
Showing posts from June, 2023


MY THOUGHTS The World Formed By Words Words rule the World. Man is a creature of The Word. You were created by words. God spoke and the Earth and its creatures came into existence. You came into Being by the spoken Word.  The Process of conception continues generation after generation due to the power of the spoken Word. God spoke on e but Creature continues running by the power of His Spoken Word. The Bible says " God sustains all things by the power of His Word. When you can harness the power of the promises of God in the Bible, nothing shall be impossible for you.  Whenever you accept any promises as the truth and speak it over your life and situation, it is God actually speaking through your mouth. Your destiny is created, shaped and transformed by the words you speak daily. The words of others also affect your reality when you believe these words and take them to heart.  Job asked an important question in his travail; this statement of Job formed the basis for this mini-book.


InSpired IMPORTANCE OF  THE WORD OF GOD "For the word of God is alive and active....." Hebrews 4:12a Have you ever questioned why you behave the way you do, ? Have you ever questioned why you are not living the maximised life, though you've been born again for many years? The state of your soul may just be responsible for this problem and if you will grasp the truths about the Human soul, you may begin to walk in the blessings, God ordained for you. Every man/woman is spirit with a soul.and lives in a body. The Body is the vehicle for expressions of the life and issues in the soul and spirit. You got a natural birth from your parents while your spiritual birth is as a result of the Word, the Spirit and the Blood of Christ.  To understand how you got born-again, lets examine the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. HOW WAS CHRIST JESUS BEGOTTEN INTO OUR WORLD.  But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God. You will conceive and give birth to


InSpired AN ATTEMPT  AT SOME OF THE CAUSES OF WAITING......  Believers wait for the fulfillment of God' s promises; for deliverance from difficulty times and  other  challenges experienced in the Christian walk for various reasons. We will attempt to share a few by the grace of God and the first, we will visit is IGNORANCE. Please kindly share the ones you know too. IGNORANCE OF THE TRUE GOD AND HIS WAY This should be the greatest reason for waiting. Believers suffer not because they lack knowledge but because they lack the most important  kind of knowledge- THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD. (Hosea 4:6.) Christians  have vast knowledge in various fields - IT, Commerce, Business, Child-bearing, Christian Religion, Education Etc but God lamented in Hosea 4:6 that yet they don't know truly know Him. Knowledge of God goes beyond storing Bible passages in the mind and been able to quote them off hand in preaching sprees. True knowledge of God is knowing His attributes and His ways and becoming


InSpired (BJC) IS A FELLOW MAN AUTHORISED TO KNOW YOU INNERMOST THOUGHTS? Perilous times are here and wickeness lodge at every corner of the Society. It is highly  profitable to know the intentions of men and women for you and against you before they have the opportunity to execute it. But as crucial as it is to know the thoughts and intentions of others for whatsoever reason; it is extremely dangerous for any anointed Servant of God to use manipulations, hypnotism, python spirits ( divination) and familiar spirit to access members secrets, plans, thoughts and even their past. The gifts of Word of knowledge, Word of wisdom, and discerning of spirits all termed the revelational gifts are tools given by God for the above enquiring. And all the revelational gifts and other spiritual gifts are ordained to be used under the control of the Holy Ghost and not at the wit and control of the Man of God. You can stir up a spiritual gift but you should not determine when and how the gifts  manifes


There certain promises in the Bible which has conditions attached to it fulfillment and this conditions are meant for the believer. But there are certain blessings and promises that Christ Jesus our LORD has already fulfilled it's terms and conditions  The believer receives and enjoys these blessings and see the fulfillment of God's promises through faith in the LORD Jesus Christ. The promises and blessings in John 10 falls in this category. Jesus Christ our LORD has paid the price for you to have everything in abundance. The word  ' EVERYTHING ' must be underlined in bold letters. This is the statement of my LORD Jesus himself. He said the following in John 10.. "I am the Gateway. To enter through me is to experience life, freedom, and satisfaction. A thief has only one thing in mind—he wants to steal, slaughter, and destroy. But I have come to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect —life in its fullness until you overflow! I am the Good Shepherd w


“My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death,” he said to them. “Stay here and keep watch.”


Jesus replied, “You are blessed, Simon son of John, because my Father in heaven has revealed this to you.  You did not learn this from any human being.


DIVIDED KINGDOM A Kingdom is a community of people with a king and a common vision and mission. The King is the Head of the mission and Coordinating priest's of all other forces, element, and functionaries in his territory and his throne. The king would have delegated authorities; these are men and who are given authority by the King to execute on behalf of the king and for the people  If some men decide to create their own vision and mission which is a variation to the collective vision of the Kingdom, there will division and the Kingdom will move in multi direction. When this happens, a state will emerge where some people will be pulling down the collective vision of the group to execute the vision of the divided group  Also the workforce will be divided and the chains of authority broken. There would be two lines of authority in the Kingdom. Each vision will drawn followers after it's mission. This was what happened with Satan in the Kingdom of Heaven. Our Father was The onl


JESUS WAS GOD YET LIVE WISELY AS A MAN I appreciate God for your beautiful lives and for your eagerness to read God's Word. I pray His Word will enrich your destiny. Uuuuh, I was studying the Life of my Lord Jesus  in the book of John 7  (deliberately I used Jesus instead of Jesus Christ) because in this Bible passage, I saw more of His humanity than divinity. In John 7:1, the Bible says "After this, Jesus went around in Galilee. He did not want to go about in Judea because the Jewish leaders there were looking for a way to kill him." Jesu Christ is the Anointed one who had the Spirit without measure and had thousand upon thousands of angels at His disposal, therefore any threat from the Jewish leaders to take His life should be a play at futility. Yet he avoided a particular location because of their evil plots at that period in time. LESSONS FROM THIS STORY 1. Jesus lived a very careful  and discreet life. He was not a careless Son of God who  exposed his destiny to unn


InSpired GOD RULES BY HIS WORD Believers win battles by the Word of Life given by God and not by physical mighty or strength.  God created the Earth by SPOKEN WORDS and sustain the same by the Word of His power. God will use you to do great exploits on Earth if you study His Word to know Him. Victory in your career, family life, ministry, finance is paid for by Jesus Christ but you are not experiencing this victory because you don't dwell in the WORD. (John 15) The grace of our LORD Jesus Christ in your Life can do exceeding, abundantly beyond  just meeting your immediate needs, it can transform your neighbourhood and turn them to the Love of God in Jesus Christ. Jael, the wife of Heber the Kenite ( Judges 4 ) seem an insignificant Housrwife, but God used her to kill the Commander  of the Army of King Jabin of Canaan. ( King Jabin oppressed the nation of Israel for 20 years). YOU ARE GOD'S BATTLE AXE Jesus Christ and His Father dwells inside you as a believer because you have r


InSpired GOD RULES BY HIS WORD Believers win battles by the Word of Life given by God and not by physical mighty or strength.  God created the Earth by SPOKEN WORDS and sustain the same by the Word of His power. God will use you to do great exploits on Earth if you study His Word to know Him. Victory in your career, family life, ministry, finance is paid for by Jesus Christ but you are not experiencing this victory because you don't dwell in the WORD. (John 15) The grace of our LORD Jesus Christ in your Life can do exceeding, abundantly beyond  just meeting your immediate needs, it can transform your neighbourhood and turn them to the Love of God in Jesus Christ. Jael, the wife of Heber the Kenite ( Judges 4 ) seem an insignificant Housrwife, but God used her to kill the Commander  of the Army of King Jabin of Canaan. ( King Jabin oppressed the nation of Israel for 20 years). YOU ARE GOD'S BATTLE AXE Jesus Christ and His Father dwells inside you as a believer because you have r


InSpiref Some few years ago,  I was chatting with a friend and we got this inspiration from the Scriptures. WHAT I DESIRE! WHAT I NEED. Sometimes, what you desire in life especially in the area of relationship may not be what you need to achieve divine mandate. When our Lord Jesus was on earth as a man, the Pharisees rejected him because he was not the kind of King they desired. They desired a political king, a leader with military power to deliver Israel from its visible enemy, but God gave them a spiritual king and leader who delivered them permanently from their spiritual enemy who controls the visible enemy. God  destroyed sin and  Satan's power over them. If God had given them just a political leader as they desired and requested, they would have been delivered for a season and then go back into captivity.  The Pharisees desired a political King who would give them temporary relief but they needed the King of kings who will liberate them forever. Also, In 1 Samuel 8, the Israe


You will do great exploit, live the victorious life and live free of fear when you become conscious of the truths below and walk in the reality of it -" God is Inside of Me " -" The Àlmight who made the Heaven and the Earth dwells in my innerman/spirit man - "The God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, King David, our LORD Jesus Christ, Hephzibah Abigail is also my God. ( please put your name) - The same God who anointed men and women of renown in this generation lives 24/7 inside of "Me" ( because l believe and received Jesus Christ as my LORD and Saviour.) It is the Truth you know and experience that sets you free. In the Old Testament, the Children/seeds of Abraham were connected to God through the Covenant God entered with their father; Abraham. Abraham paid the price for this Covenant with God by faith. The descendants of Abraham are benefactors of this Covenant. In the New Testament, the Saints become one with God through the Holy Spirit in their inner man. Wh



STAY ON YOUR LANE  It will always be a man's season if he stays on His LANE . Faithfulness to your God given assignment keeps you relevant in all generations.  When Pastor Kenneth Hagin was alive, he reigned and remain relevant  at all times as long as he emphasized the Message of Faith; Pastor Lester Sumrall was also reigning and relevant at the same time with the Message of Christ The Saviour & Deliverer.  At the same period,   Pastor Oral Roberts was relevant and reigning  with the Message of ' The God of All Possibilities,  Pastor Derek Prince was popular, relevant and also reigning same time as he  emphasized ' Building according to Christ Pattern and Deliverance from the powers of darkness  Evangelist Billy Graham was well - known, relevant and  reigning at the same time with sermons of ' Christ Can Save Today!  The "Season" of one preacher did not end and 'Finished' before the supposed ' Season' of another Man of God started. Lester