Chapter One

God is immeasurably massive in His operations
A song writer penned ' You got the whole World in your Hands'
Though the musician's song is apt in describing God but it may not be adequate in demonstrating " How tremendously great is the dependence of the World in God's Hand 
World records that the World is about eight (8) billion people in the World. We know that this is an estimation because the Census execercise in Africa nations is not accurate. 
But every man who breathe owns their life to God, the Maker of the Heaven and The Earth.
Everyman is a living Soul because we have a spirit which was originally given to us by the breathe of God. The Bible states that the Soul of all men, women, Teens and children belongs to God. It means that a man may owns houses, mansions, cars, companies and other assets and properties and he can do as he so please with them.

But no man owns his own soul and spirit; it came from God and can is the sole determinant of when that soul departs finally from the heart. A man can take his own lives through suicide, exposure to danger and death. A man can be killed and murdered by others but ultimately no man can decide to live forever on the earth no matter, the power of science discovery and the potency of medicine 

In this God is greater and bigger than all men, he sustains all things by the power of His Word. He created all things, He knows all things and all things are truly His but He chose to give them to the Sons of men.

He is the God who dwells in the Heaven but has made His abide with the sons of men by realting directly with those who believe in Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the World.
God is Limitless in power, His strenght is InExhaustible; the Earth is maintained and renovated by His wisdom. It's from His wisdom that witty inventions and products are manufactured for mankind.
His name is Yahweh, Jehovah ELOHIM ADONAI!
He created everything visible and invisible while He was created by no one. He operates the Earth on the principle of His spoken Word and nobody can take the reins of control of the Sun and moon in their orbits unless God permits them.

He silenced the gods of the Sea, -Leviathan who folic there and made dry land appear within the Sea walls. The gods and their hosts could not stop Him. When THE ALMIGHTY proposes to do anything on earth and he gets a man/woman  to believe in Him, no created force -visible and invisible can stop or hinder Him.

Jehovah Jireh brought uncountable numbers of men, women, girls and boys and the unborn into the DESERT- a dry land where no plants grew, no flowing river, and no animals dare graze permanently yet these people never died from starvatuon  for forty (40 years)

I guess the Enemy roll out their drums of singing and dancing. Yes, they will raise their songs, we have trapped the MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE, His chosen people,  His elect and beloved in this dry land.
They  will all die in the wilderness.

But ADONAI JEHOVAH called THE ELOHIM, which gods or idols can stop HIM, when he chooses to operate on Earth, in the Sea and in the Sky. 

Oh that men will learn to praise HIM
For His goodness and for His wonderful works
To the Children of men
He has broke the Gates of Bronze and cut the Bars of Iron asunder


The God of Israel and the friend of Abraham imported BREAD and MEAT  from heaven through Air fleight of the Wind to feed millions upon millions of people  for 40 years, 480 months, 14,400 days without suppliers of food  from any existing nations of the World.

It is the same God that has anointed every Believer , the Apostles, Teachers, Prophets, Evangelist, Deacons, Deaconess, Ministers, Sisters and Brothers with His Limitless power to do His Work on Earth.

Whatever displays of Power you have seen in the  Body of Christ; The Church, The Denominations  and Para Church organisations Worldwide  is infinitely tiny/little to the ABILITY, POWER, WISDOM of the Almighty.

I am celebrating Christ the King of kings and Lord of lords, my beautiful SUBSTITUTE: He paid the PRICE and faith in Him, gives me every spiritual, material, financial and mental blessings in God. 

 The Almighty is the richest, wealthiest, wisest, and all the ‘ËST” wonderful adjectives you can find in all languages in the world No other being tops the Almighty in anything and everything. In all ramifications and concerning all issues, He is the BEST; of Him we can rightly say ‘SIMPLY THE BEST’ as sang by a music artist.  The Bible penned this beautiful poetry about the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, our Messiah and soon coming King, Christ Jesus:

Christ is the visible image of the invisible God. He existed before anything was created and is supreme over all creation,  for through him God created everything in the heavenly realms and on earth.
He made the things we can see and the things we can't see—such as thrones, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities in the unseen world.
Everything was created through him and for him. He existed before anything else, and he holds all creation together. Christ is also the head of the church,
which is his body. He is the beginning, supreme over all who rise from the dead. So he is first in everything. For God in all his fullness was pleased to live in Christ, and through him God reconciled everything to himself.
He made peace with everything   in heaven and on earth by means of Christ's blood on the cross. Colossians 1:15-20
New Living Translation
 And The GOD called the Almighty decided to make another Being like Himself-MAN. What an awesome privilege to be created in the image and likeness of the Almighty. What an honor to have the same nature as Christ Jesus as a believer. And all these blessings can accessed and possessed by FAITH IN CHRIST JESUS. 

When a patient visits the doctor and drugs are prescribed,   the patient is obliged not only get the drugs, but also take them at the scheduled time. WHY? The patient believed the diagnosis of the doctor and showed his faith by buying the drugs and taking them as instructed by the doctor.
    If and when we truly believe in Christ Jesus, we will follow His percepts willingly and obey His Words at all times.

Christ paid the PRICE and faith in Him, gives me every spiritual, material, financial and mental blessings in God.
If and when we truly believe in Christ Jesus, we will follow His percepts willingly and obey His Words at all times. 

There are communications and transactions between human entities in the invisible ones. The will and desires of a man can be imposed in the spirit and soul of another human being through  connection secured by demonic powers and influences;  in the case of men and women who are actively engaged in the Occultic and witchcraft 

They can tell a man what to do and what not to do without speaking to the man in the visible realms. The thoughts and intentions of the Occultic practitioner is imposed on their victims Nd it appears as if it is the original thoughts of the victims 

The intention of God for communication between humans who are visible creatures because of their physical body is communication in the physical realm 

When God appeared to Moses in the Burning Busy to sent him to the Children of Israel in Egypt, Moses did not see the physucak for. Of God but He heard the voice of God.

But when Moses was to dwliver the same messages to the Israelites Moses did not pass these messages to the Israelites through invisible communication. Rather Moses spoke to the Israelites through utte to ed speeches from His mouth and the Israelites heard Moses through their ears, then the message passed on to the mind of the Israelites where they assimilated the information, analysed it and made a decision if they should believe if the message is from God or not.

It was only after they had arrived on a decision based in what they had heard that the members of their bodies was moved to take appropriate actions based on their decisions 

The LORD told  Aaron and Miriam " if a prophet is among you, l sepak to them through dreams and visions but for my Servant Moses, I speak to him face to face 

A dreams comes at night when is aside and his body is at rest. Though the body of the man is at rest, the spirit or innerman of the man is not asleep because our spirits is created in the likeness of God, it does not sleep not stumble like the Almighty from which it derives it own existence 

Therefore the man is asleep, it's spirit and soul is not at rest, it starts its own sojourn in the spirit realms. It's at this point that God reveals his counsel and will to a man. They may come in form of pictures as if a man is watching a movie or a film. 

The vehicle which b to brings this message to the man uses the pictures/photographs/ word data available in the man's mind and soul to communicate the divine message to the man 

It means that the same nrsage may be communicated to two different believers in different pictures and photographs 
This is so be auad the data of pictures and imaginerirs in every believer differs 

When God gave a dream to the Butlery and the baker of the events that will happen in their future. God used baked food to show the Baker that he would die while a wine cup is used to show the butler that he would lived 

God may as well as used the wine cup to show both the butler and the  baker that they will either kuve or die 
The imaginerirs stored in a man's mind determines to a great extend what kind of dreams they will have . The Bible says a man will dream from the abundance of multitudes of business. It reveals that adream will come from the different events that occurred in the day of a man. It's is these various pictures captured by the mind and the spirit during the day, the time of consciousness of the mind that results in the dream of the mind 

Therefore divine instructions and counsel is communicated via dreams. God gave an instructions to Joseph in a dream to take the baby Jesus and flew to the desert to preserve his life 

Joseph and Mary lives became endangered because if their son Jesus Christ. Many thousands boys in Jerusalem lost theirs lives because Herod was after the life of our KORD Jesus to terminate it 

So God communicated this event to Hospeh through a dream. But when God was to speak to Mart, the mother of our LORD Jesus about the birth of the Saviour and the angel of the LORD appeared to her and spoke to her about it 

Joseph and Mary received divine messages about the same person but through different means.

Vision have the same components as dreams but the state of the man receiving them differs. While a dream comes while the man is awake and not sleeping, a vision is given when the man is awake and conscious. 

A vision is as if a television set is our in front of a man and the man is shown pictures l, imaginerirs and motion pictures of past, future and specific instructions from God 
It's your spiritual eyes been open to see into the invisible realan of things that God wants you to know 

It must be understood that it is not only God that uses dreams and visions and  transces to speak to a Child if God. The Enemy can also use this means to speak to a Child if God. A believer must ducern the source of every dream and vision through the ministry of The Holy Spirit and the Word if God. Because the Holy Spirit and The Word of God always agree 

The Bible stated that three bears witness to the testimony of our LORD Jesus, they are the Spirit, the Word and the blood.

Face to face communication is a New Testament blessing enjoyed by an Old Testament Saint. It is when a man heard the audible voice of the Most High God. 

In this instance, the man does not hear the voice of an angel rather the Man hears the Voice of God rather than the voice of an angel. Most of the communication Moses received from God were a face to face communication 
Face to face communication was the plan of God for His children. When the LORD first met His people in Mount Sonai, they heard the audible voice of God from the Mountain.

It was because they were terrified at His voice that The LORD chose to speak to Moses while Moses communicated to the people 
As anointed and close to God as Moses was, there is no place in the Bible that Moses communicated divine instruction and mandate to God's people by going directly to their as I up l and their spirits and inj we cting this as thoughts directly 


The New Testament communication opened with an angel coming to a virgin called Mary in the Mathew account and revealing to her that she will have a Son called Jesus . Mary could hear the voice of the angel. Mary was awake at this time; this shows that it was not a dream.

It was a direct communication with the angel of God. But the Bible sis not stare if Mary saw the angel 

But in the case of Joseph an angel appeared to him in a dream and gave him specific instructions through the dream. Two persons receive divine word concerning the same LORD but through different methods. The personality who delivered the message was the same but the method through which the message was delivered was round.

In the case of Zechariah, the Scriptures staters that he saw the angel because the angel appeared 

"Then an angel of the Lord appeared to him, standing at the right side of the altar of incense. When Zechariah saw him, he was startled and was gripped with fear. But the angel said to him: “Do not be afraid, Zechariah; your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you are to call him John" Luke 1:11

In the case of Mary, the angel did not appeared but she heard the words of the angel

"In the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. The virgin’s name was Mary. The angel went to her and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.” Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting

to a virgin named Mary. She was engaged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of King David. Gabriel appeared to her and said, “Greetings, favored woman! The Lord is with you!” Confused and disturbed, Mary tried to think what the angel could mean. You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you will name him Jesus. He will be very great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his ancestor David. And he will reign over Israel forever; his Kingdom will never end!”
Luke 1:27‭-‬29‭, ‬31‭-‬33 NLT

The Bible stated that the angel appeared to Mary and Mary HEARD his words. But in the case of Zechariah, the Bible reveals that the same angel appeared to him and he SAW.

Yahweh , our KING and LORD always choses the means and mode of communicating with Him we mustboearn to walk and work with Him in faith and trust.

Joseph, to whom she was engaged, was a righteous man and did not want to disgrace her publicly, so he decided to break the engagement quietly. As he considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream. “Joseph, son of David,” the angel said, “do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife. For the child within her was conceived by the Holy Spirit. And she will have a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.”
Matthew 1:19‭-‬21 NLT

The LORD wanted to sepak to three individuals on the mission of our LORD Jesus Christ ( May Christ reign and be praised forever) but He used three through method but the same personality.

The angel appeared to Joseph in a dream and spoke God's word to him; the  angel appeared to Mary in the visible realm but Mary did not see the angel but heard him and felt the present of the angel and  the angel appeared to Zebhariah in the visible realm and he saw the heard and heard his word


The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of grace. Everything that the Grace of our LORD Jesus bought from us, the Person who makes power, wisdom available to accomplish it is the Holy Spirit.

 Jesus Christ could not do anything until the Holy Spirit came on Him during his baptism. The Bible said in Matt. 4:1. That after fasting for 40 days and night, Jesus Christ returned in the power of the Holy Spirit and then defeated the devil by that power via the spoken Word.

But what makes the power, wisdom, knowledge of God available to us is the grace of our LORD Jesus. Jesus paid the price we enjoy the benefit.

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of grace. Everything that the Grace of our LORD Jesus bought from us, the Person who makes power, wisdom available to accomplish it is the Holy Spirit.

 Jesus Christ could not do anything until the Holy Spirit came on Him during his baptism. The Bible said in Matt. 4:1. That after fasting for 40 days and night, Jesus Christ returned in the power of the Holy Spirit and then defeated the devil by that power via the spoken Word.

But what makes the power, wisdom, knowledge of God available to us is the grace of our LORD Jesus. Jesus paid the price we enjoy the benefit.

In Acts 2:1 when the Disciples gathered in the Upper room. They were baptised with the Holy Spirit and this outpouring of the Spirit made timid men become confidant men who won multitudes to the Kingdom.

They only had access to the Holy Spirit because they believed in Jesus Christ and followed. The blessings of God was available to all people and not just the High priest but it was the Grace in Christ that made the gift of the Holy Spirit available to all the disciples on the day of Pentecostal 

The Holy Spirit did not come on the disciples because they were praying and fasting rather the Spirit descended from Heaven to the Earth and only fall on a group of people ' Those who believed in Jesus Christ and obeyed His instructions to tarry in Jerusalem.

There were many people in Jerusalem at the feast of Pentecost but only those who believed in Jesus Christ received the gift of Heaven.

This is what the Grace of God does. The Holy Spirit only came to accomplish what Grace had released.

John goes to work everyday. You think on how to make more money and become rich. Your son sits at home and do not do the work that you do. Yet your son's meals are constant. Your son's clothes and toys are constant. Your son hospital bill is paid.

But your son do not lift up his hands to do anything, the only reason your son enjoy all he does is because he is your son and bears your name 

That is the meaning of grace. You as a believer enjoy is transformed by the Person of our LORD and enjoy every spiritual blessings in the heavenly places because of the Grace of our LORD Jesus.

The Benediction is the grace of our LORD Jesus, the Love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of grace. Everything that the Grace of our LORD Jesus bought from us, the Person who makes power, wisdom available to accomplish it is the Holy Spirit.

 Jesus Christ could not do anything until the Holy Spirit came on Him during his baptism. The Bible said in Matt. 4:1. That after fasting for 40 days and night, Jesus Christ returned in the power of the Holy Spirit and then defeated the devil by that power via the spoken Word.

But what makes the power, wisdom, knowledge of God available to us is the grace of our LORD Jesus. Jesus paid the price we enjoy the benefit.

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. ” 2 Cor. 12:9

In Acts 2:1 when the Disciples gathered in the Upper room. They were baptised with the Holy Spirit and this outpouring of the Spirit made timid men become confidant men who won multitudes to the Kingdom.

They only had access to the Holy Spirit because they believed in Jesus Christ and followed him. The blessings of God was available to all people and not just the High priest but it was the Grace in Christ that made the gift of the Holy Spirit and his power available to all the disciples on the day of Pentecostal.

The Holy Spirit did not come on the disciples because they were praying and fasting rather the Spirit descended from Heaven to the Earth and only fall on a group of people ' Those who believed in Jesus Christ and obeyed His instructions to tarry in Jerusalem.

There were many people in Jerusalem at the feast of Pentecost but only those who believed in Jesus Christ received the gift of Heaven.

This is what the Grace of God does. The Holy Spirit only came to accomplish what Grace had released.

John goes to work everyday. You think on how to make more money and become rich. Your son sits at home and do not do the work that you do. Yet your son's meals are constant. Your son's clothes and toys are constant. Your son hospital bill is paid.

But your son do not lift up his hands to do anything, the only reason your son enjoy all he does is because he is your son and bears your name 

That is the meaning of grace. You as a believer enjoy is transformed by the Person of our LORD and enjoy every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places because of the Grace of our LORD Jesus.

The Benediction is the grace of our LORD Jesus, the Love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.

The Person that opens the door to Love of God to the Believer is Jesus Christ, faith in His Name gives us a cess to the presence of God and makes us benefactors of His Love and not just His provision as those without Christ.

"The grace (favor and spiritual blessing) of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the presence and fellowship (the communion and sharing together, and participation) in the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen (so be it).
2 Corinthians 13:14 AMPC

It is this same grace that gives access, the platform to have direct fellowship with the Holy Spirit.

In Acts 2:1 when the Disciples gathered in the Upper room. They were baptised with the Holy Spirit and this outpouring of the Spirit made timid men become confidant men who won multitudes to the Kingdom.

They only had access to the Holy Spirit because they believed in Jesus Christ and followed. The blessings of God was available to all people and not just the High priest but it was the Grace in Christ that made the gift of the Holy Spirit available to all the disciples on the day of Pentecostal 

The Holy Spirit did not come on the disciples because they were praying and fasting rather the Spirit descended from Heaven to the Earth and only fall on a group of people ' Those who believed in Jesus Christ and obeyed His instructions to tarry in Jerusalem.

There were many people in Jerusalem at the feast of Pentecost but only those who believed in Jesus Christ received the gift of Heaven.

This is what the Grace of God does. The Holy Spirit only came to accomplish what Grace had released.

Sometimes there is no single cure to a case of domestic abuse. I worked in a home for Abused Women;  'Another Chance Women's Home: as an   administrator for about six months.   The first three women received into the home, returned to their abusive husband's after a while. 

This was after the Home reported the cases to the police, engaged a lawyer in their behalf, facilitated a temporary separation, made them residents in the home with their children, enrolled them in skill acquisition centers 

They still settled with the men who physically battered them because the man promised not to hurt them in the future. As an NGO, we had done our best, yet the final decisions lies with the victims

I came into Ondo State my present place of residence as her lady in her twenties and worked with a Christian organisation for close to twelve (12) years. Presently, l am unmarried but l have been involved in the  Event industry as a Venue  Decorator for many couples. I have been involved in counselling for many single ladies and men who eventually got married yet l am still unmarried.

My Boss and leader in the former denomination, l attended did their best in presenting suitable marraige partners to me but somehow, l did not marry any of them. So should l hold the leaders of my former denomination responsible for my challenge of  late marraige.  When others in the same denominator found and married their wonderful spouse s and are still happily married till date.

The Society is fond of holding Church leaders responsible for every mistakes committed by its members. Yet this same society advocates on a daily basis that Members of denominations should live their lives without been accountable to the leaders of their denominations . You can't eat your cake and have it. 

Presently, we have a war in Ukraine and Russia because we have men who are not accountable to others. This is what you breed when you tell people; you are your own god. 

Some of the reports circulating on the media is that the late singer had been a victim of abusive for many years with the knowledge of her immediate family. I heard from one of the blog that there was a time she left for her parents home after a case of violence and abusive from her husband  yet the family allowed her to return to her abusive spouse without reporting to the police.

The angry thoughts that entered my heart when l heard this narrative  of her story was anger " Why did the family not take the necessary steps to secure the live of their beloved sister.

The Church should not always be blamed for the mistakes of their member. Let's go down Church history as written in the Bible.


#  God gave Adam, everything He had. He gave Adam his best yet Adam and his wife chose to follow the Enemy and it resulted in their spiritual death.

 #  Should God be blamed for Adam' s failure because he allowed the serpent to continue to exist inspire of it evil nature.?

#  Stop blaming the Church of Jesus Christ for every wrong turn in events that concern them 
Truly some Church leaders are wrong but remember they are Men anointed by God (Man of God) and not gods anointed by men. Imperfection is permitted to be covered by the grace of our LORD Jesus Christ.

"Then God planted a garden in Eden, in the east. He put the Man he had just made in it. God made all kinds of trees grow from the ground, trees beautiful to look at and good to eat. The Tree-of-Life was in the middle of the garden, also the Tree-of-Knowledge-of-Good-and-Evil.
A river flows out of Eden to water the garden and from there divides into four rivers. The first is named Pishon; it flows through Havilah where there is gold. The gold of this land is good. The land is also known for a sweet-scented resin and the onyx stone. The second river is named Gihon; it flows through the land of Cush. The third river is named Hiddekel and flows east of Assyria. The fourth river is the Euphrates."
Genesis 2:8‭-‬14 MSG

# Moses was called by God to be a prophet and Miriam called to be the Woman leader while Aaron called to be the Priest.

# Yet Aaron and Miriam though Moses siblings criticised Moses for his  choice of a another wife  when his first wife chose to remain with her father rather than her husband in the desert.

# what else did Miriam wanted, Moses's position as the leader of the nation of Israel.

# Do not question  a man/woman's close relationship  with God when you are not ready to pay the price of consecration that they paid to arrive at that point of mercy with God. It is Mercy alright but they had to pay a price to enjoy this mercy.

"Then Miriam the prophet, Aaron’s sister, took a timbrel in her hand, and all the women followed her, with timbrels and dancing. Miriam sang to them:...........Miriam and Aaron began to talk against Moses because of his Cushite wife, for he had married a Cushite. “Has the LORD spoken only through Moses?” they asked. “Hasn’t he also spoken through us?” And the LORD heard this. (Now Moses was a very humble man, more humble than anyone else on the face of the earth.)
  At once the LORD said to Moses, Aaron and Miriam, “Come out to the tent of meeting, all three of you.” So the three of them went out. Then the LORD came down in a pillar of cloud; he stood at the entrance to the tent and summoned Aaron and Miriam. 

When the two of them stepped forward, he said, “Listen to my words: “When there is a prophet among you, I, the LORD, reveal myself to them in visions, I speak to them in dreams. But this is not true of my servant Moses; he is faithful in all my house. With him I speak face to face, clearly and not in riddles; he sees the form of the LORD. 

Why then were you not afraid to speak against my servant Moses?” The anger of the LORD burned against them, and he left them. 

When the cloud lifted from above the tent, Miriam’s skin was leprous—it became as white as snow. Aaron turned toward her and saw that she had a defiling skin disease, and he said to Moses, 
“Please, my lord, I ask you not to hold against us the sin we have so foolishly committed. Do not let her be like a stillborn infant coming. Number 12:1-15

#. Judas Iscariot was a direct disciple of Jesus Christ the Son of God. Judas listened to all of Jesus teaching, partook of the anointing on Jesus's life, yet he betrayed Jesus Christ The LORD and Saviour of the World 

"These are the names of the twelve apostles: first, Simon (who is called Peter) and his brother Andrew; James son of Zebedee, and his brother John; Philip and Bartholomew; Thomas and Matthew the tax collector; James son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus; Simon the Zealot and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed him.

Judas Iscariot, one of his disciples, even then getting ready to betray him, said, “Why wasn’t this oil sold and the money given to the poor? It would have easily brought three hundred silver pieces.” He said this not because he cared two cents about the poor but because he was a thief. He was in charge of their common funds, but also embezzled them.

When Judas, who had betrayed him, saw that Jesus was condemned, he was seized with remorse and returned the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and the elders. “I have sinned,” he said, “for I have betrayed innocent blood.” “What is that to us?” they replied. “That’s your responsibility.” So Judas threw the money into the temple and left. Then he went away and hanged himself.

# Jesus did all he could for Judas yet Judas hung himself. 

My submission is 



A young lady noticed, she is often afflicted with terrible sores in her private parts after the use of public toilet, and even after medication, she is put under house arrest by the excruciating pains from these sores. At such times, she would pray and take prescribed drugs yet the sores remained and only disappeared after some few days.  

Then she spoke to the Holy Spirit about this recurring ailment and the Spirit impressed Isaiah 53:5 in her heart and opened her understanding to see that Jesus Christ had bore every sickness and diseases that can ever come on her. Christ received punishment for very pain, headache, etc. 

But it was our sins that did that to him,
that ripped and tore and crushed him — our sins!
He took the punishment, and that made us whole.
Through his bruises we get healed.
Isaiah 53:5


“I know,” she wordlessly replied the Holy Spirit. “I know Christ took it all, yet l still experience it”’ Gently the Spirit spoke to her heart “if you know Christ took it all why accept the symptoms of this sickness, for if you accommodate the symptoms you have opened the door for the sickness to stay in your body.

Then she realized that Satan had taken advantage of her ignorance to inflict pains on her body and she set out to experience the truth of God’s Word. For John 8:32 says:

Then Jesus turned to the Jews who had claimed to believe in him.
"If you stick with this, living out what I tell you, you are my disciples for sure. Then you will experience for yourselves the truth, and the truth will free you. John 8:32
 She memorized Isaiah 53:5 and confessed it daily. She stopped every negative confession of, “am always having sores anytime, I use public toilets” and replaced it with “am covered with the blood of Jesus and the blood immunes me from any kind of diseases and sickness, therefore I cannot be affected by any.”

The next time she used a public toilet, she was not expecting any itching or sore yet some few days later the itching began immediately; so she anointed herself and declared  

“I don’t have any itching or sore because Jesus Christ bore it, I can’t have it, I don’t have any toilet disease or its symptoms. The sore remained for two days, and then disappeared completely. The same experience happened twice after this encounter and she repeated the strategy of confessing the word and rejecting the symptoms.  Today, three years layer, she confidently use public 
The word of God works for any situation, if you can plant it in your mind and believe it with your heart, you shall indeed be set free.
The Word of God works for any situation, if you can take away from your mind and plant it in your heart, you will certainly experience it in your body.
Reject the symptoms, and the ailment will flee.

There is the good, better and also the perfect Will of God for you as a believer as revealed in Romans 12: 3. Some attain the good, others the better and the Holy Spirit-led attains the best. 
Presently, you may not be operating at the peak of your career, ministry, business, family life and academic and this may be a great concern to you as a Child of God.  You may question, if this is all God has for you and pondered if you have missed the voice of God. 
You may have been told  by friends, family to accept  the " inevitable," this is all God destined for you;  a leader or mentor may have made you believed by words and actions that you are not good for the top rather you are fashioned and ordained to be a servant to those at the top.
Whatever are the excuses or reasons given by yourself or others for not attaining the best that God planned for you as revealed in 

Jeremiah 29:11-12
For I know the plans I have for you, “declares the Lord,
"Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope
and a future.

The Almighty God, your Father wants the best for you, He ordained the best for you, He planned the best for you. 
I will instruct you says the Lord and guide you along the best pathway
 for your life; I will advise you and watch your progress. 
Psalms 32:8-9 (TLB)
He configured you to reach the peak of your career, ministry, business, education, so that you can showcase what God's power and glory can do for a Believer and through a Believer.

"For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all God’s people, I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers. I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength he exerted when he raised Christ from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked, not only in the present age but also in the one to come."  Ephesians 1:16-17 (NIV)

God can do much much that you ever think or imagined. Only Him has true wealth and He will only receive it to you if you allow Him to help you on His own terms and conditions

“If you will only let me help you, if you will only obey me,
then l will make you rich." Isaiah 1:19 (TLB)

Life is about making steady progress; for anyone who arrives suddenly at Success' corridor may exit it in a hurry too. Check out men who win Lottery without either financial plan or money management skills, they certainly lose same money the way they got it ‘Suddenly’. For suddenly arrival always try to cheat the processing of time. Examine the lifestyles of armed robbers and fraudsters: they can’t keep the money they generated rather it is exhausted as it is received.  ‘Suddenly’ 
Therefore they must continue in their ungodly quest for more money to replenish their stocks of money.
But check out great men in the Kingdom and secular, the process of time is always involved in their Success story. Even Naijabet obeys the process of time- you hit the jackpot after careful study of games to make accurate predictions.
So wherever you are presently in achieving your dream, vision, divine assignment; whichever Success story, you want to written about you, do not join the bandwagon of fast and ungodly accumulation of wealth gained through cheating and abandoning God’s principles for wealth creation.
Study the Bible and gain insight on God’s principle for wealth creation. Embrace the virtue of integrity, sincerity, truthfulness, giving to Kingdom project and the poor. It is only this practice that can get you enduring wealth without sorrow and eternal condemnation.

'Your beginnings will seem humble,
so prosperous will your future be.
Job 8:7.

"The harvest is so great, and the workers are so few," he told his disciples.
"So pray to the one in charge of the harvesting, and ask him to recruit more workers for his harvest fields."
Matthew 9:37-38 TLB

Let me start with a question; how can Christian laborers be few in a generation when the Church is Church attendance  experiencing a bump and it seem as if the Church is exalted above other mountains and a vast throng enters its chamber of mercy and prosperity.
  This is an era where politicians and businessmen publicly declare their membership of one denomination or the other; a period when intellectuals present Christ with logical accuracy, a Season when it is fashionable and trendy to be a Christian and a Church worker. "No, saying laborers are few in this generation can't be right, certainly we have many laborers’
Then l realized, indeed we have many BELIEVERS and attendees who attend Church services, many who are church workers in lofty positions in the church hierarchy, but these Christian workers have little or no knowledge about Christ their leader and employer and don’t walk in his ways.
My people are ruined because they don't know what's right or true.
Because you've turned your back on knowledge, I've turned my back on you priests. Because you refuse to recognize the revelation of God,
I'm no longer recognizing your children.  The more priests, the more sin:
They traded in their glory for shame.  They pig out on my people's sins.
They can't wait for the latest in evil.  The result: You can't tell the people from the priests, the priests from the people. I'm on my way to make them both pay and take the consequences of the bad lives they've lived.  They'll eat and be as hungry as ever, have sex and get no satisfaction.
They walked out on me, their God, for a life of rutting with whores.

They Make a Picnic out of Religion “Wine and whiskey leave my people in a stupor. Hosea 4:6-11


We have multitudes who sees Christ as their ATM machine and make withdrawal whenever they need His help, they attend church strictly for the miracles, and return to their former lifestyles of disobedient to Christ’s Word and his ways after getting their miracles.0
Sadly, we have laborers who are passionate about Christ and willing to work to bring in the harvest but most of them are ignorant about kingdom principles. They have zeal but their zeal is not backed by knowledge, men and women who are ardent prayer warriors but do not pray as the Word dictates. GOD, PLEASE SEND US LABOURERS FOR THE HARVEST!
We have Christian workers who can sing to motivate people to shake their bodies in dancing; move their feet to the latest dancing style and rhythms, but few LABOURERS, who worship God in Spirit and the Truth.
We don’t have anointed singers like King David who set the captives free when ministering to God in songs with heartfelt lyrics which exalt the King of kings and Lord of lords; singers who can through their ministration deliver demonic oppressed king Saul, singers whose singing bring men to the Altar of repentance crying for the Savior's Touch. Indeed we have singers: Indeed we have “plenteous worship leaders:”
But obviously, we have few Palmists who are laboring to bring in the ‘PLENTEOUS HARVEST’.
Let’s pray as our Master Jesus requested that God will send in LABOURERS, who are trained and have a heart for the KINGDOM OF CHRIST. And pray that God will make you a laborer who worships him in spirit and in truth.


Difficult circumstances and situation  ios one of the catalyst that God uses to build charrcter and tenacym in a believer. But y6ou will agree with me that one of the most difficult pain to bear is the poain of losing a loved one. Such tradegy especially the death of a  young person did not fade away away quickly. 
Abraham was not just going to lose a loved one, he was going to kill his own son, who he loved so much, this was his only beloved son, a son  of  the promise bornee after many years of waiting. I cant describe the kind of sorrow, sadness, grief that would have covered the household of Abraham if Isaac had been sacrified on the altar of love.
Genesis 22:1-10
 After all this, God tested Abraham. God said, "Abraham!" "Yes?" answered Abraham. "I'm listening."  He said, "Take your dear son Isaac whom you love and go to the land of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains that I'll point out to you."  Abraham got up early in the morning and saddled his donkey. He took two of his young servants and his son Isaac. He had split wood for the burnt offering. He set out for the place God had directed him. On the third day he looked up and saw the place in the distance. Abraham told his two young servants, "Stay here with the donkey. The boy and I are going over there to worship; then we'll come back to you."   Abraham took the wood for the burnt offering and gave it to Isaac his son to carry. He carried the flint and the knife. The two of them went off together.  Isaac said to Abraham his father, "Father?" "Yes, my son." "We have flint and wood, but where's the sheep for the burnt offering?"  Abraham said, "Son, God will see to it that there's a sheep for the burnt offering." And they kept on walking together.  They arrived at the place to which God had directed him. Abraham built an altar. He laid out the wood. Then he tied up Isaac and laid him on the wood.  Abraham reached out and took the knife to kill his son. 
Abraham is a man to be studied and emulated when it comes to love for God and obedience to His instructions. Nop wonder God recommendt his obedience as sacrifice. Firstly, he was asked to leave his country and kindred for an unknown land and there were no friends, relative waiting to receive him on this unknown land, yet this friend and lover of the God, he had never seen left everything and followed the Almighty. 
Next he is asked to sacrifice His own son, the son he loved so much to this unseen God and Abraham never argued, never said God are you sure, never presented his strong argument like he ddi when he interacted with god to spare the land of Sodom and Gommorrah for the sake of nephew.
Abraham did not consulted with anybody on this issue, not his wife, he just rose up and left to obey. I don’t know if I can carried out that kind of obedience without presenting my strong argument.
Firstly, I will question if the request is fromgod and after ascertaining it from Him, I don’t know if I can sacrifice my son of promise to demonstrarte my love for god, but I know God’s knows. 
But we must be very careful not to make anything more important than God to us.  An idol is anything that is more important to us than money. This is why the Bible qualified Abraham relationship with his son Isaac, 
Genesis 22:1
 After all this, God tested Abraham. God said, "Abraham!" "Yes?" answered Abraham. "I'm listening."  He said, "Take your dear son Isaac whom you love
Anything in yoiur life that makes obeying God difficult ore impossible has become an idol in yourn life.   You must understand that your money, husband, career, ministry, ambition can take the place of God in yo, ur life. God asked Abrahm to take his loved son and sacrifice him to test if Abraham loved Isaac more than the Almighty. May God help us to keep opur hearts puire before, may we b e ready to give up anything for Him and to Him. Our lord jesus our perfect example was ready to give up the applauds of men, a successful ministyr, the installation as an earthly king of Israel not for a better seemly immediate option but rather to die an excrutiating death on the Cros for an offence he did not committed and for a people who rejected it.
Obviously  men like Abraham, Jeremiah, Abel, our Lord Jesus, Peter, John, Paul and others saw something in the Almighty beyond the original that would make them forsake worldly pleasure for something beyond the earthn they hace not seen physically or handled. It must take a very unsusal insight into the spirit realm and etenality to do this. May we see the same things they saw and hera the same things they herad.
Hebrews 11:36-12:4
 And others had trial of cruel mockings and scourgings, yea, moreover of bonds and imprisonment: They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword: they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, tormented; (Of whom the world was not worthy:) they wandered in deserts, and in mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth.
 And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise: God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect.  Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
 For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.
 Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin.KJV


Praying heartfelt prayers backed with faith is the apparatus God uses to carry out divine agendas on earth. The prayer of the believer is the invitation and authorization given to the Almighty by men to intervene in any matter. Prayer of Saints empowers and emboldens heavenly messengers called angels to execute divine mandate and agenda in a destiny, family, Church State, Nation, Continent; just as spell, incantation, sorcery, divination by children and agent of Satan empowers evil spirits to spread wickedness and sins on earth.
 Without prayers the wings of heavenly angels are stifled and God’s mighty Hand of Salvation is cut short. l know you pray for yourself, your family, your friends, your business, your ministry, the death of your enemy often as you deem necessary and God’s word supports asking for things. 
"Ask, and you will be given what you ask for. Seek, and you will find. 
Knock, and the door will be opened.  For everyone who asks, receives.
 Anyone who seeks,  finds. If only you will knock, the door will open. 
Matthew 7:7-9 (TLB)
But did you remember to pray for that woman, man, boy, girl who lives in your neighborhood yet unsaved? Did you pray for that unsaved security man who works for you: The man or woman who sells provision on your street: The driver and conductor in the vehicle which drove you to church, office, the market. Did you pray for that actress and actor who featured in your favorite soap opera or film, did you pray for the cast and crew of the film  to know Christ as you do? Did you pray for the senators and other Law makers that they may make right and godly decisions: Did you pray for the governor of your State that he will always be under the influence of your God and make godly policies that will help the people. 
Here are my directions: Pray much for others; plead for God's mercy upon them; give thanks for all he is going to do for them.

Pray in this way for kings and all others who are in authority over us, or are in places of high responsibility, so that we can live in peace and quietness, spending our time in godly living and thinking much about the Lord.

This is good and pleases God our Savior, 4 for he longs for all to be saved and to understand this truth:  That God is on one side and all the people on the other side, and Christ Jesus, himself man, is between them to bring them together,  by giving his life for all mankind.
1Timothy 2:1-6 (TLB)

Miracles happen on planet earth when believers in Christ ask God in prayer, for prophecies are beautiful, but we must tarry in his presence until they are fulfilled. The Bible says King David served his generation by doing God’s will.
If you refuse to intercede for the land: Then wait patiently  for  the time your home and houses will be set on fire by fanatics; when your hard earned money will be stole by a kidnapper who demands all your wealth as  ransom. You may say, l have money, I will travel abroad with my family for safety, cool, but then you may find yourself in a shopping Mall where a fanatic shoots people at random and a stray bullet ends your sojourn to safety.
Please, CHRIST did not just die to save you; He pay the price that unbelievers will come to accept Him as Lord and Saviour and be saved just as you. You may not be able to travel to nations ruin by war, but you can sow a seed of prayers for God intervention. Christ cares for lost souls, do you care enough for Christ your Lord; to help fulfill his dream of World evangelization. He said in Matthew 28:18-20
He told his disciples, "I have been given all authority in heaven and earth.  Therefore go and make disciples in all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and then teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you; and be sure of this-that I am with you always, even to the end of the world."
For the Harvest is Ready Now! 

Sometimes, what you desire in life especially in the area of relationship may not be what you need to achieve divine mandate. When our Lord Jesus was on earth as a man, the Pharisees rejected him because he was not the kind of King they desired.
They desired a political king, a leader with military power to deliver Israel from its visible enemy, but God gave them a spiritual king and leader who would deliver them permanently from the enemy of their Soul. God destroyed sin and Satan’s power over them. If God had given them just a political leader as they desired and requested, they would have been delivered for a season and then go back into captivity. The Pharisees desired a political King who would give them temporary relief but they needed the King of kings who will liberate them forever.
Also, In 1 Samuel 8, the Israelites requested for a king like other nations around them, a king whom God said, will conscript their sons and make them run before his chariots,  and turn their children into slave laborers etc But what they  needed was the King of  kings, who will defend them  always and forever.
Most times, what we desire in a marriage partner may not be what we need for fulfillment in life. Sincerely, am not against desiring the best in a marriage partner, the bible says the desire of the righteous shall be granted. God promised in Psalm 32:8 'l will instruct you and guide you in the best pathway for your life, l will advice you and watch your progress' 
  But a righteous man must always seek to align his desires with the purpose and plan of God for His life. Today marriages are falling apart because men and women alike make choices that please their sight.
 Prophet Samuel saw Eliab and thought ' surely, the Lord anointed stand before the Him' and the answer God gave him is golden for all generations. God said ' Samuel, men look at the outer appearance but l see the heart'.
In essence, it is not just physical appearance, a big bank account, a prestigious background and tribal affiliation that makes a blissful home, it is the state of the heart and of course some other factors that produce the joy, prosperity, peace and happiness in the home. 
In every area of our lives, we must walk with God and ensure our desires align with His, we must depend on His leading always. Jesus Christ our Lord said ' Not, my Will but you will  be done. Am not discussing the Will of God in marriage here lets leave that teaching to the Clergy but certainly am advocating that God is our Father and He is interested in every area of our lives and when we invite Him, He will guide us in the best pathway. IT MEANS, THERE CAN BE BAD, GOOD, BETTER, BEST pathway for your life, career, marriage, ministry and family.
King David, a man after God's heart sought God ' leading in matter of war but l observed that he did not do so in his relationships. May God help us for before and after marriage, we need His help. The married says, marriage is hard work and l believe them, then we must seek for His grace and wisdom to excel in it.


Truly, we cant see God with our physical eyes, but his works reveals His person. We are I n a generation whereby men do not kbnow who the true God is ; there is confusion everywhere, peril at every doorsteps, no nation is excepted, no homje has 100% guarantee that evil will not touch their homes because as Isaiah 28 reveals the world and its people are in the hands of a evil ruler, the only way out is the staqtement spoken in I Samuel 18:14…and David behaved himself wisely in all his ways; and the Lord was with him.. ..
In verse 13 of the same chapter, the bible says:
Therefore Saul removed him from him and made him his captain over one thousand and he went out and came in before the people.
This statement stryck a chord in my mind because david left the king’s presence for the presence of the people yet he still prospered.
Sometimes in life we consciously and unconsciously reasons that we aree successful because of the relationships, connection and the people we know. We feel they arew the reason for our progress. As one man of God and women of God believes, they normally say that the men around them are blessed people of them, meaning those men have no right to God’s blessing on their own rather God chose to bless these individuals who surrounds them for their own sake.
The bible says king Saul thrust David outside his presence, he forced him out and you will expect the blessings and victory in David life to stop because he had been disconnected from an anointed man of God.
David was sent out of Saul presence to the people yet the prospered abnd did well in everything he was involved in-the secret was revealed in verse 14-God was with him.
God with us is all we need in life to become our best, god with us is our insurance and reinsurance. The book of Daniel says those who know their god shall be strong and do exploits.
The same scenario was reported in Genesis 39: Potiphar saw that the Lord was with Joseph and that the Lord made Joseph prospers in everything he did

Scenario Nine
A football team with eleven (11) defenders and no strikers may never concede a goal but be sure of this, they will never score a goal and win the match. A Christian who rarely attacks the works of darkness in the place of prayers will not experience increase, gain new grounds, attain higher height.
King David was a great war lord, the Bible says he never lost any battle. But King David did not just build high walls around Israel and Judea to keep the enemy out rather he sent General Joab out with the army to conquer new territories. 
And it came to pass, after the year was expired, at the time 
when kings go forth to battle, that David sent Joab, and  his servants with him, and all Israel; and they destroyed the children of Ammon, 
and besieged Rabbah.  But David tarried still at Jerusalem.
2 Samuel 11:1 (KJV)

God's plan for you is to 'Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords' Isaiah 54:1. For His
'His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.’ 2 Peter 1:3
When Moses got to the Red Sea, he stood still supposedly waiting on God but in reality God was waiting for Moses to move forward and lead God’s people through the Sea to Canaan; the promised land- a land filled with honey and precious stones. 
“And Moses said unto the people, Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will shew to you to day: for the Egyptians whom ye have seen to day, ye shall see them again no more for ever.” The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace. And the Lord said unto Moses, Wherefore criest thou unto me? speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward:
But lift thou up thy rod, and stretch out thine hand over the sea, and divide it: and the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea.
Exodus 14:13-16 (KJV)

Sometimes, we believe and testify that we are waiting on God to change our situation and give us victory, but we forget that God has supplied all we need to be victorious over every works of Hell.
You must know that the day you surrendered your heart to Christ to worship and serve Him, you also signed an enmity treaty against Satan: You may not be serious about this treaty but be sure that Satan is ‘doubly serious’ about you and will do all he can to steal from you, kill anything that belongs to you and ultimately destroy you. He shall not succeed against your family in Jesus name.  The enemy testified about Job and God’s faithfulness in his life.
Satan retorted, "So do you think Job does all that out of the sheer goodness of his heart? 10 Why, no one ever had it so good! You pamper him like a pet, make sure nothing bad ever happens to him or his family or his possessions, bless everything he does — he can't lose!   Job 1:9-10 (THE MESSAGE)

2 Peter 1:3 shows that God has given you every missiles you need for a victorious life. He has given you weapons to use against sin, opposition, sickness, diseases and these missiles are contained in the pages of the Bible; they are called the Word of God.
'The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.' 2 Cor. 10:4

Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” Eph. 6:17
The Word of God is our defensive and offensive weapon. Some Christians are more defensive than offensive; they do not attack the works of darkness against them until they are attacked by the enemy. For example, a defensive believer only remembers Psalm 91 and Psalm 23 after his finance and health is attacked by the enemy. But a believer on the offensive would use same Psalms to prevent the enemy's attack. Never wait until the day of trouble before you pray but daily destroy the works of Satan against you before they arise.

Why wait till your head is cut off before you pray for the power of resurrection to restore your head, why wait till your husband stop loving you before you pray for renewal of love in his heart. You must by day and at night protect your family with the Word of God.  Tell the enemy, he is not permitted to touch your home, business, finance etc.
We are surrounded by men and women who attend church yet use’ juju’ and evil power to boost their career and business. You must attack all these evil works against you constantly and use your faith to draw from the wall of Salvation.

Scenario Ten


Matthew 5:1
Jesus taught them. Unless you teach men they don’t know what they should know, teaching them helps them to know. Go and teach my people about me and muy ways.
Everyman is ignorant in one area or the other. The only Supreme Being who is all-knowing and omniscience is god, He knows all things and created all things.
Therefore for men to know about an issue, they must be taught. Every child is born blank in knowledge, they don’t know anything except what they know intuitively. Every baby learns the norm and culture of the society they are born into, this why why though all babies cry and dhave certain behavioural pattern, the attitude, different knowledge and account of who God is and most times, this account is wrong and very far from the truth. We must teach new convert about the true knowledge of God and his ways.
The word of God is the change agent, it helps change the wrong mindset of a believer. One way to believe like God is to behave like the word. The word will change uis, heal us  and save us if will allow the word tro work in our lives.
The bible sats He send his word and healed them and delivered them from all theuir troubles. God never works out the confine of Hos eword. God is bound by His word, he allows Hos word to control him
So Jesus taught the people because Hde only knew that is one of the easiesrt ans simple way of knowing God and his ways.
Jesus taught the people because he wanted them to know abot God and Himl this is why he says :thois ewho knows their God shall be strong and do exploit.
Afte4r ward he lived another 300 years in fellowship with God . genesi 5:21

Godly Models.
Blessed morning, l pray your day will be filled with  awesome  testimonies.
So by God's grace, I teach teenagers of age 9-12 in my church and last Sunday,  they won trophies in a competition.
Christian mothers, aunties, fathers: we must strive to present our children as trophies to Christ.. 
Presently, this is one of the assignments,  l enjoy most: the enthusiasm of the children motivates me, their excitement of learning new things, their crave for adventure keeps my heart glowing with youthfulness.
But it is also a huge responsibility for me because I understand that they are entering the phase of consciously making life choices and God has entrusted me with the responsibility of helping them to make choices that honour Christ. 
I must be careful about my lifestyle in the secret and public.
I must not just act and speak right in church, but daily,  I should ask God for power to live a pure life in the secret. 
Though this children cannot see my secret life, it can be transfered to them as l teach and interact with them.
The Bible says bad company corrupts good manner, this is true because there is always transference of spirits between associate.
If am living an ungodly life in the secret, the spirits fueling my ungodliness will be transfer to this children. ( excerpt their parents consciously and prayerfully protect them from the activities of hell.)
Today' society is filled with ungodly contents that influence our teenagers to turn away from God.
I got saved as a teenager but was a  backslider for eight years because the sister who was my mentor at that time left our vicinity and my late father of blessed memory, a stalk unbeliever lured me back to sin and ungodliness.
Our young people need godly models, men and women whose private and public life model Christ; not men who profess Christ with their lips but don't fully model Christ in their actions.
Christ told the disciples, l sanctify myself for your sake
We are Christ' ambassadors and must live carefully, showing Christ in all our actions.
I remember an incident that happened some few years back when I was working in an orphanage. I had taught the children that it was wrong for them  to watch obscene films. So this fateful day, we were watching a Nigerian movie when a boy and girl were kissing, all the other children immediately close their eyes but one did not and saw that I was watching that scene. Immediately, he spoke  'aaah, aunty Abigail, you are watching something that is bad' 
I was caught and guilty as charged.
Please as Christians, lets be a Godly model and influence for this young ones.
Christ is depending on us to win them  wholly to Him.
The system of the world has intensify its agenda to make our children ungodly,
We must intensify our strategy keep them pure for Christ.
I pray God helps us.
Abigail Hephzibah


The Holy Spirit is the head of  the Church in this dispensation;  He represents the interest of Christ and His Father on earth.
 Therefore He must be the initiator of every kingdom vision, direction, project etc. Believers must learn to wait on Him for instructions and guidance on issues of  life and ministry. Acts 20:22 says "And now, compelled by the Spirit, l am going to Jerusalem, not knowing what will happen to me there. 
Also Luke 4:1 confirms this truth 'Then Jesus full of the Holy Spirit left the Jordan, being urged by the Spirit out into the barren wasteland of Judea.....
The life and ministry of Apostle Paul was directed by the Spirit . The Bible states in Acts 13: 2  'One day as these men were worshipping and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, " Dedicate Barnabas and Paul for a special job l have for them..... Directed by the Holy Spirit they went to Seleucia and then sailed for Cyprus.
There is confusion and disorder in the Church today because  many preachers, pastors, believers don't wait on the Holy Spirit for  guidance and instructions. Rather men run their lives and ministries by common sense and logic, presenting their ideas to the Holy Spirit for empowerment.  (You cannot be the legislator and judiciary of your ideas and expect the Holy Spirit to be its executor.) 
 The Holy Spirit is the Source, the Giver of gifts and power for a  ministry with maximum impact. 1 Corinthians 12: 4,7,8,10,11
'Now God gives us many kinds of special abilities, but it is the same Holy Spirit who is the source of them all....To one person the Spirit gives the ability to give wise advice....He gives power for doing miracles to some, and to others power to prophesy and preach..... It is the same and only Holy Spirit who gives all these gifts and powers, deciding which each one of us should have.
Therefore if the Holy Spirit holds such crucial, important role in the life of a christian, then  you must do all you can to get close to Him HOW?
# study about Him
# Obey Him at all times
# Pleasing Him always.
Psalm 1:2 says " But they delight in doing everything God wants them to, and day and night are always meditating on His laws and thinking about ways to follow him more closely.

LUKE 15:31-32
How close?, how far? though measurable, is relative based on individual perspective.
A wife may see herself as very close to her husband because they sleep on the same bed  and even make love yet that man may be closer to his secretary or colleague in the office  because they speak his love language and make him comfortable in their presence.
Closeness to the Holy Spirit can be view in the same light: attending church often, preaching, teaching, praying, giving is good but they don't necessarily mean we are very close to God. 
In the story of the prodigal son, the father commended the eldest son with this statement" Look , dear son, his father said to him, " you and l are very close, and everything have is yours.  How did this young man achieve this admirable feat?
He was more interested in doing what pleased his father and not in getting an inheritance.
The elder brother kept on working with the father, though,  no goat was killed on his behalf, no fatten cow killed to celebrate him. 
His father called him a dear son, a valuable son. who is very close to the father' heart. A son who is concern about the father's business, not just only for fame or a reward but works in Christ Vineyard as a stake holder.
We must aspire to be very close to the Spirit of Life: His concern should be our concern, His desire, our desire, His will, our will. CHRIST IN US, THE HOPE OF GLORY. 
We should keep loving  Him even when our 2+2 is not equal four.
We should see ourselves as stake holders in His  kingdom.
Apostle Paul said 'And now, compelled by the Spirit, I am going to Jerusalem, not knowing what will happen to me there. I only know that in every city the Holy Spirit warns me that prison and hardships are facing me. However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.   “Now I know that none of you among whom I have gone about preaching the kingdom will ever see me again. Therefore, I declare to you today that I am innocent of the blood of any of you.
May God plant our feet on Higher Ground in Jesus name.
Abigail Hephzibah

Ever you are been in love? 
When your heart is embedded in that of the one you cherish; when the syllables of the name of your beloved is sweeter than vintage wine,
and your heart  liven by warm thoughts of  the person you adore.
Thoughts of tenderness towards your Love infiltrate your mind as you knee in your sacred place to pray
Imaginary begging for a place to stay in your memory; 
 sceneries of bliss, serenity, of unquenchable love where your beloved is flawless and every mountain is made plain by your love
This  was the same picture of love in King David' heart when he exclaimed in Psalm 27:4
"One thing, I have desired of the Lord.
That will l seek after
That l may dwell in the house of the LORD, all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord'.
I guess  his heart was overwhelmed with God' s love for him and his lips burst forth with songs of desire for his King and LORD-Jehovah.
 David married many wives, hoping he would find this kind of ethereal love in the arms of a woman but l guess he did not, because he grew old and died in the body warmth of the most beautiful  damsel in Israel who kept his body from the cold but could not warm his heart.
Your heavenly Father loves you and wants you to love Him in return. His greatest commandment is 'Love the Lord your God with your whole heart, mind and strength.....
El shaddai feel used when you only seek Him when you need things from Him, when you relate with Him as your ' goody bag' who coughs out all the Gucci bags and shoes you need. He wants your attention, He wants you to sit with him and learn from him not just when you need a sermon for your family or the people, or a new revelation to dazzle your listeners, or a religious routine of quiet time or power to overcome the enemy.
He wants you to sit at his feet and listen to his voice like Mary, Martha' sister.
He wants you to discuss you next move with him before and not after you have made a decision.
Even He, the Almighty could not make a decision on Sodom and Gomorrah without the input and opinion of His friend  Abraham.
Truly, He can have all the worship he wants from angels; who are created and programmed to give him worship but the willing worship from you with a free will is sweeter to Him.
(Oh the love of a guy who chooses you to love,  above other options, though you are the least qualified for his love) Oh, how sweet is the sound of your willing love and adoration to God, your KING.
This is the value the Most High God placed on His friendship with Abraham, a man like you. He wants your friendship too, not just your service.
He desires your love, not just your work for Him
Psalm 25:14 says 'the Lord tells His secrets to those who respect Him, He tells them about His agreement.
Another version says 'God friendship is for God worshippers. They are the ones he confide in:
To Be Continued
Abigail Hephzibah


 Your life follows the direction of your desires. Your pursuit is a reflection of your desires.
Psalm 40:8 
"I desire to do your will, my God;
your law is within my heart"

Luke 10:42. 
but few things are needed—or indeed ONLY ONE. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”

Men who find God, are worshippers who place the highest value on Him. They see Him as more precious than Gold, so they seek earnestly.
MATT. 6:33
"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
Jeremiah 29:13
And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.   And I will be found of you, saith the Lord.

Its good to want His glory, power, favour, prosperity, riches, international ministry and fame but ask yourself: WHY do l want all these things.? If not for His glory, youanswer's have missed it.
John 6:26-27
"Jesus answered them and said, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Ye seek me, not because ye saw the miracles, but because ye did then eat of the loaves, and were filled.   Labour not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for him hath God the Father sealed.   

Jeremiah 9:23-25
Thus saith the Lord, 
Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom,
neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches: 
But let him that glorieth glory in this,
that he understandeth and knoweth me,
that I am the Lord which exercise loving kindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth:
for in these things I delight, saith the Lord.

I Corinthians 4:4-5
My conscience is clear, but that does not make me innocent. It is the Lord who judges me. Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait until the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of the heart. At that time each will receive their praise from God. 
Abigail Hephzibah

King Saul was anointed by me,  he sat on the throne and was king over my people and my nation, But the only time he offered me sacrifices was when he needed my help.  The only time he made an attempt to seek for me  was when he consulted a witch to get information from Samuel after his demise. 
King David was anointed as king over my people and nation.  He penned various Psalms to praise me,  he offered sacrifices of love to me and created a beautiful abode for my Ark of the Covenant. . Also he desired and attempted to build a permanent place of abode for me among my people.  
It means King David, thoughts were full of me.  When you love someone your thoughts are full of them.  You are constantly thinking of what you can do to make their lives better and increase their happiness. Jesus Christ asked Peter" Simon, son of John,  do you love me more than these? 
Apostle John the beloved was distinguished from the other disciples because he was exceptional close to the Messiah,  our Lord Jesus.  The Bible stated that Christ was very close to him. He outlived all the other disciples and wrote the concluding book of the Bible. 
Loving God will keep you pursuing Him even when other have stopped the pursuit. 
Abigail Hepjzibah

Righteousness is bequeathed to believers by faith.  Immediately, you believed in Christ,  and accepted Him as Lord and Saviour, there was a shift in your standing with God: you moved from the status of an enemy and became a son.  Before faith in Christ Jesus, you were on the wrong side of the fence and had no relationship with God but faith in Christ Jesus puts you in right standing with God. 
You are positioned to  relate directly with God and receive every blessing on the ticket of Christ.  
A worker in an office,  is paid a salary at the end of the month for work done. The salary is not a gift,  rather its payment for service rendered.  But if you were paid without rendering any service,  then it's a gift. 
This is the story of righteousness,  we do not receive God's  protection,  kindness,  love,  health,  healing,  prosperity, miracles,  favour and even eternal life because we worked for it, NO! we received because our Lord Jesus paid the price for us to qualify  for God's blessings. 
In the book of Deuteronomy 28:1: The Bible says If you fully obey my commandments, these blessings shall come to you...... 
 It means you can only be blessed in the city and the country,  be blessed as you go in and come out,  be the head and not the tail- when you fully obey the laws.  On the other hand  if you partially obey the laws of God, you can't receive the blessings. 
In the Old Testament,  you have to obey to be blessed,  in the New Testament,  you have to believe in Jesus to be blessed. 
 Christ Jesus our Saviour rendered the service of obedience to the Will of the Father by dying on the cross so that you can have right standing with God.
The question is if we receive the blessings on the basis of Christ finished work. Then what is the place of obedience  in our relationship with Christ. 
We obey Christ because we love Him. 
Jesus Christ our master showed every believer why we must obey in John 14:15 and 21
"Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them. Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. Anyone who does not love me will not obey my teaching. 
We no longer obey God because of the blessings he bestows rather we obey Him because he loved us and has freely given us all that pertains to life and godliness.. 
This is perfect love. 
I don't obey because l want a car,  house,  jet,  happy marriage,  all these are included for free in my salvation package and l only need to access them by faith. 
#  l do not access them by the seed l sow into the life of the man of God,  NO! I access these blessings by faith 
But now,  l must obey God because l love Him.  
Who are those who love God?
# Those who claim they love Him? NO!
# Those who claim they are God's s favourite?  NO!
# Those who spend hours singing songs of praise and worship yet do not live according to the word?  NO!
# Those who claim they are a special breed among believers and other believers are created  specially for them?  NO!
Who are those who love God?
Jesus Christ our Lord says
Do you really want to love Him?
Then keep His word. 
Abigail Hephzibah

Recent events in the Society and the World has necessitated  the urgency of believers spending ample time of fellowship with God their Father. 
A young Christian lady left her home and entered a public transport in the Park and she ended up in a Ritualist den and that was the end of her glorious destiny.  Another young university post graduate student was returning from Lecture when she entered a Ritualist Bus.  She found herself in their Occult forest but she was released because she heard the voice of her master Jesus saying "pray in tongues and she began the heavenly language that caused confusion in the Ritualist's den and she was asked to leave with her possession after she witnessed others killed. 
You go shopping in a Mall for your family and never return home because you were unfortunate to have an encounter with  terrorists who are fulfilling the mission of their father - to steal,  kill and destroy. 
Everywhere you turn,  the enemy has set traps to seize your life and cut short your destiny: Every corner,  evil is beckoning. 
But the Word of God says
 "Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust.”
Surely he will save you
from the fowler’s snare
and from the deadly pestilence." Psalm 91:1-6
We have a God who neither sleep  nor slumber .  He is ever ready to protect you: But his protection for you is greatly impede by your ability to hear you. 
You cant hear him accurately,  if you don't spend sufficient time in his presence. During your Quiet time,  He reveals the pattern of your day, week,  and future to you,  He reveals the plan of the enemy to you.  He can speak to you about what Satan plans to do in ten years time. He has the ability and capacity to adequately predict 1000 years ahead of you and His prediction happens exactly. 
I present again to you that God who is perfection in mercy and love. ,  your helper and refuge who can never fail,  the one who delights in keeping you  from  the deadliest attack from the enemy. 
But the catch is shown in Psalm 25 which says
"Who, then, are those who fear the Lord?
He will instruct them in the ways they should choose.
They will spend their days in prosperity,
and their descendants will inherit the land.
The Lord confides in those who fear him;
he makes his covenant known to them.
My eyes are ever on the Lord,
for only he will release my feet from the snare."
How many hours  you spend in His presence is a call to believers to spend more time with their Father.  Am not talking about your 30 minutes blasting in tongues,  it never sufficient a time to spend in the presence of the Kings of all king and Lord of lords.  He deserves your love,  attention and commitment. 
I know you give Him money and service in church but He desires to fellowship with you. He wants you to give him attention.  Please how can you love someone and only spend 30mins with them out of your 24 hours.  That is insane, it's a sure way to kill the relationship.  What makes you think the few minutes of your lifetime you spend in fellowship with your Lord is sufficient to know Him and  access his secrets. 
This God is too good and He is your God. He wants your love and l can tell you He certainly deserves it.
Abigail Hephzibah

Happy Sunday, l pray the New week and month will be filled with awesome testimonies.
The christian walk and lifestyle is fashioned for progress and stagnancy should be   abnormal to every true christian.
Generally, man is designed for progress and increase" Be fruitful, multiply...  God commanded increase for every man born of a woman.
In same manner, our walk with God must not be on the same level year after year, as we increase in our finance, career and business, our spiritual walk and work must also progress. 
2 Peter 1:5-7 "For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love". 
God expects you to grow spiritual; get to know Him more. And one of the ways you can attain this is contained in Luke 9:23
" Then He said to all, anyone who wants to follow me must put aside his own desires and conveniences and carry his Cross with him everyday and keep close to me. (Living Bible)
Desires are the beam for world class achievement. Sometimes, the reason A is more successful than B is the difference in their desires. 
Desires are what you long to see happen in your life and environment, they are what you want, what you yearn for, the longing of your heart and it determines  the form of  your life pursuit and defines the shape your destiny.
But Christ said, you need to grow in your christian walk, he said, you are too far from Him. Though you are anointed and speak in tongues, heal the sick, raise the death, Christ says you are not close to Him
WHY? Because your life is still ruled by your own desires and not that of Christ. You are running your destiny in your own way, you are serving God on your own term, you serve God only when its convenient for you.
You need to move closer to Christ, you must willing surrender yourself to him completely and learn his ways for his yoke is easy and his burden is light.
Every believer must learn to seek the desires of Christ and follow it through; though  it's contrary to your personal desires and  inconvenience. 
Peter desired to be a first class fisherman and after walking, working and eating with Christ, he went back to the fishing lifestyle. But Christ's desire for Peter was to be a 'fisher of men'. It is only those who pursue earnestly Christ's desire that will get close to Him.
Please spend time in His presence and seek His face and desires always this new week for the time is short.
May God keep and preserve us with His kindness  in Jesus name.

Abigail Hephzibah

Syria war- thousands killed before they could say yes to Jesus Christ,
 Bombing in Russia
Bombing in France
Bombing in Canada
Bombing in Great Britain
Kenya killings
Somalia killing and famine
Sudan killing
Now, its coming Home
Nigeria killings.
Hell is populated daily
We must arise and go to the field now
Christ death must not be in vain
We must save all we can on our knees praying 
In the field evangelizing: And on social media writing
Chatting must be deliberate : Adding friends must be for the purpose of building men for Christ
You can't be physically in Syria, Russia, Kenya, Sudan
But you can pray for God to give His grace to  men and women in these cities grace to receive Christ and be saved.
See, the peace you enjoy; see the hope for eternal life you enjoy 
Please have compassion on others, let then have this life you enjoy
Train Christians under your influence to become solders for Christ


.Peter gave JESUS his  boat 4 preaching yet nothing happened to his business But D moment he obeyed Jesus' instruction, GUESS WHAT?GUESS WHAT? Peter experienced the miraculous. CHRIST' S VOICE can break through any resistance. Obey HIM

WHAT MANNER OF MAN? Acts 30:22-35
 "And now, compelled by the Spirit...."
Men, who do great exploit for the Kingdom of Christ are such who passionately, unselfishly commit their all to the work of the kingdom at the risk of their lives and comfort; they are men and women whose directions and decisions are controlled by the Spirit of Life.
 The statement made by the Apostle  in Acts 20:22  tally with Luke 4:1   "And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan, and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness,   
Our Lord Jesus and Apostle Paul had something in common: They were led by the Holy Spirit, meaning they were  guide on a way by the Spirit, they were 
directed on a course or in a direction by the Spirit, the Spirit  directed their operations, activity, performance.  
This can be likened to a blind man been guided by a man with sight. The blind man must trust the judgement of his guide and believe strongly that he is  led in the right direction. 
The Spirit of God is the omniscient God leading and guiding you in His truth.
You  must submit and surrender your live to the Spirit of Life. I know, He dwells inside of you but He must occupy the driver seat of your life, family and ministry. 
 Christ our Lord could not live, breathe or succeed without the Spirit. You too must consciously cultivate and nurture a relationship with the Spirit for He will never interfere in your affairs unless you invite Him.
Please the  Spirit is not your servant, rather you are His child and His servant, therefore  you must learn to wait on Him and listen to Him always.
Remember, He loves you.
Abigail Hephzibah

Our God is awesome and specialises in giving His people mouth watering testimonies,  Overnight Joseph moved from the position of a PRISONER to the PRIME MINISTER IN A LAND THAT WAS NOT HIS COUNTRY (na Bible story,  check out the testimony of Pastor Osinbajo   of Federal Republic of Nigeria) . 
Abigail Hephzibah

Live and make decisions with rapture in mind. It can happen Now! Abigail Hephzibah

Loving Christ is not an option,  it is the only way of living right 

Recent events have reinforced my faith in Christ and His word. Sometimes circumstances try to dictate otherwise and make  Christ' claims  about the end time  false but the Word of God says 'forever,  Oh,  Lord,  thy Word is settled in heaven,  it is settled. 
Some nations have legalized same sex marriage, Incest is  celebrated,  there are wars and rumour of war,  , earthquake, famine and mass death  in cities considered safe, false prophets on the altar and pulpit  of the Church of Christ: 
Evil has increased and the hearts of many failing as Christ predicated.
Believers must and should live as if this day may be their last.
Rapture can happen Now, 
We can be called home today or tomorrow
But whatever the outcome, lets live with God as our priority. 
Nothing should make you compromise, backslide or forsake God.
Remember that the earth and everything in it will pass away, Christ is the "Only Real Thing"
Study God' Word day and night, it empowers you to live in the world and keep your soul from corruption. 
Walk and befriend believers  who genuinely fear God, obey His Word , WHY,  you become like your companion over time.
As a believer RAPTURE is your right by faith,  but actions and decisions contrary to God's Word can keep you away from it.  
God bless you and have a blessed week 
Abigail Hephzibah
bigail HephzibahHephzibah

You believe in Christ,  Yea.  You speak in Tongues, Yea. Your name is in the Book Of Life,  Yea. 
Be careful! INSPIRED        Be careful,  for your name can be blotted out of the Book Of Life because of your deeds. Rev 3:5


A man who accurately predicted events 2000 years after his demise should be obeyed and followed closely. Jesus predicted war, betrayal, disasters etc during His ministry on earth and they are happening exactly as He said.  He is speaking again
"These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation. I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other!"  Revelation 3:15
"I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name." Revelation 3:8

"I know your deeds; you have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead. Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have found your deeds unfinished in the sight of my God." Revelation 3:2
"I know your deeds, your love and faith, your service and perseverance, and that you are now doing more than you did at first." Revelation 2:19
"I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance. I know that you cannot tolerate wicked people, that you have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not, and have found them false
You have persevered and have endured hardships for my name, and have not grown weary." Revelation 2:2
"I know your afflictions and your poverty —yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan." Revelation 2:9
.....    I am he who searches hearts and minds, and I will repay each of you according to your deeds.
  Christ is coming back to reward each believer according to our deeds.  I pray our deeds will be praiseworthy in His sight. And the rest of this year will be the favourable  for you in Jesus name.
Abigail Hephzibah

Obeying God may seem difficult for an amateur who is just practising the art and act of obeying God's Word because such amateur was a Pro In the act of disobedience as a sinner and under the power of the spirit of disobedience who operate in the world. 
Every sinner is a Pro in disobeying God but the sad thing is some Christians after many years of attending Church and speaking in tongues are still Pro in disobeying God' Word and His ways, Pro in living after the pattern of the world and amateur in living the kingdom lifestyle.
Whichever is your case, you can become a Pro in kingdom  lifestyle by practising the art and act of storing God' word in your heart and mind;  living according to His revealed will, (the Bible), and allowing His Word to control your decisions and actions. 
Obedience is a ART because it can be learnt. The Bible says Jesus Christ our Lord learnt obedience by what He suffered. Its an ACT because it takes practising, it must be voluntarily, an action is needed on your part. 
So get up and start practising the art and act of obedience to God'  Word till you become a PRO saved and sustained by His grace. Become so used to obeying the Holy Spirit that disobeying Him seem strange to you. The disciples of my Lord, Jesus Christ lived a lifestyle of obedience unto death and their names are engraved in the Tablet of Eternity. That can be your testimony if you start now.
Have a testimony filled week in Jesus name.
Abigail Hephzibah

Your encounter with God  will determine your level of exploits in the Kingdom. The Book of Daniel says -those who know their God shall be strong and do exploits.
 David was just a young boy; a keeper of sheep and goats yet his encounter with the God prepared him to defeat and entire army and its General. It  was sufficient to terminate Goliath and his entire followers. This was a feat the Israel King, Saul and hid entire army could not achieve.
Exploits in the Kingdom and degree of anointing is not by title or age. David' s encounter was equal to the anointing to destroy a whole army and it General, but his title and responsibility was just  a shepherd boy and leader over a free sheep.
Therefore respect all persons especially believers because you don't know who carries the anointing to break your yokes and give you your long awaited breakthrough.
Our Lord Jesus could do no miracle in his hometown because they recognised and related to Him as the Carpenter's son .  His title at that period was the son of Joseph the  Carpenter  but his encounters and anointing was the  Saviour of the world. His mother who recognised his true spiritual worth benefitted from it at the marriage at Cana.
Don't look down on anyone that carries God, for they can either make you or break you.
The statute and appearance of Saul qualified him for the throne but he lacked the encounters to secure the throne for his dynasty.
The encounters of David with God qualified him for the anointing which brought him to the throne; though he made  mistakes, his encounter kept his relation with God his Father intact. He secured the throne for his dynasty and his name reigns through all generations.
Please pursue encounters and not titles, pursue intimacy with Christ and not fame.
You may be the most famous preacher in the Universal but be bankrupt in your relationship with God. Those who seek him wholeheartedly and sincerely, find Him. Happy Holiday.
Abigail Hephzibah

Recent events in the Society and the World has necessitated  the urgency of believers spending ample time of fellowship with God their Father. 
A young Christian lady left her home and entered a public transport in the Park and she ended up in a Ritualist den and that was the end of her glorious destiny.  Another young university post graduate student was returning from Lecture when she entered a Ritualist Bus.  She found herself in their Occult forest but she was released because she heard the voice of her master Jesus saying "pray in tongues and she began the heavenly language that caused confusion in the Ritualist's den and she was asked to leave with her possession after she witnessed others killed. 
You go shopping in a Mall for your family and never return home because you were unfortunate to have an encounter with  terrorists who are fulfilling the mission of their father - to steal,  kill and destroy. 
Everywhere you turn,  the enemy has set traps to seize your life and cut short your destiny: Every corner,  evil is beckoning. 
But the Word of God says
 "Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust.”
Surely he will save you
from the fowler’s snare
and from the deadly pestilence." Psalm 91:1-6
We have a God who neither sleep  nor slumber .  He is ever ready to protect you: But his protection for you is greatly impede by your ability to hear you. 
You cant hear him accurately,  if you don't spend sufficient time in his presence. During your Quiet time,  He reveals the pattern of your day, week,  and future to you,  He reveals the plan of the enemy to you.  He can speak to you about what Satan plans to do in ten years time. He has the ability and capacity to adequately predict 1000 years ahead of you and His prediction happens exactly. 
I present again to you that God who is perfection in mercy and love. ,  your helper and refuge who can never fail,  the one who delights in keeping you  from  the deadliest attack from the enemy. 
But the catch is shown in Psalm 25 which says
"Who, then, are those who fear the Lord?
He will instruct them in the ways they should choose.
They will spend their days in prosperity,
and their descendants will inherit the land.
The Lord confides in those who fear him;
he makes his covenant known to them.
My eyes are ever on the Lord,
for only he will release my feet from the snare."
How many hours  you spend in His presence is a call to believers to spend more time with their Father.  Am not talking about your 30 minutes blasting in tongues,  it never sufficient a time to spend in the presence of the Kings of all king and Lord of lords.  He deserves your love,  attention and commitment. 
I know you give Him money and service in church but He desires to fellowship with you. He wants you to give him attention.  Please how can you love someone and only spend 30mins with them out of your 24 hours.  That is insane, it's a sure way to kill the relationship.  What makes you think the few minutes of your lifetime you spend in fellowship with your Lord is sufficient to know Him and  access his secrets. 
This God is too good and He is your God. He wants your love and l can tell you He certainly deserves it.
Abigail Hephzibah

Twelve men entered Canaan; ten and two saw differently. Twelve men were on planet earth., had Moses as their leader, listened to God via Moses, ate the same manna,:were subjected to the same weather condition, experienced the same trials, the wilderness, the Red sea, threatened by the same enemies yet the result of ten was different from the result of two. 
Perspective and attitude to God and his ways differentiate our results. 
What you see regularly through the eyes of your heart is what you eventually become. Life, success don't just happen, your present and your future is sharpen by your thoughts, expectation and confession. You can never become what you don't know. Proverbs 24 says by knowledge a house is filled with different treasures and precious things. Your though patterns and of course expectations is sharpen by what you know either negative or positive reports. He who listens to the negative often will expect the negative always. 
Guarding your heart with all diligence is actively guarding what thoughts you allow to pitch a nest in your mind. Because your thoughts birth your expectations and ultimately your faith.
Passivity reigns in your thoughts life when you don't consciously guard your mind to think on those things that are lovely, truthful, of good report. The scripture is given so that you will use it to train and guard your thinking. Thinking in line with the scriptures is creating the miraculous in your expectation and in your life. 
There will  always  be thoughts of fear, failure, untimely death, diseases, sickness seeking invitation to dwell in your mind but you have the right not to open the door of your heart to them or send " Thus says the Lord to them. 
Sebi, Goliath present the speech of " I will kill you and feed your carcass to the birds in the air " to David, David rejected it with ' the God who delivered me... 
Even Jesus our Lord replied Satan" it is written.
Carefully guide what you see and you have carefully programmed what you will become. The ball is in your court and not the court of the enemy. 
God says " For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome


How do you describe this God?
He is beyond the thought and imagination of any man. 
The God who can predict an event 1000 before its occurrence and behold time runs from 0 year to 1000 years, and God prediction will happen exactly as predicted.
How do you describe this God, so rich in glory yetade himself simple to have a relationship with men.
Please come with me and visit a rich preacher and he or she tells you it's a privilege for you to get close to he or she. 😬 that just a man whose breathe is in his nostril.
But this humble God is covered with undescribable glory and awesomeness. Wow, what a BEING. Aah, na wa o

God is covered with every precious stone you can imagine: sapphire, carnelian, chrysolite, emerald, topaz, onyx and jasper, lapis lazuli, turquoise and beryl, and all these are engraved in gold. And guess on whose body all these stones were placed? Lucifer now called Satan; he was a covering Cherub.
I pray for you that the person closest to you will not betray you. May someone you give your best not turn to overthrow you and accuse you wrongly.
This God that we serve sincerely deserves our worship.
He wakes you up every morning,
He ensures no harm comes to you.
Check out mad men on the street;
Please visit a ritual den and see beautiful and handsome men and women dissected for charms.
But you travel and this God keerp you.
He is greater than the greatest. there is no one who can compare to Him
I salute the King of kings
You truly deserve all the adoration
He who existed before any other
He has no beginning and no conclusion
The l Am, that l Am
Kabiyesi, Himself
Who is worshipped day and night by uncountable angels who know his worth
They are not coerced to worship Him, they have a choice.
Abi, Lucifer left to worship himself and This God did not stop Him
This angels have a choice buy they chose to worship Him
Who will not worship a beautiful God like the God of our Lord Jesus Christ
Caring to a fault
Loving without bound
Patient with our feeble frail
I don't know know how to speak about this God
But l pray you will come to really love Him
Not because of the goodies He gives you.
He gives this goodies unconditional, that is why unbelievers van be very wealth and live in good health
God's love is unconditional.
If you lose all the goodies He gives. Will you still follow Him
Will you still obey Him
May l breathe my last breath in Him,  may this God ensure nothing take me from Him
May forever find me in Him
How do you describe a God like this?
And. He is your Father,
He is on your sides
No matter what is your pain, if you believe in Jesus and you obey God in your life, you are safe, because very soon, His wonder  will happen in your life
Bury yourself in the Bible which is His Word amd
acquaint yourself with the Almighty
You are limited by your ignorance and not by God.
Sincerely l pray that you become the best ordained for you and enjoy God's  rich blessings.
God loves you too much to fail you.
Abigail Hephzibah


Many questions are raised in people' heart about who Satan is, present times has brought his name and personality in the open by the actions of Satanist, Occultist etc. Previously, the activities of these Satanist group was shrouded in secrecy and operated in darkness. Today we have a Satanist. Temple, church, ogboni shrine etc and all these groups openly claim to worship Lucifer who is commonly know as Satan.
Everything on earth is created by God, Lucifer inclusive. He was named Lucifer(Isaiah 14:12  by God when He was created, which mean's shinning one or morning stars, he was created as an anointed covering cherub; (Ezekiel14), he was full of light and his purpose was to cover The Most High God with His light but he left His purpose and wanted to be as God. God is kind but also powerful. Lucifer is a created being, created for the sole purpose of giving God pleasure. He wanted to be as the Most High God receiving worship when he was cut short.
He was removed from his position as an anointed covering cherub, he lost his position of arch angel and was cast onto the earth (Revelation 12:9). From the Eden of God, Lucifer was throw to the earth from the position of morning star, Lucifer became deceiver and saw the earth as his habitation, his domian, his dwelling place. 
The earth under Lucifer care became formless, filled with choas and covered with darkness. The work of creation was not just calling things into place, it was also displaying Lucifer from the earth and Putting man in control. The pronouncements be fruitful, multiple and dominate the aerth was to let Lucifer and his agents know that. They were not in charge of the earth.
Do you know there is no place in the bible where God handed over the earth and it's fullest to Lucifer and there is also no record where man/Adam handed over the earth to Satan. Satan has control over the earth as long as he has conrol over the man. If Satan cannot control the earth, he cannot control. The man. Ie if Satan cannot control the man, then he cannot control the earth.

CHRIST without WALLs
So l lived in this Estate where each flat is a bungalow and separated by a tall wall. One day, I heard crying and shouting from my neighbour'  flat;   I was concerned and wanted to help but I could not because of the tall wall between us.
Fence walls are good because of their protective purposes, their uniqueness of giving privacy and branding for our individualism. But they become a trap and a pain when they hold us back from getting the help we need and from being our neighbours' keeper.
Denominations are allowed and ordained by God to cater for our cultural difference, political inclinations, social behaviours etc but they should not take our eyes off our common focus CHRIST IN US, OUR HOPE OF GLORY.
You were all called to travel on the same road and in the same direction, so stay together, both outwardly and inwardly.
You have one Master, one faith, one baptisone God and Father if all, who rules over all, works through all and is present in all Ephesians 4: 7
Believers all over the world are brothers and sisters no matter your race, tongue, cultur and personality.. We are begotten by one Spirit, have same constitution and code of conduct and most important one Father.
We are bought by the same Christ and at the same price.
It means if a member mishave, he has affected the reputation of all and not just on, because a believer  winning is raising the  banner that Christ is Superior and has won. When a great man of God fails, its an indicator and a fear signal that it can happen to another believer. Our kingdom is ridiculed, our faith mocked. we ought to pray for one another even if we don't attend the same denomination because we are all enforcing the victory of Christ and are backed by Christ' Spirit.
Its not a race of who has the largest denomination or church, whose congregation is the richest. It is about Christ and us been on the winning side.
Check history, anytime politicians want to win a political race, first they  divide the church along denominations so that the church will present two candidates to God for approval in prayers.. So the side with the strongest reasons before God wins because God said present your strong argument
Daily, the church is losing it voice in world affair and we  having lesser representative in the legislation and business world because we are more interested in building a name and dynasty for ourselves and immediate family and forget about the joint dynasty of Christ we are charged to build.
You are my brother and sister if you believe and obey Christ, I should attend your church special program and support it if ledbybthe Spirit. I should pray for the success of your  program as long as it honour Christ 
Christ our Lord prayed " Father make them one as we are One. He said, a house divide against itself shall not start.

In Matthew 25 , a master gave talents to his servants: to one he gave five talents, to another two talents, to another one talent.
 Our Lord has endued every believer with talents and gifts for their assignment or purpose. We are expected to use these to bless humanity and   increase  the kingdom of God.  A business man  invests money and capital in a business, for profit, our talents and gifts is for profiting and not for showmanship.
This is the lesson in the story of the five talents in Matthew 25. A man was given five talents symbolizing the man can sing, teach God word, give to the work of God, impacting believers and humanity.  Dr. Ben Carson' gift of surgery and Bill Gates golden touch with computers is given by God for the purpose of blessing humanity. But they make the decision to either put their talents under the control of Christ and use it according to His principles or surrender their gifts to the control and influence of the enemy. 
The man with five talents immediately put his talent to use and increase his master business.
For example, King David was a king who could sing, write, fight war, and had the gift of leadership. He used his singing gift to write and sing anointed songs that relieved king Saul from demonic  torment.  Psalm 100 and Psalm 23 are cotemporary songs today,  he used his gift of leadership to raise men like Joab and other mighty solders of David who were formerly debtors.
In contemporary term,  the man with five talents could sing, act drama, write, intercede and teach. The man with two talents has the gift of administration ( coordinating and leading others), and the gift of giving. And the man with just one talent could only sing. The man with five talents joined the choir and whenever he sings, the discouraged is encouraged, the sick is healed, the demon possessed is set free.
The man with one talent can sing but refused to join the choir. He is unhappy that his voice is not as good as the man who has five talent. Or he did not join the choir because he is afraid he won't sing well and people will mock him. Maybe he has the gift of praying for others but  refused to join the prayer group because he is too busy to attend prayer champion intercession all night.
Whatever excuses we give for not using out talents for God purposes. We will be judged at the end of time. God will judged based on faithfulness and not how much work we have done. A cleaner in God kingdom may be more faithful in using her talent than a business man who gives million of dollars to kingdom business. God is judging faithfulness and not how much. He is judging quality and not quantity. A man who can only intercede for kingdom business effectively may have more reward than a woman who can sings, write, teach, heal the sick and raise the dead. God is judging quality and not quantity.
1 Corinthians 4:2 says  moreover it is required in stewards that a man be found faithful. God bless you and have a blessed week.

My nite rest 
was lovely. Though I woke up late. The ever faithful God gave me a wonderful nite rest. 
Our God is awesome. The greatest gift you can get from ds earth is that of knowing Him.
Sincerely, you can believe in Him and not ❤ Him. I am not referring to the love you have because He is a great provider, makes men great and famous. You must know that you don't need to love Him to feed, be great and become famous. Armed robbers feed, and are notoriously famous without loving God.
As a man on the face of the earth, the benevolent Almighty God has given the produce of the earth to all, even kings are enriched by it.
Non christians don't believe in Christ yet they are rich, famous and impactful.
Love ❤ God. Because He is the best. Tina Turner sang some years back 'Simply the best. I agree with the lyrics lore gongon of that song. God is simply the best. 
Truly, He has some paparazzi that makes you question what He is up to, but when you come to understand that He wants the best for you always, you can let go and trust Him completely because God" DNA is unconditional love.
Therefore learn to willingly go with Him.
Yesterday, He demonstrated his  care. I forgot my phone inside the banking hall of a bank located in tertiary institution. I was out of the bank going to another bank when a student ran to me and said' you forgot your phone. I went back to the bank filled with  student crowd and picked up my phone.
is God not awesome. 
So my gist da morning, is you have the best gift in the whole universal in your life if you believe in Christ.
Pleaseeee, don't take this gift for granted. God is your personal person but He is not your servant. You are His servant. Serve Him as your master. Rev. Funke Felix Adejumo, my mentor often say 'Anu ni a re gba' for non Yoruba. It means we obtain mercy. 
Lets make our election sure by handling our salvation with more care and obedience to Christ Laws.
❤ u
 and I invite you to an awesome time in His presence at Agape Christian Ministries, Possibility Ground. 1 Agape Ave. Ilesha Rd. Akure by 6pm . Pls have a lovely day.
Studying the book of John 1r:1-2nd, I got the foLlowing gems. 1. 
Jesus Knew: its the prerogative of every believer to know before hand about events esp those that concerns him before they take place. The bible says Jesus knew that the supper he was taking was iasr supper on earth. He not only knew the event but He also knew who will betray Him. We must learn to hear from God in this present evil age.
To know more of God, pls read the bible, obey the instructions you read, pattern your life after the Word and ask God to anoint your heart and ears to hear Him. God bless you
Studing the book of John 13 in verse 2 it says; the devil had already suggested to Judas- the gem from this verse is
1. Satan works majorly through our thoughts. He introduces his lies, deceits and cunning devices through our thoughts. A suggestion is passive, it has no power of materialising until acitivated by our faith. Unless you believe the suggestions of Satan, they cannot materialise. The Holy Spirit is teaching that my faith is the magnet of anything that happens to me; good and evil are available in my environment- it is what I believe strongly and consistently, that will eventually happen with time. The woman with an issue of blood thought- if I can touch the hem of His garment; her thought coupled with her faith got her the miracle. Your life follows the direction of your thoughts. As a man thinks, so he is. Consciously monitor  thoughts on your mind and  feelings in your heart and always reject suggestions from hell. 
If Judas had rejected Satan' suggestions, the enemy wouldn't compel him. God bless you

Great is my God and He is greatly to be praised. 
I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart, I will enter His court with praise, I will say this is the day, that my God has made, I will rejoice for He has made glad. 
What a mighty God, I serve, what a mighty God, I serve, heaven and earth, adore Him, angels bow before Him, what are mighty God I serve. Who is like unto thy, o my God. Who is like into thy, o my God, among the gods, who is like thy, for you are glorious in all your ways and beautiful forever, always doing wonders,
 I praise your name. 
I love you. I love you my God, in my life, I see what you are doing, one more time. I life my hands in praise, of your name, I lift my hands in Praise of your Name. 
Whenever I see another breaking of the day, I say thank you Lord, thank you Lord. 
Jehovah, you are the Most High, Jehovah, you are the Most High God.

Recent events hsd reinforced my faith in Christ and His word. Sometimes circumstances can dictate otherwise and make it seem like Christ claims are false.
Americans legalized same marriage, Germany is toying with legalizing incest. There are wars, earthquake, famine in cities considered safe.
Evil has increased and the hearts of many are failing as Christ predicated.
Believers must and should live as if this day may be their last. I am studying and meditating about rapture and second coming.
But whatever the outcome, lets live with God as our priority. 
Nothing should make you compromise, backslide or forsake God.
Remember that the earth and everything g will pass. Christ is the "Only Real Thing"
Study God word often, it empowers you to live in the world and not become corrupt limr the world system.
Walk and befriend men who genuinely fear God, obey his word because in a matter of time, you will become like your companion
Pray and confess at all times

I woke up with a song D's morning ' I will praise you for everlasting, from everlasting  tto everlasting. Yahweh is to be praised for everlasting for He crushed the powers of our foes and made us Victor in Christ. I imagined a world without Christ victory would be scenes where our two years old are raped and molested by 80years filty men, where our wives are raped by multiple men, our sons molest by animals who practise anal sex. What a terrible, a woman who have children. would watch and see other children suffer and yet steal billions of dollar met for their welfare. Women are mothers and are suppossed to possess maternal llove. Our  world today is a  sour throat that makes eating painful. A nosal disease that makes breathing a nightmare, certainly  a world i don't want for myself.
Having said this, it should be noted the personality called  foul spirits from hell who perpetrate, influence and initiate these evil in men desire strongly that their host be Christians. And they will do everything  to inconvenient the Holy Spirit in every believer by corrupting His temple of which every believrr in Christ is. God temple is not the church wall you visit during the week or on Sundays. Rather Christ Spirit dwells in you if you believe in Him. Apostle Paul said we have this treasure  in earthen vessel. The vessel is dust, it is fragile, it is breakable, it value depends on the value of the treasure it contains or carry, it is priced based on the price of the treasure it carrys
And the bible says whosoever destroys the temple of God, God will destroy. A beautiful story was told in l Samuel 4 where God Ark was taken by the enemy into the house of dragon, the god of the Philistines. The next morning, the Dragon had come down to the earth on his face before the ark of God, the next time, his head, hands,were broken. Halleluyah! No power of hell can stand the power of our God. Rev Funke Adejumo is fond of saying, Satan is not the opposite of God, rather he was a servant to God. God hand is against every  power that wants to corrupt me the ark of God, God will use His power and crush every power against the purity of our souls. I pray our spirit, soul and body shall remain Christ temple, tabernacle, and shall be preserved pure, holy and blameless and shall never be ravaged by sin, diseases or sickness. Have a pleased week

Believers pray and believe God for blessings and riches without adequate preparation on how to sustain such blessings. The  preparation for an event is equally as important as the success of that event. A common saying goes thus" he who fail to plan, plans to fail. 
Some believers are praying for God to give a happy marriage but fail to prepare for a blissful home by acquiring necessary knowledge needed to retian happiness in marriage after the wedding day.
some desires God make them millionaries, billionaires yet they know little or nothing about the dynamics of riches, sustainability of wealth and growth in financial capacity. You can get money and i mean lot of it by inheritance, chance, mercy, favour and sowing financial seed but you cannot have enduring riches without financial knowledge. You can reain rich for a long time without knowlegde.
The fear of God can bring you riches, it takes knowledge and wisdom to have an enduring capital base.
You as a guy or lady wants God to give you one of His best son and daughter as a marriage partner, yet you have not build your heart and life to be a treasured vessel in God kingdom
Thank God for his mercy, kindness, covenant and grace, but remember He is a just and fair God. The bible says the foundation of His throne is justice and fairness.
His mercy, covenant and favour brought king Saul, king Solomon, king Rehoboam to the throne but they perform terribly at the end of their reign because they lacked preparation for enduring rulership. King Solomon had knowledge in alot if arears and about alot of things but it was obvious at the end of His life, he lacked the most important knowledge- ruling continuously by the fear of God. 
The knowledge you lack may be your ruin.
Preparation by acquiring necessary knowlegde is essential for enduring blessings.
It is not sufficient to lose weight, you must learn how not to retain lost wealth.
It is good to be delivered from poverty but you must read how to remain in riches.
it is wonderful to be saved from sin, you must study how to live a holy life.
Prepare for your desired destination by studying about it
Ignorance is more expensive than knowlegde.
You pay higher price for ignorance  because of its consequence and less price to get knowlegde bcos of it benefits.
Ignorance is free
but the consequence of it is expensive
Prepare for your destination
Jesus our Lord prepared for 30 years for a destination of 3.5 years and His impact is everlasting.
Joseph prepared for 30 years for a life that is still inspiring people today.
David prepared for about 30 for an everlastng impact-The throne of our Lord is named after David
Jesus is a seed of David
Jesus will sit on a throne of David

Blessed Day, I pray D's day shall be filled with awesome testimonies.
I was reading the book of Romans this morning and one of my numerous pondering was answered.
A phrase jumped at me and a bulb lit up in my mind.
We obey him to leave our lifestyle of unbelief, then turn to Christ, then we say we have the righteousness of God- right standing with God; a position of freedom from condemnation, a place where we are entitled to life in abundance. 
although His righteousness is available to all, you must believe in Him and take a step of obedience before you can enjoy the benefits of righteousness.
This scripture blessed me.
" So what should we do?
Should we sin because we are under grace....
No! Surely you know that when you give yourselves like slaves to obey someone
Then you are real slaves of that person
The person you obey is your master
You can follow sin 
Which brings spiritual death
Or you can obey God
Which makes you right with Him.


Rapture is the second coming of out Lord Jesus. When he first came, he came as a man and died for our sins. His second coming is also for us who believe in Him. Please read 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18, and chapter 5:1-13
He is coming for Christians who fulfill the following conditions
1. You believe that he is the Saviour and do not seek help from other places apart from Him. 
Some claim they believe in Jesus but they still visit herbalists, offer sacrifices to gods in their family
2. You obey the bible and live according to it's principles. 
A man who claims to believe in Christ, attends church, is a worker performs miracles yet fornicates,  lie, cheat     will not make rapture.
Because, though Christ is your Saviour, you don't obey him. Matt 7:21.
3. You must not live in fear that you will miss rapture, but you mist believe God that by His mercy you will make rapture. Because the fearful will not make it
unimaginable, Inconceivable
I can't think of  my life without Christ
Who took me from the ghetto, give me an education, fine- toned my mannerism, polished me, who bi me or my father's house!
I was driving through  Isolo in Lagos, the neighborhood where l grown up as a child.
I marvel at the mercy of Christ
I saw the face to face room where l used to sleep and wake as a girl; a room just a little bigger than my present toilet. 
uuuh, God you don try for my life ooooo
Christ  is my attracting factor
Who will be drawn to me and count me worthy of an honour without Christ
No impressive pedigree to present, no outstanding and lofty academic history, certainly l can't win any beauty pageant if l contest,
But Christ in me opens door
Christ in me draws attention to me
Sometimes. I ask, 
Hephzibah, what is it about you that will make anyone give you a second glance
And l answered
Abigail, its Christ in you from A-Z
God who is Father to the fatherless, friend to the lonely
Helper to us without connection
Christ is the beauty in me
Christ is the honour l receive
Christ is my confidence for safety
Christ is my hope for a glorious future
So today, l give a Shout Out to Christ my Saviour
A Salute to Christ my beautifier
Twale to Christ Baba loke
What will my life be without Him
You don't understand what Christ my padi has done for me.
Uuuh, Christ! I own Him my life
Tonight, I don't care what judgement you give to my writing
Am not out to submit an impressive manuscript
I just need to shout it loud
Christ, thanks for taking care of me.
As l sat in the molue bus driving through the very neighbourhood, where l grew up, memories flowed into my mind like a flood: times of no food to eat after l returned from school, times, I made garri with cold water and ate with bean meshed with water to look like soup.
I almost gave up and wanted to drop out and learn a trade
Jesu, mo dupe oooo
Now, l marvel, if no bi Christ
My life for no get meaning
So again, Oga JESU CHRISTI

Abigail Hephzibah
The Holy Spirit is the head of to he Church in this dispensation
 He represents the interest of Christ and His Father, therefore He must be the initiator of every kingdom vision, direction, project etc. 
You must learn to wait on Him to receive instructions on the next step or direction for your life and ministry. Acts 20:22 says "And now, compelled by the Spirit, l am going to Jerusalem, not knowing what will happen to mW there. Also Luke 4:1 confirms this truth" then Jesus full of the Holy Spirit left the Jordan, being urged by the Spirit out into the barren wasteland if Judea.....
The Holy Spirit is the head of to he Church in this dispensation
 He represents the interest of Christ and His Father, therefore He must be the initiator of every kingdom vision, direction, project etc. 
You must learn to wait on Him to receive instructions on the next step or direction for your life and ministry. Acts 20:22 says "And now, compelled by the Spirit, l am going to Jerusalem, not knowing what will happen to mW there. Also Luke 4:1 confirms this truth" then Jesus full of the Holy Spirit left the Jordan, being urged by the Spirit out into the barren wasteland of Judea.....
The life and ministry of Apostle Paul was directed by the Spirit of Life.
The Bible stated in Acts 13: 2 ' One day as these men were worshipping and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, " Dedicate Barnabas and Paul for a special job l have for them..... Directed by the Holy Spirit they went to Seleucia and then sailed for Cyprus.
There is much confusion in the Church today because preachers, pastors, believers no longer wait on the Holy Spirit for His guidance and instructions. Common sense, logic and circumstantial reasoning is used to run the work of ministry. The Holy Spirit is the Source and the giver of gifts and power for a  ministry with maximum impact. 1 Corinthians 12: 
The Holy Spirit is the head of to he Church in this dispensation
 He represents the interest of Christ and His Father, therefore He must be the initiator of every kingdom vision, direction, project etc. 
You must learn to wait on Him to receive instructions on the next step or direction for your life and ministry. Acts 20:22 says "And now, compelled by the Spirit, l am going to Jerusalem, not knowing what will happen to mW there. Also Luke 4:1 confirms this truth" then Jesus full of the Holy Spirit left the Jordan, being urged by the Spirit out into the barren wasteland of Judea.....
The life and ministry of Apostle Paul was directed by the Spirit of Life.
The Bible stated in Acts 13: 2 ' One day as these men were worshipping and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, " Dedicate Barnabas and Paul for a special job l have for them..... Directed by the Holy Spirit they went to Seleucia and then sailed for Cyprus.
There is much confusion in the Church today because preachers, pastors, believers no longer wait on the Holy Spirit for His guidance and instructions. Common sense, logic and circumstantial reasoning is used to run the work of ministry. The Holy Spirit is the Source and the giver of gifts and power for a  ministry with maximum impact. 1 Corinthians 12: 4,7,8,10,11
'Now God gives us many kinds of special abilities, but it is the same Holy Spirit who is the source of them all....To one person the Spirit gives the ability to give wise advice....He gives power for doing miracles to some, and to others power to prophesy and preach..... It is the same and only Holy Spirit who gives all these gifts and powers, deciding which each one of us should have.
Therefore if the Holy Spirit holds such crucial, important role in the life of a christian, you must do all you can to get close to Him by
# studying about Him
# Obeying Him at all times
# Pleasing Him always.
Psalm 1:2 says " But they delight in doing everything God wants them to, and day and night are always meditating on His laws and thinking about ways to follow him more closely.
You determine how close  you are to the Holy Spirit.
Look , dear son, his father said to him, " you and l are very close, and everythingvl have is yours. But it is right to velbrate. For he is your brother, and hehis was dead and has come back to life. He waablost and is founs. I was inspired this morning about the story of the prodigal son. The other son who remained with the father is an inspiration yo me.
The prodigal son should be commended too by his action. He was aan who knew his covenant right and demanded for it. He knew he had an inheritance, he knew his father was benevolent and would give to whoaover ask of him.
He went wrong because he had no vision for his inheritance, so he wasted it.
It is  demonstration of God's to ensure you don't enter your I heritanve until you are mentally, and spiritually mature for it.
Possessing your inheritance without an equivalent vuauon for that inheritance is disaster. It will be wasted and you may really suffer for the lost.
But the elder brother attitude of staying working with the gather with no goat killed, no fatten vow killed, no celebration for him inspired me.
The father summarized the elder brother attitude "Look , dear son, his father said to him, " you and l are very close, and everythingvl have is yours. But it is right to velbrate. 
He called him a dear son, who is very close and a joint heir.
A question was raised yesterday on how close to the Holy Spirit? I believe we should inspire to be very close to the Spirit of Life. His concern should be our concern. We should keep working for Him and loving Him even when our 2+2 is not equals four. We should see ourselves as a stake holder in God's kingdom.
Apostle Paul said '
Ever you are been in love
Where  your  heart is embedded into  that of your beloved
When the syllables of your beloved name is sweeter than vintage wine
While your heart is liven by warm thoughts of your beloved,
Thoughts which infiltrate your mind as you knee in your sacred place to pray
Imaginary begging for a place to stay in your memory- scen
Ever you are been in love
Where  your  heart is embedded into  that of your beloved
When the syllables of your beloved name is sweeter than vintage wine
While your heart is liven by warm thoughts of your beloved,
Thoughts which infiltrate your mind as you knee in your sacred place to pray
Imaginary begging for a place to stay in your memory- sceneries of bliss, serenity, romance where your beloved is flawless and every mountain is made plain by your love
This is the scenario in King David' heart when he exclaimed in Psalm 27:4
One thing, I have deaired of the Lord.
That will l seek after
That l may dwell in the house of the LORD, All the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord'
I guess God' love for David and David love for God filled so much, that he married many women searching for the same kind of love.
I don't think King David was able to find that kind of love
Scene 1
( a doctor table and chair with patients files nestled on one side and adjacent to it is an examining bed.)
( a nurse in white uniform and cap walks towards the doctor' table with a duster)
Nurse Yemi- Doctor Bunmi will soon be without n the office, let me quickly dust his table and clean his office. ( she puts the duster on the table and put up the files when Dr. Bunmi walks in)
Dr Bunmi- good morning Sister Yemi,  ( Hr walks towards his seat in the office) are you the one cleaning my office again ( he asked Nurse Bunmi) the cleaner is late again. I don't know what excuse should would put up again for coming late. ( he sat down when he heard a familiar voice screaming)
Mrs Gbemiga- Dr, Dr, please help ( her voice breaks down in tears) please, ( she is crying) my daughter is dying, Please help, help, ( the crying continues as she rushes into the hospital with a little girl in her arms with a blood stained dress. The nurse walked to the woman and collect the girl from her)
Nurse Yemi- madam, calm down, your daughter will not die, we don't confess negatively here( she took the girl from the woman and turn to lead her out of the office) Jesus is our healer, you  need to get your patient card and we need to take the details of the young girl before the doctor van examine her 
( the doctor quickly moved towards the nurse and patient)
Dr. Bunmi- its okay, Sis. Yemi, they are my neighbour at home, let me attend to the young girl.
( the girl was placed on the examining table when a young man quickly walked in)
Dr. Bunmi- what happened, ( he asked the mother as he continued to examine her)
Mrs. Gbemiga- ( she was crying) I picked her from school ( she bursted into tears again, the other young man spoke)
Teacher- the girl was found in the school toilet with blood surrounding her and a small cake rolling pin in her private part.
Dr. & Nurse- what! ( they exclaimed in unison)
Teacher- in the school clinic, where the object was removed from her body, she told the nurses that she has been watching men having sec with young girls on her phone and saw them inserting an object and she decided to try at school.
Mrs Gbemiga- what! Tiyi, (/she puts her hands on her head and continue crying,)
You this useless girl, you will kill me. You picked this bad habits from your friends in school.
Class Teacher- madam, no, we have called you several times to report tiyi to you about her poor reading abilities and she told us that there is no one to help her at home with her assigmnets and that you were always busy with your phone at home and don't have time for her. She said, that is why she always steal your phone and go to the toilet and watch it when you are busy in the bathroom.)
Mrs. Gbemiga- (puts both hands in her head and sits on the floor)- aaah Tiyi ( she shouted)- you canoit imitate Dr Bunmi daughter your friend who is always reading eberytime she comes to note house. Can you not see that she is the beat in her class, rather you are stealing phones to watch what is not meant for children.
Dr. Bunmi (/finished examining girl, writes some thing in the medical file and hand over to nurse who continue with the clean up of the child) (Dr. Bunmi turns to Mrs Gbemiga- and speaks)
Dr. Bunmi- Iya Tiyi, garbage in, garbage out( both teacher and Mrs Gbemiga- look perplexing at Doctor) Madam, your daughter never practise what you don't do at home.
My wife, my son and l have a reading time in our home. We trained our son to enjoy reading reading because readers are leaders of the present and the future.
(Hr turned and looks at the girl laying on the bed and then turns to the mother again)
If all you do is bury yourself in your phone and social media, am not surprise your daughter steals your phone to use and eventually expose herself to porn.
You must teach your children the reading culture before they can be readers themselves.
What they see you do is what they accept as the norm and what they eventually do and become.
You want your children to become successful, exceptional leaders of today and tomorrow, then teach them to become readers of God material and be a reader of good material too 
Mrs Gbemiga- (/she turned away from Doctor and walksland towards her daughter again and touches her
But my daughter, will be alright daughter ( she asked with remorse)
Dr. Bunmi- she will be alright physically, the object did not damaged any organ in her body. But psychologically is a battle you have to fight. She is exposed to the I'll of porn, it takes prayer and attention to deliver
Mrs. Gbemiga-Dr, l have learnt my lesson. I left that porn site opened on my phone. I did not know my daughter was using my phone behind my back.
I will give attention to reading at home and l will also tell her father to do the same.
We must teach our daughter the reading culture.
Thank you Dr. 
(Curtain close)

Asking auestions is paramount to nation building and individual progress in life 
You must ask question about where you are going in life. 
You must be visually  alert to envision the bus stop you will go through before you get to your final destination. 
You must ask yourself if you are making tangible progress. 
Stagnancy is a curse for every believer. 
It is one of the curses listed for disobedience in Leviticus 26 and Deut 28.

You must know if you are increasing

Righteousness is bequeathed to believers by faith,  immediately you believed in Christ,  and accepted Him as Lord and Saviour, there and a shift in your standing with God.  Before faith in Christ Jesus you were on the wrong side of the fence and had no relationship with God but faith in Christ Jesus puts you in right standing with God. You are positioned to to relate directly with God and received every blessing on the ticket of Christ. 
This is how it goes.  s a worker in your office,  you are paid a salary at the end of the month.  Your salary is not a gift,  it is smooth no you worked for,  its payment for service rendered.  But if you were paid without rendering an service,  then it's a gift. 
This is the story of righteousness,  we do not receive God's s protection,  kindness,  love,  health,  healing,  prosperity and even eternal life because we analogies for it we receive because our Lord Jesus paid the price for us to qualify 
In the book of Deuteronomy 28:1. The Bible says I'd you fully obey my Law this blessings will come to you.  It's means as states in Debt 28. You can only be blessed in the city and the country,  be blessed as you go in and come out,  be the head and not the tail when you fully obey the laws.  It means that if you partially obey the law you can't receive the blessing. 
In the Old Testament,  you have to reiterate service if obedience to the law before you can receive as salary the blessings.
But in the New Testament,  Christ rendered the service of obedience to the Fathwr'svwill by dying on the cross so that you can have right standing with God to receive the blessing. 
The question is if we deceive the blessings on the basis of Christ finished work. Then there is no need for us to obey God. 
Jesus Christ our master showed every believer why we must obey
Righteousness is bequeathed to believers by faith.  Immediately, you believed in Christ,  and accepted Him as Lord and Saviour, there was a shift in your standing with God: you moved from the status of an enemy and became a son.  Before faith in Christ Jesus, you were on the wrong side of the fence and had no relationship with God but faith in Christ Jesus puts you in right standing with God. 
You are positioned to  relate directly with God and receive every blessing on the ticket of Christ.  
A worker in an office,  is paid a salary at the end of the month for work done. The salary is not a gift,  rather its payment for service rendered.  But if you were paid without rendering any service,  then it's a gift. 
This is the story of righteousness,  we do not receive God's  protection,  kindness,  love,  health,  healing,  prosperity, miracles,  favour and even eternal life because we worked for it, NO! we received because our Lord Jesus paid the price for us to qualify  for God's blessings. 
In the book of Deuteronomy 28:1: The Bible says If you fully obey my commandments, these blessings shall come to you...... 
 It means you can only be blessed in the city and the country,  be blessed as you go in and come out,  be the head and not the tail- when you fully obey the laws.  On the other hand  if you partially obey the laws of God, you can't receive the blessings. 
In the Old Testament,  you have to obey to be blessed,  in the New Testament,  you have to believe in Jesus to be blessed. 
 Christ Jesus our Saviour rendered the service of obedience to the Will of the Father by dying on the cross so that you can have right standing with God.
The question is if we receive the blessings on the basis of Christ finished work. Then what is the place of obedience  in our relationship with Christ. 
We obey Christ because we love Him. 
Jesus Christ our master showed every believer why we must obey in John 14:15 and 21
"Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them. Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. Anyone who does not love me will not obey my teaching. 
We no longer obey God because of the blessings he bestows rather we obey Him because he loved us and has freely given us all that pertains to life and godliness.. 
This is perfect love. 
I don't obey because l want a car,  house,  jet,  happy marriage,  all these are included for free in my salvation package and l only need to access them by faith. 
#  l do not access them by the seed l sow into the life of the man of God,  NO! I access these blessings by faith 
But now,  l must obey God because l love Him.  
Who are those who love God?
# Those who claim they love Him? NO!
# Those who claim they are God's s favourite?  NO!
# Those who spend hours singing songs of praise and worship yet do not live according to the word?  NO!
# Those who claim they are a special breed among believers and other believers are created  specially for them?  NO!
Who are those who love God?
Jesus Christ our Lord says
Do you really want to love Him?
Then keep His word. 
Abigail Hephzibah

In Matthew 25 , a master gave talents to his servants: to one he gave five talents, to another two talents, to another one talent.
 Our Lord has endued every believer with talents and gifts for their assignment or purpose. We are expected to use these to bless humanity and   increase  the kingdom of God.  A business man  invests money and capital in a business, for profit, our talents and gifts is for profiting and not for showmanship.
This is the lesson in the story of the five talents in Matthew 25. A man was given five talents symbolizing the man can sing, teach God word, give to the work of God, impacting believers and humanity.  Dr. Ben Carson' gift of surgery and Bill Gates golden touch with computers is given by God for the purpose of blessing humanity. But they make the decision to either put their talents under the control of Christ and use it according to His principles or surrender their gifts to the control and influence of the enemy. 
The man with five talents immediately put his talent to use and increase his master business.
For example, King David was a king who could sing, write, fight war, and had the gift of leadership. He used his singing gift to write and sing anointed songs that relieved king Saul from demonic  torment.  Psalm 100 and Psalm 23 are cotemporary songs today,  he used his gift of leadership to raise men like Joab and other mighty solders of David who were formerly debtors.
In contemporary term,  the man with five talents could sing, act drama, write, intercede and teach. The man with two talents has the gift of administration ( coordinating and leading others), and the gift of giving. And the man with just one talent could only sing. The man with five talents joined the choir and whenever he sings, the discouraged is encouraged, the sick is healed, the demon possessed is set free.
The man with one talent can sing but refused to join the choir. He is unhappy that his voice is not as good as the man who has five talent. Or he did not join the choir because he is afraid he won't sing well and people will mock him. Maybe he has the gift of praying for others but  refused to join the prayer group because he is too busy to attend prayer champion intercession all night.
Whatever excuses we give for not using out talents for God purposes. We will be judged at the end of time. God will judged based on faithfulness and not how much work we have done. A cleaner in God kingdom may be more faithful in using her talent than a business man who gives million of dollars to kingdom business. God is judging faithfulness and not how much. He is judging quality and not quantity. A man who can only intercede for kingdom business effectively may have more reward than a woman who can sings, write, teach, heal the sick and raise the dead. God is judging quality and not quantity.
1 Corinthians 4:2 says  moreover it is required in stewards that a man be found faithful. God bless you and have a blessed week.

My nite rest 
was lovely. Though I woke up late. The ever faithful God gave me a wonderful nite rest. 
Our God is awesome. The greatest gift you can get from ds earth is that of knowing Him.
Sincerely, you can believe in Him and not ❤ Him. I am not referring to the love you have because He is a great provider, makes men great and famous. You must know that you don't need to love Him to feed, be great and become famous. Armed robbers feed, and are notoriously famous without loving God.
As a man on the face of the earth, the benevolent Almighty God has given the produce of the earth to all, even kings are enriched by it.
Non christians don't believe in Christ yet they are rich, famous and impactful.
Love ❤ God. Because He is the best. Tina Turner sang some years back 'Simply the best. I agree with the lyrics lore gongon of that song. God is simply the best. 
Truly, He has some paparazzi that makes you question what He is up to, but when you come to understand that He wants the best for you always, you can let go and trust Him completely because God" DNA is unconditional love.
Therefore learn to willingly go with Him.
Yesterday, He demonstrated his  care. I forgot my phone inside the banking hall of a bank located in tertiary institution. I was out of the bank going to another bank when a student ran to me and said' you forgot your phone. I went back to the bank filled with  student crowd and picked up my phone.
is God not awesome. 
So my gist da morning, is you have the best gift in the whole universal in your life if you believe in Christ.
Pleaseeee, don't take this gift for granted. God is your personal person but He is not your servant. You are His servant. Serve Him as your master. Rev. Funke Felix Adejumo, my mentor often say 'Anu ni a re gba' for non Yoruba. It means we obtain mercy. 
Lets make our election sure by handling our salvation with more care and obedience to Christ Laws.
❤ u
 and I invite you to an awesome time in His presence at Agape Christian Ministries, Possibility Ground. 1 Agape Ave. Ilesha Rd. Akure by 6pm . Pls have a lovely day.
Studying the book of John 1r:1-2nd, I got the foLlowing gems. 1. 
Jesus Knew: its the prerogative of every believer to know before hand about events esp those that concerns him before they take place. The bible says Jesus knew that the supper he was taking was iasr supper on earth. He not only knew the event but He also knew who will betray Him. We must learn to hear from God in this present evil age.
To know more of God, pls read the bible, obey the instructions you read, pattern your life after the Word and ask God to anoint your heart and ears to hear Him. God bless you
Studing the book of John 13 in verse 2 it says; the devil had already suggested to Judas- the gem from this verse is
1. Satan works majorly through our thoughts. He introduces his lies, deceits and cunning devices through our thoughts. A suggestion is passive, it has no power of materialising until acitivated by our faith. Unless you believe the suggestions of Satan, they cannot materialise. The Holy Spirit is teaching that my faith is the magnet of anything that happens to me; good and evil are available in my environment- it is what I believe strongly and consistently, that will eventually happen with time. The woman with an issue of blood thought- if I can touch the hem of His garment; her thought coupled with her faith got her the miracle. Your life follows the direction of your thoughts. As a man thinks, so he is. Consciously monitor  thoughts on your mind and  feelings in your heart and always reject suggestions from hell. 
If Judas had rejected Satan' suggestions, the enemy wouldn't compel him. God bless you

Great is my God and He is greatly to be praised. 
I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart, I will enter His court with praise, I will say this is the day, that my God has made, I will rejoice for He has made glad. 
What a mighty God, I serve, what a mighty God, I serve, heaven and earth, adore Him, angels bow before Him, what are mighty God I serve. Who is like unto thy, o my God. Who is like into thy, o my God, among the gods, who is like thy, for you are glorious in all your ways and beautiful forever, always doing wonders,
 I praise your name. 
I love you. I love you my God, in my life, I see what you are doing, one more time. I life my hands in praise, of your name, I lift my hands in Praise of your Name. 
Whenever I see another breaking of the day, I say thank you Lord, thank you Lord. 
Jehovah, you are the Most High, Jehovah, you are the Most High God.

Recent events hsd reinforced my faith in Christ and His word. Sometimes circumstances can dictate otherwise and make it seem like Christ claims are false.
Americans legalized same marriage, Germany is toying with legalizing incest. There are wars, earthquake, famine in cities considered safe.
Evil has increased and the hearts of many are failing as Christ predicated.
Believers must and should live as if this day may be their last. I am studying and meditating about rapture and second coming.
But whatever the outcome, lets live with God as our priority. 
Nothing should make you compromise, backslide or forsake God.
Remember that the earth and everything g will pass. Christ is the "Only Real Thing"
Study God word often, it empowers you to live in the world and not become corrupt limr the world system.
Walk and befriend men who genuinely fear God, obey his word because in a matter of time, you will become like your companion
Pray and confess at all times

I woke up with a song D's morning ' I will praise you for everlasting, from everlasting  tto everlasting. Yahweh is to be praised for everlasting for He crushed the powers of our foes and made us Victor in Christ. I imagined a world without Christ victory would be scenes where our two years old are raped and molested by 80years filty men, where our wives are raped by multiple men, our sons molest by animals who practise anal sex. What a terrible, a woman who have children. would watch and see other children suffer and yet steal billions of dollar met for their welfare. Women are mothers and are suppossed to possess maternal llove. Our  world today is a  sour throat that makes eating painful. A nosal disease that makes breathing a nightmare, certainly  a world i don't want for myself.
Having said this, it should be noted the personality called  foul spirits from hell who perpetrate, influence and initiate these evil in men desire strongly that their host be Christians. And they will do everything  to inconvenient the Holy Spirit in every believer by corrupting His temple of which every believrr in Christ is. God temple is not the church wall you visit during the week or on Sundays. Rather Christ Spirit dwells in you if you believe in Him. Apostle Paul said we have this treasure  in earthen vessel. The vessel is dust, it is fragile, it is breakable, it value depends on the value of the treasure it contains or carry, it is priced based on the price of the treasure it carrys
And the bible says whosoever destroys the temple of God, God will destroy. A beautiful story was told in l Samuel 4 where God Ark was taken by the enemy into the house of dragon, the god of the Philistines. The next morning, the Dragon had come down to the earth on his face before the ark of God, the next time, his head, hands,were broken. Halleluyah! No power of hell can stand the power of our God. Rev Funke Adejumo is fond of saying, Satan is not the opposite of God, rather he was a servant to God. God hand is against every  power that wants to corrupt me the ark of God, God will use His power and crush every power against the purity of our souls. I pray our spirit, soul and body shall remain Christ temple, tabernacle, and shall be preserved pure, holy and blameless and shall never be ravaged by sin, diseases or sickness. Have a pleased week

Believers pray and believe God for blessings and riches without adequate preparation on how to sustain such blessings. The  preparation for an event is equally as important as the success of that event. A common saying goes thus" he who fail to plan, plans to fail. 
Some believers are praying for God to give a happy marriage but fail to prepare for a blissful home by acquiring necessary knowledge needed to retian happiness in marriage after the wedding day.
some desires God make them millionaries, billionaires yet they know little or nothing about the dynamics of riches, sustainability of wealth and growth in financial capacity. You can get money and i mean lot of it by inheritance, chance, mercy, favour and sowing financial seed but you cannot have enduring riches without financial knowledge. You can reain rich for a long time without knowlegde.
The fear of God can bring you riches, it takes knowledge and wisdom to have an enduring capital base.
You as a guy or lady wants God to give you one of His best son and daughter as a marriage partner, yet you have not build your heart and life to be a treasured vessel in God kingdom
Thank God for his mercy, kindness, covenant and grace, but remember He is a just and fair God. The bible says the foundation of His throne is justice and fairness.
His mercy, covenant and favour brought king Saul, king Solomon, king Rehoboam to the throne but they perform terribly at the end of their reign because they lacked preparation for enduring rulership. King Solomon had knowledge in alot if arears and about alot of things but it was obvious at the end of His life, he lacked the most important knowledge- ruling continuously by the fear of God. 
The knowledge you lack may be your ruin.
Preparation by acquiring necessary knowlegde is essential for enduring blessings.
It is not sufficient to lose weight, you must learn how not to retain lost wealth.
It is good to be delivered from poverty but you must read how to remain in riches.
it is wonderful to be saved from sin, you must study how to live a holy life.
Prepare for your desired destination by studying about it
Ignorance is more expensive than knowlegde.
You pay higher price for ignorance  because of its consequence and less price to get knowlegde bcos of it benefits.
Ignorance is free
but the consequence of it is expensive
Prepare for your destination
Jesus our Lord prepared for 30 years for a destination of 3.5 years and His impact is everlasting.
Joseph prepared for 30 years for a life that is still inspiring people today.
David prepared for about 30 for an everlastng impact-The throne of our Lord is named after David
Jesus is a seed of David
Jesus will sit on a throne of David

Blessed Day, I pray D's day shall be filled with awesome testimonies.
I was reading the book of Romans this morning and one of my numerous pondering was answered.
A phrase jumped at me and a bulb lit up in my mind.
We obey him to leave our lifestyle of unbelief, then turn to Christ, then we say we have the righteousness of God- right standing with God; a position of freedom from condemnation, a place where we are entitled to life in abundance. 
although His righteousness is available to all, you must believe in Him and take a step of obedience before you can enjoy the benefits of righteousness.
This scripture blessed me.
" So what should we do?
Should we sin because we are under grace....
No! Surely you know that when you give yourselves like slaves to obey someone
Then you are real slaves of that person
The person you obey is your master
You can follow sin 
Which brings spiritual death
Or you can obey God
Which makes you right with Him.


Rapture is the second coming of out Lord Jesus. When he first came, he came as a man and died for our sins. His second coming is also for us who believe in Him. Please read 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18, and chapter 5:1-13
He is coming for Christians who fulfill the following conditions
1. You believe that he is the Saviour and do not seek help from other places apart from Him. 
Some claim they believe in Jesus but they still visit herbalists, offer sacrifices to gods in their family
2. You obey the bible and live according to it's principles. 
A man who claims to believe in Christ, attends church, is a worker performs miracles yet fornicates,  lie, cheat     will not make rapture.
Because, though Christ is your Saviour, you don't obey him. Matt 7:21.
3. You must not live in fear that you will miss rapture, but you mist believe God that by His mercy you will make rapture. Because the fearful will not make it
unimaginable, Inconceivable
I can't think of  my life without Christ
Who took me from the ghetto, give me an education, fine- toned my mannerism, polished me, who bi me or my father's house!
I was driving through  Isolo in Lagos, the neighborhood where l grown up as a child.
I marvel at the mercy of Christ
I saw the face to face room where l used to sleep and wake as a girl; a room just a little bigger than my present toilet. 
uuuh, God you don try for my life ooooo
Christ  is my attracting factor
Who will be drawn to me and count me worthy of an honour without Christ
No impressive pedigree to present, no outstanding and lofty academic history, certainly l can't win any beauty pageant if l contest,
But Christ in me opens door
Christ in me draws attention to me
Sometimes. I ask, 
Hephzibah, what is it about you that will make anyone give you a second glance
And l answered
Abigail, its Christ in you from A-Z
God who is Father to the fatherless, friend to the lonely
Helper to us without connection
Christ is the beauty in me
Christ is the honour l receive
Christ is my confidence for safety
Christ is my hope for a glorious future
So today, l give a Shout Out to Christ my Saviour
A Salute to Christ my beautifier
Twale to Christ Baba loke
What will my life be without Him
You don't understand what Christ my padi has done for me.
Uuuh, Christ! I own Him my life
Tonight, I don't care what judgement you give to my writing
Am not out to submit an impressive manuscript
I just need to shout it loud
Christ, thanks for taking care of me.
As l sat in the molue bus driving through the very neighbourhood, where l grew up, memories flowed into my mind like a flood: times of no food to eat after l returned from school, times, I made garri with cold water and ate with bean meshed with water to look like soup.
I almost gave up and wanted to drop out and learn a trade
Jesu, mo dupe oooo
Now, l marvel, if no bi Christ
My life for no get meaning
So again, Oga JESU CHRISTI

CHANGED (Part 1)
Tade was a young man given to the holiness lifestyle and walk, he believed in the high calling of holiness and his life goal was to be immortalised in the Hall Fame of Holiness- A Hall where that has pictures of men and women who lived a lifestyle of holiness, Saints who hearts and mindset synchronized with that of the Almighty, men and women whose walk and work was dedicated to pleasing their master and friend Jesus Christ.
Ministry to Tade was a call unto God, a call to see as God sees, a consecration unto living for Christ, listening for His voice and abiding in Him. 
Whatever Christ called unclean became impure to Tade irrespective of anyone opinion; anything that mocks Christ, His church was an arrow shot at Tade's heart spilling blood not seen by the physical eyes
Then the name calling started  'spirikoko brother' his christian friends mocked him. ' You are too rigid' they told over and over again. You need to apply wisdom to your christian walk to win some, they advocated again and again. 
In the office, when he refuses the way of sin " please don't bring your self righteousness into this matter", his colleagues cut off any suggestions from him. Weary, Trade walked out of one of such meeting and felt something was wrong with and possibly he missed the wisdom 
Then the name calling started  'spirikoko brother' his christian friends mocked him. ' You are too rigid' they told over and over again. You need to apply wisdom to your christian walk to win some, they advocated again and again. 
In the office, when he refuses the way of sin " please don't bring your self righteousness into this matter", his colleagues cut off any suggestions from him. Weary, Trade walked out of one of such meeting and felt something was wrong with him and possibly he lacked  the wisdom needed to live his life effectively. Then someone touched him on the shoulder.
He looked up and his gaze met that of a ' senior christian colleague. 'Tade' she called him 'jeje in aye gba, if you want to live an effective christian life, you must relax a little on this your high standard' she turned to walk away. ' Don't make Christianity difficult for people' she walked away.
Steadily, Tade' s armoury of holiness was hit over and over again until a dot appeared on his armour. It was just a dot and unnoticed by him; that was all it took, a DOT, then the little foxes no longer looked so dangerous.
Now, the Comedian coarse jesting about the way of the cross is just for relaxation for all work and no play makes Tade a dull christian.
All of a sudden, he realised he was too heaven conscious and needs to loose up, so his worldly colleague don'tlifestyle's seem so bad at all. Their sinful lifestyle is a weakness that they will overcome with time. 
He attends service regular and pay his tithe and give a bug seed in church, everything is alright he reasoned. 
One day, he was surfing through the internet and saw a naked lady " all these ladies without Christ, may God help us" he exclaimed and clicked on the link. He just watched ten minutes of porng
Then the name calling started  'spirikoko brother' his christian friends mocked him. ' You are too rigid' they told over and over again. You need to apply wisdom to your christian walk to win some, they advocated again and again. 
In the office, when he refuses the way of sin " please don't bring your self righteousness into this matter", his colleagues cut off any suggestions from him. Weary, Trade walked out of one of such meeting and felt something was wrong with him and possibly he lacked  the wisdom needed to live his life effectively. Then someone touched him on the shoulder.
He looked up and his gaze met that of a ' senior christian colleague. 'Tade' she called him 'jeje in aye gba, if you want to live an effective christian life, you must relax a little on this your high standard' she turned to walk away. ' Don't make Christianity difficult for people' she walked away.
Steadily, Tade' s armoury of holiness was hit over and over again until a dot appeared on his armour. It was just a dot and unnoticed by him; that was all it took, a DOT, then the little foxes no longer looked so dangerous.
Now, the Comedian coarse jesting about the way of the cross is just for relaxation for all work and no play makes Tade a dull christian.
All of a sudden, he realised he was too heaven conscious and needs to loose up, so his worldly colleague don'tlifestyle's seem so bad at all. Their sinful lifestyle is a weakness that they will overcome with time. 
He attends service regular and pay his tithe and give a bug seed in church, everything is alright he reasoned. 
One day, he was surfing through the internet and saw a naked lady " all these ladies without Christ, may God help us" he exclaimed and clicked on the link. He just watched ten minutes of porn. His eyes were glued. ' aaah,' he exclaimed, still watching, " people commit so much immorality. Then he was back the next day on the same site.
Soon,  it happened:
He who has the aroma of a firebrand, now taste like a religious arrogant who is disconnected from his source of life and does not know it.
Tade sees the smoke of his former lifestyle of holiness and mistake it for the flame of a man on fire for the kingdom. He sees the manifestation of a gifting under his control and use for his own selfish interest and mistake it for a gifting inspired and influenced by the Spirit of Life
WHAT? His master Christ exclaimed,
Grace gives you liberty but not liberty to go against my word and live without my Law.
His master speaks in the presence of the 24 elders, the Cherubim and Heavenly Hosts.
Tade' angel bow before Christ, ' Master, he continued 'see' he points ' your son Tade now walks in the counsel of evil men, he hangs around with sinners, scoffing at the things of God'. One of his favourite quotations is' while soul are perishing. 
WHAT? His master Christ exclaimed,
Grace gives you liberty but not liberty to go against my word and live without my Law.
His master speaks in the presence of the 24 elders, the Cherubim and Heavenly Hosts.
Tade' angel bow before Christ, ' Master, he continued 'see' he points ' your son Tade now walks in the counsel of evil men, he hangs around with sinners, scoffing at the things of God'.
Uuuh, Christ responded. ' Tell my Tade, my son:
1. ....shall we keep on sinning so that God can keep on showing us more and more kindness and forgiveness. Of course not? Should we keep on sinning when we don't have to? Remind him that ' 
He who puts his hands to the plough and look back is not fit for my kingdom.
Tell him 'Nothing dirty or defiled will get into the city and no one who defiles or deceives.... But outside for good are the filthy curs, sorcerers, formicators, murderers, idolaters all who love and live lies.
Lastly, remind of my warning in Hebrews 6:4-6
Some people cannot be brought back again to a changed life. They were once in God's light, and enjoyed heaven:s gift, and shared in the Holy Spirit. They found out how good God: s word is, and they received the powers of his new world. But they fell away from Christ. It is impossible to bring them back to a changed life again,.......
Remind Tade, my son that l love him always and always.
Tadr, suddenly woke up from his deep slumber with his face covered with sweat.
' aaah! what kind of dream is this, this must be the result of the message preached at the mid- week service yesterday. He shook off the dream and continued with his sleep.
One day, after office hour, Tade went out for a drink with colleagues. One of his colleagues called the bar man immediately they were on their seat 
" serve us our usual and give our pastor here ( he pointed to Tade,) red wine. He needs it for holy communion' he finished. Others laughed at his joke including Tade." alcoholic or non alcoholic sir? The barman asked.
'Alcoholic:, the man replied , you no know Pastor na big boy now.
Then, the bar man took a closer look at Tade, in the dimmed light of the bar
'aaah, evangelist, na you, you don't join them?
Ooh, he shook his head and spoke to Tadr again, ' what a pity, I gave my life to Jesus yesterday. I saw the tract, you gave to me long time ago under my bed and surrender my heart to Jesus'
Then Bar man turned to walk away with the tray in his hand when he suddenly disappeared.
Tade noticed that the man disappeared because he gaze full with remorse followed the man as he turned to leave their table.
With surprise in his voice, Tade asked his colleague ' where is the bar man?, where did he disappeared to?
Then he noticed everyone in the bar stood up and gathered around the 54 inches flat screen in the bar. He stood up took to watch channels and heard the news caster saying
' we don't know what happened, a lot of accidents on the highway and the air, drivers disappeared suddenly while driving, planes crashes all over the world because pilots as passengers suddenly disappeared.
We don't want to believe this, but it seem the Christians predictions and claims has been fulfilled Rapture has happened'
All of Tade' colleague turned and looked at him.
Abigail Hephzibah
The Holy Spirit is the head of to he Church in this dispensation
 He represents the interest of Christ and His Father, therefore He must be the initiator of every kingdom vision, direction, project etc. 
You must learn to wait on Him to receive instructions on the next step or direction for your life and ministry. Acts 20:22 says "And now, compelled by the Spirit, l am going to Jerusalem, not knowing what will happen to mW there. Also Luke 4:1 confirms this truth" then Jesus full of the Holy Spirit left the Jordan, being urged by the Spirit out into the barren wasteland if Judea.....
The Holy Spirit is the head of to he Church in this dispensation
 He represents the interest of Christ and His Father, therefore He must be the initiator of every kingdom vision, direction, project etc. 
You must learn to wait on Him to receive instructions on the next step or direction for your life and ministry. Acts 20:22 says "And now, compelled by the Spirit, l am going to Jerusalem, not knowing what will happen to mW there. Also Luke 4:1 confirms this truth" then Jesus full of the Holy Spirit left the Jordan, being urged by the Spirit out into the barren wasteland of Judea.....
The life and ministry of Apostle Paul was directed by the Spirit of Life.
The Bible stated in Acts 13: 2 ' One day as these men were worshipping and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, " Dedicate Barnabas and Paul for a special job l have for them..... Directed by the Holy Spirit they went to Seleucia and then sailed for Cyprus.
There is much confusion in the Church today because preachers, pastors, believers no longer wait on the Holy Spirit for His guidance and instructions. Common sense, logic and circumstantial reasoning is used to run the work of ministry. The Holy Spirit is the Source and the giver of gifts and power for a  ministry with maximum impact. 1 Corinthians 12: 
The Holy Spirit is the head of to he Church in this dispensation
 He represents the interest of Christ and His Father, therefore He must be the initiator of every kingdom vision, direction, project etc. 
You must learn to wait on Him to receive instructions on the next step or direction for your life and ministry. Acts 20:22 says "And now, compelled by the Spirit, l am going to Jerusalem, not knowing what will happen to mW there. Also Luke 4:1 confirms this truth" then Jesus full of the Holy Spirit left the Jordan, being urged by the Spirit out into the barren wasteland of Judea.....
The life and ministry of Apostle Paul was directed by the Spirit of Life.
The Bible stated in Acts 13: 2 ' One day as these men were worshipping and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, " Dedicate Barnabas and Paul for a special job l have for them..... Directed by the Holy Spirit they went to Seleucia and then sailed for Cyprus.
There is much confusion in the Church today because preachers, pastors, believers no longer wait on the Holy Spirit for His guidance and instructions. Common sense, logic and circumstantial reasoning is used to run the work of ministry. The Holy Spirit is the Source and the giver of gifts and power for a  ministry with maximum impact. 1 Corinthians 12: 4,7,8,10,11
'Now God gives us many kinds of special abilities, but it is the same Holy Spirit who is the source of them all....To one person the Spirit gives the ability to give wise advice....He gives power for doing miracles to some, and to others power to prophesy and preach..... It is the same and only Holy Spirit who gives all these gifts and powers, deciding which each one of us should have.
Therefore if the Holy Spirit holds such crucial, important role in the life of a christian, you must do all you can to get close to Him by
# studying about Him
# Obeying Him at all times
# Pleasing Him always.
Psalm 1:2 says " But they delight in doing everything God wants them to, and day and night are always meditating on His laws and thinking about ways to follow him more closely.
You determine how close  you are to the Holy Spirit.
Look , dear son, his father said to him, " you and l are very close, and everythingvl have is yours. But it is right to velbrate. For he is your brother, and hehis was dead and has come back to life. He waablost and is founs. I was inspired this morning about the story of the prodigal son. The other son who remained with the father is an inspiration yo me.
The prodigal son should be commended too by his action. He was aan who knew his covenant right and demanded for it. He knew he had an inheritance, he knew his father was benevolent and would give to whoaover ask of him.
He went wrong because he had no vision for his inheritance, so he wasted it.
It is  demonstration of God's to ensure you don't enter your I heritanve until you are mentally, and spiritually mature for it.
Possessing your inheritance without an equivalent vuauon for that inheritance is disaster. It will be wasted and you may really suffer for the lost.
But the elder brother attitude of staying working with the gather with no goat killed, no fatten vow killed, no celebration for him inspired me.
The father summarized the elder brother attitude "Look , dear son, his father said to him, " you and l are very close, and everythingvl have is yours. But it is right to velbrate. 
He called him a dear son, who is very close and a joint heir.
A question was raised yesterday on how close to the Holy Spirit? I believe we should inspire to be very close to the Spirit of Life. His concern should be our concern. We should keep working for Him and loving Him even when our 2+2 is not equals four. We should see ourselves as a stake holder in God's kingdom.
Apostle Paul said '
Ever you are been in love
Where  your  heart is embedded into  that of your beloved
When the syllables of your beloved name is sweeter than vintage wine
While your heart is liven by warm thoughts of your beloved,
Thoughts which infiltrate your mind as you knee in your sacred place to pray
Imaginary begging for a place to stay in your memory- scen
Ever you are been in love
Where  your  heart is embedded into  that of your beloved
When the syllables of your beloved name is sweeter than vintage wine
While your heart is liven by warm thoughts of your beloved,
Thoughts which infiltrate your mind as you knee in your sacred place to pray
Imaginary begging for a place to stay in your memory- sceneries of bliss, serenity, romance where your beloved is flawless and every mountain is made plain by your love
This is the scenario in King David' heart when he exclaimed in Psalm 27:4
One thing, I have deaired of the Lord.
That will l seek after
That l may dwell in the house of the LORD, All the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord'
I guess God' love for David and David love for God filled so much, that he married many women searching for the same kind of love.
I don't think King David was able to find that kind of love
Scene 1
( a doctor table and chair with patients files nestled on one side and adjacent to it is an examining bed.)
( a nurse in white uniform and cap walks towards the doctor' table with a duster)
Nurse Yemi- Doctor Bunmi will soon be without n the office, let me quickly dust his table and clean his office. ( she puts the duster on the table and put up the files when Dr. Bunmi walks in)
Dr Bunmi- good morning Sister Yemi,  ( Hr walks towards his seat in the office) are you the one cleaning my office again ( he asked Nurse Bunmi) the cleaner is late again. I don't know what excuse should would put up again for coming late. ( he sat down when he heard a familiar voice screaming)
Mrs Gbemiga- Dr, Dr, please help ( her voice breaks down in tears) please, ( she is crying) my daughter is dying, Please help, help, ( the crying continues as she rushes into the hospital with a little girl in her arms with a blood stained dress. The nurse walked to the woman and collect the girl from her)
Nurse Yemi- madam, calm down, your daughter will not die, we don't confess negatively here( she took the girl from the woman and turn to lead her out of the office) Jesus is our healer, you  need to get your patient card and we need to take the details of the young girl before the doctor van examine her 
( the doctor quickly moved towards the nurse and patient)
Dr. Bunmi- its okay, Sis. Yemi, they are my neighbour at home, let me attend to the young girl.
( the girl was placed on the examining table when a young man quickly walked in)
Dr. Bunmi- what happened, ( he asked the mother as he continued to examine her)
Mrs. Gbemiga- ( she was crying) I picked her from school ( she bursted into tears again, the other young man spoke)
Teacher- the girl was found in the school toilet with blood surrounding her and a small cake rolling pin in her private part.
Dr. & Nurse- what! ( they exclaimed in unison)
Teacher- in the school clinic, where the object was removed from her body, she told the nurses that she has been watching men having sec with young girls on her phone and saw them inserting an object and she decided to try at school.
Mrs Gbemiga- what! Tiyi, (/she puts her hands on her head and continue crying,)
You this useless girl, you will kill me. You picked this bad habits from your friends in school.
Class Teacher- madam, no, we have called you several times to report tiyi to you about her poor reading abilities and she told us that there is no one to help her at home with her assigmnets and that you were always busy with your phone at home and don't have time for her. She said, that is why she always steal your phone and go to the toilet and watch it when you are busy in the bathroom.)
Mrs. Gbemiga- (puts both hands in her head and sits on the floor)- aaah Tiyi ( she shouted)- you canoit imitate Dr Bunmi daughter your friend who is always reading eberytime she comes to note house. Can you not see that she is the beat in her class, rather you are stealing phones to watch what is not meant for children.
Dr. Bunmi (/finished examining girl, writes some thing in the medical file and hand over to nurse who continue with the clean up of the child) (Dr. Bunmi turns to Mrs Gbemiga- and speaks)
Dr. Bunmi- Iya Tiyi, garbage in, garbage out( both teacher and Mrs Gbemiga- look perplexing at Doctor) Madam, your daughter never practise what you don't do at home.
My wife, my son and l have a reading time in our home. We trained our son to enjoy reading reading because readers are leaders of the present and the future.
(Hr turned and looks at the girl laying on the bed and then turns to the mother again)
If all you do is bury yourself in your phone and social media, am not surprise your daughter steals your phone to use and eventually expose herself to porn.
You must teach your children the reading culture before they can be readers themselves.
What they see you do is what they accept as the norm and what they eventually do and become.
You want your children to become successful, exceptional leaders of today and tomorrow, then teach them to become readers of God material and be a reader of good material too 
Mrs Gbemiga- (/she turned away from Doctor and walksland towards her daughter again and touches her
But my daughter, will be alright daughter ( she asked with remorse)
Dr. Bunmi- she will be alright physically, the object did not damaged any organ in her body. But psychologically is a battle you have to fight. She is exposed to the I'll of porn, it takes prayer and attention to deliver
Mrs. Gbemiga-Dr, l have learnt my lesson. I left that porn site opened on my phone. I did not know my daughter was using my phone behind my back.
I will give attention to reading at home and l will also tell her father to do the same.
We must teach our daughter the reading culture.
Thank you Dr. 
(Curtain close)

Asking auestions is paramount to nation building and individual progress in life 
You must ask question about where you are going in life. 
You must be visually  alert to envision the bus stop you will go through before you get to your final destination. 
You must ask yourself if you are making tangible progress. 
Stagnancy is a curse for every believer. 
It is one of the curses listed for disobedience in Leviticus 26 and Deut 28.

You must know if you are increasing

Righteousness is bequeathed to believers by faith,  immediately you believed in Christ,  and accepted Him as Lord and Saviour, there and a shift in your standing with God.  Before faith in Christ Jesus you were on the wrong side of the fence and had no relationship with God but faith in Christ Jesus puts you in right standing with God. You are positioned to to relate directly with God and received every blessing on the ticket of Christ. 
This is how it goes.  s a worker in your office,  you are paid a salary at the end of the month.  Your salary is not a gift,  it is smooth no you worked for,  its payment for service rendered.  But if you were paid without rendering an service,  then it's a gift. 
This is the story of righteousness,  we do not receive God's s protection,  kindness,  love,  health,  healing,  prosperity and even eternal life because we analogies for it we receive because our Lord Jesus paid the price for us to qualify 
In the book of Deuteronomy 28:1. The Bible says I'd you fully obey my Law this blessings will come to you.  It's means as states in Debt 28. You can only be blessed in the city and the country,  be blessed as you go in and come out,  be the head and not the tail when you fully obey the laws.  It means that if you partially obey the law you can't receive the blessing. 
In the Old Testament,  you have to reiterate service if obedience to the law before you can receive as salary the blessings.
But in the New Testament,  Christ rendered the service of obedience to the Fathwr'svwill by dying on the cross so that you can have right standing with God to receive the blessing. 
The question is if we deceive the blessings on the basis of Christ finished work. Then there is no need for us to obey God. 
Jesus Christ our master showed every believer why we must obey
Righteousness is bequeathed to believers by faith.  Immediately, you believed in Christ,  and accepted Him as Lord and Saviour, there was a shift in your standing with God: you moved from the status of an enemy and became a son.  Before faith in Christ Jesus, you were on the wrong side of the fence and had no relationship with God but faith in Christ Jesus puts you in right standing with God. 
You are positioned to  relate directly with God and receive every blessing on the ticket of Christ.  
A worker in an office,  is paid a salary at the end of the month for work done. The salary is not a gift,  rather its payment for service rendered.  But if you were paid without rendering any service,  then it's a gift. 
This is the story of righteousness,  we do not receive God's  protection,  kindness,  love,  health,  healing,  prosperity, miracles,  favour and even eternal life because we worked for it, NO! we received because our Lord Jesus paid the price for us to qualify  for God's blessings. 
In the book of Deuteronomy 28:1: The Bible says If you fully obey my commandments, these blessings shall come to you...... 
 It means you can only be blessed in the city and the country,  be blessed as you go in and come out,  be the head and not the tail- when you fully obey the laws.  On the other hand  if you partially obey the laws of God, you can't receive the blessings. 
In the Old Testament,  you have to obey to be blessed,  in the New Testament,  you have to believe in Jesus to be blessed. 
 Christ Jesus our Saviour rendered the service of obedience to the Will of the Father by dying on the cross so that you can have right standing with God.
The question is if we receive the blessings on the basis of Christ finished work. Then what is the place of obedience  in our relationship with Christ. 
We obey Christ because we love Him. 
Jesus Christ our master showed every believer why we must obey in John 14:15 and 21
"Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them. Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. Anyone who does not love me will not obey my teaching. 
We no longer obey God because of the blessings he bestows rather we obey Him because he loved us and has freely given us all that pertains to life and godliness.. 
This is perfect love. 
I don't obey because l want a car,  house,  jet,  happy marriage,  all these are included for free in my salvation package and l only need to access them by faith. 
#  l do not access them by the seed l sow into the life of the man of God,  NO! I access these blessings by faith 
But now,  l must obey God because l love Him.  
Who are those who love God?
# Those who claim they love Him? NO!
# Those who claim they are God's s favourite?  NO!
# Those who spend hours singing songs of praise and worship yet do not live according to the word?  NO!
# Those who claim they are a special breed among believers and other believers are created  specially for them?  NO!
Who are those who love God?
Jesus Christ our Lord says
Do you really want to love Him?
Then keep His word. 
Abigail Hephzibah

Happy Sunday, l pray the New week and month will be filled with awesome testimonies.
The christian walk and lifestyle is fashioned for progress and stagnancy should be   abnormal to every true christian.
Generally, man is designed for progress and increase" Be fruitful, multiply...  God commanded increase for every man born of a woman.
In same manner, our walk with God must not be on the same level year after year, as we increase in our finance, career and business, our spiritual walk and work must also progress. 
2 Peter 1:5-7 "For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love". 
God expects you to grow spiritual; get to know Him more. And one of the ways you can attain this is contained in Luke 9:23
" Then He said to all, anyone who wants to follow me must put aside his own desires and conveniences and carry his Cross with him everyday and keep close to me. (Living Bible)
Desires are the beam for world class achievement. Sometimes, the reason A is more successful than B is the difference in their desires. 
Desires are what you long to see happen in your life and environment, they are what you want, what you yearn for, the longing of your heart and it determines  the form of  your life pursuit and defines the shape your destiny.
But Christ said, you need to grow in your christian walk, he said, you are too far from Him. Though you are anointed and speak in tongues, heal the sick, raise the death, Christ says you are not close to Him
WHY? Because your life is still ruled by your own desires and not that of Christ. You are running your destiny in your own way, you are serving God on your own term, you serve God only when its convenient for you.
You need to move closer to Christ, you must willing surrender yourself to him completely and learn his ways for his yoke is easy and his burden is light.
Every believer must learn to seek the desires of Christ and follow it through; though  it's contrary to your personal desires and  inconvenience. 
Peter desired to be a first class fisherman and after walking, working and eating with Christ, he went back to the fishing lifestyle. But Christ's desire for Peter was to be a 'fisher of men'. It is only those who pursue earnestly Christ's desire that will get close to Him.
Please spend time in His presence and seek His face and desires always this new week for the time is short.
May God keep and preserve us with His kindness  in Jesus name.
Abigail Hephzibah
Blessed evening, hope your day was peaceful. I pray your night rest will be pleasant.
Some days back, I was chatting with a friend and we got this inspiration from the Scriptures.
Please let me  know if we got it right.
Sometimes, what you desire in life especially in the area of relationship may not be what you need to achieve divine mandate.
When our Lord Jesus was on earth as a man, the Pharisees rejected him because he was not the kind of King they .desired.
They desired a political king, a leader with military power to deliver Israel from its visible enemy, but God gave them a spiritual king and leader who delivered them permanently from their spiritual enemy who controls the visible enemy. God  destroyed sin and  Satan's power over them.
If God had given them just a political leader as they desired and requested, they would have been delivered for a season and then go back into captivity. 
The Pharisees desired a political King who would give them temporary relief but they needed the King of kings who will liberate them forever.
Also, In 1 Samuel 8, the Israelites requested  for a king like other nations around them, a king who  God said, will conscript their sons and make them run before his chariots,  and turn their children into slave laborers etc
But what they  needed was the King of  kings, who will defend them  always and forever.
Most times, what we desire in a marriage partner may not be what we need for fulfillment in life. Sincerely, am not against desiring the best in a marriage partner, the bible says the desire of the righteous shall be granted. God promised in Psalm 32:8 'l will instruct you and guide you in the best pathway for your life, l will advice you and watch your progress' 
 But a righteous man must always seek to align his desires with the purpose and plan of God for His life.
Marriages are failing because men and women alike make choices that please their sight.
 Prophet Samuel saw Eliab and thought ' surely, the Lord anointed stand before the Him' and the answer God gave him is golden for all generations. God said ' Samuel, men look at the outer appearance but l see the heart'.
In essence, it is not just physical appearance, a big bank account, a prestigious background and tribal affiliation that makes a blissful home, it is the state of the heart  and of course some other factors that produce the joy, prosperity, peace and happiness in the home. 
In every area of our lives, we must walk with God and ensure our desires align with His, we must depend on His leading always. 
Jesus Christ our Lord said ' Not, my Will but you will  be done.
Pls am not discussing the Will of God in marriage here lets leave that teaching to the Clergy but certainly am advocating that God is our Father and He is interested in every area of our lives and when we invite Him, He will guide us in the best pathway. IT MEANS, THERE CAN BE BAD, GOOD, BETTER, BEST pathway for your life, career, marriage, ministry and family.
King David, a man after God's heart sought God ' leading in matter of war but l observed that he did not do so in his relationships. 
May God help us for before and after marriage, we need His help. The married says, marriage is hard work and l believe them, then we must seek for His grace and wisdom to excel in it.
Abigail Hephzibah
The lyric of a popular christian song summaries what our attitude should be every new morning.
Whenever l see another breaking of the day
I say thank you Lord. 2x
Sincerely, the God in our midst is mighty.
He is faithful, He is a responsible Father, He is compassionate, kind, caring and deserves our praises.
These are not just praise cliche, they are testimonies of what our caring  Jehovah do in our lives every moment.
Do you know that if God is not on your side
Your enemies would have devour you.
Your home would have been burgled
Your daughters and sons raped
Your cars stolen
Your money stolen from the bank by Yahoo plus scheme
And so many other wickedness that the enemy plots against you.
But we have a Father
Almighty Father, who is King of kings, Lord of lords
We have a Father, who sleep not  and your safety is His concern 24/7.
So please as you step out this morning, this week,  PAUSE and deliberately thank Him for His faithfulness and kindness to you. Lift your voice and praise our KING who is mighty in our midst.
We must learn to thank God for the evil that did not happen
The car accident, you did not have,
The police case you were not involve in,
The death you did not die,
Those are the greatest testimonies.
God deserves all the glory and honour, so lift your voice in worship
As you bless His Holy Name
For He is great, He does miracle so great
There is no one else like Him
I pray that God will protect you through out the week
May His favour and mercy be a canopy over your family
May He give you victory over all works of the enemy.
Remember always that
Abigail Hephzibah

[Shared as received] 

1. They go to work early 
but come to church late.

2. They beg their boss when they err but threaten to leave 
church whenever there is a misunderstanding.

3. They work hard to be 
promoted at work but treat the work of God with levity.

4. They pay all their dues in the workplace but refuse to pay tithe in the church.

5. They buy costly things for their boss to get favour but can't even buy airtime for their pastor.

6. When they are not going to be in the office, they take permission 
ahead from their superior; but expect pastor and elders to pay 
them visits when they miss church without notice.

7. They fear and respect their boss than their pastor and even sometimes more than God.

8. When they are sick they manage to go to work but they cannot manage to come to 
the church.

9. They take official query serious but handle divine rebuke with disdain. 

10. They tolerate their 
colleagues in the workplace but cannot tolerate the brethren.

11. They turn off their phones at workplace, but use calls to distract other worshippers in Church.

12. They can work overtime in the office but get offended at the pastor if he's not closing 
at the stipulated time.

These are great observations that
must be seriously considered and heeded by all who are mindful 
of their relationship personal with God.
The first time Prisca visited you in your two bedroom apartment, you kissed her so passionately that when the alarm rang in your ear, you were already in another realm with her...right on the rug. 

Jesus, how did my shirt get off my body?

That evening you hurried to Tolu's place. 

'Tolu, how do you do it? How come Evelyn comes to your house and nothing happens? Brother, help me.'

Tolu smiled. 'We have made up our minds to please God with our bodies. So until wedding night, no kisses, no romance, no sex.'

You explained to your friend that you've made the same decision but you can't just understand why it isnt working with your fiance. You are afraid that the next time Prisca shows up, the real thing will happen. 

'Does she stay late in your place?'

'No Tolu. it happened in the broad day light. Three times.'

Tolu touched your shoulder. 'Next time, keep the doors opened. That might help you stay alert to your surroundings.'

'I hope it works.' 

But it didn't. How you carried Prisca from the living room to the bedroom even though you were down with malaria surprised you. Just as you were about to place her on the bed, she pushed you away. You couldn't even sight your singlet or your trousers. Just boxers. 

That evening you ran to Tolu's place. You explained all that happened. 

'Next time, take a friend along.'

You pace around, considering Tolu's words. ' I think it's safer if she doesn't come to my house at all. We can meet at Total gardens or KFC or anywhere open.'

In the car the following day, as Prisca slid in beside you, you noticed her frowns and her straight face. 

'I'm sorry-'

'Im not stepping into your house again until after our wedding.' 

You stared at the woman you deeply love and wish she could just wink or smile at you. Guilt descended on you like a thick cloud. 
'Why is our hormones doing this to us? It's not fair at all.' 

You grabbed the steering and start the engine. You turned it off and bowed your head slightly.

 'Lord, we want to please you by waiting till our wedding night. Even as we head for Total gardens to discuss pertinent issues,  please help our bodies to remain calm'

'Amen' Prisca responded. 

So...some months later, you fell ill again and Prisca had to check up on you. This time she came with her roommate, Mercy. As you chatted and laughed with your woman, Mercy decided to step out. 

 As she stood up, both of you shot her a quick glance. 

'Mercy don't go anywhere!' You and your fiancée chorused.  

She looked at you, puzzled.then understanding hit her. She smiled and returned to her position on the sofa, watching a movie on your laptop but this time she plugged in her earpiece to give you some privacy.
If your right hand causes you to sin...cut it off...

It doesn't matter what works for others...Know thyself...

HOPE it inspires YOU

70%    70%    70%    70%    70%
When we die, our money remains in the bank... Yet, when we are alive, we don't have enough money to spend. In reality, when we are gone, there is still a lot of money not spent. One business tycoon in China passed away. His widow, left with $1.9 billion in the bank, married his chauffeur. His chauffeur said:- 
"All the while, I thought I was working for my boss... it is only now, that I realize that my boss was all the time, working for me !!!" 
The cruel reality is:
It is more important to live longer than to have more wealth. So, we must strive to have a strong and healthy body, It really doesn't matter who is working for who. 
In a high end hand phone, 70% of the functions are useless!
For an expensive car, 70% of the speed and gadgets are not needed.
If you own a luxurious villa or mansion, 70% of the space is usually not used or occupied.
How about your wardrobes of clothes? 
70% of them are not worn!
A whole life of work and earning... 
70% is for other people to spend. 
So, we must protect and make full use of our 30%.

Go for medical check-ups even if not sick.
Drink more water, even if not thirsty.
Learn to let go, even if faced with grave   problems.
Endeavour to give in, even if you are in the right.
Remain humble, even if you are very rich and powerful.
learn to be contented, even if you are not rich.
Exercise your mind and body, even if you are very busy. 
Make time for people you care about 
Handbook 2016
Drink Plenty of water.  
EAT: Breakfast like a KING,  
             Lunch like a Prince &
             Dinner like a beggar.     
Live with the 3 E's-
        Enthusiasm &
Make time to PRAY.
Play more games.
Read more books than you did in 2014 and 2015 and 2016
Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day. Sleep for 7 hours.
Take a 10-30 minutes walk daily And while you walk, Smile.
Don't over do. 
Keep your limits.
Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
Don't waste your precious energy on gossip.
Dream more while you are  awake.
Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
Forget issues of the past. Don't remind your partner with his/her mistakes of the past. 

That will ruin your present Happiness.
Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don't hate others.
Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present.
No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
Smile and Laugh More.
You don't have to win every argument, Agree to disagree.

Call your family often.
Each day give something good to others. Forgive everyone for everything.
Spend time with people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6.
Try to make at least three people smile each day.
What other people think of you is none of your business.
Do the right thing!
God heals everything.
However good or bad a situation is, it will  change.
No matter how you feel, Get up, Dress up and Show up. The best is yet to come.
When awake in the morning Thank GOD for it. Your Inner most is always happy. So, be Happy. 

Please Forward this To Everyone plus other groups with Whom You Care about

Godly Models.
Blessed morning, l pray your day will be filled with  awesome  testimonies.
So by God's grace, I teach teenagers of age 9-12 in my church and last Sunday,  they won trophies in a competition.
Christian mothers, aunties, fathers: we must strive to present our children as trophies to Christ.. 
Presently, this is one of the assignments,  l enjoy most: the enthusiasm of the children motivates me, their excitement of learning new things, their crave for adventure keeps my heart glowing with youthfulness.
But it is also a huge responsibility for me because I understand that they are entering the phase of consciously making life choices and God has entrusted me with the responsibility of helping them to make choices that honour Christ. 
I must be careful about my lifestyle in the secret and public.
I must not just act and speak right in church, but daily,  I should ask God for power to live a pure life in the secret. 
Though this children cannot see my secret life, it can be transfered to them as l teach and interact with them.
The Bible says bad company corrupts good manner, this is true because there is always transference of spirits between associate.
If am living an ungodly life in the secret, the spirits fueling my ungodliness will be transfer to this children. ( excerpt their parents consciously and prayerfully protect them from the activities of hell.)
Today' society is filled with ungodly contents that influence our teenagers to turn away Hephzibah

I got saved as a teenager but was a  backslider for eight years because the sister who was my mentor at that time left our vicinity and my late father of blessed memory, a stalk unbeliever lured me back to sin and ungodliness.
Our young people need godly models, men and women whose private and public life model Christ; not men who profess Christ with their lips but don't fully model Christ in their actions.
Christ told the disciples, l sanctify myself for your sake
We are Christ' ambassadors and must live carefully, showing Christ in all our actions.
I remember an incident that happened some few years back when I was working in an orphanage. I had taught the children that it was wrong for them  to watch obscene films. So this fateful day, we were watching a Nigerian movie when a boy and girl were kissing, all the other children immediately close their eyes but one did not and saw that I was watching that scene. Immediately, he spoke  'aaah, aunty Abigail, you are watching something that is bad' 
I was caught and guilty as charged.
Please as Christians, lets be a Godly model and influence for this young ones.
Christ is depending on us to win them  wholly to Him.
The system of the world has intensify its agenda to make our children ungodly,
We must intensify our strategy keep them pure for Christ.

I pray God helps us.
Abigail Hephzibah
This testimony is too awesome for me, so l had to share it.
See, God is making a way for you this day, this week, this month, this year. You will share an awesome testimony. Say a big Amen if you believe it.

Dr. Abraham, a well known cancer specialist, was once on his way to an important conference in another city where he was going to receive an award in the field of medical research.
He was excited about the award and so boarded a plane to the venue. However, two hours after the plane took off, it made an emergency landing at the nearest airport due to a technical problem.
Afraid that he would not make it in time to the conference, he immediately went to the reception to make enquiries. He found out that he would have to wait ten hours for the next flight to his destination! He rented a car and drove himself to the conference city which was four hours away.
Soon after he left, the weather changed and a heavy storm began.
The downpour made it difficult for him to see so he missed a turn he was supposed to take.
Driving in the heavy rain on a deserted road, feeling hungry and tired, he frantically began to look for any sign of civilization. He came across a small tattered house and knocked on the door. A beautiful lady opened the door. He explained his situation and wanted to use the lady's telephone but she had no telephone. She however asked him to come inside and wait till the weather improved. The doctor who was hungry and exhausted accepted the offer. The lady offered him something to eat and drink.
She asked him to join her in prayers but he declined. According to him, he believed in hard work, not in prayers! Sitting at the table and sipping his tea, the doctor watched the woman pray many times beside a baby's crib. Feeling that the woman might be in need of help, the doctor asked her what exactly she needed from God and asked if God ever listened to her prayers.
When he inquired of the child in the crib, the woman explained that her son was down with cancer. And they had been advised to see a doctor named Abraham who could cure him but she did not have enough money to afford his fees.
She said that God had not yet answered her prayers but said that God would create some way out one day.  She added that she would not allow her fears to overcome her faith!
Stunned and speechless, Dr. Abraham began to weep! He was forced to say out loud, "GOD IS GREAT" and recollected to the woman, all the sequence of bad events: malfunction on the plane, a thunderstorm and how he lost his way.  All of which had happened because God answers prayers,  wanted to give him a chance to come out of his bondage of materialistic career pursuit and give some time to a poor, helpless woman who had nothing but rich prayers!
Oh! What a God!
God may not answer your prayers YOUR WAY but he will always answer HIS way.
Behind the scenes, he will move men, the weather, events, circumstances, etc. in order to work out the best for you!
Do not stop trusting!
Do not stop hoping!
God is busy planning your dancing this year!
Hold on!
Hold out!
Look up daily! 
This touched and still touches me.
I hope it touches you  too, and if it does, please share.

The amazing ways of God.
Everyone is not called into the pulpit ministry. Some  are called to be solders behind the stage who use the grace of  intercession to enforce the will of God on earth. Intercessors may not be popular like those called into pulpit ministry, but know that their voices are recognised and obeyed in heaven and hell. Its a calling that keeps you in the presence of God and can be practised anywhere. You spend hours speaking and hearing from God yet it seem like you spent just minutes because you are always refreshed in His presence.
As glamorous as the pulpit ministry is, I will not exchange it for the secret place ministry.   
Fulfillment comes when you discover your place and assignment in God' kingdom. You are rewarded when you are faithful to your calling and not on the quantity of work done. 
So this vacancy is for men and women who are called into the secret place ministry -the ministry of Intercession . 
May God find you faithful.
A reputable Kingdom based  business needs applicants for the positions of Admin Directors, Intercession Researchers,  Trainee intercessors.Watchmen.
JOB DESCRIPTION'  Day and night, keep at it, praying, calling out, reminding God about the body of CHRIST, Nigeria, your Church, your family, your relatives, your friends, your enemies, for their salvation and that they find God' will for their lives.
Give God no peace and give yourself  no peace Until God does what He said , until He makes the Body. Of CHRIST famous and Holy as the CITY of PRAISE. Isaiah  62:1-11
IMPORTANT NOTICE'  candidates who have F9 in English language and Mathematics can apply.
Applicants who do not speak in tongues  can also apply, 
We have the Master Trainer and Resource Person - The Holy Ghost who will teach and baptise applicants in the Holy Ghost.
RENUMERATION' Every applicant is entitled to the wealth of the KING of kings, promotion is determined by three criteria,  
1. Faithfulness to divine assignment
2. Diligent study on intercession and application of acquired knowledge
3. Walking in Love towards all me.
Please forward yr application to 
Jehovah in care of the Holy Ghost.
DISCLAIMER. we are not liable for applications from the following applicant
1. Church workers who do not obey and live according to the principles of CHRIST
2. Tongues speaking, titles bearing  pastors, evangelists, prophet, bishop but living in sins, self will, self gratification, materialistic nature.
EXPERIENCE. Years of working experience is irrelevant, a teachable heart and absolute dependence on the Holy Ghost is all  that is needed. 
Abigail Hephzibah.
The promise is activated by faith 
Happy Sunday ma and sir, l pray the new week is filled with awesome testimony.
In 1 Samuel 13:6-11.  a king lost his throne because he did not add patience to his faith. King Saul believed in the power of  offering a sacrifice to God for victory. He was certain that if he offers a sacrifice to God winning the battle was sure, but he failed because he was not patient. He lost both the promise and the throne.
We must learn to patiently wait for the fulfillment of God' promise in God'  timing and his way.
God promised Abraham and his wife Sarah a son. After Sarah and Abraham waited a while, they used their own method and efforts to bring the promise to past. Abraham indeed had a son but not God' s way.  God promise of a son was through Sarah and Abraham. When patience is not added to our faith we will settle for less than God best.
For example, a christian single is believing God for a God fearing partner, a faith without patience will make such settle for less instead of the best. The bible says Abraham through faith and patience inherited the promise of Isaac. He learnt his lesson with Ishmael and tarried with God without waiving in faith until Isaac arrived.
I pray God will give us grace for patience in Jesus name.
Abigail Hephzibah
Dear brothers
Is your life full of difficulties...... Then be happy for when the road is rough, your patience has a chance to grow. So let it grow, don't try to squirm out of your problems. For when your patience is in finally in bloom, then you will be ready for anything, strong in character, full and complete. James 1
Waiting on God for the fulfillment of His promises is one of the ways God builds character in us.
I used to be someone who is impatience with other people weaknesses and short- coming,.
I used to be some one who wants every dreams fulfill now now
Then God deliberately and consciously slow me down in His Lo e
I am forced to understand that the race is not to the swiftest nor the battle to the strong, rather l am who am l by the grace of God.
Waiting taught me patience
Waiting made me vulnerable
Waiting taught me that my tears are beautiful in His sight and I need not to be ashamed of them.
Waiting made me understand that l  might have survived on my wits and determination as a  unbelieving teenager who had no parental support at that teen age and had to survive in the jungle of the ghetto by sheer determination and self will
But as a believer, self determination without grace failed me and taught me that  I AM WHAT I AM BY THE GRACE OF GOD.
Waiting build our faith and trust in God. It teaches persistence in prayers.
Abraham learnt how to tarry in God presence until his request is granted without giving up through his experience of waiting for the fulfillment of the promise of a son..
Waiting on God taught him persistence in prayers. He become an effective intercessor by praying for Sodom and Gomorrah through his pains in waiting.
If you run away from the pains of waiting and create alternative for your self out side God,  you will always have a weak faith.
For years,  I was in a painful and shameful situation, waiting on God' deliverance.
My faith was weak, l questioned God every second. I questioned His claim of being a loving Father., yet He allowed me to suffer this way
Today, I appreciate my loving Father for allowing me go through that fire
This is one topic,, I don't  know from which Angle to write.
I try as much as possible when l write not to inject personal experience ( because personal experiences are subjective, and dies not invalidate the GOD" word )  but in this case, I need to be vulnerable with this topic.
Waiting can be terrible, painful, perplexing,  with lot of private tears and sometimes, public tears that are quickly covered with your handkerchief  and fine toned with a forced smile, just to pretend all is well.
Either your waiting is for promotion, healing, prosperity, vindication, deliverance from the enemies' attack, expansion in business and ministry
Waiting for anything in life can be a pain in the neck. 
You keep examining where you went wrong with your decisions and how you ended up at your present junction. ( like a Yoruba adage- talking about an issue is not the same as experiencing it)
Some are quick to judge father Abraham for listening to Sarah by sleeping with her maid Hagar.
But have you ever had to wait for 25 years for the fulfillment of a promise?
It was a difficult time for Abraham esp. because he knew that the God who made the promise can fulfill it within seconds; also that same God calls Abraham his friend and is a God who can do all things
Abeg, my friend, e no easy to keeping believing in that situation.
The Bible says Abraham hope against hope ( na serious matter)
I know theologians are ready to present their one thousand arguments why Abraham waited for so long for the fulfillment of God' promise to him and ended up making a terrible mistake.
Anytime I read Kathleen Kuhlman Biography titled ' Daughter of Destiny' I cry when I come to the part where she missed it in marriage after waiting for so long
Whatever is the cause of your waiting,-
A mistake on your part
Lack of Knowledge
Disobedience to God' word
Missing Divine timing
Satanic opposition
Pride etc
Whatever you are waiting on God for?
Promotion in your career
A new job
A child of your own
Prosperity in Ministry
Bliss in your marriage
Healing in your emotions and body
Ask him for the caused of your waiting and add patience to your waiting.
According to the dictionary patient in waiting is to remain calm and not become annoyed when waiting for a long time, to stay in a place until an expected events happen. 
 My definition of patient in waiting is to actively  believe God that your expectations and desires will be fulfill without giving in  to alternatives that are contrary to God' will for you. 
Are aware that at this moment irrespective of what you are doing
Irrespective of where you are
Irrespective of your position and titles in church
Irrespective of what you did for Christ last week, month, year
The Rapture of the Saints can take place
And you may be left BEHIND.
You may be anointed and still be left behind
You may be the best preacher and still be left behind
You may be a miracle worker 
And still be left behind
You may be very rich in Christ name
And travel round the world
Preaching the gospel and still be left behind
You may be the best intercessor and giver and still be left behind
Please read Matthew 7:1-end 
To see if you qualify
I pray His mercy will take us home IJN

Hello, you shall have a blessed week in Jesus name. May Jehovah, the One and Only true God give you sweet victories in Jesus name.
Today, I will love to talk about Goals. I was thinking about  football  and realised;  11 players, The  Reserve bench, coaches, football clubs, teams, club managers, all feed their families, become famous, become millionaires, billionaires by scoring goals.
Goals are important because they are  the determinant of our future. Our lives take the direction of our goals.
No man lives without  goals,  consciously or unconsciously everyman is a product of His goals. All things being equal all achievement are depends on our goals and our faith in those goals.  People have all sort of goals-  financial, marital, career goals and even political goals.
Jesus Christ said I have come to do the will of He who sent me and finish it. Some will say that was his purpose, I will say that was His goal. His purpose was- you shall call His name Jesus because He shall save men from their sin. But he decided that His life goal will be to do the will of the Father, therefore He pursued it wholeheartedly.
Kind David said one thing I have desired and I seek after, that I may dwell in His presence forever. While our Lord Jesus' goal was to do the will of the Father, David was to dwell in His presence. David purpose was to be a King but he made it his spiritual goal to always remain in God' presence.
After David became King, he did not lost sight of His spiritual goal, when he sinned, he was more concern with retaining God,s presence. He cried out in Psalm 51 'Lord,  pls. Don't take your Holy Spirit from me - which represent His  presence.
 Gehazi' goal while serving Elisah was to accumulate wealth, he preferred to disbey his prophet for material gains.  Uzziah' goal was to become great because after he became great, he stopped sought God.
Apostle Paul said that I might know Him and the power of His resurrection. Paul purpose was to prepare to the gentiles but his spiritual goal was knowing God.
Believers follow Jesus for various reasons. Some follow Christ to have their daily bread, Jesus told some people in John,  you follow because I fed you.
Others follow Christ because being a believer is a sure way to be wealthy coupled with spiritual protection.
Other people goal is to get a marriage partner that will be faithful to them because they rightly believe Christianity does not condone fornication and adultery.
I remembered when I just got saved, the guy I was dating and of course sleeping with was happy I was saved, he was even attending church with me. His reasoning was that now that I am saved I will only be going to bed with him. So some people spiritual goal is a godly husband and wife.
My question is 'Are all these supposed 'goals' wrong?
My response is 'NO' because they are the blessings that God has made available for those who follow me.
My  submission is:
 Have you ever thought and plan what your status, position, mansion will be in eternity. How will your life style been in eternity. I know some of you believe we Should not think of such because oit is God that determines what you are in eternity. Yes, you are right but you have a part to play. What you do while on earth will greatly affect  eternity's that where we will spend eternity and it is important.  )ou assume   everyone will be equal in eternity, if your thinking is true, then it means scripture is wrong. because Jesus said that some will rule cities in eternity.. He commanded that we store treasures in heaven
We are given 80, 100, 120, years on earth depending on what you are believing God for, to prepare for eternality. Some will spend these years building dynasty on earth that have no eternal consequence. My question are WHAT Is YOUR SPIRITUAL GOAL/S.
You can only get answers by answering those questions sincerely and discovering why you are a servant of Christ.
 Is it for fame, Yes Jesus can make you famous
Is It for money, Jesus dey give money yafuyafu!
 Those reasons are not wrong but put first thing first.
The bible says seek first the kingdom of God and its righteousness and all these things shall be added to you. May God give you understanding.
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN
Hello, you shall have a blessed week in Jesus name. May Jehovah, the One and Only true God give you sweet victories in Jesus name.
Today, I will love to talk about Goals. I was thinking about  football  and realised;  11 players, The  Reserve bench, coaches, football clubs, teams, club managers, all feed their families, become famous, become millionaires, billionaires by scoring goals.
Goals are important because they are  the determinant of our future. Our lives take the direction of our goals.
No man lives without  goals,  consciously or unconsciously everyman is a product of His goals. All things being equal all achievement are depends on our goals and our faith in those goals.  People have all sort of goals-  financial, marital, career goals and even political goals.
Jesus Christ said I have come to do the will of He who sent me and finish it. Some will say that was his purpose, I will say that was His goal. His purpose was- you shall call His name Jesus because He shall save men from their sin. But he decided that His life goal will be to do the will of the Father, therefore He pursued it wholeheartedly.
Kind David said one thing I have desired and I seek after, that I may dwell in His presence forever. While our Lord Jesus' goal was to do the will of the Father, David was to dwell in His presence. David purpose was to be a King but he made it his spiritual goal to always remain in God' presence.
After David became King, he did not lost sight of His spiritual goal, when he sinned, he was more concern with retaining God,s presence. He cried out in Psalm 51 'Lord,  pls. Don't take your Holy Spirit from me - which represent His  presence.
 Gehazi' goal while serving Elisah was to accumulate wealth, he preferred to disbey his prophet for material gains.  Uzziah' goal was to become great because after he became great, he stopped sought God.
Apostle Paul said that I might know Him and the power of His resurrection. Paul purpose was to prepare to the gentiles but his spiritual goal was knowing God.
Believers follow Jesus for various reasons. Some follow Christ to have their daily bread, Jesus told some people in John,  you follow because I fed you.
Others follow Christ because being a believer is a sure way to be wealthy coupled with spiritual protection.
Other people goal is to get a marriage partner that will be faithful to them because they rightly believe Christianity does not condone fornication and adultery.
I remembered when I just got saved, the guy I was dating and of course sleeping with was happy I was saved, he was even attending church with me. His reasoning was that now that I am saved I will only be going to bed with him. So some people spiritual goal is a godly husband and wife.
My question is 'Are all these supposed 'goals' wrong?
My response is 'NO' because they are the blessings that God has made available for those who follow me.
My  submission is:
 Have you ever thought and plan what your status, position, mansion will be in eternity. How will your life style been in eternity. I know some of you believe we Should not think of such because oit is God that determines what you are in eternity. Yes, you are right but you have a part to play. What you do while on earth will greatly affect  eternity's that where we will spend eternity and it is important.  )ou assume   everyone will be equal in eternity, if your thinking is true, then it means scripture is wrong. because Jesus said that some will rule cities in eternity.. He commanded that we store treasures in heaven
We are given 80, 100, 120, years on earth depending on what you are believing God for, to prepare for eternality. Some will spend these years building dynasty on earth that have no eternal consequence. My question are WHAT Is YOUR SPIRITUAL GOAL/S.
You can only get answers by answering those questions sincerely and discovering why you are a servant of Christ.
 Is it for fame, Yes Jesus can make you famous
Is It for money, Jesus dey give money yafuyafu!
 Those reasons are not wrong but put first thing first.
The bible says seek first the kingdom of God and its righteousness and all these things shall be added to you. May God give you understanding.
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN
Something or someone that is not included in a general statement or does not follow a rule or pattern
Divine exception is a broad topic that concerns every aspect of a believers life. It includes a lot of things and does not just means exception from evil.
We will examine the lives of certain people from the bible and draw references from the account of their lives.
This is the family tree of the human race. When God created the human race, he made it godlike, with a nature akin to God, He created both male and female and blessed them, the whole human race,……….
When Adam was 130 years, he had a son who was just like him, his very spirit and image, and named him Seth. After the birth of Seth, Adam lived another 800 years, having more sons and daughters. Adam lived a total of 930 years.  And he died.
When Enoch was sixty-five years old, he had Methuselah.  Enoch walked steadily with God. After he had Methuselah, he lived another 300 years, having more sons and daughters. Enoch lived a total of 365 years.
Enoch walked steadily with God. And then one day he was simply gone; God took him.
Genesis 5:1, 25-27.
 Divine exception in this case is a break from their normal flow of events. It is a sharp turn from a straight flow of event. In this chapter of bible, different names were mentioned and they had similar events attributed to them, they had the same experiences and almost the same actions taken-they were born and they gave birth to children, then they died and was no more for the children to take over.

Enoch was a sharp turn from the normal flow of events; he was an exception to the normal. The bible states that he was born like everyone else but he did not died like others because he never experienced death. Before then, no one was able to escape death but divine exception cause him to escape death. We will study those qualities which allowed Enoch to escape Death.
Enoch walked steadily with God (Enoch walked with God for three hundred years steadily) and was no more.
 This chapter opened with a profound statement thatnadam was created in God image and had a son who was in his image and had his spirit, but that son who was ultimately created in the image of God because he was ndirectly from the loins of the man who was created in the image of God did not walked with God but Enoch was an exception He walked with God and was no more.
One,it is possible to walk steadily with God without backsliding, happily till God take s you and you are no more
Walking with God in obedience is a pre-requisite for enjoyting divine exception. Man whjo will enjoy divine intyervention are men who walk side by side with God. Life4 takes morte than just receiving from God. We must learn ti live a life of obedience and faithfully walk with him.
CONCLUSION. Enoch enjoyed divine exception because he walked with God steadily.
What it means to walk with God.

Righteousness is in the New Testament  is contacted by faith in God and not holiness as you think. The first man that was recommended as righteous in the Old Testament was Noah and family, and they received this title because of two factor
God testified that Noah was without blame in that generation.
God saw that human race was out of control. People thought evil, imagined evil-evil, evil from morning to night……..but Noah was different. God liked what he saw in Noah. (But Noah Pleased the Lord,….Noah was a good man, the most innocent man of his time, and he walked with God) but Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord….. Noah was a just man, perfect in his generations. Noah walked with God. Genesis 6:5,8,9.
Noah did not think evil like other men of his generation; therefore his actions were not evil...
He was not out of control; rather his life and actions were obviously controlled by God’s.
 He did not lived like other men of his generation lived, he was different and lived to please God in that generation. His focus was God entirely and he did everything he did to please God.
And Noah walked with God.
Obviously from this scripture walking with God means to fear Him, shun evil and not behave, think or act as people of the world.
Amos 3:3 says
Can two walk together, unless they agreed? (Two people will not walk together unless they have agreed to do so) (Do two people walk hand in hand, if they aren’t going to the same place).
Walking with God means going on the same direction as His, it means living the Lord’s Prayer-thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Walking with God also means fellowship. God told Abraham “when Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to him and said, Ï am God Almighty, Obey me and do what is right. ( Walk before me and be blameless) I am the Strong God, Live entirely before me, live to the hilt!- Genesis 17:1)
We  can see from this verse of scriptures that walking before God also means obeying him just as we assessed from the previous explanation that he who walks will God will please him in all things, such will live entirely for God’s will on earth as our Lord Jesus did on earth. Jesus said my food is to do the will of him who sent me and finish it.
Obedience to god’s word and way is the bedrock of our Christian faith. Unless we obey God on a daily basis, we cannot walk with Him as Enoch did. Obedience will take us on the same direction as God as Amos 3:3 stipulated
. The Bible is a book of instructions of how God thinks and do, we may never meet God face to face but we can know his essence through the bib le. We can predict God’s moves by the Holy Spirit and the Bible.


Then it came to past in the third year that King Jehoshaphat the king of Judah went down to visit the king of Isreal……so he said to Jehoshaphat “will you go with me to fight at Ramoth Gilead?
Jehoshaphat said to the King of Isreal, Ï am as you are,my people is your people, my horses as your horses. Also Jehoshaphat said to the King of Isreal, “Please inquire of the Lord today”……..
And Jehoshaphat said, Ïs there not still a prophet of the Lord here, that we may inquire of Him.
King Jehosphata almost ended his life before old age because he entered alliance with the wrong person or he trusted the wrong person.  He entered relationship with a man who was rebellious to God without course and that relationship caused him the lives of his sons and even alsmost end the godly dynasty his father King David built. He entered an alliance with king Ahab. “but rich, popular King Jehoshaphat of Judah made a marriage alliance for his son with the daughter of King Ahab of Isreal. 2 Chronicle 18:1….when Jehosphat died, he was buried in the cememtry of the kings in Jerusalem, and his son Jehoram became the new ruler of Judah. His brothers-other sons of Jehosphat –were Azariah, Jehiel, zechariah, Azariah, Michael, and Shephatiah. Their father had given each of them valuable gifts of money and jewels, also the ownership of some fortied cities of Judah. However, he gave the kingship to Jehoram because he was the oldest, but when Jewhoram had become solidly established as king, he killed all of his brothers and many other leaders of Isreal. He was wicked as the kings who were in Israel. Yes, as wicked as Ahab, for Jehoram had married one of the daughters of ahab and his own life was one constant binge of doing evil. 2 Chronicle 21:1-6. What started as a simple marital relationship of in- law between two kings ended with the son of Jehosphat killing his brothers and Isreal leader. We must be very careful who will enter alliance with; we must be careful to seek God’s face in every aspect of our lives.
Jehoram married the daughter of Jezebel and King Ahab. He married a woman whose mother was dedicated and a high priest of Baal. A woman who killed the prophets of God and turn the people of Israel to Idolatry. 
Truly his assessement of JKing Ahab in is true but he was seeing King Ahab through his own life and not through the Spirit of God. 
We need the Holy Spirit in our relationship with people either believer of unbeliever. King Ahab was anointed by God just as King Jehoshaphat; he was a descendant of King David and of course a seed of Abraham. But he had done wickedly to the covenant at this stage of his reign. He hads left  the living God to worship Baal and even led his subject to do the same. At this stage of his life, he was separated from God and did not qualify for God’s help. I guess heb realized his true state that was why he required the help of someone who was still connected to the living God, knowing He cannot survive on his own.
King Jehoshaphat assumed that King Ahab was still in tune with God and was ready to help him fight his enemy. We must understand we cannot defeat the enemy that the Lord himself allows to win. In the first instance, syrai was incited against Isreal because of the waywardness. This is further emphasized with king Jehoshaphat’ victory against three nations, he won not because of the uniqueness of hois weapon, he won because God helped.
King Jehoshaphat obviously had a relationship with God because He enquired of the Lord before embarking on the journey.Tthough it was not directly his fight but he wanted to k now what nthe Lord has to say in the battle he was going to be involve in.  

And so what the Lord had told Isreal through the prophet Jeremiah happened . the country was an empty wasteland for seventy years to make up for the years of Sabbath rest that the people had not kept.
2 Chronicle 36:21
Now, in the first year of Cyrus King of Persia that the word of the Lord spoken by the mouth of Jeremiah might be accomplished, the LORD stirred up the spirit of Cyrus King of Persia, that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom and put it also in writing, saying
Thus saith Cyrus king of Persia , All the kingdom of the earth hath the Lord God of heaven given me; and he hath charged me to build him an house in Jerusalem, which is in Judah……,Vs23
For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven and returneth not thither but waterth the earth and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater,
So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth; it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.
For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace; nthe mountain and hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their haNDS
Instead of thorn shall come up fir tree and instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle tree and it shall be to the Lord for a name, for an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off.

Isaiah 55:13
God’ word is supreme and rule and controls all things. The scripture states that god sustains all things by his power. It means that all men and all things are subjected to God’s power. God spoke through Jeremiah long before King Cyrus came on the scene. In order to God word to be fulfilled,, the bible says that God stirred up the heart of Cyrus to fulfill the word he spoke through Jeremiah.
We must understand that God power is communicated through His Words, either written or Rhema.
The bible says heaven and earth shall pass away but an iota of God’s word will not go unfulfilled. His word must surely come to past as long as we believe in it, declare it body and wait patiently for it manifestation.

During Moses’ first encounter with God, the first vision God gave him was that of leading the people out of Egypt to worship him. God’’ plan was train and empower Moses to lead the people to worhip, serve, reverence him.
But this verses of scripture shows that Moses obviously did not completely success. Truly,, he succeeded him leading the people out of Egypt but obviously he did not lead Egypt out of the, because though the people and Aaron were out of Egypt, they were still ruled and controlled by the Egyptian gods and way of life.
Leaders must learn not to raise followers who follows them but has no relationship with God, because there will be days and season when the leader will be held up like Moses and those who do not know God personally will turn back and turn to idols.
And they said unto Moses, Speak thou with us, and we will hear: but let not God speak with us, lest we die. Exodus 20:19
(I stood between the LORD and you at that time, to shew you the word of the LORD: for ye were afraid by reason of the fire, and went not up into the mount;) saying, Deut 5:5
14 But the word is very nigh unto thee, in thy mouth, and in thy heart, that thou mayest do it. Deut. 30:14
¶ For this commandment which I command thee this day, it is not hidden from thee, neither is it far off.
Isa 45:19
12 It is not in heaven, that thou shouldest say, Who shall go up for us to heaven, and bring it unto us, that we may hear it, and do it?
Ro 10:6-8
13 Neither is it beyond the sea, that thou shouldest say, Who shall go over the sea for us, and bring it unto us, that we may hear it, and do it?
14 But the word is very nigh unto thee, in thy mouth, and in thy heart, that thou mayest do it.
Ro 10:8
15 ¶ See, I have set before thee this day life and good, and death and evil;
De 11:26; 30:1,19
16 In that I command thee this day to love the LORD thy God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commandments and his statutes and his judgments, that thou mayest live and multiply: and the LORD thy God shall bless thee in the land whither thou goest to possess it.
In the Old Testament as recorded in Exodus 20:16-19 and Deut. 5:5, a pattern of ministry, a pattern of relating to God was set and that pattern is still relevant till date. This pattern was not so at the beginning.
In Genesis 1 :1 when God was to carry out a work on earth, (In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.)
 He used three instruments namely: THE HOLY SPIRIT – And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
THE WORD- Let there be light: and there was light.
God ways is still the same, though His methods and instrument He uses may change.
The earth was formless, shapeless and chaotic. It means in present day scenario, the earth was ugly, poor with nothing attractive on the face of the earth. The earth can be liken to a nation ravaged by war, whereby everything was destroyed, building pulled down etc. this was the shape of the earth at the beginning, yet the bible noted that though the earth was in this form, God Spirit was yet moving over it surface. The Scripture states in Ephesians 1 that The holy Spirit is the seal of owner on every believer, He is the seal that we belong to God, He is the mark God has put on us to separate us from the people of the earth, He is evidence that WE BELONG TO God. He is God’s trademark on us. Every product has a trade mark to differentiate it from other products, it has a mark which shows its manufacturer, the Holy Spirit is a mark on every believer to show that we belong to God and that god is our manufacturer.
The Holy Spirit is the very life of God. He is the whole essence of God, He is not just as working force of power as many believe Him to be, He is not a servant who you send on error, even God’s angels are not servants in terms of slaves that you use at your whim, the Bible says they are ministers of fire; ministering spirits who minister to heirs of salvation, but they are servants of the Most High God who do His means that they are servants just as you a a servant of the Most High God.( Bless the LORD, O you his angels, you mighty ones who do his word, hearkening to the voice of his word!
Ps 78:25; 148:2; Mt 6:10; Heb 1:14
21 Bless the LORD, all his hosts, his ministers that do his will!
Ge 32:2; Jos 5:14; Ps 68:17; Da 7:9-10; Heb 1:14
22 Bless the LORD, all his works, in all places of his dominion. Bless the LORD, O my soul! 
Your fellow believers are not your servant Abby, they are fellow heir of salvation, you are all heir of salvation, and they submit to the Christ in you, therefore you must treat, small, big, great, and little with utter respect. None is your servant. Did you see in the bible Christ treating His disciples as servants or slaves, or His disciples treating fellow disciples as servants or slaves?. ANSWER CAPITAL NO!
EVERYTHING CREATED BY God was created by The Holy Spirit and through Him including angels, human, creation and even demons, Lucifer Inclusive. Everything was created by Him and for Him.
 You send forth Your Spirit, they are created; And You renew the face of the earth. Psalm 104:30
15 Until the Spirit is poured upon us from on high, And the wilderness becomes a fruitful field, And the fruitful field is counted as a forest Isaiah 32:15
Also He said to me, "Prophesy to the breath, prophesy, son of man, and say to the breath, 'Thus says the Lord GOD: "Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe on these slain, that they may live."' Ezekiel 33:9
It also shows that it is The Holy Spirit that gives life to anything or any person. 

 Not all who sound religious are really godly people. They may refer to me as Lord, but still wont get to heaven. For the decisive question is whether they obey my father in heaven. At judgment, many will tell me, Lord, Lord, we told others about you and used your name to cast outdemons and to do many other great miracles. But I will reply, You have never been mine. Go away, for your deeds are evil. Matthew 7:21-23
One major demon through which Satan is doing his end time work is the demon of religion and deception. These two demons walk hand in hand. Wherever a demon of religion is, watch very closely, a demon of deception is at his reel. The bible says they have a form of godliness but deny the power therein.
Many people sound religious, supposed men of God but who are agents of Satan sound religious, it means they speak the language of the church but as revealed by the scripture above, they also do the works of the church; they witness, they sing, they give alms, they perform signs and wonders; not in Satan’s name but in the name of our Lord Jesus and they claim and proclaim that he asent them and that they are doing it in his name, but alas, the work they are doing is not authorized by Christ nor His father because they do not have the character of the kingdom. They are not submitted to the prinbciples of the kingdom. The spirit of the kingdom do not rule or control their lives or destiny, they are bastards who claim to be sons of God, of course they believe in the name of our Lord Jesus and that qualifies them to perform wonders in His name, it covers themto do ministry in His name, the name works for them because they are doing His work, but they have no place in God’s kingdom and will not reign with Christ in eternality because they do not obey Christ.
So don’t be deceived
When people are great soul winnings; and are vest in the ministry of evangelism and their churches have the largest number of worshippers in the world.
When they are witnesses of Christ’ prosperity and promotion, and they have huge material blessings.
When they are workers of miracles and perform signs and wonders so that they are known all over the world.
Rather only be impressed if a man exhibits the character of the kingdom; if he manifest the fruit of the Spirit and If He obeys God’s Word and his life is ruled by kingdom principles.

Psalm 19 is a beautiful Psalm which David wrote during a critical season in his life. At this point of his life, his relationship with God was threatened and he needed to do something to preserve the most important relationship.
Psalm 19
The heavens are telling the glory of God; they are a marvelous display of his craftsmanship. Day and night they keep on telling about God. Without a sound or word, silent in the skies, their messages reaches out to the entire world.  The sun lives in heavens where God placed out across the skies as radiant and moves…..
Our Lord Jesus promised in Mark 16:15 that this sign will follow as many who believe and they will be his witness all over the world. He also commanded the disciples to be his witness after the Holy Ghost is come upon them.
In this verses of scripture, non-living thing are also seen witnessing about the majesty of God. The bible says that the heavens tells of his glory, the heavens reflects, reveals his glory, the heaven is a sign of the glory of God. Even the sun in its place of purpose is a witness of the power and majesty of God.
It means if non-living things which are not created in the image and likeness of God can tell of God’s glory, then our lives as believers should be a direct reflection of His majesty. Jesus told his disciples; whosoever has seen Him has seen the father. It means that in Christ Jesus is the fullest of the God-head. God’s holiness, prosperity, glory, power, love is fully reside in Christ. 
The ultimate goal of every believer is to reflect God’s glory and power. When men see us, they should know God’s character, His holiness, His purity and of course His glory.

Also this verse of scripture also opens our eyes to the uniqueness of God’s creation. If we observe the sun, moon, stars we will notice that they are different in appearance, just as their purposes differs. They are all light, in the sky but there purpose in the heavens differs just as their appearance differs. And each one fulfills purpose and complements one another without strive, conflict or trying to outdo each other.
Likewise trees in the forest, they are commonly called trees, and are all located in the forest but they differ in medicinal value just as their appearances differ.
God put as food for man, but their nutritional value differs, yet they are fulfilling God’s purpose. As many as they are, they all have different purpose, some many have similar purpose but they will be different in appearance.
As believer, each man has a specific, definite purpose in God ‘kingdom. The onion lies on us to discover purpose and fulfill it.

Almost everyman greatly used by God in the bible had a problematic marriage or family life.- STUDY.
KNOWING God’S word.
It is essential that Christians know God’s word. The bible states that my people perish because they lack knowledge. When Joshua was to start ministry after the demise of Moses, God gave him different keys but one of the most important keys is contained in Joshua 1:8.
After the death of Moses, the servant of the lord, it came to past that the lord spoke to Joshua the son of Nun, Moses’s assistant, saying “Moses my servant is dead, now, therefore arise, go over this Jordan, 
you and all these people to the land, I am giving them-children of Israel. Everywhere that thye sole of your foot  will tread upon, I have given youy, as I said to Moses, from the widerness and this lebeanon as far as the great river, the River Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and to the Great Sea toward the goping down of the sun, shall be your territory.
No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life, as I was with moses, so I will

The name of father Abramham was the first in thew genealogy of our Lord Jesus and the natural question you want to ask as a sensible believer is why?
Genesis 17:1-1-14
When Abram was 99 years old, God appeared to Him and told him, I am the Almighty; obey me and live as you should. I will prepare a contract between us, guaranteeing to make you into a mighty nation……… I am changing your name. it is no longer Abram (Exalted Father),  , but ‘Abramham’  (for that is what you will be. I have declared it.-I will give you millions of descendants who will form many nations. Kings will be among your descendants. And I will continue this agreement between us generation after generation, forever, for it shall be between me and your children as well. It is a contract that I shall be your God and the god of your posterity.
The appearance of Abraham name in Matt. 1 began here where God entered a covenant with him to be His God and that of his children forever. God entered an eternal covenant with him that covers all generations and all ages, this qualifies Abraham to appear at the beginning of our Lord Jesus beginning.
More so, Abraham kept the terms of covenant, the term of covenant is located in Gen. 17:1- I am Almighty, obey me and live as you should. Obedience was the key, obedience was Abraham qualification, and obedience was his responsibility. And because he obeyed god as long as he lived, God is bound to fulfill His end of the Covenant.
Obeying God is equated to worshipping him as showed in 1 Samuel 15:22
Samuel replied, Has the Lord as much pleasure in your burnt offerings and sacrifices as in your obedience? Obedience is better than sacrifice. He is much more interested in your listening to him than in your offering the fat of rams to him.
Obeying God is also equated with loving him as shown in John15:9
I have loved you even as the Father has loved me. Live within my love. When you obey me you are living in my love, just as I obey my Father.
Loving God is not just about singing loving song to him, the ultimate test that we love him is our desire and willingness to obey him and live our lives to further His course. Our Lord Jesus had this claim about one of the churches in Revelation, they were living their lives in accordance to Satan course. Thjey were believers but their lives were patterned after Satan’s design. 
Loving God means obeying Him.Obedience to God word is more important than our sacrifices, or giftings. Some believers offered service to God in Matt 7. They performed a lot of miracles in Jesus name and they assumed that qualifies them for an eternal relationship with God, this was Jesus answer to them.
“For the decision question is wheteher they obey my Father who is in heaven.  
1 timothy 1 says “even though I was once a blasphemer a persecutor and a violent man, I was shown mercy because I acted in ignorance and 
Ephesians 2 verse3 says “” all of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our sinful nature and following its dsire and thoughts, like  rest we were by nature objects of wrath. But because of his great love for us, God who is rich in mecry made us alive in Christ even when we were dead in transgression. It is by grace you have been saved.
NUGGET: PERSONALITY OF GOD- God is rich in mercy.
The bible says whilke we were yet sinners the Lord Jesus Christ died for us, so that we can be saved. If sinners should be judged by their works and altitudes, none of them would be saved. If xtians were to be judged by their formal deeds, no one is worthy to call upon the name of the Lord. Though man acts in ignorance but the Lord god has created man with a conscience to know the difference between wrong and good and the nLord God also created man with a WILL to choose right, but man acting in ignorance and unbelief as 1 Tim. 1:13 says man continue in sin. There is no one saved in the Lord Jesus that is saved because of the righteous life he or she was living. Everyone saved in the Lord Jesus and that will ever be saved in the lord Jesus is saved because they are living a sinful life contrary to the will and commands of God. Everyone is saved because they are under the control of the devil, disobedient to the command of God. This is why mankind needs the Lord and the reason the lord died for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of the Almighty God and are justified freely by grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. God presented Him as a sacrifice atonement through faith in his love.
God is just and treat everyone with fairness, either believers or unbelievers
The lord Almighty is not partial. He does not respect anyman, he treats everyman equally, with the same stardard as contained in His word. He does not bend Hios rules for anyman. Romans 3:25-26.
Therefore the bible shows in Romans 3:26 that evertyone has sinned and fall short of the stardard of God. Even in the Old Testament, men were not saved by their righteousness, though the lord used the law to help men to be saved, so that any who obeyed the commands of God can escape the judgemnet of God. But there was no one that could completely or perfectly obeyed the command of God.
Therefore the Lord in His infinite mercy still savedthem, though their righteousness fall below His stardared and estimate. Thereforer in the past and present no one can be saved by his own righteousness which is a far cry from the righteousness of God and that the devil accusses man before God that the Lord is partial in his dealing with man compared to the dealing of the Lord with Him, and his angels. 
Thus the lord introduced the law to help man meet up with his stardard. The Lord reveals the stardard of righteousness of thrLord. But even then with the law man could not meet up with the stardrad of the Lord. Remewmber in the law, that the mercy of the Lord was there, in that  
there are two realms in the universal namely the physical and the spiritual ;  there are two kinds of being namely human who can see and the spirits who are unseen and there two planet namely the heaven and earth and they have huge significance to man.
 Man is both a physical and a spirit being, this is why man can both operate in the physical and spiritual realm and also have significance in heaven and earth.
Matt. 6:10 says your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. This shows that the will, purpose, desire of God which is also the kingdom of God is alkready accomplished in heaven but there is need for it to be accomplished on earth.
This takes us to the issue of rthe Lamb that was slain before the creation of the earth but took millions of years later  to be slained on earth. In essence, the bible says the lord Jesus  who is the lamb of God had already been slained before the creation of the earth, just as God had Already predestiuned Adam or man to be adopted as his sons through oure Lord Jesus. The Lamb had been slained long before it he manifested on earth.
This shows a very important phenomenon that before any action takes place in the physical that action has alrewady been perfected in the spirit realm- meaning the spiritual controls the physical. 
Formerly Satan was in heaven accussing the soons of god, but the bible says that Satan was drove out
Amraphel, king of Shamar, Arioch, king of Eliasar, Chedorlaomer, king of Elam and Tidal, king of Goiim, fought against Bera, king of Sodom……. When Abram learnt that Lot had been captured, he called together  the men born into his household 318 of them all and cahsed after the retiring army as far as Dan. That night he successfullty attacked them and piuusued the fleeing army to Hobah, north of Damascus and recovered everything-loot that had been taken, his relative Lot and all of Lot’s possession, including the women and other captives,, Genesis 14:1, 14-15
Four kings fought against five kings and defeated them and carter away with their possession, Lot inclusive who was staying in Sodom as this time,
When Abram heard about it he rose to help  Lot with some men. The following lessons are lerant from this event.
Abram soilder consist of men born into his household. One, this shows that Abram was very rich to have 318 workers working for him, not just working for him, thatr were born into his household.  God is a rich God, financial and otherwise, we don’t adequately represent him when we are poor.
Spiritual Poverty
I know how much you suffer for the lord ( thy works and tribulation) and I know all about your poverty ( but you have heavenly riches) I know the slander of those opposing you, who say that they are Jews- the children of God- but they aren’t, for they support the cause of Satan ( Yet I have this against you, you are permitting that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess to teach my servants that sex is not a serious sin……. I am he who searches deep within men’s hearts, and minds; I will give to each of you whatever you deserve- Rev. 2:20 ;) (Note this I will force those who are supporting the causes of Satan while claiming to be mine (but they aren’t- they are lying Rev. 3:9). Revelation 2:9
Now I want to tell you what God in his grace has done for the churches in Macedonia. Though they have been going through much trouble and hard times, they have mixed their wonderful joy with their deep poverty and the result has been an overflow of giving to others. 2 Corinthians 8:1-2
I know you well-you are neither hot nor cold; I wish you were one or the other1 but since you are merely lukewarm, I will spit you out of my mouth. You say, ‘I am rich, with everything I want, I don’t need a thing! And you don’t realize that spiritually you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked, my advice to you is to buy pure gold from me, gold purified by fire-only then will you truly be rich. And to purchase from me white garments, clean and pure, so you won’t be naked and ashamed; and to get medicine from me to heal your eyes and give you back your sight. I continually discipline and punish everyone I love, so I must punish you, unless you turn from your indifference and become enthusiastic about the things of God. Rev. 3:15-19
Poverty is defined as a state of want, inadequacy. To be poor is to lack wealth, lacking basic needs, inferior in quality and quantity.
Just as a man can be poor financially and materially, a man can also be poor spiritually. Jesus Christ our Lord met a rich young man who asked Him a very important question that everyone must continue to ask as we await the arrival or return of our Lord Jesus- what good thing do I need to do to inherite of have eternal life?
Our Lord commended Him for asking this crucial question- the   pertinent question of eternal life. It shows that God’s Spiirt was working in the heart of this young mna, because the bible says no one can come to God except God Himself calls Him. It is when the Spiirt stirs up a mna’s life that such is concern about eternality. The young man was appreciated because he cared about doing good fo inheriting eternal life.
But after our Lord corrected Him, he set him right- he showed that we do not inherite eternal life by doing good because no one can gain eternal life by his own good works- so Our Lord said, it is only God that is good, no man is good.
But He showed him the way to eternal life-If thou will keep the commandments.  A lot of people believe that faith in Christ Jesus is the key to eternal life, that we inherite  eternal life byu faith in Christ jesus, this is true, we only have accessto God’s forgiveness and life by faith in Christ our Savior, but that is just the beginning of life without end, we must go further and add to our faith-obedience to God’s word. The young man believed in Jesus Christ our Savior that was why he came to him, he believe that Jesus our lord knows the way to eternal life , so he came to Him. 
Just as shown Matt.7:21, some set of people believed in Christ Jesus and performed signs in his name, they healed the such, raised the dead and did awesome deeds in His name yet Christ our Savior denied them access into heaven because while they were on earth, their lives was not submitted to Him, rather they pleased the flesh rather than please Him.
This young man was rich financially but he was not willingly to pay the price to be rich spiritually. Our Lord told Him sell all you have and follow me but he refuse because He was afraid to lose his wealth because he was very rich, but he was ignorant because he did not know that whosoever forsake houses ect for Christ will receive hundred fold more on earth and still inherit eternal life. God has not called us to a life of lack and suffering, we may be persecuted and slander because we belong to him but we will not lack because He is our Shepherd, more so, the righteous will not be forsaken nor His children beg for bread.
 A man is poor spiritually if he lacks basic Christian virtue and character. 
The Corinthians Church were rich in spiritual gifting and passion for the things of God, were they rich spiritually. What does it mean to be rich spiritually?
Yet I know how much you suffer for the lord (thy works and tribulation) and I know all about your poverty (but you have heavenly riches).
The Book of Revelation 1-3 was Christ letter to the Church, the Church refers to the saints, those who believe in Christ and have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ our Savior.
they were poor and lacked. The question is why will a believing who is serving the greatest and richest Being in the whole universe be poor and go without when King David said, I was young and now I am Old but I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his children begging bread and Psalm 23:1 says the lord is our shepherd we shall not want. Lord, why were these precious Saints heavenly rich but earthly poor. Is it that one cannot be earthly rich and be heavenly rich at the same time?
And I pray for your good fortune in everything you do and for your good health-that your everyday affairs prosper as well as your soul. 3 John3
The above scriptures show that God ordained prosperity, good health and soul growth for every believer. Everything our Lord Jesus enjoyed, you can also enjoy because our savior is the first born and every other child of God is joint heir with Him and should enjoy what Christ enjoyed.
You must understand that Apostle Paul’s letter was 
 to real people who were in the process of growth and had their own challenges just as the Corinthians Church had their own challenges. The challenges of each church differs one from another because they were in different stages of spiritual maturity and of course knowledge of God.
Also the early child had a mindset that Christ return was in their generation; therefore they concentrated more on building heavenly riches than earthly riches.
You know unless your heart is open to receive God’s financial blessing, you may never experience it, God will only give you what you believe Him especially when it comes to prosperity.
Knowing the correct password-saying ‘Master, ‘Master for instance-isn’t going to get you anywhere with me. What is required is serious obedience-doing what my Father wills. I can see it now-at the Final jugdement thousands strutting up to me and saying, Master, we preached the message , we bashed the demons, our God-sponsored projects had everyone talking. And do you know what I will say? Ypu missed the boat. All you did was use me to make youyrselves important. You don’t impress me on bit. You are out of here.
Don’t bargain with God . be direct. Ask for what you need. This isn’t a cat and mouse, hide and seek game, we’re in. if your child asks for bread, do you trick him with sawdust? If he asks for fish, do you scare him with a live snake on his plate? As bad as you are, you wouldn’t think of such a thing. You’re at least decent to your own children, so don’t you think the god who conceived you in love will be  even better.
Don’t look for short-cuts to God. The market is flooded with surefire, easygoing formulas for a successful life that can be practiced in your spare time. Don’t fall for tha stuff, even though crowd of people do. The way to life-to God-is vigorous and requires total attention.
Be wary of false preachers who smile a lot, dripping with practiced sincerity. Chances are they are out to ripo you off some way or other. Don’t be impressed with charisma; look for character. Who preachgers are is the main thing, not what they say. A genuine preacher will never exploit your emotions or your pocket-book. These diseased trees with their bad apples are going to be chopped down and burned.
These words I speak to you are not incidental additions to your life, homeowner improvements to your standard of living. Thsy are foundational words, words to build a life on. If you work these words into your life, you will be like a smart carpenter who built his house on solid rock. Rain poured down, the river flooded, a tornado hit-but nothing moved that house. It was fixed to the rock.
But if you just use my words in Biblke studies and don’t work them into your life, you are like a studip carpenter…,. Matt 7:7-27
Knowing the correct password-saying ‘Master, ‘Master for instance-isn’t going to get you anywhere with me. What is required is serious obedience-doing what my Father wills. I can see it now-at the Final jugdement thousands strutting up to me and saying, Master, we preached the message , we bashed the demons, our God-sponsored projects had everyone talking. And do you know what I will say? Ypu missed the boat. All you did was use me to make youyrselves important. You don’t impress me on bit. You are out of here.
There is a common saying that nyou don’t know a man untilhr opens his mouth- in essence, a man word will categoriese him. Bu there our Lord Jesus said trha a man’s word may not necessary tell us the true character ofbteh man.
Knowing the correct password
Our lord showed that there is a pass word in God’s kingdom  for working woth Christ and doing the work of the ministry. Though our lord Jesus is our brother , we must also recognize tha he is our Master and we are His servants. Just nas He is our savior, He is also our God, therefore he is our master and we are his servants,  If Christ is our mastor, then we lkive fo him strictly and be ready trod op His will at all times,

Then it came to past in the third year that King Jehoshaphat the king of Judah went down to visit the king of Isreal……so he said to Jehoshaphat “will you go with me to fight at Ramoth Gilead?
Jehoshaphat said to the King of Isreal, Ï am as you are,my people is your people, my horses as your horses. Also Jehoshaphat said to the King of Isreal, “Please inquire of the Lord today”……..
And Jehoshaphat said, Ïs there not still a prophet of the Lord here, that we may inquire of Him.
King Jehosphata almost ended his life before old age because he entered alliance with the wrong person or he trusted the wrong person.  He entered relationship with a man who was rebellious to God without course and that relationship caused him the lives of his sons and even alsmost end the godly dynasty his father King David built. He entered an alliance with king Ahab. “but rich, popular King Jehoshaphat of Judah made a marriage alliance for his son with the daughter of King Ahab of Isreal. 2 Chronicle 18:1….when Jehosphat died, he was buried in the cememtry of the kings in Jerusalem, and his son Jehoram became the new ruler of Judah. His brothers-other sons of Jehosphat –were Azariah, Jehiel, zechariah, Azariah, Michael, and Shephatiah. Their father had given each of them valuable gifts of money and jewels, also the ownership of some fortied cities of Judah. However, he gave the kingship to Jehoram because he was the oldest, but when Jewhoram had become solidly established as king, he killed all of his brothers and many other leaders of Isreal. He was wicked as the kings who were in Israel. Yes, as wicked as Ahab, for Jehoram had married one of the daughters of ahab and his own life was one constant binge of doing evil. 2 Chronicle 21:1-6. What started as a simple marital relationship of in- law between two kings ended with the son of Jehosphat killing his brothers and Isreal leader. We must be very careful who will enter alliance with; we must be careful to seek God’s face in every aspect of our lives.
Jehoram married the daughter of Jezebel and King Ahab. He married a woman whose mother was dedicated and a high priest of Baal. A woman who killed the prophets of God and turn the people of Israel to Idolatry. 
Truly his assessement of JKing Ahab in is true but he was seeing King Ahab through his own life and not through the Spirit of God. 
We need the Holy Spirit in our relationship with people either believer of unbeliever. King Ahab was anointed by God just as King Jehoshaphat; he was a descendant of King David and of course a seed of Abraham. But he had done wickedly to the covenant at this stage of his reign. He hads left  the living God to worship Baal and even led his subject to do the same. At this stage of his life, he was separated from God and did not qualify for God’s help. I guess heb realized his true state that was why he required the help of someone who was still connected to the living God, knowing He cannot survive on his own.
King Jehoshaphat assumed that King Ahab was still in tune with God and was ready to help him fight his enemy. We must understand we cannot defeat the enemy that the Lord himself allows to win. In the first instance, syrai was incited against Isreal because of the waywardness. This is further emphasized with king Jehoshaphat’ victory against three nations, he won not because of the uniqueness of hois weapon, he won because God helped.
King Jehoshaphat obviously had a relationship with God because He enquired of the Lord before embarking on the journey.Tthough it was not directly his fight but he wanted to k now what nthe Lord has to say in the battle he was going to be involve in.  

And so what the Lord had told Isreal through the prophet Jeremiah happened . the country was an empty wasteland for seventy years to make up for the years of Sabbath rest that the people had not kept.
2 Chronicle 36:21
Now, in the first year of Cyrus King of Persia that the word of the Lord spoken by the mouth of Jeremiah might be accomplished, the LORD stirred up the spirit of Cyrus King of Persia, that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom and put it also in writing, saying
Thus saith Cyrus king of Persia , All the kingdom of the earth hath the Lord God of heaven given me; and he hath charged me to build him an house in Jerusalem, which is in Judah……,Vs23
For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven and returneth not thither but waterth the earth and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater,
So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth; it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.
For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace; nthe mountain and hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their haNDS
Instead of thorn shall come up fir tree and instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle tree and it shall be to the Lord for a name, for an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off.

Isaiah 55:13
God’ word is supreme and rule and controls all things. The scripture states that god sustains all things by his power. It means that all men and all things are subjected to God’s power. God spoke through Jeremiah long before King Cyrus came on the scene. In order to God word to be fulfilled,, the bible says that God stirred up the heart of Cyrus to fulfill the word he spoke through Jeremiah.
We must understand that God power is communicated through His Words, either written or Rhema.
The bible says heaven and earth shall pass away but an iota of God’s word will not go unfulfilled. His word must surely come to past as long as we believe in it, declare it body and wait patiently for it manifestation

Then someone told David, saying, "Ahithophel is among the conspirators with Absalom." And David said, "O LORD, I pray, turn the counsel of Ahithophel into foolishness!"
2 Samuel 15:31 ¶
The Believer is surrounded by enemies because we are in the world but not of the world. Ephesians 6:12 says that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but unseen forces of darkness and this unseen forces have been defeated by our Lord Jesus Christ but we need to claim this victory through prayers and faith. These forces use human machineries to speak and attack us at strategic moments secretly. King David was in such a moment- his son Absalom overthrown him as king and his former counselor and in-law who served him but secretly had a grudge against him was waiting for an opportunity to revenge the death of his former son in-law Uriah.
Praise God, He raised a helper for King David in his moment of need and exposed the plans of the enemy before it was hatched. 
2Sa 16:23; 17:14,23; Ps 3:1-2; 55:12
Father, thank you because you are my defender and my ever present help in times of need.  Oh God, who knows the thoughts of all creatures, expose the evil thoughts and plans of my enemies and turn their counsel and plans to failure. 
God shall hide me in the secret place of His presence from the plots of man; I shall be kept secretly in a pavilion from the strife of tongues. Psalm 31:20

 Now it happened when David had come to the top of the mountain, where he worshiped God-there was Hushai the Archite coming to meet him with his robe torn and dust on his head.
 David said to him, "If you go on with me, then you will become a burden to me.
 "But if you return to the city, and say to Absalom, 'I will be your servant, O king; as I was your father's servant previously, so I will now also be your servant,' then you may defeat the counsel of Ahithophel for me. 2 Samuel 15:32-34

Proverbs 4:7
Wisdom is the principal thing, therefore get wisdom, and  with all thy getting, get understanding. 
Wisdom is so important in the life of a believer that in Proverbs 8, wisdom was boasting that He was beside god when god was forming the earthg. It means that our Father formed creature with wisdom and if he formed creatures with wisdom, then we need wisdom utmost. 
King David was forced with a situation that a simple-minded man would have chosen the option of Hushei staying with him rather than returning to the palace.
Hushei voluntaried to stay with King David and staying with David will increase his army.
There is the fear that Hushei may become disloyal and turn against David as Ahitophel did.
By telling Hushei he will be a burden to him, Hushei may see it as rejection and be offended.
Lastly, David could have accepted Hushei suggestion so as not top offend him
But the Wisdom of God is superior than logic. I prefer the godly wisdom that King David expressed, his own wisdom lead hiom closer to God while Solomon’ wisdom which made him the richest and most famous king of all tiumes in Israel laedf him to idolatry and women.
Hushei came to King David in a period of crisis when David was at a low ebb of his destiny aand pledged his allegiance to david by asking to stay with him in exile.
The humanly decision to make at that time was for David to appreciate Hushei- a man who was willing to follow his leader at a difficult time when othger were deserting him and even judging him.
But instead of giving in to sentiment God wisdom rose in King davids and he made the right decision.
May God give you a bold heart and a quick mouth to say Yes or No at the asppropiate time. May he help you overlook the fera of offence and even sentiment and do the right thing at the right time. May we listen when wisdom reckons and obey against all pressure.

 "And do you not have Zadok and Abiathar the priests with you there? Therefore it will be that whatever you hear from the king's house, you shall tell to Zadok and Abiathar the priests.
 "Indeed they have there with them their two sons, Ahimaaz, Zadok's son, and Jonathan, Abiathar's son; and by them you shall send me everything you hear."
 So Hushai, David's friend, went into the city. And Absalom came into Jerusalem.
2 Samuel 15:35-36
No man is an Island, God fashioned mankind in such a way that we will need each other in the race of life. As believers we need God ordained relationships to help us in times of  dire need. Every man will have a storm or two as he fulfills destiny, but it is a huge blessings when you nhave covenant friends who caqn help you break your storm. King David had Zadok, Abiathar, Ahimaaz, Jonathan and Hushai who watched his back and fought for his case in his absence.
2Sa 16:15-16; 1Ch 27:33, 2Sa 19:35, 2Sa 16:19, 2Sa 17:15-16, 2Sa 15:27

Lord raise helpers of destiny for me in strategic places. Send me help whenever and wherever I need help.

2 Samuel 16
God should make our hearts like that of lion which does not melt in the face of challenges.

2 Samuel 16:10
Lord, make us mighty men made mighty by your power and surround us with loyal, valiant men.

2 Samuel 16:11
Lord, may we not follow wrong counsels esp. counsels that appear to our vanity.

2 Samuel
Genesis 14:11
Now Kedorlaomer and his armies took everything the people of Sodom and Gomorrah owned, including their food. They took lot, Abram’s nephew who was living in Sodom and everything he owned. Then they left.
The hristian life is lived by faith and God’s leading. No Christian can afford to live without these two essential ingredients- faith in God and His leading. Lot was Abram’s nephew but obviously he did not had an intimate relationship with Abram’s God, unlike Abram’s servant Elizade who called on Abram’s god for help in the day of trouble.
He sojourn ed in Sodombecause itb appeared pleasing to his sight, he did not consult Abram at that time. But at that time, Sodom looked pleasing but it was a cursed land, a place where God was waiting for their sins to be full before they were destroyed. Sodom was a place ear marked by God for destruction, but beacause Lot did not seek the counsel of God he settled in Sodom.
In the time of war, he was enslaved with his family but he did not see the danger sign because he was not sensitive in the spirit, until he lost everyrhing including his wife in Sodom and by then it was too late.
 We must be sensitive to sitruations around us most especially we must always seek the leading of the Holy Spirit at all times.
Lord, please help me to always seek divine counsel in every of my endeavours. Lord may I not be wrongly located. Place me in the right location every time. Father, please may I not suffer with the wicked because of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The lord is my shepherd, he leads me in the paths that are right for the good of His name. Even when I wlk through a very dark valley, I will not be afraid , because you are with me, your rod and staff comfort me.  Psalm 23:3-4. NCV

One of the men who was not captured went to Abram, the Hebrew and told him what happened. Gen. 14:13

Everyman needs help in stratewgy time and place. Go d is our ever present help in times of trouble and specializes in ensuring that the remanent will always help our destiny. God ensured that one of the men who was not captured was the one who knew Abram, the Hebrew and could go to him, if not for God’s help lot and his familt would have been wasted.
Lord raise help for us in strategy place and time and let our helpers of destiny response to your prompting when we need help.
God is our refuge and present help in times of refuge. 

Abram camped near the great trees of Mamre the Amorites. Mamre was a brother of Eshcol and Aner, and they had all made an agreement to help Abram. Gen.14:13b
No man is an Island, we all need help in our pursuit of vision and sometimes, those help may come in the form of unbelievers, our mindset must be renewed to accommodate help from people outside our fold because God promised that the wealrthg of Gentiles shall be ours, it means God will use gentlies to help us as he used them to help Abram.

Lord renew our minds so that we will work in line with your thoughts and plan. And raise help for us in all place, bring paretners that will help us achieve your purpose for us in Jesus name.

This is my season of Learning, studying, and grooming. I must be extremely patient. David was in King Saul’s palace to learn, Jacob was in the sheep pen of Laban to study, Joseph was in Potiphar’ Home to grow.
David was anointed as King at age seventeen or there about, but ascend the throne at age thirty. There is a common saying that God is not a blind promoter. In the Book of Timothy Apostle Paul said we should not anoint a new convert as a pastor-in essence in leadership position so that they will not brcome proud. Truly, god uses the avalaible and always want us to come as we are and also learn at the job but biblical examples shows God mindset for bringing a man into a leadership position, God calls them, anoint them and prepare them for their assignment.
Jeremiah was ordained as a prophet to the nations from his mothers womb, he only started operating in his calkling and office when he was grown up. God shows us his plans ahead of time or manifestation to give us a focus and allow cooperation for preepafration, if you know where you are going, getting there will be easier.
Like Joseph he had to leave the comfort of his father’s bosom to get to his ultimate. God showed him nhis ultimate of leadership but first he must leave his father where the best he can be is an errasnd  boy for his father.
He was orgdained to be a leader but his father obviously cannot teach hi snational leadeshjip skill but he was always a family and relationshgip man anmd had no dealings in leadership. Israel could not manage his household effectively, so ob viously he was lackiung in leadership skills.
So Joseph was called at seven teen to be a national administrator, therefore God orchestrated eventsa whiuch will forcibly take him out of Jacob caren because Isreal would not have willingly nrelease Joseph to gain essential qualitietes and skill needed to fulfill his destiny.
Lastly and the most important, our Lord Jesus was called anointed even before conception for his ppurpose , he undergo various training under his heavenly father and earthyly father for his divine assignment. Though he was called before he birth, he still went thgrough a season of preparation before he started his ministry.
Apostle Paul of the nNew estament church woth a supernatural ccallimg, stayed in Arabi slearning under the power of the Holy Ghost befor he gabve to Jerusalewm to begin his ministry. 
A lot of believer wants to be used by God; they are called by God, anointed by Him but very few wait through the season of preparation for such men. Men like Saul who obviously was not prepared for the throne, , mess up because of lack of preparation.
A season of preparation allows you tp deve;op necessary skills, character  to become all God has ordained for you. It also allows you to discern and practice the act of discerning good from evil through constant practice.
In a season of preparation the following happens.
1. You clarify your calling and commission.  Moses knew around early thirty or forty that he will be involved in the  deliverance of Israelites from Egypt but he was impatience, he did not finish his training before he started executing his ministry, he was almost killed and his calling would have been unfulfilled. If Pharaoh had caught him when he killed the Egyptians, he would have been killed.
He was isolated and stationed in Median for another forty years to prepare him for the calling and purpose of God for His life. During this period he got specifics about his calling and assignment; he had learnt the art of hard-work etc.
2. It allows you to develop necessary skills, knowledge and gifting for your calling or career. It is a period of learning all you can of your given field. During this period you interact and make relationship that will help your chosen career or calling
3. it’s a period to develop consistency and resilience for your ultimate in life. He allows you to make mistakes without the crowd criticizing . he that is prepared to succeed will surely find it easier to succeed than he who is not prepared..

Truly, we cant see God with our physical eyes, but his works reveals His person. We are I n a generation whereby men do not kbnow who the true God is ; there is confusion everywhere, peril at every doorsteps, no nation is excepted, no homje has 100% guarantee that evil will not touch their homes because as Isaiah 28 reveals the world and its people are in the hands of a evil ruler, the only way out is the staqtement spoken in I Samuel 18:14…and David behaved himself wisely in all his ways; and the Lord was with him.. ..
In verse 13 of the same chapter, the bible says:
Therefore Saul removed him from him and made him his captain over one thousand and he went out and came in before the people.
This statement stryck a chord in my mind because david left the king’s presence for the presence of the people yet he still prospered.
Sometimes in life we consciously and unconsciously reasons that we aree successful because of the relationships, connection and the people we know. We feel they arew the reason for our progress. As one man of God and women of God believes, they normally say that the men around them are blessed people of them, meaning those men have no right to God’s blessing on their own rather God chose to bless these individuals who surrounds them for their own sake.
The bible says king Saul thrust David outside his presence, he forced him out and you will expect the blessings and victory in David life to stop because he had been disconnected from an anointed man of God.
David was sent out of Saul presence to the people yet the prospered abnd did well in everything he was involved in-the secret was revealed in verse 14-God was with him.
God with us is all we need in life to become our best, god with us is our insurance and reinsurance. The book of Daniel says those who know their god shall be strong and do exploits.
The same scenario was reported in Genesis 39: Potiphar saw that the Lord was with Joseph and that the Lord made Joseph prospers in everything he did.

Matthew 5:1
Jesus taught them. Unless you teach men they don’t know what they should know, teaching them helps them to know. Go and teach my people about me and muy ways.

Everyman is ignorant in one area or the other. The only Supreme Being who is all-knowing and omniscience is god, He knows all things and created all things.
Therefore for men to know about an issue, they must be taught. Every child is born blank in knowledge, they don’t know anything except what they know intuitively. Every baby learns the norm and culture of the society they are born into, this why why though all babies cry and dhave certain behavioural pattern, the attitude, different knowledge and account of who God is and most times, this account is wrong and very far from the truth. We must teach new convert about the true knowledge of God and his ways.
The word of God is the change agent, it helps change the wrong mindset of a believer. One way to believe like God is to behave like the word. The word will change uis, heal us  and save us if will allow the word tro work in our lives.
The bible sats He send his word and healed them and delivered them from all theuir troubles. God never works out the confine of Hos eword. God is bound by His word, he allows Hos word to control him
So Jesus taught the people because Hde only knew that is one of the easiesrt ans simple way of knowing God and his ways.
Jesus taught the people because he wanted them to know abot God and Himl this is why he says :thois ewho knows their God shall be strong and do exploit.

Afte4r ward he lived another 300 years in fellowship with God . genesi 5:21

So Abram and his wife Sarai went to live in Egypt for a while ‘but just before they got there, he said ‘Sarai you are really beautiful. When the Egyptians see how lovely you are, they will murder me because I am your husband, But they will not kill you. Please save my life by saying that you are my sister. Genesis 12:12-13
A woman is gicven to a man to save his life, God does not expect any of his children to live for themselves, instead we must learn to live for others.
A woman is given specifically as an help meet, she is meant to be a helper to the man’s destiny.
Abrah embarked on na journey of faith, all he had was the divine instruction, sarai had to leave behind her family, friends and everything fdamiliar, she left the cfomforts and npleasure behind to follow God’s plan for the nlife of her husband., 
Yet, she did the miraculous, she did not complained for once; she never questioned the decision of Abraham her husband, she never doubted his leadership, she never murmured when it seem, the decision of her husband exposed her to ridicule and danger, she never voiced complain, she obeyed her husband without questioning, even when he asked her to do something degrading to her dignity as a woman, she obeyed him and god took up and delkivered her and her husband because of her submission without complain
We don’t obey opur husbands because it is convenient or the trendy thing to do, our submission to our spouse his de4cision is birthed by the Word nof God. God said wives submit to your husband as the church submits to Christ,
The church submits to Christ out of reverence for Him, they trust hius decisions as backed by God and know it is for their own good,
Even when Sarah husband made a decision that exposed her to ridicule, God stood up for her and enriched her family financially through her submission to Christ. We must learn to do the same to our spouse. Sarah obedience and testimony made it easier for Rebecca to do the same to Sarah’s son, Sarah sowed the seed of submission, her son Isaac harvested it when he needed help. 
We submits as obedience to God and not because our spouse actions deserves oiur obedience.
A woman who is an hekp meet must be all these and more to her spouse. Our lives as a woman was ordained by god to help our spouse. God configured and has put in uis the virtues needed to help our family become all that god has ordained for them.
The power of influence we possess is meant to bring positive change to humanity; it is never meant to be a minuis in their lives. We are sent to sacrificially preserve their lives, to selflessly serve them and even when they are obviously wrong, to correct them with meekness . 
Should a woman obey her husband when he ask her to act or take actions contrary to the Will of God
Ananias and Sapphira’s comes to mind in Acts 5. The story instructs that god does not expect a woman to obey her husband when in wrong. Ananias decided he was going to decive the Apostles. He promised to givbe all the proceed from the selling of his property to God but later he allowed the enemy to decive him and he decided to keep some part of the proceed to himself. God judged him, but God gave the wife an opportunity to decline the suggestions from her husband. But instead of speaking the truth, she showed by her lie that it was an agreement between her And her husband to deceive God.
The story of Abigail and Nabal is another case of a wife not obeying her husband when he incites her to sin or do wrong. David asked Nabal for help and Nabal showed by his action that he believed the story King Saul was spreading about that David- of David wanting to overthrow him as King. Because King Saul said the women were rating David higher than in battle, and that very soon, they may want to give him the throne. But Abigail, Nabal wivews did not support the ungodly decision of her husband. Rather she was proactive to defend her family from the sword of David and her actions preserved her family. But God stood up for her and defended her by taking the source of her pains away, Nabal. God will always defend a woman who is truly submissive to her husband. But a rebellious woman opens herself up to many danger.
“The King was good to Abram because of Sarai; and Abram was given sheep, cattle, donkeys, slaves and camels”
Genesis 12:16
The Book of proverbs says “he that findeth a wife, finds a good thing and obtains favour from God. A woman is ordained to be an addition and bring increase to a man’s life and destiny. Its an abnormality for a man to get married and begin ti decrease. This is not from God and not intended by God. The scripture state that the king was good too Abram because of Sarai and he gave him richess. This is God’s plan that a mna increases in every ramifications after marriage because he has connected to a helper that ios suitable for his need. Marriage is ordained by god to be a blessing to both parties, not a curse. Never mind Christians who preach that marriage is a burden.
Ýou are better off having a friend than to be alone, because trhen you will get more enjoyment out of what you earn. If you fall, your friend can help you up. But if you fall without having a friend nearby, you are really in trouble. If you nsleep alone, yopu wont have anyone to keep you warm in a cold night. Someone might be able to beat you, one of you, but not both of you, as the saying goes, a rope made from three strands of cord is hard to break.
Eccl. 4:9-12
Marriage was created by God to be a blessing, it is a partnership created by God to fulfill divine mandate. Even god, the Almighty does not work alone, He has His Son and the hoily dspirit working with Him and even His angels. In the same light, marriage is ordained to be a blessing not a curse and some Christians see marriage as hard-work because they try to manage this institution by human efforts and stardard,
God constituted marriage  and can only be run successfully by His principle, power and guidance. It takes divine help for two naturally selfish person to live for each other successfully. Every human is naturally selfish, even Christians do not lose their selfishness at the New Birth.. it takes continually working of the Holy Spirit 
For believers to lose their naturally 

Let the Bible be its own interpreyter. Do not seek or give any private interpretation to the Bible.. also let the bible be the interpreyter for dreams and visions

The revelations of Jesus Christ which God gave unto him to shew unto his servants things whiuch must shortly come to past and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John.

The message from God given to our Lord Jesus Christ is always pure and undiluted, then tramitted to His angel in the same state. But the dilution comes alays when it is tramitted to His ser4vant who has to use the limited words and phrases bin mind to communicate what he receives in his spirit. The Holy Spirit has to use the available woprds and phrases and even vocubaary available in the recipients’mind to communicate the message from Christ.

 King saul
King saul


Sometimes, I wonder why some men are great and some others are not great. You see two men who may be friends, colleagues, siblings who attend the same school, studied the same course, yet one is greater thgan the other. 
In another scenario, you may see both become great and attain lofty position in the society and then one take a step, a turn, a decision and from that point, he hegans to roll down the ladder of greatness instead of climping hihere.
In another scenario, you see a former president, prime minister, chancellor of a nation after their tenured, one goes into retirement and in a matter of time, the society forgets their achievement and face because after retirement their impact in the society went to sleep with them and some other after retirement, they only submitted the title of political power but trhey don’t vacate the seat of political power. They become consultants for political strategy for their nations and the world at large. Some become the political Ki8ng makers in their country.
Just as it is in the seculkar, so it is in the sopiritual and of course in the kingdom of God. In the book of Genesis 1:14-18, God created two great lights- Sun and the Moon. Though the light of the Sun was brighter thatn that of the moon, both light were created great and given light suitable for their purpose. The Sun needed more light during the day to perform his purpose of providing light during the day and the moon needed less light.
Genesis 1:14-18
Then God said, "Let great lights appear in the sky to separate the day from the night. Let them mark off the seasons, days, and years. 15 Let these lights in the sky shine down on the earth." And that is what happened. 16 God made two great lights, the sun and the moon—the larger one to govern the day, and the smaller one to govern the night. He also made the stars. 17 God set these lights in the sky to light the earth, 18 to govern the day and night, and to separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good.
Holy Bible, New Living Translation ®, copyright © 1996, 2004 by Tyndale Charitable Trust. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers. All rights reserved.
My argument from usin g this scripturtre is that both lkihgt were grteat light, huge lights, big lights as different Bible versions stated it just that each was given gifts based on their purpose.
There is no believer that is created to be creater than the other, our Lord Jesus said we are all brethren, we are just called with different purpoises and we are given guifts basedf on our purposes and giod’s plans for our life.
Even when god spoke about the two nations in the womb of Rebecca the wife of Jacob, He said the elder shal;l serve the younger. 
Genesis 25:21-23
 Isaac pleaded with the Lord on behalf of his wife, because she was unable to have children. The Lord answered Isaac's prayer, and Rebekah became pregnant with twins. 22 But the two children struggled with each other in her womb. So she went to ask the Lord about it. "Why is this happening to me?" she asked.
 And the Lord told her, "The sons in your womb will become two nations. From the very beginning, the two nations will be rivals. One nation will be stronger than the other; and your older son will serve your younger son."
God never said, one will be great and the other nless, rather God only said the elder will serve the younger because as the Almight who knowth all these, he knew the enemy will make a bid for the elderest because they enemy would calculate that the blessing will bbe transferred to the firstfruit knowing the Almighty because He ahd serced with him. And this is collaborated when the Law was given when god stated that the Frist born is mine and should be given asd first fruyits.
God called every believer to a definite purpose and he has different plans for us but we determine by our acrtions, decisions, preparation hoiw great will become with our callings and purpose.
In the story of the talents, our Lord Jesus gacve didferent talent sto different individuals based on their abilities and I can say callings as shown in ! Corinthians 12 wgereby the Bib le says that then Holy sdpirit gicves spiritual gifts as he will.
The one that was given five and two talents gained more talents based on their abilities, if the one given one talent had used the one talent to gain more, he woiuld have been great in his calling.
We have different apostles in the New testament and each one was called the same way, our Lord jesus appeared to them and called them and they responded. But we have only three two books written by the first called aopostles namely bookmof Peter and Book of Joihn. Many Apostles were called but few made exceptional success with their calling.
Apost le paul was not one of the first Apostles yet He wrote more Boooks in the Bible than the First apostles niot because he wads given more grace or more anoin ting rather his prepoarations gave him  exceptional successs as he noted in the book
He said I worked harder than any other apostles and made more sacrifices,

The place of preparation in achieving divine purposes can never be over emphasized. It is a major key for doing great exploits in the kingdom. Even the almighty does not release men into their destinies without preparation. We will see from the various examples how preparation happened some men and women to fulfill their divine mandate and make a success of it.
No man becomes a successful leader without acquiring necessary skills and leadership abilities. David was anointed as King as a young lad,  ascended the throne at age thirty; God exposed him to necessary leadership training needed for his destiny. David testified about these dealings of God in the Book of Psalm.
Praise the Lord, who is my rock. He trains my hands for war and
gives my fingers skill for battle. He is my loving ally and my fortress,
Psalms 144:1-2 (New Living Translation)

God does not send men to the battle without giving them adequate traini8ng through revelations in the word and life experience. In the secular, the military of a nation do not send military recruits without traini8ng in physical combant and the use of a gun. They will never know how to achieve vicxtory for their squad and their nation u8nless they acquired necessary skills for winning such battle.
Likewise in the kingdom, new converts cannot be pout in the frontliune of spiritual warfare without adequate training in the issues of the kingdom. Apostle Paul said hand must not be laid on any new convert for the work of the min istry.

 The pastor must not be a new Christian because he might be proud of being chosen so soon, and pride comes before a fall. (Satan's downfall is an example.)  Also, he must be well spoken of by people outside the church-those who aren't Christians-so that Satan can't trap him with many accusations and leave him without freedom to lead his flock. 
1 Timothy 3:6-7 (TLB)
Every man called by God went through divine season so of preparation. We will go through the lives of men and women mightily used by God in the Bible and studied the preparation process they undergo to live a fulfilled destiny.


Men are women are called for different purposes in the kingdom. No man born of a woman is without a talent purpose. Our personality, upbring, parenting, skin colours is all conjfigured with our purpose in view.s 
 Purposes  differs from one individual to another. Our different purposes in the world and in the Kingdom of God is to help achieve god’s plan for humanity. 
When God created the earth in Genesis 1-2, man and woman inclusive, he had a definite purpose for the, he created the earth and differentiated it from the heaven to serve as the habitation for all other creatures like the animals, fishes in the  sea etc. he created a specific place/location for each creature. He created  the sky for the birds to fly, the sea fpor the fishes and othe swimming creature to swim. Each creature were configured for their purposes and their unique location or place. He did not created the birds withn swimming abilities because birds to need swimming abilities to fly in the sky. The uniqueness of each creature prepared them their purposes and location.
 “And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.  And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so. And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.  And the evening and the morning were the third day. And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so. And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.  And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon t: he earth,  And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good. And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.  And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.  And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.”
Genesis 1:10-21  (KJV)
He created man with legs and weight to be able to dwell on the earth, he did not created man with wings like birds because they did not needed wings to dwell in their natural habitation. Each creature is configured with the talents, skills, abilities needed for their natural habitation and purposes.
When he created Adam, he constituted in him everything he nedded to fulfill his purpose on planet earth. and he cfreated Eve to help Adam in the purpose of been fruitful, multiplying and subdueing and having dominion over thes sea,, fishes and all other creatures. Eve was prepared by God for her specific purpose in creature by been given every  every  bodily components and  aabilities for the fulfillment of that purpose. 
Rebecca was confihured for he r puporose as a woman but to qualify to fulfill her purpose of been Isaac’wife she needed to subject herself to certain preparation and walk into her self certain virtues that qualified her to be chosen as Isaac’s sife,
Rebecca wasa woman used by God to continue the genealogy of the great patriarch, Abraham who wads also a friend of God. She was not an ordinary woman because she had an important part to play in the Church Israel History and ultimatewly the Church history.
Her preaparation for this unique assissgment was important and key to the fulfillkment of her divive purpose.
The story of Rebbecca and Isaac could be viewed as happy ending Love story of a young woman favoured by god to marry a rich young christrian man when seen through the periscopeb of favopur but when we look beyond the surface we will see a youing damsel who prepared herself for the divine purpoise she was designed to fulfilled. The story of the process involed in her selection as the wife of Isaac the partricaih buttress tis point. We used the word “’SELECTION’ carefully because she might have been oprdained for this purpose by heaven, God might have chosen her from the foundation of the earth to be the wife  of Isaac because he is the all knowing God and ensured that Abrahgam’s brother Nahur had a grown daughter that Isaac will marry in history but trhe selection process showed that anybody with the needed qualidfications may have be selected if Rebecca did not subjected herself to the necessary require,ments for selection.
We know that the Bible is designed by the Holy Spirit in such a way that Scvriptures explains itself.
in the story of Esther, Esther who became the queen was also subjectefd to the same scenario. Queen Vashti misbehaved by failing in her purpose as wife of king Ahasuerus. Let us go to this beautiful story in the book of Esther.
“Now it came to pass in the days of Ahasuerus, (this is Ahasuerus which reigned, from India even unto Ethiopia, over an hundred and seven and twenty provinces:) That in those days, when the king Ahasuerus sat on the throne of his kingdom, which was in Shushan the palace,  In the third year of his reign, he made a feast unto all his princes and his servants; the power of Persia and Media, the nobles and princes of the provinces, being before him:  When he shewed the riches of his glorious kingdom and the honour of his excellent majesty many days, even an hundred and fourscore days. And when these days were expired, the king made a feast unto all the people that were present in Shushan the palace, both unto great and small, seven days, in the court of the garden of the king's palace.  Where were white, green, and blue, hangings, fastened with cords of fine linen and purple to silver rings and pillars of marble: the beds were of gold and silver, upon a pavement of red, and blue, and white, and black, marble. And they gave them drink in vessels of gold, (the vessels being diverse one from another,) and royal wine in abundance, according to the state of the king.  And the drinking was according to the law; none did compel: for so the king had appointed to all the officers of his house, that they should do according to every man's pleasure. Also Vashti the queen made a feast for the women in the royal house which belonged to king Ahasuerus. On the seventh day, when the heart of the king was merry with wine, he commanded Mehuman, Biztha, Harbona, Bigtha, and Abagtha, Zethar, and Carcas, the seven chamberlains that served in the presence of Ahasuerus the king,  To bring Vashti the queen before the king with the crown royal, to shew the people and the princes her beauty: for she was fair to look on.  But the queen Vashti refused to come at the king's commandment by his chamberlains: therefore was the king very wroth, and his anger burned in him. Then the king said to the wise men, which knew the times, (for so was the king's manner toward all that knew law and judgment: And the next unto him was Carshena, Shethar, Admatha, Tarshish, Meres, Marsena, and Memucan, the seven princes of Persia and Media, which saw the king's face, and which sat the first in the kingdom;) What shall we do unto the queen Vashti according to law, because she hath not performed the commandment of the king Ahasuerus by the chamberlains?”
Esther 1:1-15 (KJV)

Queen Vashti was a very beautiful woman to behold and obviuously from the Bible we can rightly deduct that the king married her for her beauty, so that she can be admired by all as the King’s wife. She was chosen to be the king wife not because of her intelligence, nor pedigree rather she was chosen for her beauty to serve at the king’;s pleasure, to be at the bark and beckon of the King but she allowed her beauty to get tio her head and she forgotten her purpose and beagn to compete with the king but oragnising simutanously a banquet for the women in the palace the same time that the king oragnise a banquet foir his subjects. We are sure are thoughts were “if the King can have His own party, then I can have mine” her thoughts was not, let me wait on the King as he merries, he may need my attention once he is merry.
She lost her position as the queen of the palace because she forgot her purpose and was not adequately prepared for her opurpose of serving at the King’s pleasure and bringing pleasure to the king.
We are not saying by this scenario that woman is creayted strictly for the pleasure of man and that is ntheir singular purpose on earthg. Deborah was a woman, a wife to alppidoth an d also a judge and a p[rophtess. She was a wife, a mother in Israel, a juge and prophtess. She did not not fsail in any of her purpose, sghe was still a wife while she fulfiiled her purpose of a judge, protess. 
As women we must recognize our calling and purpose and not shift our gaze from iot. Deoborah was adequately prepare for her purpose, she did not allow her calling and purpose as a judge deyterred her role as a wife.
We can deduct/discoveredth Deborah’s attitudeas a woman by her attitude to leading Isreal to war, she was ready and willing for Barak to take credit for winning the war instead of the credit be given to her or another woman. “ After Ehud died, the Israelites again did what the Lord said was wrong.  So he let Jabin, a king of Canaan who ruled in the city of Hazor, defeat Israel. Sisera, who lived in Harosheth Haggoyim, was the commander of Jabin's army.  Because he had nine hundred iron chariots and was very cruel to the people of Israel for twenty years, they cried to the Lord for help.   A prophetess named Deborah, the wife of Lappidoth, was judge of Israel at that time. Deborah would sit under the Palm Tree of Deborah, which was between the cities of Ramah and Bethel, in the mountains of Ephraim. And the people of Israel would come to her to settle their arguments. 

 Deborah sent a message to Barak son of Abinoam. Barak lived in the city of Kedesh, which is in the area of Naphtali. Deborah said to Barak, The Lord, the God of Israel, commands you: 'Go and gather ten thousand men of Naphtali and Zebulun and lead them to Mount Tabor.  I will make Sisera, the commander of Jabin's army, and his chariots, and his army meet you at the Kishon River. I will hand Sisera over to you.  Then Barak said to Deborah, "I will go if you will go with me, but if you won't go with me, I won't go."  "Of course I will go with you," Deborah answered, "but you will not get credit for the victory. The Lord will let a woman defeat Sisera." So Deborah went with Barak to Kedesh.  At Kedesh, Barak called the people of Zebulun and Naphtali together. From them, he gathered ten thousand men to follow him, and Deborah went with him also.” 
Judges 4:1-10 (NCV)
So Vashti lost the throne because she lost sight of he rpurpose and was noit adequately prearaed  for her purpose. She depended only on her natural endownment, which was her beauty and truly he beauty wa sufficient to get her the nthrone but it was not sufficient to help her retain the throne, she should have added self development and acquire neded to retain the attention of a king to her CV to retain the throne.
Lets see the case of Esther before and after she became a queen. Afther Vashti failed in her purpose as queen of King ah  to sustain the thronAhasuerus, the king;s officials advised him to sought for another queen in his provinces and they set out to do that for him. Lets check out the natural endownmnet of Esther the orpohan. 
Natural endownment in this context includea all talents, issues that are outside the control of the subject, it includes inborn abilities, parenting contriubution, pedigreeee, circumstances beoyong the conrol of the subjects etc.
After these things, when the wrath of king Ahasuerus was appeased, he remembered Vashti, and what she had done, and what was decreed against her. Then said the king's servants that ministered unto him, Let there be fair young virgins sought for the king: And let the king appoint officers in all the provinces of his kingdom, that they may gather together all the fair young virgins unto Shushan the palace, to the house of the women unto the custody of Hege the king's chamberlain, keeper of the women; and let their things for purification be given them:  And let the maiden which pleaseth the king be queen instead of Vashti. And the thing pleased the king; and he did so.Now in Shushan the palace there was a certain Jew, whose name was Mordecai, the son of Jair, the son of Shimei, the son of Kish, a Benjamite;
 Who had been carried away from Jerusalem with the captivity which had been carried away with Jeconiah king of Judah, whom Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon had carried away. And he brought up Hadassah, that is, Esther, his uncle's daughter: for she had neither father nor mother, and the maid was fair and beautiful; whom Mordecai, when her father and mother were dead, took for his own daughter.
Esther 2:1-7 (KJV)
Esther was a  beautiful, fair orphan and brought up by her uncle called Mordecai, who wasa jew who stayed or works at the King;s palace and incidentally, he was a goiod man who was obviously liked by other workers in th palace as unfolded in the story. These are all help beyong the control of Esther. Mordecai was able to hear about the search for a queen because he stayed at the gate and was also able to gain necessary wisdom of telling Esther not to expose hre natiuonality..
All these are natural endownment that gave Esther a chance odf becoming the future queen of King Ahasuerus. All these factors were outside the control of esther the orphan and they helped her in achieving her prupose of been the wife of Kjing Ahasuerus and his queen. Like Vashti, Esther beauty is bringing before the King but lets examine what sustained her enthronement as wife and queen.
But the question of been a virgin and obeying all the instructions given by Hegei he eunich in charge of preparing  the virigins for their once in a life time appearance before the king was Esther respoinsibility and as a result of her personall preparatipon for the throne life had prepoared for her.
She made up her made to listen to her uncle and obey him in all things and she carred this attitude to her relating wioth eunich Hegei in all the counsels he gave her.
Thus she was chosen as the quyeen.
But that is not the end of Esther’s purpose and preparation for life in the poalace of Sushan.
Esther 2:8-18
 So it came to pass, when the king's commandment and his decree was heard, and when many maidens were gathered together unto Shushan the palace, to the custody of Hegai, that Esther was brought also unto the king's house, to the custody of Hegai, keeper of the women.  And the maiden pleased him, and she obtained kindness of him; and he speedily gave her her things for purification, with such things as belonged to her, and seven maidens, which were meet to be given her, out of the king's house: and he preferred her and her maids unto the best place of the house of the women. Esther had not shewed her people nor her kindred: for Mordecai had charged her that she should not shew it. And Mordecai walked every day before the court of the women's house, to know how Esther did, and what should become of her. Now when every maid's turn was come to go in to king Ahasuerus, after that she had been twelve months, according to the manner of the women, (for so were the days of their purifications accomplished, to wit, six months with oil of myrrh, and six months with sweet odours, and with other things for the purifying of the women;)  Then thus came every maiden unto the king; whatsoever she desired was given her to go with her out of the house of the women unto the king's house.  In the evening she went, and on the morrow she returned into the second house of the women, to the custody of Shaashgaz, the king's chamberlain, which kept the concubines: she came in unto the king no more, except the king delighted in her, and that she were called by name.  Now when the turn of Esther, the daughter of Abihail the uncle of Mordecai, who had taken her for his daughter, was come to go in unto the king, she required nothing but what Hegai the king's chamberlain, the keeper of the women, appointed. And Esther obtained favour in the sight of all them that looked upon her. So Esther was taken unto king Ahasuerus into his house royal in the tenth month, which is the month Tebeth, in the seventh year of his reign.  And the king loved Esther above all the women, and she obtained grace and favour in his sight more than all the virgins; so that he set the royal crown upon her head, and made her queen instead of Vashti. Then the king made a great feast unto all his princes and his servants, even Esther's feast; and he made a release to the provinces, and gave gifts, according to the state of the king.

e which that which that talent gave her in the first place.
God endowned her with a natural beauty that got her a throne, and secure her position as the wife of the 

Genesis 24:1-13
And Abraham was old, and well stricken in age: and the Lord had blessed Abraham in all things.

2 And Abraham said unto his eldest servant of his house, that ruled over all that he had, Put, I pray thee, thy hand under my thigh:

3 And I will make thee swear by the Lord, the God of heaven, and the God of the earth, that thou shalt not take a wife unto my son of the daughters of the Canaanites, among whom I dwell:

4 But thou shalt go unto my country, and to my kindred, and take a wife unto my son Isaac.

5 And the servant said unto him, Peradventure the woman will not be willing to follow me unto this land: must I needs bring thy son again unto the land from whence thou camest?

6 And Abraham said unto him, Beware thou that thou bring not my son thither again.

7 The Lord God of heaven, which took me from my father's house, and from the land of my kindred, and which spake unto me, and that sware unto me, saying, Unto thy seed will I give this land; he shall send his angel before thee, and thou shalt take a wife unto my son from thence.

8 And if the woman will not be willing to follow thee, then thou shalt be clear from this my oath: only bring not my son thither again.

9 And the servant put his hand under the thigh of Abraham his master, and sware to him concerning that matter.

10 And the servant took ten camels of the camels of his master, and departed; for all the goods of his master were in his hand: and he arose, and went to Mesopotamia, unto the city of Nahor.

11 And he made his camels to kneel down without the city by a well of water at the time of the evening, even the time that women go out to draw water.

12 And he said, O Lord God of my master Abraham, I pray thee, send me good speed this day, and shew kindness unto my master Abraham.

13 Behold, I stand here by the well of water; and the daughters of the men of the city come out to draw water:
Genesis 24:14-26

14 And let it come to pass, that the damsel to whom I shall say, Let down thy pitcher, I pray thee, that I may drink; and she shall say, Drink, and I will give thy camels drink also: let the same be she that thou hast appointed for thy servant Isaac; and thereby shall I know that thou hast shewed kindness unto my master.

15 And it came to pass, before he had done speaking, that, behold, Rebekah came out, who was born to Bethuel, son of Milcah, the wife of Nahor, Abraham's brother, with her pitcher upon her shoulder.

16 And the damsel was very fair to look upon, a virgin, neither had any man known her: and she went down to the well, and filled her pitcher, and came up.

17 And the servant ran to meet her, and said, Let me, I pray thee, drink a little water of thy pitcher.

18 And she said, Drink, my lord: and she hasted, and let down her pitcher upon her hand, and gave him drink.

19 And when she had done giving him drink, she said, I will draw water for thy camels also, until they have done drinking.

20 And she hasted, and emptied her pitcher into the trough, and ran again unto the well to draw water, and drew for all his camels.

21 And the man wondering at her held his peace, to wit whether the Lord had made his journey prosperous or not.

22 And it came to pass, as the camels had done drinking, that the man took a golden earring of half a shekel weight, and two bracelets for her hands of ten shekels weight of gold;

23 And said, Whose daughter art thou? tell me, I pray thee: is there room in thy father's house for us to lodge in?

24 And she said unto him, I am the daughter of Bethuel the son of Milcah, which she bare unto Nahor.

25 She said moreover unto him, We have both straw and provender enough, and room to lodge in.

26 And the man bowed down his head, and worshipped the Lord.

Joseph was the eleventh child of Jacob who had tweleve son and was born to his father at old age and of course by his beloved wife Rachel. To un derstand Joseph background, you have to study the events that took place before his birth.

9 While Jacob was in conversation with them, Rachel came up with her father's sheep. She was the shepherd. 10 The moment Jacob spotted Rachel, daughter of Laban his mother's brother, saw her arriving with his uncle Laban's sheep, he went and single-hande
dly rolled the stone from the mouth of the well and watered the sheep of his uncle Laban. 11 Then he kissed Rachel and broke into tears. 12 He told Rachel that he was related to her father, that he was Rebekah's son. She ran and told her father. 13 When Laban heard the news — Jacob, his sister's son! — he ran out to meet him, embraced and kissed him and brought him home. Jacob told Laban the story of everything that had happened. 

14 Laban said, "You're family! My flesh and blood!"

When Jacob had been with him for a month, 15 Laban said, "Just because you're my nephew, you shouldn't work for me for nothing. Tell me what you want to be paid. What's a fair wage?" 

16 Now Laban had two daughters; Leah was the older and Rachel the younger. 17 Leah had nice eyes, but Rachel was stunningly beautiful. 18 And it was Rachel that Jacob loved.

So Jacob answered, "I will work for you seven years for your younger daughter Rachel." 

19 "It is far better," said Laban, "that I give her to you than marry her to some outsider. Yes. Stay here with me." 

20 So Jacob worked seven years for Rachel. But it only seemed like a few days, he loved her so much. 
 Genesis 29:9-20 (THE MESSAGE)
Jacob loved Rachel the mother of Joseph so much. The Bible says says she was stunning beautiful but there are other obvious factors that would have spark Jacob’s love for Rachel. Rachel was the first woman who came to Jacob from his mother’family. This occurrence is similar to the emerge of Rebecca, (Jacob’s mother) as the wife of Isaac, ( jacob’s father). Rachel was the first woman who came out of the family of Laban to meet Jacob. Another factor is the fact that Rachel was the one caring for the flock of her father and not her brothers or elder sister. This also tarries with the request of Abraham servant when he asked for a woman who was diligent in business by saying:
Jeremiah was ordained as a prophet to the nations before he was formed in His mother’s womb; he began to operate in the office of a prophet as a man.
The words of Jeremiah the son of Hilkiah, of the priests 
that were in Anathoth in the land of Benjamin:
To whom the word of the Lord came in the days 
of Josiah the son of Amon king of Judah, 
in the thirteenth year of his reign.
Then the word of the Lord came unto me, saying……
Jeremiah 1:1-4 (KJV)
God shows his plans for a believer ahead of time or manifestation to give us a focus and allow cooperation for preparation, if you know where you are going, getting there will be easier
 Joseph had to leave the comfort of his father’s bosom to get to his ultimate destiny. The destiny and purpose of been his father’s favorite son, comforter and spy was sufficient for his father Jacob but was different from the divine agenda for His Life. God ordained through His wisdom in Joseph life a generation including His family in history will be preserved from a seven years od severe famine.

And he said, I am Joseph your brother, whom ye sold into Egypt.
Now therefore be not grieved, nor angry with yourselves, that ye sold me hither: for God did send me before you to preserve life. For these two years hath the famine been in the land: and yet there are five years, in the which there shall neither be earing nor harvest. And God sent me before you to preserve you a posterity in the earth, and to save your lives by a great deliverance. So now it was not you that sent me hither, but God: and he hath made me a father to Pharaoh, and lord of all his house, and a ruler throughout all the land of Egypt. Haste ye, and go up to my father, and say unto him, Thus saith thy son Joseph, God hath made me lord of all Egypt: come down unto me, tarry not:
KJV (Genesis 45:4-9)

 God had a divine purpoise for Joseph-the plan of preserving a posterirty from going into extinction. but the lad had to pass series ofpreparation processes to get to the palace.  From the bosom of his father, to the hatred of his brothers to the pit, to slavery, to chief servant in Potiphar house to  prison for chosing to obey God rather than enjoy the pleasure of sin, to executive prisoners in charge of high profile prisoners to the palace, God used every seemly negative situation in his life to train him for his ultiumate purpose of master over Pharaoah and Eygpt.
will be preserved through  God showed him his ultimate of leadership but first he must leave his father where the best he can be is an errand  boy for his father.
He was orgdained to be a leader but his father obviously cannot teach hi snational leadeshjip skill but he was always a family and relationshgip man anmd had no dealings in leadership. Israel could not manage his household effectively, so ob viously he was lackiung in leadership skills.
So Joseph was called at seven teen to be a national administrator, therefore God orchestrated eventsa whiuch will forcibly take him out of Jacob caren because Isreal would not have willingly nrelease Joseph to gain essential qualitietes and skill needed to fulfill his destiny.
Lastly and the most important, our Lord Jesus was called anointed even before conception for his ppurpose , he undergo various training under his heavenly father and earthyly father for his divine assignment. Though he was called before he birth, he still went thgrough a season of preparation before he started his ministry.
Apostle Paul of the nNew estament church woth a supernatural ccallimg, stayed in Arabi slearning under the power of the Holy Ghost befor he gabve to Jerusalewm to begin his ministry. 
In the Book of Timothy Apostle Paul said we should not anoint a new convert as a pastor-in essence in leadership position so that they will not brcome proud. Truly, god uses the avalaible and always want us to come as we are and also learn at the job but biblical examples shows God mindset for bringing a man into a leadership position, God calls them, anoint them and prepare them for their assignment.
A lot of believer wants to be used by God; they are called by God, anointed by Him but very few wait through the season of preparation for such men. Men like Saul who obviously was not prepared for the throne, , mess up because of lack of preparation.
A season of preparation allows you tp deve;op necessary skills, character  to become all God has ordained for you. It also allows you to discern and practice the act of discerning good from evil through constant practice.
In a season of preparation the following happens.
1. You clarify your calling and commission.  Moses knew around early thirty or forty that he will be involved in the  deliverance of Israelites from Egypt but he was impatience, he did not finish his training before he started executing his ministry, he was almost killed and his calling would have been unfulfilled. If Pharaoh had caught him when he killed the Egyptians, he would have been killed.
He was isolated and stationed in Median for another forty years to prepare him for the calling and purpose of God for His life. During this period he got specifics about his calling and assignment; he had learnt the art of hard-work etc.
2. It allows you to develop necessary skills, knowledge and gifting for your calling or career. It is a period of learning all you can of your given field. During this period you interact and make relationship that will help your chosen career or calling
3. it’s a period to develop consistency and resilience for your ultimate in life. He allows you to make mistakes without the crowd criticizing . he that is prepared to succeed will surely find it easier to succeed than he who is not prepared..




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