
Showing posts from August, 2023


Prayer is the means by which we touch the master. Prayer is not just getting God involved in an issue rather it is coming into His presence and discussing the issue with Him until the issue is resolved. Prayer teaches to the uttermost part of the Earth. When l pray for a man in London or Africa, my spirit can send to him through the Father, the blessings that he needs today. Prayer is the original wireless method It is the original radio means if communication. I speak here and they are instantly blessed there Prayer is your spirit contacting God's spirit Prayer is your spirit reaching other human spirit through the Father. Paul said " My spirit and the Lord Jesus will be with you in your deliberations Weakness is destroyed by the strenght of God. Prayer is the very life of God flowing through my lips. Our prayers bring the very presence of God upon men in any part of the World When we cooperate with God, God through us rules the demons and evil forces all over the World. You


REASON WHY SOME BELIVERS DONT GO BEYOND THEIR MENTORS! David wanted to face and fight the same battle that confronted The Nation of Israel. When David showed up at the Battle front, King Saul requested that David put on his own war armoury  but David refused. Instead he chose to confront Goliath with the weapons that God has equipped him with; God trained David's arms for war and his hands for battles and the lad went in the strenght of God that he is familiar with in the past.  The same principle is applicable to believers requesting for the spirit of a Man of God to come on them. While it is true that Elisah requested for double portion of the spirits of Elijah, we understand that Elisha request was not for just the manifestation of the spirit of Elijah but for double portion of the anointing on Elijah. God had already told Elijah to transfer the continuation of the assignment of 'His prophet to Israel's  to Elisah and requested that Elisah be "Anointed".  Elija


I don't call the strong, l call the weak and make them string I don't call sinners, l save sinners and make them Saints I don't just use the unhealthy, l give healthy to the unhealthy and anoint then for my use! Selah Prayer is making a demand in the ability of Christ according to His promises. EW Kenyon Love From Christ & Not Knowledge Relate with People Based on Christ Love And Not The Information You Heard of Them. Don't Use your  Knowledge of people To produce Reactions to their present Actions FORGIVE YOURSELF NOW God did not created vision to follow provision, He created provision to follow vision- You attract resources to the size of the vision.  Rev. Sam Adeyemi FOOLISHNESS 101 God created man, man created money, man now uses the avaliabilty of money or non availability of money  to determine what God can do Dr. Sam.

THE work of God

The Spirit of God in a work is God doing His work through His own strength, by His stardard and to His own satisfaction. The Bible says that those worship God must worship in Spirit and in Truth. Jesus Christ our LORD is the Word of God and truth. So we must worship in the truth , according to the truth and in the truth which is the LORD Jesus Christ and by His Spirit which is the Holy Spirit.


Is Forever Love Possible Pertinent Question Holy Spirit My Teacher, Pls how can a Christian remain in love with God Forever Obey The LORD Jesus Christ Forever Remain in Fellowship With The Holy Spirit Forever  LOVE HIM AS WE ARE EXPECTED TO LOVE GOD A Christian Woman will remain attractive to her husband when she learns to continually love him always. Love is a a word that connotes caring for someone in a language they will understand and is acceptable to theme. Humans are raised from different culture and backgrounds. The expression of love in each culture differs. Each of us are a product or off sgoot of the culture we are raised. Our cultural beliefs form the basis for the pattern of our mindset. We have learnt to associate certain things to love because of experiences of expression of love we have learnt over time through displays by others we believe in, books we read and probably pictures we have been exposed to over time. Therefore the interpretation of 'Being Loved' dif


You have accepted the works of darkness when you do nothing about it. You have believe a evil report when you confess it and repeat it. Satan brings a evil circumstance around you so that you may confess it and make it really. If he is faithful to a man he can see, then he will be faithful to Me God that He cannot See It is wise to allow the elderly, superior to speak first in all occasions and matter before you speak. And if someone has already spoken the Words the Holy Spirit gave you it means it is not necessary for you to speak. Do not speak be auar you have to speak.


Love for our spouse is demonstrated az we go out of our way to make sacrifices on their behalf. Abraham said the following to Sarah "And when God had me wander from my father’s household, I said to her, ‘This is how you can show your love to me: Everywhere we go, say of me, “He is my brother.”’” Gen. 20:13 2. Love is showing kindness to your spouse or another person. "When God caused me to wander from my father's house, I said to her, This kindness you can show me: at every place we stop, say of me, He is my brother. Genesis 20:13 AMPC 3. Our LORD for God is demonstrated when we are ready to sacrifice what we love and like for Him. Abraham was ready to sacrifice is only begotten son in obedience to God. "Some time later, God tested Abraham’s faith. “Abraham!” God called. “Yes,” he replied. “Here I am.” “Take your son, your only son—yes, Isaac, whom you love so much—and go to the land of Moriah. Go and sacrifice him as a burnt offering on one of the mountains, which I


CAUSES OF DIVOURCE 1. Another man /woman. Haggai was drive out of her matrimony home because wife Sarah was not happy at her conduct towards her 2. The wife of David was given to another man because the Father in-laws were not happy at David. In-laws can also be the cause of a marriage break up  3.Jealosy: Jacob did not demonstrated his full love to Leah because his sister was jealousy of her. 4. The Enemy: Satan came between Adam and Eve love relationship in the garden. Adam began to accuse though rightly the woman he loved. And the woman in turn usurped the authority of Adam I. The family. She became the person making decisions in the home  ( She gave names to their two sons: Seth and Cain 6. Lack of Submission: Queen Vashti lost her throne and her husband's love because she did not yielded to his desire and request. 7. Dishonour: Queen Vashti lost her husband love because she refuses to honour him before his friends, nobles and official. It was the friends who suggested to the K