The Soul of a man is the second most important part of his person. Though unseen bu the physical eyes, the soul is the machinery that transmit and transport information from the Holy Spirit and the human spirit to the body. 

This is the practical implication of the above statement. When a man/woman receives Jesus Christ as LORD and Saviour, the same Spirit which begotten the Saviour in Luke 1  is the same Spirit which enter the inner man/ spirit of a new born Christian when they received and confessed Jesus Christ as LORD and Saviour. “Don’t be afraid, Mary,” the angel told her, “for you have found favor with God! You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you will name him Jesus. He will be very great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his ancestor David. And he will reign over Israel forever; his Kingdom will never end!” Mary asked the angel, “But how can this happen? I am a virgin.” The angel replied, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the baby to be born will be holy, and he will be called the Son of God.
Luke 1:30‭-‬35 NLT

A man is controlled and led by the information in his soul before this new birth experience. Your mind which is the storage system for all information you have ever been exposed to as a man is situated in the Soul. All the  information that your parents, teachers at school, peers and friends gave you are all orderly arranged in your mind through the aid of your brain without any glarily participation of your spirit. A sinner is believed to have a dead spirit meaning that at this point, the spirit of a sinner does not have any direct contact/ communication with it's Creator ; the Almighty. And because God is Light and is not actively present in the spirit of a sinner, the sinner is reckoned to have a dead spirit which is invariably under the control of darkness and maot times demonic forces.

Every decision a sinner makes is through the power of logic, common sense and sometimes so say they make decisions intrinsically; meaning they make decision by instinct. In this instance, the man did not have to I consult the Body of information in his mind to arrive at logical conclusion which is regarded as his decision on that matter. Rather, the man arrived at that particular decision involuntarily. 

In my opinion,.l believe that anyman whose spirit do not have direct contact with the Almighty will be open to suggestion from the Devil and his demons. Let's examine carefully how new inventions are brought into existence by Scientists. A group of Scientists draw up hippotemsises on certain  matter which reseraches arrive at a solution through scientically proved methods. Al these are don't through knowledge and information stored in the mind and analysed critically by the aid of the brain and other tools. In these cases, no information was just dropped into the mind and accepted by all without accurate and adequate testing and examination. A solution is only acceptable and approval when there proves that the solution was arrived at after careful analatical methods 

But in another instances, we have heard of innovations whereby the person involved stated that he just knew what to do, the solution arrived at his mind without any conscious effort of thinking on the problem to arrive at that aprtucular solution. Usually this type of innovation are supplied by alliena forces outside the body of the researcher. We have books, filsm produced by this means.

This is the normal state of believers. We arrive at solutions by revelations and not just logical reasoning. When the Holy Spirit eneters the spirit of a believer, the Spirit creates direct connection between the believer and God, the Almighty, the Creator of the Heaven and the Earth. The Believe at this point is ordained to have the full capacity of the Almighty reaising in their spiritman. 

But the revelation from the spirit of the believer can only be rightly excited by the body and other necessary apparatus when the Soul can adequately receive this revelation from the Spirit of the man and then through the body of information in it's storage system interprete the signals if Light received from the spirit and then transmit this interpreted revelation to the body as thoughts and ideas that are produced I to tangible physical elements .

The importance of the state of the Soul is very important at this point. If the Soul is not feed with the necessary I formation that can allow it to accurately interprete the revelation it received from the spirit. The revelation will be wrongly communicated to the people it was intended for in the first place. This is largely responsible for the various interpretation of revelation of major issues in the Kingdom. It is the same Holy Spirit that dwella in all believers and the Voice of the Holy Spirit is ONE on the same issue. Though the Holy Spirit can reveal or give revelation on different aspect of a particular issue in the Kingdom but His thoughts on the same issue will be one. For example the Holy Spirit would not say to Mr. A that the righteouness of Christ is accesses only by faith in His Name and then then Mr. B that Christ Righteouness can be accessed by doing good to the poor. The Spirit thought on the righteouness of Christ would be one but Mr. A and Mr. B will give different interpretation to the Light they received in their Spirit man.

The Soul has the ability to either accept the revelation coming from the spirit or reject it and the Body on the other hand waita for the information given by the soul to carry out actions. 

This is the reason for Romans 12 and 2 Cirthians 10:4. The mind must be renewed with the Word of God to be able to rightly discern the perfect Will of God. If the Word of God does not replace the body of information in the Human Soul. Every revelation received from the Spirit will be interpreted and excited based on the old information stored in the mind which in moat cases is not in total agreement with the Word of God. The Word of God must replace the Words of men in the Human Soul and the Wisdom of God must replace the wisdom of men in the same venue.


A Christian can be controlled by other forces and  elementa different from the Holy Spirit. The LORD said l cannot do anything by myself; l only carry the actions that the Father has shown. There is a Book that the Father wrote about Jesus Christ before He was born into the Earth planet. This Book of Revelation is the thoughts of the Father concerning His Son Jesus Christ. It is the role of the Holy Spirit to download the contents of this Book to our LORD Jesus Christ through His Spirit, his spirit in turn aenda this information to His Soul and his Soul will discharge the information to the various faculties of the Human Soul. Comapassuon to heal the sick is sent to the emotions of the Soul and the Soul quickly send this feelings to the body which moves the hands of Jesus. Christ to raise a dead girl instead of turning away from touching a dead body.

The same revelation received from the Holy Spirit in the spirit of man of man is passed to the mind when the Pharisees asked Jesus Christ question about the woman caught in adultery. Jesus Christ received the information and took time to consult with His mind the best answers to the question of these critica who wanted to trap Him through His answer.

The information in your Soul influences your decision making process. If the information in your soul agrees more with the principles of this World and is in contradiction with the principles of the Scriptures: your decisions will represent Satan rather than represents God. 

Therefore when Musicians sell their Souls to the Devil for Wealth and fame, they are actually bringing their Souls under the control and Influence of Hell. The sales of Soul is about influence and control. 

Jesus Christ, our LORD said " what shall it profit a man to gain the World and lose his soul, what can you give in exchange for your soul.  The Soul and the spirit of man is the maot valuable asset that any man possesses either the Believer or the unbelievers. The only thing that amman is allowed to leave the Earth with after death and that will live for all eternity is the soul and the spirit of the man. Every other thing will be left behind on the aerth but the Soul and the Spirit will leave the Earth and return to God where it came from in The first place.

Also, the information stored in the soul at the time of death is not wiped off the memory. These information remains in the soul of the man though the body returns to the dust. The parable of Beggar and the Rich man after death shows that information are not wiped off. The rich man remembered that  he had brothers and also remembered that he had the capacity to send The poor beggar in errands. Therefore he asked A raham to allowed the beggar to go to his brother on the Earth and warn them.

Therefore the control of Soul by demons or their fellow men is paramount to their destiny. Whosoever CONTROLS your Soul dwrminea your direction in life. When a man soul is controlled by another man meaning that Mr. B has the ability to dump information and thoughts directly into the man of Mr. A. Mr B be ones the controller of Mr. A because Mr. A does not walk by the decisions made by himself rather he walks by the body of information in the mind of Mr. B which I fluences Mr. B decisions.

Moreso if Mr. A is a Christian and attempt to controll Mr. B directly through his mind, ultimately Mr.A will stop receiving revelation from within his spirit and in ariable the Holy Spirit and will have to depend on Mr.A to make decisions for him at all times 

The danger is that Mr. A will not be able to develop a intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit. Also the mind of Mr.B will soon be one passive be auar he is not allowed to use his mind to collolate ideas and revelations and make decisions based on careful examination and evaluation of all avaliable data in his Soul.

I heard that the new trend in the Music industry for for young musicians is to sell their souls for fame and wealth. The sale of their soul is a term used to describe the exchange of their soul to Satan the Enemy so that they may become famous and have money. 

The practical implication is that they have pledge allegiance to Satan to become his slave, live their lives to do his bidding ( no matter what the demands are ) and also end up in hell where Satan has been ordained to dwell for all eternity. Romans 6 reveals that whosoever you yield the members of your body to obey is your master. MThe Devil kure man and women to sell their souls to him to enable him controll their decisions.and actions completely there y population the world with his plans purposes and pursuit.

In my opinion and l believe that l am right and can back it up with scriptures. If Soul merchants promise you worldwide fame, it is because in God's program for your life, Global influence and prominence is designed and ordained for you. In Matthew 4:8-9 which l will quote directly: Satan came to the LORD Jesus Christ and was ready to give Him the World and its wealth for homage and worship  from the LORD.Jesus. (  i.e obey, reverence and serve the purpose of Satan on the Earth) But Psalm 2 and Isaiah 9 reveals that the plan of God for His Son, Jesus Christ from the foundation of the Earth is "King of the rulers of the Earth". Colossians 1:15 reveals that the Earth and it's fullest was created by Jesus Christ and was meant for Him. Satan was inviting Jesus to bow and worship Him for what the Father has already given to Him 

The Enemy of the human Soul is in the business of tempting the sons and daughters of men to submit to his authority through pledging allegain e to his Kingdom so that he can release to then what God has freely given them. God created Adam and Eve to be gods as Himself for they were created in His image and likeness "I say, ‘You are gods; you are all children of the Most High."  ( Psalms 82:6 NLT) Jehovah Elohim made Adam and Eve God's like Himself because they are His representatives on the Earth.  If you are to represent the President of a nation in another country, the seal and authority of the President must be entrusted into your care.  But Satan deceived Eve that she needed to become like God when God already made  Adam a creator like Himself.

Satan will always lure you to compromise by obeying his principles based on rebellion and disobedience to God's Word in an attempt   to get what God has given you   In 2 Samuel 12:7-10. God told King David " l gave you your master throne, his wives and l would have given you much more if you wanted , why did you disobey my word to get for yourself what l would have given you if you asked me. King David met a woman called Abigail who stopped him from committing murder. ( David was anointed by God to protect His Children; the Israelites. But the husband of Abigail provoked David to the point that David plotted to kill but Abigail took actions that stopped David. And God intervened and even allowed David to marry Abigail without killing the husband of Abigail 

Satan made David used his principles and method to get something that God said He would have given to David if David was patient and asked him for it . 

"And as I watched, all of them were singing with thunderous voices: “Worthy is Christ the Lamb who was slaughtered to receive great power and might, wealth and wisdom, and honor, glory, and praise!”
Revelation 5:12 TPT

The death and resurrection of  The LORD Jesus Christ purchased great power, might, wealth and wisdom and honour and glory for every believer. The Father has given every Child of God every spiritual blessings in the New and Old Testaments because Jesus Christ received it from the Father. Everything that Jesus Christ received from the Father is for His brethen. 

Let's examine a typical example in the Scriptures. Judas Iscariot was the Treasurer and also the financial secretary of the Ministry of the LORD Jesus Christ. He had a cess to all the monies and the donations that was given to the Ministry of Jesus Christ: The healer. The LORD knew Judas was stealing from the Church purse without permission from Him yet He did not expose his demeanor to the other disciples. In essence, the LORD was doing everything within His power to ensure that Jusda will not have to yield to the temptation of Satan.

The Devil came and offered to give Judas, the money that Jesus Christ had already given him by putting it in His care. There are many principles by which a Believer can succeed in the World but they can be categories into two broad classes " Kingdom principles and principles of the World. Sometimes, the Bible calls the principles of the World " The wisdom of men". The wisdom of men is actual the knowledge acquired by men through reseraches, logical reasoning and experimental deductions that are sound, factual but may and may not contradict the wisdom contained in the Bible.

I have always say that because a thing is 'good' does not mean it is 'right'. Good only becomes right when it is approved by scriptures. Divine prophecy given to  Jacob's mother Rebeccah already promised that the patriarch blessing will come to Jacob. Jacob and his mother would have waited on God to break his promises to past at his own time and his own way. When we attempt to help God bring his promises to past use methods that are not approved by scriptures , sorrow is always mingled with the fulfillment.

✓ Whatever the Enemy promises to give you and suggest that you use unscriptural methods to get has already been given to you by God. You just need to daicover from the Bible has to access that promise and make it a reality in your life 

✓  Compromise in getting God's promises fulfilled will give you your desired result but will result in divine disapproval.

Again, the devil took Him up on a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory (the splendor, magnificence, preeminence, and excellence) of them. And he said to Him, These things, all taken together, I will give You, if You will prostrate Yourself before me and do homage and worship me.
Matthew 4:8‭-‬9 AMPC


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