
Some few years ago,  I was chatting with a friend and we got this inspiration from the Scriptures.

Sometimes, what you desire in life especially in the area of relationship may not be what you need to achieve divine mandate.

When our Lord Jesus was on earth as a man, the Pharisees rejected him because he was not the kind of King they desired.

They desired a political king, a leader with military power to deliver Israel from its visible enemy, but God gave them a spiritual king and leader who delivered them permanently from their spiritual enemy who controls the visible enemy. God  destroyed sin and  Satan's power over them.

If God had given them just a political leader as they desired and requested, they would have been delivered for a season and then go back into captivity. 
The Pharisees desired a political King who would give them temporary relief but they needed the King of kings who will liberate them forever.

Also, In 1 Samuel 8, the Israelites requested  for a king like other nations around them, a king who  God said, will conscript their sons and make them run before his chariots,  and turn their children into slave laborers etc

But what they  needed was the King of  kings, who will defend them  always and forever.

Most times, what we desire in a marriage partner may not be what we need for fulfillment in life. Sincerely, am not against desiring the best in a marriage partner, the bible says the desire of the righteous shall be granted. 

God promised in Psalm 32:8 'l will instruct you and guide you in the best pathway for your life, l will advice you and watch your progress' 

 But a righteous man must always seek to align his desires with the purpose and plan of God for His life.
Marriages are failing because men and women alike make choices that please their sight.

 Prophet Samuel saw Eliab and thought ' surely, the Lord anointed stand before the Him' and the answer God gave him is golden for all generations. God said ' Samuel, men look at the outer appearance but l see the heart'.

In essence, it is not just physical appearance, a big bank account, a prestigious background and tribal affiliation that makes a blissful home, it is the state of the heart  and of course some other factors that produce the joy, prosperity, peace and happiness in the home. 

In every area of our lives, we must walk with God and ensure our desires align with His, we must depend on His leading always. 

Jesus Christ our Lord said ' Not, my Will but you will  be done.
Pls am not discussing the Will of God in marriage here lets leave that teaching to the Clergy but certainly am advocating that God is our Father and He is interested in every area of our lives and when we invite Him.

 He will guide us in the best pathway. IT MEANS, THERE CAN BE BAD, GOOD, BETTER, BEST pathway for your life, career, marriage, ministry and family.

King David, a man after God's heart sought God ' leading in matter of war but l observed that he did not do so in his relationships. 

May God help us for before and after marriage, we need His help. The married says, marriage is hard work and l believe them, then we must seek for His grace and wisdom to excel in it.

A. L. Hephzibah


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