"For the word of God is alive and active....." Hebrews 4:12a

Have you ever questioned why you behave the way you do, ?

Have you ever questioned why you are not living the maximised life, though you've been born again for many years?

The state of your soul may just be responsible for this problem and if you will grasp the truths about the Human soul, you may begin to walk in the blessings, God ordained for you.

Every man/woman is spirit with a soul.and lives in a body. The Body is the vehicle for expressions of the life and issues in the soul and spirit.

You got a natural birth from your parents while your spiritual birth is as a result of the Word, the Spirit and the Blood of Christ.

 To understand how you got born-again, lets examine the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.

 But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God. You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High.........“How will this be,” Mary asked the angel, “since I am a virgin?” 

The angel answered, “The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God.

*The angel brought a Word from God, a prophecy, you will have a child (to be called Jesus Christ)
* Peter on the Day of Pentecost stood and spoke the Good News (God's Word to thousands of people)


1. Sinners must hear the Good News ( God's word of salvation) before they can be saved, we must take the Word of salvation to them and not expect them to come and meet us in our churches.

2. The sick must hear the word of healing before they can have faith for healing. The Word of God has power to achieve anything it says. (Isaiah 55:10)

3. The backsliding must hear the word of hope and restoration before they can have the courage to return.
The message of condemnation will only increase their guilty and keep them still in the hold of darkness.

4 .In the Book of Genesis 1:3 'And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.

 God will always say what He wants in existence.
 For example, take a child and put the child in a dark room and daily speak words of doom and failure to that child. 

Even if that child accidentally win the jackpot, he will still end up a failure until his soul is reprogrammed with either God's word of success or words of success.

One of the reasons the richer gets richer is because they are surrounded by people, issues, environment charged with success and great achievement.

 A Minister said ' if an African child grows in a white dominated environment and is exposed to the same materials as the white child, such will have the same mindset as the white child. No wonder, former President Obama could dream of becoming the President of America and achieved what seem impossible for generations.for the black in his nation. Obama achieved the impossible because he believed it was possible.

Don't be suprise that the society is saturated with pictures, words, deeds of violence, immoralities and various vices contrary to God's word. . It's the strategy of the Enemy to condition the Human soul to retain its anti Christ tendency.

Man is created by the Word and Spirit and tends to response to these two elements. A man will become fearful if all he hears are news of fear. (you become what you hear and see over time.)

One of the testimonies l experience in my present Church, is that l hear at least once daily, words that prompts me to pray more in tongues and take my calling serious.

 The Word of God is the tool God has ordained to renew our souls and bring about a conformity to the nature of the Spirit of Life within you. 

To achieve Kingdom success, you must feed on God's word daily.


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