer live a life that is free of sorrow, can your marriage and family always be filled with happiness?

Human emotion is potent and one of the most powerful tool that affects the direction of a man's decision.  (Man is used as a genders inclusive term)  

Research reveals the male tends to make decisions based on logic while  female are geared to make decisions based on high and low feelings.

There are practical implications of the above statements. A female may make a decision to buy  a dress based on if there is excitment or sadness in her emotion.  She saw it, admired it and it's in her wardrobe, though it may be wore three times and never wore again.

On the other hand; a man will buy a piece of clothing based on  logic:

-do l need this clothing or not?

- What purpose will it serve in my collection.?

-Will this  sets of clothings earn the admiration of my friends?, 

These are some of the deciding factors for the man

He is buying the clothing with his logic while the lady make  purchases decision from the perspective of how she feels.

Whenever a lady is excited; she may ended buying more clothing than she needs but most men will rarely do this excerpt when on a spending  spree 

A woman would readily say ' l love you to her spouse and child when she is filled with high positive feelings and may rarely say; l love you when she is feeling sad and down in her emotions.

A male is expected to say 'l love you either he feels good or bad about it. If saying " I love you to a female will earn him higher points in her heart, he will readily say it. ( We speak from a pure Christian perspective  for we know that a lady may say " I love to a male to manipulate him and gain access to his pocket)

It shows that the man operates from the mind; the faculty of reasoning. 


Rational thinking (or the capacity for it); the cognitive faculties, collectively, of conception, judgment, deduction and intuition.


A person's internal state of being and involuntary physiological response to an object or a situation, based on or tied to physical state and sensory data.

Reasoning is based on information of data in the mind and a decision of action is only reached when series of information is considered irrespective of the evidence presented by the sensory organs.

Emotions is based on information inpute into the mind through the seasoning organs of seeing, touching, hearing, feelings etc.

Unity is achieved in the home when the male and female combined their strengths and weaknesses. A wife must not continually nags at her husband for been emotionless and the husband should never rebuke the wife for her inability to think thoroughly on any issue.

Rather by the power of The Holy Spirit, the male must learn to express the emotions in His heart to his wife and the wife must learn to think thoroughly on any issue before making a decision or speaking.

Every marriage relationship needs the input of emotions and logic to survival but they need more especially the Voice of the Holy Spirit to strive as a couple

Love is the best lubricants for human relationship. The Creator ordained mankind to enjoy all He created and to the fullest. Bliss and happiness is ingrained into creatures.

The beautiful birds that flies in the Sky is supposed to stir up sweet high feelings in the Human Soul and peace in the inner man.

The dishes caught in the Sea and fried, cooked is ordained to give sweet savor and pleasure to the taste bud and refreshed the human body with strength.

God created all things for His pleasure and desired to give us pleasure too and creatures mould in His image and likeness.

But we see a different law at play  when you consider the high degree of hardship and the uncertainty of living under the Sun. You intend to question the essence of human existence when faced with  pain that attempts to crush the soul.

A child is born, grows in age and size, and  is gainfully employed, we term this simple process ; progressive living. Then  you work hard to become successful and rich only to find yourself dead and on the other side of Eternity. 

You had left all you toiled and labour for many years.

What is God's original intention for mankind?  Did He expected that the first man and woman will be subjected to a lifetime of toiling under the Sun till death visits? Did He created the Earth to be a place  for  killings, sorrow and grief.?

Lets return to Genesis 1-3 and attempt to get  answers from the Bible Study principle  of the Law of first mention. 

Before God created the first man and woman and put them in the Garden; the Creator ensured everything they needed for a life of ease and enjoyment was given.

This shows the will and benevolence of the Father. The fact that God created all things for man's enjoyment was also revealed in 1 Timothy 6:17-19. Apostle Paul said:

"Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, WHO RICHLY  PROVIDES US WITH EVERYTHING FOR OUR ENJOYMENT. 

Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life. 

These are two explicit witnesses in the Bible that God never intended man to live in pain and suffering; For what does a Good God has to gain from the pain of man?.

But  the Book of Genesis reveals the source of all  evil in the World.

Then the Lord God said to the woman, “What is this you have done?” The woman said, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.” So the Lord God said to the serpent, “Because you have done this, “ Genesis 3:13-19

The Woman listened to the Evil genius whose eternal mission is to steal, kill and destroy and thus pain, destruction was introduced into the World.

The Wedding Day unfathomable happiness is ordained by God to last for a lifetime.  Bible readings supports this fact ' He who finds a wife; finds a good thing and obtains favour from the LORD. Favour is a good blessing  in the life of any man. Either favour obtained purely as a gift of mercy from God or favour obtained as a result of human efforts. 



Joy and Happiness are words used interchangeably and similar in their manifestations. But these two words are products of two different faculty in the the make up of a man.

Joy is a fruit of the spirit where the Holy Spirit dwells. It is purely supplied by the Holy Spirit and it is irrespective of a man's favourable or unfavourable circumstances.  The Bible says in Romans 14:17:

"for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness, and peace, and joy in [the] Holy Spirit."

Happiness on the other hand is a product of the human soul. It is high  intensive feelings produced in the human soul as a  result of favourable circumstances and can also  triggered by external elements such as drugs, music , achievements and other factors. It is usually  accompanied by laughter.

'“Laughter,” I said, “is madness. And what does pleasure accomplish?” I tried cheering myself with wine, and embracing folly —my mind still guiding me with wisdom. I wanted to see what was good for people to do under the heavens during the few days of their lives. I undertook great projects: I built houses for myself and planted vineyards. I made gardens and parks.... Eccl. 2:2

Leah , a woman who find herself in relationship whereby she did all within her power to make her husband love her more yet his heart was bethrothed to Rachel at first sight.

And he never allowed any person replaced Rachel in his heart excerpt Rachel's children. He chose to fall in love with Rachel at first sight and transferred that love to Rachel's children at her death though Leah was still alive.

Leah was beautifully and wonderfully made by God; she was a beautiful woman in her right but when compared to her sister; Rachel, she was less beautiful to her husband Jacob. 

Rachel and Leah were begotten by the same parents; it means the resemblance is a matter of who they looked like:  either thei rmother or father. So it was not Leah's fault that Rachel had a better physical attributes in the sight of Jacob.

On the other hand, Jacob  was coming from a family of very beautiful women. His grandmother; Sarah was extricately beautiful. She had  the kind of beauty that enthralled Kings. Rebecca; Jacob's mother was admired and wanted by a king though she was married.

Therefore a stronghold has been built in the mind and heart of Jacob for the kind of wife he desires and wanted.

Secondly, Jacob was close to his mother and had heard the story of how Eliezer got  Rebecca to become a wife for Isaac; Jacob's Father. So when it was Rachel he met at the Well, he concluded this was divine provision. It happened with my mother, it is been repeated in my search for a wife. ( The Enemy can sure produce counterfeits of what God's power did)

But he forgot the case of Abraham's servant; Eliezer was different. Eliezer prayed for the special circumstances that surrounded the choice of Rebecca as Isaac's wife.  Also,  Abraham prayed that God's angel will do the searching. Secondly, Eliezer specially asked for that circumstance.

"Then he prayed, “Lord, God of my master Abraham, make me successful today, and show kindness to my master Abraham. 

"See, I am standing beside this spring, and the daughters of the townspeople are coming out to draw water.

May it be that when I say to a young woman, ‘Please let down your jar that I may have a drink,’ and she says, ‘Drink, and I’ll water your camels too’ —let her be the one you have chosen for your servant Isaac. 

By this I will know that you have shown kindness to my master.” Before he had finished praying, Rebekah came out with her jar on her shoulder.

She was the daughter of Bethuel son of Milkah, who was the wife of Abraham’s brother Nahor. The woman was very beautiful, 

Jacob did not offer such specific prayers or request for that specific template. This is why you must be extremely careful.on the marriage template you follow.

Divine provision knows all things and always put that into consideration especially in an issue of marriage . The tradition in Laban's house was that the first daughter must get married before the last daughter. Laban knew this fact and our heavenly Father also knew this fact but Jacob did not know obviously.

Probably if Jacob had involved God in the choice of marriage partner, God would have counsel him to wait or advice him to marry Leah for she will begot Judah whose Name will be associated with God's earthly ancestral. The Bible does not speak clearly on this matter but we can rightly deduct from factors in the story.

Therefore Leah was plunged into a loveless marriage. A marriage where her husband felt she was forced on him because maybe nobody else wants marry her. We are sure Leah would be very happy when Jacob came to their household. She would have believed God has answered her prayers because it was her turn to be married. But alas her husband sees her as a burden and not a blessing. He showed her by his actions that she was forced on him and he would not have married her if he had a say lin the matter.

Instead of receiving her as a blessing, he saw her as an unwanted factor in his life.


Love is defined in the Bible as the act of showing kindness, patience, tolerance and giving happiness to another Human being. 1 Cor. 13:1. This definition is sufficient for the definition of love as Phileo, and Agape. It is a love that is a committal and not necessary a love based on feelings. You don't have to have high feelings for this kind of love. It is a love that is strictly based on a heart commitment to bring joy and show good to another human and in this case your wife or husband.

This kind of committal love desires to always do things that pleases the other party. It has some similarity  with the decision a worker takes to always do things that please the boss. This is a.decision that is not dependent on favourable or unfavourable circumstances. 

It says ' I will do all within my power to please you, so help me God'.

A man and woman must have this commitall love for their spouse to have a lasting marriage filled with happiness. Happiness can be created over and over again in the family just as romance can be kept alive in  a relationship through date nights;  'Us alone'  and it's 'all about you' nights.  All these nights and event are created by couples and marriage counsellors to keep alive the feelings of love and romance in the marriage

The type of love relationship that needs dates nights and romantic gestures to keep its feelings and power alive in the home is called 'Eros"  it is a  love completely based on how a man/ woman feels per time. The fuel that keeps its engine rolling is high feelings and this feeling depend entirely in favourable conditions which can also be pre arranged. 

Eros is strictly based on feelings. The fuel for this kind of love is feelings. When the feeling is high, the expression of love of touching, kissing, kind gestures and sweet words is very high. But when the subject is hurt and has low.fewlings, Eros may not function.

Believers must understand that been 'spiritual' does not eradicate Eros from their marriage. It is only animals that mate without feelings. 

Believers are spiriit beings ; who have a SOUL and dwells in a body. We guess one of the reason, God created us with a soul is so that we can use our volition and feelings to relate with one another. 

The foundation of every Christian marraige must be Agape love because only this kind of love allows spouse to relate in selfishness, but 

'Philoes' kind of love must be a life companion in the marraige because you need to enjoy each other companion away from Church and when you are not involved in a spiritual activities 

But it is equally important that your heart beat faster;  your face break into a smile, your hands sweat a little because you desire to touch your lover and your soul is calm and feels satisfied about talking, touching your marriage partner.

The God who created man as a creature of feelings ngs predeteemined that three kinds of love is experienced in marriage. 

When Eve was presented to Adam, Rebecca was presented to Isaac, Boaz decided that he would redeemed Ruth as a kins Redeemer and Jacob saw Rachel for the first time; their feelings were aroused, they did not just accepted God' s provision but they also liked their choices of marraige  partners 

This was leaking in Leah and Jacob's relationship. She was forced on him. And Jacob was not able to overcome this singlary factor in his marraige. He did not successfully adjust his attitudes ' Though this woman was forced on me as a marriage partner but l don't have to make her suffer all her life for a mistake that is not hers'.  God of Abraham and Isaac, please help me to love her as a lover and not just the mother of my children.


We must understand that humans are Creatures of words. Your life follow the direction of your words. 

Actions are birthed by the thoughts for as a man thinks, so his actions will be in any situation.

A bright countenance is a reflection of Positive thoughts and will give birth to wholesome actions. Yesterday, l was listening to a sermon online that caused me to meditate on some negative thoughts. In a short while, I was sad and had  tears running down my cheeks.

Your thoughts control your actions. If you will learn to meditate only on the good qualities and attributes of your husband/wife at all times, happiness will not be a stranger in your home.

Proverbs 4

Let's  carry out an exercise. Repeatly tell someone you don't like seeing them.person. In a matter of months you will notice that you want to avoid seeing that person. Secondly, you will not have happy feelings when you see them.

This is why you don't like picking the calls of certain persons. You have programmed your mind through thoughts that their calls are a burden to you. So when your phone screen show their name, your feelings go down and you will have to introduce excitments into your voice as you speak to them.

This happens because you have feed your mind with negative thoughts about them ànd this negative thoughts affects your feelings and ultimately your actions.

If we will learn to think about what is pure, true, lovely and of good reports about all men especially our spouse, if your  thoughts about them is always good, then your feelings will follow your positive thoughts.

'Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—THINK ABOUT SUCH THINGS.  Philippians 4:8

So Jacob did not have this high feelings about Leah but he had high feel about Rachel because of the stronghold of negative thoughts: Leah was forced on me, it was Rachel l wanted.

Many contemporary relationship situation carries this logo. The man or woman is forced into a marriage relationship beyond their control. Maybe a friend, family member introduced them. And the man felt let me just get married. His or her feelings were not spilling over but it was just a logical decuauin. Maybe the woman had a good job, or from a wealth background. The marriage was based on what the man and woman hoped to glean from the relationship.

Both parties can show exuberant feelings initially at the courtship period but everyone returns to their normal self when the marriage register is signed. The mask are off and partners reveal their true characteristics.

We will not discuss maybe because the lady get pregnant before the weeding night because.the Bible condemns fornication and pre marital sex.

2. The high feelings if love can be ectinguish tooo when the woman or the man does not speak gracious words in the home. Words are the lubricants for the human soul and spirit. Cruel.words can crush a.man's soul.and research has shown that the marriage relationship is a place where verbal.abuse is highest. 

The wife uses unkind words to the husband and the husband inturn uses foolish word on his wife. Unkind words can crush the feels ngs of love esp cially in a woman:s heart. Then her love making with her husband is a routine and not a source of joy and happiness.

Unkind words have been known to.crush the feelings if love in a.marriage situation

King David desired and love Michael so much that he requested that she should be taken from her husband and brought back to him as his wife.

But the day Michel ridiculed him publicly because of his dancing moves; that was the last heard about Michel. Unkind words can kill.

A man and woman must learn to speak gracious words at all times. 


1. Cry Out to The God who holds the Heart of Kings in His hand. Such woman should not try to win the man's attention, kindness and goodwill by her own strength or manipulation. She should commit the heart of her husband to God and asked God to break down every strainghild, mindset that makes it difficult for her husband to love her.

We all stumble in many ways. Anyone who is never at fault in what they say is perfect, able to keep their whole body in check. 

With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be. Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring?  James 3

A FALL IN HUMAN CHARACTER: Men and woman are creation of attractions. We are easily moved by what we see; the five sensory organs intends to control our actions.

Excerpt for the cases of arranged marriage, a man is usually attracted to a woman b cause of what he heard about her, what he saw in her. It may be her physical beauty, it may be her wealth , it may be her family name, it maybe her fear of God ( a Christian man) but you are always drawn by something.

It is only a few men that are drawn because of their relationship with the Holy Spirit.  They have trained themselves to always follow the leasing and nudging of the Holy Spirit.

But you are drawn to a member of the opposite sex for a particular reason and mostly these reasons are informed by the ideas you have stored in your mind over time

Maybe from your parents, fri nds marraige, something you read and saw. There are ideas already store in your mind.

I remember that as.a young lady l vowed never to have anything to do with indigenes of Ondo state. I heard a story of one of my aunties who married into an Ondo family and was maltreated . So l spoke l will never have anything going on o do with them.

But God of all mercies, delivered me from this ignorant vow. I was posted to Ondo State for my NYSC and have be n there.since. Mindset is very powerful and we must always identify how it affects our d visions in life. Many are held bound by wrong mindset.

So if the source of attraction of a man to you is the way you dress but after marriage you stopped dressing that way, it may affect the way a.man/ woman feels about you.

So.whwn we stop doing what was responsible for the attraction, it may affect the flows of feelings in the home. Revelation 2 says if we want to retain our first love then we must go back to doing those things we did at first.


We establish at the begining of this writing that Satan is the source of all pains and wickedness. In essence when God introduced pain to a person' s life or nation, it is pain as a result of God's judgement.

Judgement is inevitable if you transgress against God's Word and His way. Satan will attack anything good excerpt of it is a sewming good to achieve his purpose and carry out his agenda.

The marriages of believers are his primary attack because in Christian Marr age, God is supposed to be king and His will established on Earth as it is in heaven. Moreso, a Christian home is the number one platform through which the gospel of our LORD Jesus Christ must be propagated.

Every Christian spouse especially the woman must learn how to fight the good fight of faith. You must remain on your knees and keep on speaking aloud the Word of faith that you believe. 

Your relationship must be in point with the Holy Spirit because He is the One who will help you take care of the invisible nword and enable you through his anointing to truumph over the works of darkness and he'll.

Without the Holy Spirit , we cannot do much.

The devil will do all he can yo frustrate your marriage but you must use the Word of God to keep him back in his defeated position as Jesus Christ guaranteed.


Leah was in a loveless marriage; her husband do not give her attention, his own attention was on Rachel. Obviously, Rachel was in control of her husband sex life. Though Leah gave her husband sons- what should make a man happy and gravitate towards you, it seem the joy of Jacob did not increase his love for Leah because the Bible noted that ' when God saw that Leah was not loved, God opens her womb. Probably Leah and Rachel were ordained to suffer the same thing that Isaac and Abraham his father suffered; delay in child bearing.  But because Leah was not loved, God intervened on her behalf and she had children early. It was Rachel who was loved and had a bad attitude towards Leah that suffered the plight suffered by Rebecca and Sarah.

In Leah's cars, the only Being who could work a change of heart in the husband and that will be permanent is The Almighty who knew she was not loved. Obviously, Laban could do nothing about this issue probably because of culture. Another person that would have helped speak to Jacob and that he would listen is Rebeccah his mother and she is far away where she cannot intervened.

The only person that could help her is the God of Israel. Obviously, the husband had not taught her about the God of his fathers. So.she kept on trying all means to get her her husband's attention. When she noticed non was working, she resolve to her fate and turned.her love to God. This she did by naming her four son Judah- now l will praise the LORD.

As believers, God must be our first source of help in any situation. When we cry out to.God, our Father first, then He will raise all the other helpers we need. There will be challenges in marraige just as there are challenges in life but with the help of our Father we will.surely prevail.


We have observed that when you continually pray for a person, your heart is favourable disposed to them. Naturally, you develop good feelings for the man, woman and child you pray for. There are some set of children in my street . Normally, l go to their house and teach them the scriptures. But l notice anytime, l see them on the street, my heart swells with joy and l greet them with greet happiness. That is the power of prayers.

The partner you pray for regularly, will always have a special place in your life. I remember what my former boss usually say. She would say " anytime l am making my husband meals, l would pray in tongues and proclaim my husband will always love me, that l will always find favour in his sight, l will only do him good all the days of his life and not him, he will always have confiden e in me. ( I added my own prayer point to hers)

Our LORD Jesus Christ said ' that the people of this world are wise in their generations. An unbelieving woman will go to an herbalist and ask for a love charm. Though, the herbalist knows nothing about the demonic world excerpt what he watches feo. Television, he will give a charm and tell her to put into her husband's food and sp ak what she wants her husband to do for her.

We have established that most of the things the Enemy does, he copied from God. He is not given the ability to create anything new. It is only man and God that has the ability to create anything new in the World.

Moreso, the Bible says with the heart you believe while with your mouth confession is made unto salvation

You desire that your husband should always love you and your home happy. Then you pray and believer it, then you must take the last step and make the right confessions to this prayers.

Even if the man is misbehaving, you must keep your confession intact, because with time if you do not doubt, the Holy Spirit will create you confession into reality.

The Bible says the mouth of the Lord has spoke it and His Spirit ( zeal) will bring it to past or perform it.


Many person would say, l can't say what l don't believe yet the Bible says faith comes by hearing and hearing again. One way to build your faith for any matter is to speak aloud what you believe about that matter.

A man who speaks continually about his fear of road accident will surely build a stronghold of fear for the same and it is only a matter of time before he/she s involved in one.

You must learn to say l love you, l appreciate you, you are a source of huge blessing to my life, you are a gift from God to me, l will always love you to your spouse even if you don't feel as it at that time

It is not hypocrisy, rather you are speaking what you believe to be the truth even if you don't feel like it at that time

A man/woman is ensnared by their words. I'd you speak such godly words that is what you will surely see. But if you chose to speak the otherwise that is what you will.also.see. 

Happiness is our right as believers, we only need to learn how to access it. Apostle Peter was locked up in prison and he chose to sleep instead of crying or weeping at his negative lot. Paul and Silas were in prison and they chose to sing Psalms and spiritual songs to the God who can deliver them.

Happiness is a choice. Many factors would arise to make you unhappy always chose to be happy.

Only say what you want to see in the life of your spouse. You may not believe it at first but later you will start to believe it . Because saying it over and over again builds a stri ghold in your mind m


There was nothing Leah could about her marriage because the foundation of the marriage was very wrong and the Bible says if the foundation is destroyed what kind the righteous do. The only help was the intervention of the Almighty.

But  if your relationship started on the right foundation, always ask your spouse what he/she likes even in loving making. Then consciously, deliberately continue to do with the help of the Holy Spirit 

Marriage relationship is not ordained for divorce by God. It is meant to be a source of help to two persons while they are fulfilling their God"s given mandate of been fruitful and multupling and replenishing the Earth. 

You are in that relationship to be a source of joy and happiness to another person but on a more intimate level. NGO go to community that needs help and offer assistance without expecting a reward from the people they helped.

Likewise Marriage is a place where the Golden rule I'd obeyed fully. You do to your spouse as you want him to do to you. Woman, no matter who your husband is, you must always make him look big in public and privately. Pleasing your spouse should be your number 1 vision in the home.

A man/ woman that is pleased at home will see no need for adultery excerpt fleshly and demonically induced.

You must find out what makes him/her happy and do it. God rewards you when you bring joy and happiness to any man/ woman created in His image and likeness. You are bring joy to Him.

The Bible spoke of our LORD Jesus Christ in Acts 10:38

how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him.



Words are life. They either bring God'snlife into your marriage and the life of your spouse and children or bring the death from the Enemy into the marriage .

Nothing kills love faster in the heart and happiness in the home than ungracious and unkind words. It can ruin the heart and destroy the strengths of a person.

The ranger if unkind words have s that it can renainvlodged in the memory of your spouse for a L Fe time.

The daughter of Jing Saul loved David her husband just as the soul of Jonathan cleaved to the same David m she deferred her father's order by keeping the live of David safe.

And David loved her so much too. After he became king over Judah and Israel, he asked that Michael be taken from the man she was living with because King David told the people of Benjamin to restore to him his wife.

Obviously David loved her  to make this kind of request. But words that hurt, words that were not anointed with grace shut the womb of Micah and of course shut the door to any intimacy between her and her husband.

Now Saul’s daughter Michal was in love with David, and when they told Saul about it .  But Saul had given his daughter Michal, David’s wife, to Paltiel son of Laish, who was from Gallim. Sam. 18:20

But it got to a point where that love turned to hatred and Michael rebuked and tried to correct her husband in public. Those ungracious word were that cause of her barrenness throughout her lifetime.



Leah was excited, elated and could not keep her enthusiasm to herself

Wow, her father Laban had used his fatherly love to give to her the desire of her heart

A Lover from a distant shore!

Probably she wanted Jacob also  the moment she set her gaze on him.

But he had eyes only for her sister

And spend almost all his time with her because Rachel was a shepherdess just like Jacob was a shepherd

Rachel understood the bleating of the goat just as Jacob had the staff  that leads the sheep

Love blossoms belween Jacob and Rachel as he led her where he feeds his sheep; to the resting place of his flock away from the scorching Sun

Jacob was the more endeared to Rachel because she was the woman who speaks his love language

"You are the most beautiful woman of all; he tells her;  as they feed the young goats near the shepherds tents

"My darling, you are like a mare

Among Laban's stallion 

Your cheeks are beautiful with ornaments and your neck with jewels

Jacob sang to his beloved Rachel

While the sheep dance to the beautiful songs of a lover

Maybe If l become a shepherdess

And care for my father's sheep like Rachel, my husband  will love me more, 

Leah, would have thought over and over again

But we guess all her hopes were ruined; when he turned away from her after just one week of drinking from her fountain

She had thought he would always gaze and quench his thirst from her well

But just seven days and he was ready to run to another fountain- 

The fountain of her sister  bitter utterances

Jacob did not leave Leah with her dignity intact

He left with a WORD

"Why did you deceived me, he cried bitterly to his father- in -law, Laban

And we can only guess he become the unwilling Lover for six days

Love making became a duty, an obligation

he had to carry out but not with  the pleasure the Maker intend it to be

Because the Creator said in the Marraige manuel 

"And a man shall leave his parents and cleave to his wife and they shall become ONE'

This is a  love meant to break the umbilical cord of the mother from her son

Is a love that entangles itself beyond the realms of the physical flesh and finds its abode in the Soul

It's must be a love that wants to care; caressing in broad day light

A love that overlooks the peering stare  of the Stars above

And the watching eyes of Abimelech through the window below

A heart fire that made Isaac play in broad day light with Rebecca , his sweet lover

"And it came to pass when he had been there some time, that Abimelech the king of the Philistines looked out of the window, and saw, and behold, ISAAC WAS DALLYING with REBECCA HIS WIFE." ( Darby )



Abimlech , king of the Philistines looked out of his window and saw ISAAC FONDLING HIS WIFE REBEKAH 

(The Message)



Indeed, Jacob must have sported with Rachel telling her sweet words that kept her soul wanting for him in eager anticipation

Yet he slept with Leah for seven days to fulfill the RIGHTEOUSNESS of the wedding week

Jacob' loving gaze must have told Rachel

'You are the One l want"

But His body poured his seed into Leah; a wife who had to buy his attention for one night with the mandrakes of her son

True, Laban deceived Jacob 

But Leah spend day and night hoping for a love that was unrequited 

Hoping her beloved would play with  her.

Hoping, yearning, and craving she did until she gave up all hope

Then she got to this point where she turned to The God of her husband

And exclaimed ' Judah, l will praise Thy LORD! 


The first and second question this inspired write-up will attempt to answer is: 

1. Does God created mankind to enjoy happiness?

2. Can a Believer live a life that is free of sorrow, can your marriage and family always be filled with happiness?

Human emotion is potent and one of the most powerful tool that affects the direction of a man's decision.  (Man is used as a genders inclusive term)  

Research reveals the male tends to make decisions based on logic while  female are geared to make decisions based on high and low feelings.

There are practical implications of the above statements. A female may make a decision to buy  a dress based on if there is excitment or sadness in her emotion.  She saw it, admired it and it's in her wardrobe, though it may be wore three times and never wore again.

On the other hand; a man will buy a piece of clothing based on  logic:

-do l need this clothing or not?

- What purpose will it serve in my collection.?

-Will this  sets of clothings earn the admiration of my friends?, 

These are some of the deciding factors for the man

He is buying the clothing with his logic while the lady make  purchases decision from the perspective of how she feels.

Whenever a lady is excited; she may ended buying more clothing than she needs but most men will rarely do this excerpt when on a spending  spree 

A woman would readily say ' l love you to her spouse and child when she is filled with high positive feelings and may rarely say; l love you when she is feeling sad and down in her emotions.

A male is expected to say 'l love you either he feels good or bad about it. If saying " I love you to a female will earn him higher points in her heart, he will readily say it. ( We speak from a pure Christian perspective  for we know that a lady may say " I love to a male to manipulate him and gain access to his pocket)

It shows that the man operates from the mind; the faculty of reasoning. 


Rational thinking (or the capacity for it); the cognitive faculties, collectively, of conception, judgment, deduction and intuition.


A person's internal state of being and involuntary physiological response to an object or a situation, based on or tied to physical state and sensory data.

Reasoning is based on information of data in the mind and a decision of action is only reached when series of information is considered irrespective of the evidence presented by the sensory organs.

Emotions is based on information inpute into the mind through the seasoning organs of seeing, touching, hearing, feelings etc.

Unity is achieved in the home when the male and female combined their strengths and weaknesses. A wife must not continually nags at her husband for been emotionless and the husband should never rebuke the wife for her inability to think thoroughly on any issue.

Rather by the power of The Holy Spirit, the male must learn to express the emotions in His heart to his wife and the wife must learn to think thoroughly on any issue before making a decision or speaking.

Every marriage relationship needs the input of emotions and logic to survival but they need more especially the Voice of the Holy Spirit to strive as a couple

Words are life. They either bring God'snlife into your marriage and the life of your spouse and children or bring the death from the Enemy into the marriage .
Nothing kills love faster in the heart and happiness in the home than ungracious and unkind words. It can ruin the heart and destroy the strengths of a person.
The ranger if unkind words have s that it can renainvlodged in the memory of your spouse for a L Fe time.

The daughter of Jing Saul loved David her husband just as the soul of Jonathan cleaved to the same David m she deferred her father's order by keeping the live of David safe.

And David loved her so much too. After he became king over Judah and Israel, he asked that Michael be taken from the man she was living with because King David told the people of Benjamin to restore to him his wife.

Obviously David loved her  to make this kind of request. But words that hurt, words that were not anointed with grace shut the womb of Micah and of course shut the door to any intimacy between her and her husband.

Now Saul’s daughter Michal was in love with David, and when they told Saul about it .  But Saul had given his daughter Michal, David’s wife, to Paltiel son of Laish, who was from Gallim. Sam. 18:20

But it got to a point where that love turned to hatred and Michael rebuked and tried to correct her husband in public. Those ungracious word were that cause of her barrenness throughout her lifetime.


God is love and those who are created by Him has their DNA made of love

We were created 'Creatures of love:

We were regenerated  in love

For the Bible says " for God so loved the World that He gave His only begotten son.."

God did not created a world that is filled with pains, suffering, hardship and hatred. Everything created by God was termed 'GOOD' in its original.state

He created Eden to be a Garden of fellowship and of love.

The marital relationship between a husband and his wife is a union ordained for the continual flow of God's love that had also  been shed abraod in our hearts by the Holy Spirit.

The Christian marriage should be a  union of kindness, trust, patience, protection and preservation.

The Bible stated that Jesus entrusted Himself to no man because trust in a man is a trap. But trust is expected between a husband and his wife.

Our Lord Jesus Christ said in Mark 13:11 and Matt 10:22

“Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; children will rebel against their parents and have them put to death.'

Watch that statement carefully, it never said, " Husband shall betray wife to death and wife shall betray husband to death. Betrayal can happen between father and son, daughter and mother but the Bible never expects betrayal between husband and wife because they are ONE and a man or woman cannot betray him/herself.

This is why the husband and wife relationship is the most important and trustful relationship on Earth apart from our relationship with God.

God ordained that the marriage relationship should be encapsulated in ONENESS. It is just like the relationship between the Father and Son while on earth, they were one.

Genesis  2:24 says

That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.'

A man cannot and should not betray his wife and a wife should not betray her husband because they became ONE at the marriage altar.

The marriage relationship is the only union whereby a man and a woman  bears the same name. " Mr and Mrs Obaseki.

It is the perversion of the marriage institution and distrust that has been introduced the call for separation of names especially for property ownership. 

So the law advises that the property should bear the separate names of the husband and his wife. Thus we have " Mr and Mrs Bode and Bike Obaseki. 

In the beginning, it was not so, God made them One and divorce was not in the equation of God for marriage  because a man/woman cannot divorce himself or herself.


The marriage vow is the verbal expression of the covenant between a man and a woman at the Marriage altar.


MAKING LOVE is the visible representation of the invisible covenant between the man and the woman. ( The phrase making love is used deliberately instead of sexual intercourses. Sequence articles will explain the difference between both words.)

The birth of their children is the physical evidence of the Oneness between the man and the woman. You cannot separate what is from the man or woman in the child

Therefore a husband  and his wife cannot pursue separate spiritual vision in MARRAIGE and ministry .

The ONENESS must reflect in everything they do. The Bible rightly says ' Can two walk together excerpt they be in agreement 

I guess it is only in MARRAIGE that the term " Soul TIe' is permitted because the man.and his wife has become ONE.  (Transparency and openness should be the natural outlook in the home)

And this Oneness connotes that their thoughts is clear as crystals to each other. They should be able to read each other's thoughts easily. 

They should be able to anticipate each other needs without verbal communication. If the MARRAIGE relationship operates on the wheels of Heaven's principle, it should be a source of great joy to humanity because happy godly families make a happy godly Society.

In the nineties, there was a comedy aired on NTA Channel 5 called MIND YR LANGUAGE.
adult students of the school  portrayed ib tgevtv drama were from different nations and language was a problem in the class. Whenever any student want chaos Ib the class, he spoken his language which others don't understand.
Kindness is a universal language understood  by many
Its  an unspoken language but easily interpreted.
Its the best weapon to break language and ethnic barrier.
The most unlovable person is brought to tears by it power.
It is not limited by age or status
Its embraced by all class in the society
It has the power to heal the deepest wound
And dry up completely the gravest sore
Looking out for the good if another is  the easiest way to witness Christ to a world
Where love is  coated with self interest or selfishness for a better word
I am in love with you is another way of thinking about  one thousand ways the object of your love can serve your interest
Real Love is about looking out for the good of the other and starts with a conscious decision to be kind to others
Searching for ways to better the life of another. Forgiveness is easy when you are always looking for the good of another
Kind deeds  are he instrument for demonstrating God' s love to a  world who needs it.
Being kind does not need skill, grammar, poise and its not expensive
Just decide to make people hapoy , make their lives better with any little you can spare
Kind words arevthe cheapest commodity you can gift to another.
Its priceless but takes no dime from your pocket
Kindness speaks what a thousand words cannot convey
Think of ways to make other people lives better
And God is committed to giving resources to achieve thus
In this matter,
God gives to  all, who proposes in their to be kind, Riches needed to achieve their proposal
Believers and unbelievers  are entitled to this blessings
All you have to do
Is show a little kindness
Shine this light for everyone to see
For if you sow kindness
You will surely harvest it


You must know that as long as you are in the human flesh, everyone will never meet up, measure up to your stardard of  behaviour, expectations and thinking.

Even believers who have  experienced the New Birth and has the Nature of our Saviour: Jesus Christ will still not become exactly as you desired;  act according to your expectation, speak the way you envisaged.

WHY?, they may have Christ live in them and live in Christ, but they are not YOU!

YOU are uniquely and fearfully created, formed, made to reflect all your attributes. Your personality, voice textures, desires, aspirations, style of eating, dressing, talking is all YOU and that makes you DIFFERENT  and  not necessary BETTER than others.

You may be a man or woman who is fast paced and make decisions on the Go. You want tomorrow's tasks done yesterday and want all your 'T' dotted and all your 'I' crossed. That still does not make 'YOU ' the best human being on the earth.

l can tell you this one truth. Unless you allow the nature of Christ in you to take root and manifest freely through you: You will be easily irritated with anybody that manifests any traits that is different from yours.

You will unconsciously view someone who is slowly -paced as lazy, not as bright as you are and often nag at their lack of wisdom  ( complain verbally or in your mind) at their seemly personality that does not rush out to do things without thinking adequately about it.

Please kindly allow me to let you into this secret. In the sight of Jesus Christ our Lord, both personalities are beautiful and our LORD will not change one personality to become the other personality. He needs all personality type for His work on Earth and celebrates difference in individuals.

Instead the fruit of the Holy Spirit will flow through these different  regenerated personalities to the glory of God.

This is why it was not Apostle Peter who was held up in the Island  of Patmos to receive the Book of Revelation. Peter's personality type may not be able  to sit still and receive all that treasures for generations.. God had to chose Apostle John.

Also Apostle John was not the one chosen to lead the New Church at its infancy state, Peter was chosen with his boisterous and lively personality. For he was known for his out-spoken nature.

God is wise and He knows the best traits we need in our personality. This is why He carefully and wonderfully crafted  YOU  to be you.

1. Please accept and love the personality of all men and women as they are and not put  verbal and influential pressure to make them become like you. Your husband, children, colleagues, subordinates may not be you but they certainly can complement you if you allow them to flourish.

2.  Forgiveness and acceptance is easy when you realise whatever you are today was given by.God and you are not a superior Being. No matter how successful or swayful you have become. REMEMBER WE ALL RECEIVED BECAUSE YOU WERE GIVEN BY GOD.

You are born by a woman and will end up in the grave someday.as everyone else.
-Can people change?
Yes of course

-Can YOU become a better YOU?
You were made for " one level of glory to a higher level of glory daily'

-Can you help others become better than when you first met them.?
Of course.God fashioned us for INTER- dependence.

Come down from your superior  pedestal of ' I am.among the few privileged, favourite of God in humanity and help others become their best.

This is the reason Christ Jesus.came  to the earth. He went about doing good and setting free all who was oppressed of the devil because.He was anointed to bring God's LOVE and HELP to others.


Life.is filled with awesome joyful moments that lubricate the human Soul and opens its petals of flowing love

The human Soul is ordained to be a channel of expressions for the Human spirit. The bountiful rich emotions in its bank is capable of  either building up a tower of etereal happiness or  gush out a  flood of bitterness that can eat up the entire essence of a man/woman.

Lovr is  medicine for the soul but bitterness is a cancerous growth that  contaminates its walls and spread  sickness to all its flesh.

Michal loved David so much, her love for him was deeper than family ties and love for the throne of King Saul,  her father.

She despised her father's command to protect her lover from the sword of peril.
Though she knew that her lover would be lost to her for a while but she desired and hope some day her love will fly back to her with the crown on his head and their love secured forever.

Then her wish was fulfilled and her prayers granted but with a root of bitterness planted in her torn soul.

She was torned between an affection for a new husband called Paltiel who  adored her and loved her as a daughter when her first love, David wandered in desert of battles and exploit .

Truly, she once dreamed of this magical reunion with David, her love but now that love has been dimmed by the ardent and committed affection of another Lover who wept when Michal was taken from him.

She answered David call to the palace  but with bitterness disguised under the cover of acceptance.

For now, she had to share her lover's attention with other wives and maidens in the Kingdom.

A woman that loved so much lashes out at against her husband in public.
She ridiculed him before his officials  and subjects because jealousy has breeded sorrow and bitterness in a heart fashioned for love.

Bitterness has replaced the sacrificial love this woman had which made her protect her beloved husband from forces that  wanted to extinguish his light before it shines so brightly as ordained by Yahweh.

A love so deep, but now a bitterness which brings life long barrenness.

TEXT: 1 Samuel 6:20-23, 20, 28,
2 Samuel 3:14
2 Samuel 6:20-23


Men and women are  Creation of  words but also creations of attraction: we are easily drawn by what we see. The sensory organs play vital roles in what attracts you to a member of the opposite sex.

We are easily moved by what we see; excerpt for the cases of arranged marriage, a man is usually attracted to a woman for some of these reasons; what he saw and heard about her.

The man may be attracted because of what he heard about the lady from friends and relatives.
He may be attracted to her because of what he heard about her exceptional beauty, mannerism, diligence, wealth, excellent human relations,  and even the fear of God.
Usually, the law of attraction mostly have to do with physical beauty and appearances. And the woman can be attracted to a man for the above reasons too. He saw her and loved the way she looks and that is enough basis for marriage.

But we see an increasing number of Christian men and women becoming attracted to the opposite sex because of the anointing and spiritual gifts.
The work of the ministry has become popular and very appealing because of the prosperity, honour and fame attached to it. And a lot of young people will be drawn to a man who has the potential for a successful and rich ministry.

But we have some young people who have trained themselves to walk in the Holy Spirit and follow His leading in all things including marriage.
God will always guide those who sincerely ask for His guidance.There are still men and women who will release their feelings to began to love a man or woman that the Father gives a leading that such will be the right marriage partner.

The emphasis here today is: You are drawn to a member of the opposite sex for a particular reason and mostly these reasons are informed by the ideas you have stored in your mind over time.

This information may come from your parents' s marraige, friends marital history; what you read and saw. All these are stored in your mind and become stronghold of thoughts  in your mind. I remember as a young lady;  l told myself never to marry any  indigene of Ondo State. I heard an account of one of my aunties who wad married to a man from  Ondo town and was treated poorly..  It means l had reprogrammed my mind and that in turn controls my feelings. Even if a leading comes from my spirit to marry an Ondo man, my mind will protest against such leading because of the erected stronghold in my thoughts.

But The God of all mercies, delivered me from this ignorant  mindset.. I was posted to Ondo State for my NYSC and sincerely enjoy the State and love its people.

Mindset is very powerful and you must always identify how it affects your vision in life. Many are held bound by wrong mindset.

So if the source the attraction of a man to you is the way you dress but after marriage you stopped dressing that way, it may affect the way he feels about you. 

He will remain married because of the marriage vow of life commitment but he may have lost all excitement about you. A man may have to either  develop a stronger attraction after marraige through the discovery of other favourable  attributes or  he may become disappointed and feel cheated. Because what you were exhibiting  before marraige that prompted the attraction stopped after the wedding register had  been signed.

I read a story of a man who filed for divorce after the wedding night.
He cited deception and falsehood as his reason for divorce. He said his wife deceived him by her  heavy make up  before marriage
He said, he discovered that the make up and other beauty accessories were a cover up and  she is not as beautiful and attractive as the make up presented to him.

I read somewhere that the wife of Kenneth Hagin Jr will always put on beauty make-up before she comes to the breakfast table.  I don't know her reason for doing this but  l am an advocate of doing whatever you got to do to remain attractive to your spouse. May the LORD help us.

So.when you stop doing what was responsible for the initial attraction, it may affect the flows of feelings in the home.

Revelation 2 says if we want to retain our first love then we must go back to doing those things we did at first.

Love is the best lubricants for human relationship

When you consider the hardship and uncertainty of living under the Sun, then you question the essence of human existence.

You are bo n, you grow up, you work very hard, become very rich and have wonderful hildten, then one day, you wake up on the other side of externality.

You have left all you toiled and labour for many years. So what is the will of the Father for humanity. Did God created the Earth to be a place of killings, sorrow and grief.

Lets return to Genesis 1-3 and examine he the law of first mention. Before God created the first man and woman and put them in the garden. God ensured everything they needed for a life if ease and enjoyment was given.

This shows the will and benevolence of the Father. The fact that God created all things ngs for man's enjoyment was also revealed in 1 Timothy 6:17-19

Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. 

Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life. 

There is two explicit witnesses in the Bible that God did not intend man to live in pain and suffer. What does a good God has to gain from the pain of man.

But Genesis reveals the source of pain to humanity.

Then the Lord God said to the woman, “What is this you have done?” The woman said, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.” So the Lord God said to the serpent, “Because you have done this, “ Genesis 3:13-19

The Woman listened to the Evil genius whose eternal mission is to steal, kill and destroy and thus pain, destruction was introduced into the World.

The Wedding Day and happiness is ordained by God to last for a lifetime. The Bible readings ghrly says ' He who finds a wife obtains favour from the LORD. Favour is a good factor in the life of any man. Either favour obtained purely as a gift of mercy from God or favour obtained as a result of human efforts. 

Marriage is created for joy an not for sorrow and sadness.

Leah was created by God and she is beautiful and wonderfully made by Him. Rachel and Leah were begotten by the same parents; it means the resemblance is a matter of who they looked like: theri mother or father.

Jacob in the other hand is coming from a family of very beautiful women. The grandmother of Jacob called Sarah was extricately beautiful. She had to he kind of beauty that enthralled Kings. Rebecca too was beautiful.

Therefore a stronghold has been built in the mind and heart of Jacob for the kind of wife he desires and want.

Secondly, Jacob was close to the mother and had heard the story of how Eliezer got the mother Rebecca to be a wife for Isaac; Jacob's Father. So when it was Rachel he met at the Wall, he felt his prayers were answered.

But he forgot that Elixer case was different. Elixer prayed for the special circumstances that surrounded Elixer. First Abraham prayed that God's angel will do the searching. Secondly, Elixer specially asked for that circumstance.

"Then he prayed, “Lord, God of my master Abraham, make me successful today, and show kindness to my master Abraham. 

"See, I am standing beside this spring, and the daughters of the townspeople are coming out to draw water.

May it be that when I say to a young woman, ‘Please let down your jar that I may have a drink,’ and she says, ‘Drink, and I’ll water your camels too’ —let her be the one you have chosen for your servant Isaac. 

By this I will know that you have shown kindness to my master.” Before he had finished praying, Rebekah came out with her jar on her shoulder.

She was the daughter of Bethuel son of Milkah, who was the wife of Abraham’s brother Nahor. The woman was very beautiful, 

Jacob did not offer such specific prayers or request for that specific template. This is why you must be extremely careful.on the marriage template you follow.

Divine provision knows all things and always put that into consideration especially in an issue of marriage . The tradition in Laban's house was that the first daughter must get married before the last daughter. Laban knew this fact and our heavenly Father also knew this fact but Jacob did not know obviously.

Probably if Joseph had involved God in the choice of marriage partner, God would have counsel him to wait or advice him to marry Leah for she will begot Judah whose Name will be associated with God's earthly ancestral. The Bible does not speak clearly on this matter but we can rightly deduct from factors in the story.

Therefore Leah was plunged into a loveless marriage. A marriage where her husband felt she was forced on him because maybe nobody else wants marry. We are sure Leah would be very happy when Jacob came to their household. She would have believed God has answered her prayers because it was her turn to be married. But alas her husband sees her as a burden and not a blessing. He showed her by his actions that she was forced on him and he would not have married her if he had a say l n the matter.

Instead of receiving her as a blessing, he saw her as an unwanted factor in his life.


Love is defined in the Bible as the act of showing kindness, patience, tolerance and giving happiness to another Human being. 1 Cor. 13:1. This definition is sufficient for the definition of love as Phileo, and Agape. It is a love that is a committal and not necessary feelings. You don't have to have high feelings for this kind of love. It is a love that is strictly based on a heart commitment to bring joy and show good to another Human in this case your wife or husband.

This kind of committal love desires to always do things like hatbpleases the other party. Its as a decision that a worker takes to always do things that please the master. This is a.dwcision that is not dependent on favourable or unfavourable circumstances. It says ' I will do all within my power to please you, so help me God'.

A man.and woman must have this commitall love for their spouse and this kind of love can generate the necessary feelings that the love called Eros needed.

Eros on the other hand hand is a little be based strictly on feelings. The fuel for this kind of love is feelings. When the feeling is high, the expression of love of touching, kissing, kind gestures and sweet words is very high. But when the subject is hurt and has low.fewlings, Eros cannot function.

We must understand that human are creation of words. Our lives follow the dirwctuon of your words. Try this practical exercise. Repeatly tell a person that you hate them and do not like to see them. In a matter of months you will notice that you want to avoid seeing that person. Secondly, you will not have happy feelings when you see them.

It's just as you don't like picked Ng the calls of certain perwon because you have programmed your mind though thoughts that their calls are a.burden to you. So when your phone screen carries their name, your feelings go down and you will have to force happiness into your voice to speak to them.

This happens because you have feed your mind with negative thoughts about them ànd this negative thoughts affects your feelings about them.

If we will learn to think about what is pure, true, lovely and of good reports about all men especially our spouse, our thoughts about them will.alwayw be good and our feelings will follow our positive thoughts.

So Jacob did not have this high feelings about Leah but he had high feel about Rachel because of the stronghold of negative thoughts: Leah was forced on me, it was Rachel l wanted.

Many contemporary relationship situation carries this logo. The man or woman is forced into a marriage relationship beyond their control. Maybe a friend, family member introduced them. And the man felt let me just get married. His or her feelings were not spilling over but it was just a logical decuauin. Maybe the woman had a good job, or from a wealth background. The marriage was based on what the man and woman hoped to glean from the relationship.

Both parties can show exuberant feelings initially at the courtship period but everyone returns to their normal self when the marriage register is signed. The mask are off and partners reveal their true characteristics.

We will not discuss maybe because the lady get pregnant before the weeding night because.the Bible condemns fornication and pre marital sex.

2. The high feelings if love can be ectinguish tooo when the woman or the man does not speak gracious words in the home. Words are the lubricants for the human soul and spirit. Cruel.words can crush a.man's soul.and research has shown that the marriage relationship is a place where verbal.abuse is highest. 

The wife uses unkind words to the husband and the husband inturn uses foolish word on his wife. Unkind words can crush the feels ngs of love esp cially in a woman:s heart. Then her love making with her husband is a routine and not a source of joy and happiness.

Unkind words have been known to.crush the feelings if love in a.marriage situation

King David desired and love Michael so much that he requested that she should be taken from her husband and brought back to him as his wife.

But the day Michel ridiculed him publicly because of his dancing moves; that was the last heard about Michel. Unkind words can kill.

A man and woman must learn to speak gracious words at all times. 


1. Cry Out to The God who holds the Heart of Kings in His hand. Such woman should not try to win the man's attention, kindness and goodwill by her own strength or manipulation. She should commit the heart of her husband to God and asked God to break down every strainghild, mindset that makes it difficult for her husband to love her.

We all stumble in many ways. Anyone who is never at fault in what they say is perfect, able to keep their whole body in check. 

With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be. Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring?  James 3

A FALL IN HUMAN CHARACTER: Men and woman are creation of attractions. We are easily moved by what we see; the five sensory organs intends to control our actions.

Excerpt for the cases of arranged marriage, a man is usually attracted to a woman b cause of what he heard about her, what he saw in her. It may be her physical beauty, it may be her wealth , it may be her family name, it maybe her fear of God ( a Christian man) but you are always drawn by something.

It is only a few men that are drawn because of their relationship with the Holy Spirit.  They have trained themselves to always follow the leasing and nudging of the Holy Spirit.

But you are drawn to a member of the opposite sex for a particular reason and mostly these reasons are informed by the ideas you have stored in your mind over time

Maybe from your parents, fri nds marraige, something you read and saw. There are ideas already store in your mind.

I remember that as.a young lady l vowed never to have anything to do with indigenes of Ondo state. I heard a story of one of my aunties who married into an Ondo family and was maltreated . So l spoke l will never have anything going on o do with them.

But God of all mercies, delivered me from this ignorant vow. I was posted to Ondo State for my NYSC and have be n there.since. Mindset is very powerful and we must always identify how it affects our d visions in life. Many are held bound by wrong mindset.

So if the source of attraction of a man to you is the way you dress but after marriage you stopped dressing that way, it may affect the way a.man/ woman feels about you.

So.whwn we stop doing what was responsible for the attraction, it may affect the flows of feelings in the home. Revelation 2 says if we want to retain our first love then we must go back to doing those things we did at first.


We establish at the begining of this writing that Satan is the source of all pains and wickedness. In essence when God introduced pain to a person' s life or nation, it is pain as a result of God's judgement.

Judgement is inevitable if you transgress against God's Word and His way. Satan will attack anything good excerpt of it is a sewming good to achieve his purpose and carry out his agenda.

The marriages of believers are his primary attack because in Christian Marr age, God is supposed to be king and His will established on Earth as it is in heaven. Moreso, a Christian home is the number one platform through which the gospel of our LORD Jesus Christ must be propagated.

Every Christian spouse especially the woman must learn how to fight the good fight of faith. You must remain on your knees and keep on speaking aloud the Word of faith that you believe. 

Your relationship must be in point with the Holy Spirit because He is the One who will help you take care of the invisible nword and enable you through his anointing to truumph over the works of darkness and he'll.

Without the Holy Spirit , we cannot do much.

The devil will do all he can yo frustrate your marriage but you must use the Word of God to keep him back in his defeated position as Jesus Christ guaranteed.


Leah was in a loveless marriage; her husband do not give her attention, his own attention was on Rachel. Obviously, Rachel was in control of her husband sex life. Though Leah gave her husband sons- what should make a man happy and gravitate towards you, it seem the joy of Jacob did not increase his love for Leah because the Bible noted that ' when God saw that Leah was not loved, God opens her womb. Probably Leah and Rachel were ordained to suffer the same thing that Isaac and Abraham his father suffered; delay in child bearing.  But because Leah was not loved, God intervened on her behalf and she had children early. It was Rachel who was loved and had a bad attitude towards Leah that suffered the plight suffered by Rebecca and Sarah.

In Leah's cars, the only Being who could work a change of heart in the husband and that will be permanent is The Almighty who knew she was not loved. Obviously, Laban could do nothing about this issue probably because of culture. Another person that would have helped speak to Jacob and that he would listen is Rebeccah his mother and she is far away where she cannot intervened.

The only person that could help her is the God of Israel. Obviously, the husband had not taught her about the God of his fathers. So.she kept on trying all means to get her her husband's attention. When she noticed non was working, she resolve to her fate and turned.her love to God. This she did by naming her four son Judah- now l will praise the LORD.

As believers, God must be our first source of help in any situation. When we cry out to.God, our Father first, then He will raise all the other helpers we need. There will be challenges in marraige just as there are challenges in life but with the help of our Father we will.surely prevail.


We have observed that when you continually pray for a person, your heart is favourable disposed to them. Naturally, you develop good feelings for the man, woman and child you pray for. There are some set of children in my street . Normally, l go to their house and teach them the scriptures. But l notice anytime, l see them on the street, my heart swells with joy and l greet them with greet happiness. That is the power of prayers.

The partner you pray for regularly, will always have a special place in your life. I remember what my former boss usually say. She would say " anytime l am making my husband meals, l would pray in tongues and proclaim my husband will always love me, that l will always find favour in his sight, l will only do him good all the days of his life and not him, he will always have confiden e in me. ( I added my own prayer point to hers)

Our LORD Jesus Christ said ' that the people of this world are wise in their generations. An unbelieving woman will go to an herbalist and ask for a love charm. Though, the herbalist knows nothing about the demonic world excerpt what he watches feo. Television, he will give a charm and tell her to put into her husband's food and sp ak what she wants her husband to do for her.

We have established that most of the things the Enemy does, he copied from God. He is not given the ability to create anything new. It is only man and God that has the ability to create anything new in the World.

Moreso, the Bible says with the heart you believe while with your mouth confession is made unto salvation

You desire that your husband should always love you and your home happy. Then you pray and believer it, then you must take the last step and make the right confessions to this prayers.

Even if the man is misbehaving, you must keep your confession intact, because with time if you do not doubt, the Holy Spirit will create you confession into reality.

The Bible says the mouth of the Lord has spoke it and His Spirit ( zeal) will bring it to past or perform it.


Many person would say, l can't say what l don't believe yet the Bible says faith comes by hearing and hearing again. One way to build your faith for any matter is to speak aloud what you believe about that matter.

A man who speaks continually about his fear of road accident will surely build a stronghold of fear for the same and it is only a matter of time before he/she s involved in one.

You must learn to say l love you, l appreciate you, you are a source of huge blessing to my life, you are a gift from God to me, l will always love you to your spouse even if you don't feel as it at that time

It is not hypocrisy, rather you are speaking what you believe to be the truth even if you don't feel like it at that time

A man/woman is ensnared by their words. I'd you speak such godly words that is what you will surely see. But if you chose to speak the otherwise that is what you will.also.see. 

Happiness is our right as believers, we only need to learn how to access it. Apostle Peter was locked up in prison and he chose to sleep instead of crying or weeping at his negative lot. Paul and Silas were in prison and they chose to sing Psalms and spiritual songs to the God who can deliver them.

Happiness is a choice. Many factors would arise to make you unhappy always chose to be happy.

Only say what you want to see in the life of your spouse. You may not believe it at first but later you will start to believe it . Because saying it over and over again builds a stri ghold in your mind m


There was nothing Leah could about her marriage because the foundation of the marriage was very wrong and the Bible says if the foundation is destroyed what kind the righteous do. The only help was the intervention of the Almighty.

But  if your relationship started on the right foundation, always ask your spouse what he/she likes even in loving making. Then consciously, deliberately continue to do with the help of the Holy Spirit 

Marriage relationship is not ordained for divorce by God. It is meant to be a source of help to two persons while they are fulfilling their God"s given mandate of been fruitful and multupling and replenishing the Earth. 

You are in that relationship to be a source of joy and happiness to another person but on a more intimate level. NGO go to community that needs help and offer assistance without expecting a reward from the people they helped.

Likewise Marriage is a place where the Golden rule I'd obeyed fully. You do to your spouse as you want him to do to you. Woman, no matter who your husband is, you must always make him look big in public and privately. Pleasing your spouse should be your number 1 vision in the home.

A man/ woman that is pleased at home will see no need for adultery excerpt fleshly and demonically induced.

You must find out what makes him/her happy and do it. God rewards you when you bring joy and happiness to any man/ woman created in His image and likeness. You are bring joy to Him.

The Bible spoke of our LORD Jesus Christ in Acts 10:38

how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him.



Marriage is ordained for companionship and happiness. But some people struggle in the home because they were not wedded to suitable appropriate partners for life purpose.




Some few years back, I got some quotations from a Christian book which outlined the qualities of a perfect help- meet.

 Hearing the phrase perfect help Meet, I knw your mind is already carrying placard and protesting " there is no perfect help-meet anywhere" 

Please permit, my unsual reasoning for the purpose of this write-up.

My definition of 'perfect help-meet'  in this context is  good, the best Help-meet a man can have.

This Book says a perfect Help-meet is a lady who does the following to her partner:

1. Shares his hopes, dreams and bear his hurts and frustrations. ( I replied in my heart- the woman na him 'Paid Shrink')

2. Brings him before God's throne in prayer every day)

3.  Put his sexual and emotional needs ahead  of hers ( I thought, woman dey enter oooo)

4.   Enable him become all God wants him to be and accomplish God's purpose

5. Have dinner ready whn he gets home

6. Encourage him to talk abt his life goals

7. Listen to him with undivided attention

8. Embrace his ideas enthusiastically

9. Respect him by how she talks to him and abt him before others.


Sincerely after reading all these attributes of a perfect woman by an American woman, I concluded that African mentality in marriage has obviously colonised this American woman. 

Then I remembered she is a christian and speaking from her understanding of God's perspective.

Some Christian relationships and marriages are not doing so well today because we erroneously and ignorantly believe that there is no sacrifice in marriage. 

Plsease. Note that lasting love is sacrifice from A-Z, for both the man and the woman. ( My findings from some married men and women)

The Bible says for God so loved the World that He sacrificed His only begotten Son. (Loved a world that wants nothing to do with him)

We praise  God for the feelings and 'goose pimples' that comes with falling in- love.

 I understand how  you can be  on 'Cloud 7' and want to move heaven and earth for  the source of this good feelings.

 But the married will tell you that those feelings may not always be there after a long time  marriage, they should be present but experience shows they are not always there.

 If you have the understanding that true love is about caring unselfishly for another person; about looking out for your beloved interest in all things,  you will do it. either you feel like it or not.

For those who have careers, businesses and ministries, you will agree with me that to make your business successful, you do all manners of legal things- make sacrifices, practise self-denials because there are many militating forces that wants thiese endeavours to fail.

Our marriages must be handled in the same light and manner, its childish to reasoned  that because you no longer have 'high feelings' of love, then you are no longer in love.

It means, the days you don't feel like going to the office, brushing your teeth, taking your bath etc, you don't do it.

Love is about giving your best in any relationship, its about making your partner happy and if carrying out the roles itemised in the perfect help meet attributes will help us achieve this, we must be ready to pay its price. I can tell you, you will not regret it.

I love children and enjoy being their best pal. Daily, I am learning their love language- the gifts, the sweet, the unsolicited hug, the deliberate compliments on their dresses, the gentle rebuke  make them seek you out in a crowd.

 It gives me tremendous thrill when they do that, so I use their Love language extensively. Its only one or two that have resisted inspite of the love language usuage. 

I know there are always exceptions to every rule but only a lunatic and demon possessed will reject kindness, generosity and I know you are not in a relationship with such. And if anyone situation in marriage is bad, l pray God will surely intervene.

Rekindle the fire in your relationship, activate the feelings of love again and sustain it by the  continually practise of the above mentioned with prayers and by faith in Jesus, your relationship will be  exceptional and exemplary.






Jacob was in love with Rachel and said, “I’ll work for you seven years in return for your younger daughter Rachel.” Laban said,

Divorce is rapad  in the Society and becoming desirable by a few in The Church of Jesus Christ because we are not slow to anger and abounding in love. A man and a woman in a marriage relationship will always have flaws  in character .

Flaws in character  are actually deficiencies in a person through the spectacles of another person. What you consider to be a flaw in someone character,  maybe a strength in the view of another person.

A person believes in eating a large bowl of rice at one sitting because of the background, the other is trained to eat little at a time.  Therefore to the man who is trained to eat little ratio of food per time, his wife is  indiscipline in her eating habit because she is not trained to be like him 

The compromise In the marraige is for the man to teach the wife why small ratio of food is better that big ratio of food. The  insight and understanding gained on ratios of food will equipped the woman to adapt quickly to sound eating habits as her spouse 

Patient is the bridge that will carry the eating habits of the man and his woman from the inception of different eating habits to the destination of harmonised eating habit  of the couple.

Patient is needed in every aspect of the marraige. The difference between a man and his new bride may be noticed in  their spending habits, home making skills, attitude to loving -making, Religious beliefs. Some and all of these can become a major source of stress, unhappiness and tension in marraige 

Married couples must   understand that  the marraige ceremony and wedding night  made the man and the woman one flesh; but the  merging  of the soul, the synchronization of the spirit  and unity of ideology of both partners may take a longer period. it takes constant exposure to the Word of God and fellowship with each other  to arrive at the point where a man and his wife are ONE just as God, the Father and God, the Son are ONE 

One of the key attributes of  Love in 1 Cor. 13 is " Love is Patient  

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. " 1 Cor. 13:4-8.


1. Renew Your Mind.

Sincerely, renewal of the mind of the believer is the first step to becoming a person who is given to patience.. Statement such as listed below sound cool but are actually statement of a believer who has not submitted to the Law of the Spirit and is not yielding to the Life of the Holy Spirit within you.

*.  " I don't tolerant nonsense from people";

*.  " I don't like arrogant people". 

* " I am a person of principles and expect people to know what they are doing"

* " I don't have patience for slow people "

Galatians 5:22-26

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other..

The Holy Spirit is inside  every man and woman who believes in Jesus Christ. And that Holy Spirit has a personality that differs from your own natural personality. . The major reason for the life of Christ in you : The New Life you received at the New birth is so that there can be an exchange . You were crucified with Christ so that you can live his Life 

But we continue to live the natural life because we know but don't understand that the fruit of the Holy Spirit should become our New life 

We hide under the disguise and excuse of these personality weakness and strengths( I am Choloric, Sanguine and melancholy) and never embraced the Life of the Spirit within 

If you renew your mind by the Word of God and embrace the Life of the Spirit, the fruit of the Spirit will become your personality type and not your natural inborn personality .

Let me use my life as an example  For a very long time, l believed l was melancholy with a great measure of choloric personality type  And as long as l  believed that l  was Choloric and melancholy, l was always bossy and impatience with people flaws in especially in the area of working.

 I expected everyone to be given to work as myself.  Later l realised that  I developed choloric tendency because l had to take charge of my destiny at a very tender age. Thus l develop leadership tendency. It took a journey of self  discovery to know my true personality type.

But when l encountered the truth in Galatians 5 that some of the things  called flaws and personality weakness are actually works of the flesh. I find it easier to tap into the power of the Holy Spirit to change a lot  of the Character flaws and l am still depending on God for transformation through the renewing of my mind.


In your eyes, , you are the best type of yourself that exist on planet earth. No one is exactly like you. Why this is true but it can also be a source of conflicts in any kind of relationship. 

We always want others to conform to the best version of our SELF.  Our expectation is that people especially our loved ones should always  reflect our own lifestyle, beliefs and personality or the personality of a higher human, we hold sacred in your  heart. You want people to become the Best version of you.

EVERYBODY CANNOT BE YOU, because God created each person uniquely with special features. If everybody talks and dress like you, then it means it is only your specie we need in the Universal. And everybody is created to be a copycat of YOUR HIGHER SELF.

Self love is good but learn to see yourself in the shoes of other people and through their life experience.. We are all products of our parenting, culture,  friendships, environment , thus the different mindset and culture. 

Even as believers though we have ONE LORD, ONE SPIRIT, And THE SAME WORD OF GOD, the 12 discioles of The LORD Jesus Christ differs in personality type just as their assigment differs.


 Therefore consider that that guy or lady you met and want to spend the rest of your life with had spend at least twenty-years trying to be someone else and will need time to adjust to become the perfect picture of the bride and groom you have pasted on the hard drive of your mind.

If you have this mind set, tolerance of other people faults will always be easy for you.




Vashti was a very beautiful woman who obviously was greatly admired by the King her husband. He was so  proud of her that he wanted to show off her beauty to officials and people of his kingdom. It was his way of saying "see my treasured possession".

 But at that moment that the King needed her attention though it was for vanity " she was busy doing her own things" 

Attention is paramount in our relationship with God and even with our spouse. Attention is not that you are in each other company' 24)7, attention is that you carry each other in your most sacred place.: which is your heart and that affects your actions and reactions to each other.  Attention is you are available when he needs you;; he is available when you need him 

How do affairs start in the office. I have always worked in Christian organisations and as you know there are certain unwritten  code of conducts. And one of them is " Do not stir up love until it is desired". It means you don't go around giving attention to a brother or sister you do not intend to marry ( this is applicable for some church organisations that don't  believe in dating etc)

But l had an opportunity to work in a secular setting and l realised that it is a different ball game. If you focus your attention on the opposite sex, it is seen as your subtil way of saying, "l am into you or attarcted to you"

A husband giving attention daily to his wife can be expressed in his noticing her dress, the different hair styles, her countenance after office, her countenance when she walks up, even a change in her  responses to issues around the house. Giving attention is not just  the mighty things we do for our spouse but rather the attention you give to little details  to matters to them.

And it is something couples can practise deliberately and consciously. I tell you, it is not manipulative to be calculating about giving attention to your spouse.

You are deliverate about your investment, your ministry success, etc. You can be intentional and even employ strategies about your attention to God and your spouse. It is not cold-hearted 

Everything in the marriage must not be done spontaneously. Conscious attention to your lover can become spontaneous expression of love over time 

Recently, l was listening to a talk on relationship online and the speaker said our sex life can be pre-arranged  to days in the week. He said this allows couple to build up expectation, think of more exciting ways to give each other  pleasure and kind of make them deliberately think about each other often.

In the same vein, giving attention to your spouse, listening to their conversation during meal time, openingly gazing on them as they leave the bathroom, watching them deliberately as they walk into a room, intentional complimenting them is a good way of keeping the feelings in your heart warm and love making more exciting 

Solomon’s Song of Songs. 

" Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth— for your love is more delightful than wine. Pleasing is the fragrance of your perfumes; your name is like perfume poured out. No wonder the young women love you! Take me away with you—let us hurry! Let the king bring me into his chambers." Songs of Solomon 1:1-2

The statements above seem like an extract from a secular novel and not from THE WORD OF GOD..

The statement about Isaac and his wife in the book of  Genesis 26 seem almost impossible.

"When Isaac had been there a long time, Abimelek king of the Philistines looked down from a window and saw Isaac caressing his wife Rebekah. Genesis 26:8. 

The marriage institution is the legal vehicle where God has oradined that intimacy be expressed in different dimensions and spectrum. No wonder the relationship between the believer and Christ is liken to the relationship between husband and his wife 

But we must also note that what one couple may regard as giving attention may not necessarily be the definition given by another couple for the same issue. Therefore couples must learn not to compare their realtiinshio with that of others at all 

We are all unique because of training, background and mindset and don't see things from the same perspective and don't react to the same issue in the same way 

The LORD told Abraham to offer his beloved son and Abraham offered Isaac to God to show that he loved God above any other .

We must be ready to demonstrate our love for our spouse to that extent. When you become one flesh with another person, it means you are inseparable and if separation is to take place, three must be a tearing apart that will cause excruciating pains. 

This is why God says He hates divorce because divorce for any reason apart from marital unfaithfulness is like deliberately hurting the one you have promised to love forever. And even in marital unfaithfulness, that The LORD said is the only basis  that can be consider for divorce;, if the principle of forgiveness is employed, the marraige is still redeemable.

While Vashti failed to give the King attention when he demanded for it, Esther created opportunities to give the same King attention before his most trusted official .

We must learn to give attention to our spouse and even our God. Giving attention is saying " I VALUE YOU TREMENDOUSLY"




Joy is a fruit of the Spirit and spontaneous while happiness on the other hand is dependent on certain factors and conditions.  Happiness  is defined as a state of utmost bliss, an emotion evoked by well being, success or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires: 

 While joy is a fruit of the Spirit, a gift from the Almighty and is available to any believer when it is needed, happiness on the other is a fruit of the soul which is dependent on positive feelings.  

Both joy and happiness is needed in the Christian home.“And Zilpah Leah's maid bare Jacob a second son.  And Leah said, Happy am I, for the daughters will call me blessed: and she called his name Asher.” (Genesis 30:12-13 KJV). 

Leah was happy because her servant bore a second son for her husband. This high positive feeling was dependent on her desires been fulfilled.

 In the case of Paul and Silas, they had no reason for high excited feelings, yet they were singing hymns to God with excitement-that is the joy of the Spirit. Acts 16:22

Truly, no believer is expected to live strictly by feelings because they are not entirely dependable. You are not expected to only say “I love you”, “ï miss you” to your partner only when you have high feelings. You must learn to care for your spouse with enthusiasm whether you feel like it or not.

 God delights in the praise of His people and loves it when they serve him with gladness of heart. (Isaiah 58:14)  likewise Deut 24:5 shows that God desires happiness in the Christian home, our marriages should not just be endured for the sake of purpose, you must be excited about your partner for life. Proverbs 5:18, Eccl 9:9.

 The foundation for happiness in marriage is usually laid at the point of choosing a marriage partner. Who you marry will determine to a large extend the final outcome of your destiny.

While some Christians believe God is no longer involve in the choice of who you marry and that you make the decision by searching for a man or woman who suits your purpose and desires, 

The writer strongly believes that every single guy/lady must rely on the Holy Spirit in choosing a marriage partner, we cannot afford to rely on physical circumstances, financial status to make this crucial choice; for it takes only God and His discernment to know who is who in His Kingdom.

 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take. (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Furthermore,, a believer may be good in every ramifications but may not be the right marriage and destiny partner for you. I remember back them in school, a brother felt led to marry a sister in the fellowship but eventually, did pot proposed because he felt she was a “spiritual fanatic” Why? She was not putting on ear rings and trousers. I know the sister presently as she is into make- up and do trousers etc.

Am sure if the Brother had carried the Holy Spirit along, he would have seen through the eyes of the Spirit; five years later, the sister would become who he wanted as a wife. 

The writer knows that God has given every man the ability of free choice, but if you believe in Christ and understand the fact that the Almighty God is a loving Father, who knows all things and promised in Psalm 32:8 to guide the man who fears him in the way that is best for him, then you will depend on His guidance in the area of making marital choice.

 Therefore,  the principle of as many as are led by the Spirit of God is also applicable when making the choice of who to marry. 

But hearing God’s voice on who to marry is not a guarantee that such marriage will work. Even if you heard the direct voice of the Almighty telling you Mr. A is the ordained marriage partner of Miss B , this is not a sole guarantee that such marriage will automatically  work out fine, both partners must apply biblical principles for blissful marriage to enjoy its dividends.

Check out the case of Apostle Paul and Barnabas. The Holy Spirit spoke in Acts 13:2-4 “As they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them. And when they had fasted and prayed, and laid their hands on them, they sent them away. So they, being sent forth by the Holy Ghost, departed unto Seleucia; and from thence they sailed to Cyprus.


But this relationship initiated by the Spirit of Life hit the rock in Acts 15:16 through unmanaged family dynamics. So that you heard God’s voice when you proposed or that you heard God’s voice when you said yes to that proposal is not the only perquisite for “happily forever” unless, you deliberately sow seeds of love into the marriage, you cannot reap the fruit of happiness in the home.

The enemy attacks happiness in Christian marriage at weak moments, whenBut this relationship initiated by the Spirit of Life hit the rock in Acts 15:16 through unmanaged family dynamics. So that you heard God’s voice when you proposed or that you heard God’s voice when you said yes to that proposal is not the only perquisite for “happily forever” unless, you deliberately sow seeds of love into the marriage, you cannot reap the fruit of happiness in the home.

The enemy attacks happiness in Christian marriage at weak moments, when one or both partners are vulnerable and an aspect of the marriage had been neglected. Goliath was well protected excerpt the small part in his fore head where the stone from David hit.


Marriage is ordained for companionship and happiness. But some people struggle in the home because they were not wedded to suitable appropriate partners for life purpose.



"When David returned home to bless his household, MICHAL DAUGHTER of SAUL came out to meet him and SAID,

 “How the king of Israel has distinguished himself today, going around half-naked in full view of the slave girls of his servants as any vulgar fellow would!”

 David said to Michal, “It was before the Lord, who chose me rather than your father or anyone from his house when he appointed me ruler over the Lord’s people Israel—I will celebrate before the Lord. 

I will become even more undignified than this, and I will be humiliated in my own eyes. But by these slave girls you spoke of, I will be held in honor.”

 AND MICHAL DAUGHTER of SAUL had no children to the day of her death.

Words are life. They either bring God's life into your marriage;  the life of your spouse and children or introduce  death into the marriage.

 Your words as a believer is a key that opens the door of your life and destiny to the Enemy; because the power of life and death are in the tongue.

The atmosphere in your marriage and home is regulated by the words and thoughts of both partners. If you learn to align your thoughts and words with scripture, you will have an atmosphere of God's presence in your home.

Though the foundation of David's marraige to Michal was on a faulty foundation; ( David used his anointing and gifts to behead the heads of the LORD's enemy  for the purpose of securing a bride price)  they both loved each other sincerely and passionately. 

Michal went against her father to preserve David's life. While David on the other hand was willing to delay his enthronement as king over Israel until Michal was restored to him.

But this wonderful story of love became  a marriage of contempt and despise because the wife could not control her tongue in a time of anger. 

Michal rebuked and spoke to King David rudely in publicly before the people at a period of national celebration. 

  Nothing kills love faster in the heart and happiness in the home than ungracious and unkind words. It can ruin the heart and damage  the emotions of your spouse.

While the event that caused Michal negative outburst last for just some few hours, the impact of her words on her relationship with her husband last throughout  her lifetime.

The Bible stated that Michal remained barren all her life. We can rightly conclude that this barrenness was not from God or as a result of her husvand- King David placing a curse one her.  Probably King David never had   any sexual relationship with Michal his wife till her death because of this single event. This was a self induced problem. Michal killed her husband's love for her because she did not honour him.

Unkind words are dangerous in relationship because while forgiveness may be received, the UNGRACIOUS words spoke may remain in the memory for a lifetime and it impacts enduring.


Words are the lubricants for the human soul and spirit. Cruel words can crush a man's soul. Verbal abuse is on the increase in Christian home and relationship and we must do all we can to curb this vice and enjoy bliss in our marriage.

1. Always confess daily that only gracious word proceed from your mouth.

2. Carefully monitor the thoughts you allow into your heart and mind,for negative thoughts about anybody are the propeller for ungracious words. Remember the enemy can inject negative thoughts into your mind. Letter to cast them out immediately.

3. Fill your mind with the Word of daily. Just as food is for the health of your body, spiritual food which is the word of God is for the health of your spirit and soul 

4.  Ask for the help of the Holy Spirit in guiding your thoughts and your mind and keeping the enemy out 


God allows the imperfection in Humanity to be captured in His Word; (The Bible,) so that men/women can learn to accommodate and tolerant the flaws of others.

He that has not learn to overlook the mistakes and flaws  of their partners in marriage  will not enjoy the married life as God intended.



Joy and Happiness are words used interchangeably and similar in their manifestations. But these two words are products of two different faculty in the the make up of a man.

Joy is a fruit of the spirit where the Holy Spirit dwells. It is purely supplied by the Holy Spirit and it is irrespective of a man's favourable or unfavourable circumstances.  

You can access the joy of the Holy Spirit at all times and in all seasons through worship, studying the word, sound the Will of the father and praying in tongues for that particular reason.
 The Bible says in Romans 14:17:

"for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness, and peace, and joy in [the] Holy Spirit."  

Happiness on the other hand is a product of the human soul. It is high intensive feelings produced in the human soul as a result of favourable circumstances and can also be triggered by external elements such as drugs, music , achievements and other factors. It is usually accompanied by laughter.

'“Laughter,” I said, “is madness. And what does pleasure accomplish?” I tried cheering myself with wine, and embracing folly —my mind still guiding me with wisdom. I wanted to see what was good for people to do under the heavens during the few days of their lives. I undertook great projects: I built houses for myself and planted vineyards. I made gardens and parks.... Eccl. 2:2

Leah , a woman who find herself in relationship whereby she did all within her power to make her husband love her more yet his heart was bethrothed to Rachel; who was his love at first sight.

And Jacob never allowed any other person replaced Rachel in his heart excerpt Rachel's children. He chose to fall in love with Rachel at first sight and transferred that love to Rachel's children at her death though Leah was still alive. 

Man is capable of very high degree of unending love. But the best of human love may still be ruled by selfishness. Only trust in God's divine love can keep your heart secure at all times.

Leah was beautifully and wonderfully made by God; she was a beautiful woman in her own right but when compared to her sister; Rachel, she was less beautiful to her husband Jacob. Though not her fault, Leah did not enjoy the full benefits of been in a loving relationship with her husband.

Some men and women also go through situations in marraige that is beyond their fault. They are not responsible for these factors that attempt to destroy their happiness yet they suffer. The key solution is turn to God for His unfailing wisdom.

 Rachel and Leah were begotten by the same parents; it means the resemblance is a matter of who they looked like: either thei rmother or father. So it was not Leah's fault that Rachel had a better physical attributes in the sight of Jacob.

On the other hand, Jacob was coming from a family of very beautiful women. His grandmother; Sarah was extricately beautiful. She had the kind of beauty that enthralled Kings. Rebecca; Jacob's mother was admired and wanted by a king though she was married.

Therefore a stronghold has been built in the mind and heart of Jacob for the kind of wife he desires and wanted.

Secondly, Jacob was close to his mother and had heard the story of how Eliezer got Rebecca to become a wife for Isaac; Jacob's Father. So when it was Rachel he met at the Well, he concluded this was divine provision: It happened with my mother, it is been repeated in my search for a wife. ( The Enemy can sure produce counterfeits of what God's power did)

But he forgot the case of Abraham's servant; Eliezer was different. Eliezer prayed for the special circumstances that surrounded the choice of Rebecca as Isaac's wife. Also, Abraham prayed that God's angel will do the searching. Secondly, Eliezer specially asked for that circumstance.

"Then he prayed, “Lord, God of my master Abraham, make me successful today, and show kindness to my master Abraham.......

1. Learn to speak the love language of your spouse effectively: Queen  Vashti was a very beautiful Queen which obviously was what qualified to be the wife of the King. But she lost her throne in the palace because she failed to feed the seemingly vanity of her husband which at that time was his love language.
Queen Esther on the other hand used that to her advantage. King Solomon wrote love poems for one of his numerous wives. As long as it is within the confines of your legal marriage and it does not hurt the other partnet

2. Renew your mind about sex, sex is for great pleasure and not just for Child bearing. 
Just as good gives you pleasure and different kind of food comes with their own peculiar taste and flavour , so you are permitted to give sexual pleasure to your spouse. King Solomon wrote love poems for one of his numerous wives. As long as it is within the confines of your legal marriage and it does not hurt the other partner and it's not against God' s principle, create fund in your home that makes you happy as you serve God and humanity. 

3. Christians ought to pray about anything and everything. In ad much as you pray that your love for God and His Word should increase, then it's mandatory you pray that your spouse will always be in love with your intensely, that you will always be attracted to each other physically and intimacy between you will always be mutual 
What these prayers does is to create conditions and grace of grace for the prayers to be fulfilled.
The woman will find out that passion swells within her to want to wear attractive dressed to keep her husband's interest 
The man on the other hand will have strong desires to be tender and kind towards his wife. 
Prayers creates the condition within that transform the conditions without.

gazed at him
My heart full of warmth, sizzling current streaming within and without me
I looked at my beloved :And l thought Forever till death do us apart
I will ejaculate every waking moments in your hands filled with esctaay that you are mine forever!
I breathed in more slowly wanting to take all of him into me as l held his hands a little firmly

My thoughts would be ' how  to make you happy for the rest of your life
My dreams of you is always you at the top of your game, you becoming the Best the Creator ordained
My joy is formed when joy fills your realm

We become one today as the Creator has ordained
What is mine is yours! what is yours has become mine this day on
No more Me but you in Me
No more You  but me in You

Us made into ONE
Us formed for More
We United in All forever
My beloved!
See, how my Love will blanket you all your days.

Our DNA in our unborn, Is the proof that we have been made ONE this day!
What an ethereal whit
We are One, no one can break us apart!
You and l cannot be separated :Just as what is me in our child cannot be removed from what is you! 
Unison beyond human reasoning
Unfathomable ONENESS
Was all l was thinking
When the Priest echoed
" I now pronounced you husband and wife
What God has joined together: Let no being put asunder

Asunder! fly away to Netherland
When there are issues we need to resolve
Asunder!  hide your hideous face when we longer say ' I love as often as we should
Asunder! we bade you a stranger in our presence 
When the love making becomes a routine: An obligation that is used to relieve tension

No! No! Asunder you are not permitted
When my beloved husband's loves me more than the in-law envisaged.
Let no being put asunder is what we command
When my ears may  hear ' Z ' when my precious  husband says 'A', 

Oh my Maker: Pls my Maker
Remember your Son, Jesus Christ and His finished work for my joy
Remember He died  that l might enjoy all the blissfulness of your presence!
Remember, pls don't forget

For your Son, Jesus Christ  submitted to you willingly though He is God as you are
Help me to submit willing to my beloved 
When the success and applauds may want to make me forget you made my beloved husband my Head
My husband as my Leader is not a meritous  honour : You bequeathed it to him just as your Son submitted to you to  fulfill His mission on Earth
Let Christ always be set before me when the flow of your anointing caused all men and women to want to worship at my Feet

My beloved husband; oh my precious Stone
May my heart always be sizzling with fondness as l wake moment by moment by your side
May my body always be on fire and eagle to touch the handsomeness before ma as l gaze at your nakedness
May my mind be filled with adoration, no matter how little and how great your achievements
May my heart and my touch never gaze lustfully at another
But let my love always be for you!

LORD give me more
Much more than this with my beloved husband
Whom you have given me as a gift all lifelong!

Hephzibah Abigail


Kindness is a love language; it has a voice that can be heard in the saddest heart and the most chaotic mind. A man must learn to use it for his wife and children.

 Women have huge capacity to care for others- God configured the female specie in such a way that a emotion encircles her heart and decision.

While a male is calculating on what benefits he will get from a particular relationship, a woman is moved by how the relationship makes her feel. 

High feelings is an indicator of rightness for her while low feelings is a red light that signifies ' Don't come any further'
Genuine Kindness void of manipulative tendencies will unlock this depth of rich feelings within the woman.

Christ though God demonstrated kindness to the people around Him especially his disciples in various instances.
1. He prepared a meal for the disciples when he appeared to them after his resurrection. 

Surely, at this point, they deserved a rebuke from Him and not love expressed through the tentacles of kindness.

They had left their first love to go back to their vocation of fishing. Thus Jesus had to asked Pater' Do you love me more than this?

We appreciate men who buy beautiful gifts for their spouse during wedding anniversaries, birthdays, Christmas, Thanksgiving etc.
But a kind heart will always show its true contents at moments when no one is searching for its fruit.

No Christian relationship especially marriage can survive and flourish without the help of the Holy Spirit. You need His counsel while marrying marital choice and need it in the Home.

The Holy Spirit knows the best moments and the best gestures that can please and help your wife.

Jesus Christ our LORD cooked a meal for his disciples, when it was the best gesture that will show that He will be faithful in taking care of their needs.

Christ left his busy ministerial schedule to the world to visit Peter' s mother-in-law when she was sick.and healed her. ( He did not say, I will do my Father's while God takes care of your mother-in-law)

A. L. Hephzibah

A.L. Hephzibah


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